Supreme Demon

Chapter 1935: I won’t stand up for a long time!

God servant!

This is the gift of the empty road, which is equivalent to the eye of the empty road.

For the gods, cultivation is the king, and other things are taken care of by the servants of God. This is very important!

It’s important to talk about heaven and earth as a heavenly character and to confuse the gods and gods. If the gods don’t pay attention to it? At this time, a servant is needed to remind them that if the gods need the vain gods, the servants of God can take them for them.

They are as convenient as possible to the gods, and they are stunned by the gods, and more or less can get something that will allow them to go further on the martial arts. How many forces are eager for it?

More importantly, if the Lord is refreshed, he will give them confession, divide resources, etc., and they will be completely different, which is equivalent to practicing in the void.


God Lord is very important. If the Lord is the top **** of the virtual star, then their status will be extraordinary. Even if they are valued in the void, the future achievements will be unpredictable.


What makes the aura and the slogan depressed is that they finally took the place of the Dongfang Dongfu, but did not expect that they would not come to the virtual star god, but the mountain village god.

Do you want such a tragedy!

They are crying in their hearts, but they still have to smile on their faces. After all, they are the gods of their future. Offending him is the same as finding death. It is only because the servants can be changed once they are determined. God can replace them, and they can’t Replace the Lord of God.

This is the rule!

"Aura, awkward, you are very good."

Ling Feng smiled and said: "I am from other stars, may not be the God Lord you want, if you are willing, you can leave now, choose God Lord, I will not embarrass you."

How clever is Ling Feng, I have long seen disappointment in the light that flashed through the eyes of two goddesses.

"God Lord should not make fun of us."

Lingyun smiled and said: "We don't mean to leave."

"you know what I mean."

"Oh, I have a lot of offended people. I won't be calm in the future." Ling Feng said the truth and said, "Let's think about it."

"God Lord..."

The charm and the whisper of the whispering heart, the mountain village **** seems to be really wrong, can sit here to explain the problem, apparently from the hands of the gods to the virtual star.

This surprised them, but they were very worried. How many gods do they have to offend?


They are here, will the Voids let them do this? They can betray the wind and betray other gods, even the empty road. In this case, who would dare to ask them?

They have no choice!

"I will pick up two people. When I come back, if you leave, I won't want to send it, but if you choose to be here, then it will be the same boat."


Ling Feng got up and flew in the air, disappearing into the cave, like the sense of the wind, the king, the spirit of the sky also flying up, to pick up the squat.

"It’s really a **** servant."

Lingkong looked behind him and said with a smile. "The beauty is a hero, but they seem to be very surprised."

"Being able to appear here, I want to come back with a little energy, but unfortunately I don't meet what they want." The king snarled, not depressed, but full of passion, how about up to the virtual star?

If there is no courage at all, how can we prop up the royal family in the future?

"It is a goddess that can be made."

Ling Feng’s forehead: "I let them choose, stay or leave."


Lingkong sincerely praised: "If there is no such faith and conviction, what is the use of such a face? If it is anti-bone at a critical moment, isn't it a face?"

"Yes, this is a problem."

The king's forehead, the servant is a very important role, their every move is in the eye, if it is leaked to the opponent is very dangerous, or they do not need the servant, or the most loyal servant.

"Look back, we have to use it!"

Talking and laughing, they flew out of the void and came to the virtual world.

"The king!" Wang Yuan’s eyes suddenly turned bright. It didn’t appear for a long time. The king naturally stepped into the empty road, and in this way, he was very happy with his brother, but what surprised him was that Ling Feng The two men of Lingkong also stepped into the empty road. The three of them came together and stepped into the empty road together.


This is unprecedented!

You must know that in the last world, Hengtianxing had five gods, and only one of them could really enter the empty channel.


The rain came from a smile, and the small arm slammed the wind, and said tenderly. "I know you can."


Ling Feng touched the small head of the rain, and pointed to Qin Feng's slight forehead, solemnly said. "I will work hard in the future."


Qin Feng's eyes are hot, he knows that the owner will definitely be able to step into the void, and the next will be the time when the gods are spread out, with the empty road as the cover, the anti-God will be fully occupied here.

Ling Feng holding the rain, and Wang Yuan Han sighed a few words, and then went to the empty road, completely ignoring the envious eyes around.

"Where is your cave?"

In the empty road, Wang Yuan casually asked, he has an answer in his heart, it is not easy for the king to step into the empty channel, and Dongfu is more important, with the character of the gods in the void, afraid that they will not let them go. Right?


He showed a careless attitude, worried about the face of the three gods who touched the king.

"In the East!" the king said with a smile.


Wang Yuan’s body suddenly became stiff, and there was no surprise, but full of worry. “How can your Dongfu in the East?”

"Winning a few games, naturally will be in the East." Ling Feng laughed.

"You have played against the imaginary star gods?" Wang Yuanxin suddenly sank, and these idiots still don't know how much trouble they have left.


Lingkong really laughed.


Wang Yuanqi’s straightforwardness, with the character of the virtual star god, this matter cannot be ended. Now they have not done their best, and when they are fully engaged, it is the time when the spirit is empty.

"Do you have a king?" Wang Yuan stared at the king, fearing that he would also participate in this matter.


The king said with a voice.


Wang Yuan blew up and said, "Do you know how serious this is? Offended to the virtual star god, you can't keep the cave, and it is more likely to be blasted out of the void."

"Humble and kneel, won't be respected."

Ling Feng’s eyes are clear, and righteous words say: “We must stand to take back our dignity!”


Wang Yuan is too angry to say anything, and this is the culprit of feelings. "You find yourself dead, can you not drag my royal family into the water?"

Lingfeng smiles!


The smile is cold to the bones.

"I understand your mood, but I don't agree with your attitude." Ling Feng said. "For too long, you can never stand up!"


He took the lead to leave. It was because there were too many gods like Wang Yuan that he was so mad at the virtual star, and the gods like Wang Yuan were using the shackles to influence them. The difference was to deviate from the rule of human morality.

He does not agree!

he is very angry!

Some people respect him and please him. Instead, they only get contempt. Only when they clench their fists and hurt them, they know how to respect you and please you, and the thoughts that are squatting are only suitable for the weak.


Wang Yuan’s anger is unstoppable, he said. “That hopes that you will always stand!”

"Wang, immediately go with me to visit the characters of the virtual star, and try to win their forgiveness, otherwise the royal family will be destroyed." Wang Yuan sighed and said, is sighing the fate of the royal family.


The king did not move, and he was disappointed. He said, "I will not apologize. The royal family will not apologize this time. This time I will use my own life to fight the future of the royal family!"

He turned and left, saying. "Brother, if I am unfortunately killed, please tell the royal family later, stand and take back your dignity!"

"Wang Yuan, brother, we are not tempted by Ling Feng."

Lingkong looked at Wang Yuan’s iron-blue expression and said, “Just, we want to stand this time!”

The three gods left, let Wang Yuan completely die, and the heart is even sad. If he wants to stand, he wants to stand, but if he sacrifices, how big will the influence of the royal family? The king is offended to the virtual star god, the future will be vain, will these forces not target the royal family?

By then.

They will be completely abolished!

He bowed his head and was despicable, just for personal life and death?

He is humiliated here, but the royal family is great in the Hengtian Star. He is at sacrifice, but the king does not understand.

This is the pattern!

Wang Yuan only thought that the royal family was great in the Hengtian Star, but never dared to think that the royal family could be great in the virtual star. His pattern decided that he could only think of so much, and the king saw under the influence of Ling Feng. It is the entire starry sky.

If they have been humbled, the royal family will be as good as the world. Only when they stand can they be born again. Although the price paid is a bit big, there will be a lot of sacrifices, but the next generation will be stronger.

They used to be arrogant!

Now, the king wants to let the royal genius give birth to the strongest arrogant!

When Ling Feng returned to the Dongfu House, he looked at the two goddesses standing in front of him. The eyes of the gods were inexplicable. Although these two goddesses despised him, they were not idiots.

of course.

They may not have the same purpose.

"God Lord!" Lingyun smiled and covered.


Ling Feng took the lead and said, "You really don't leave?"


"The celestial woman of the Eastern clan is next to Dongfu. If you are willing, I would be willing to help."

At that moment, the two goddesses were so bright, how great the Eastern clan was, and the other heavenly clan in the Eastern clan, which is also an unobservable figure. If it could be her servant, what glory would it be?

If they can enter the Eastern clan, their future will be brilliant. good night.

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