Supreme Demon

Chapter 1952: Outstanding

Virtual Sky Cave House.

The stars are dazzling, the illusory golden light is falling on this misty mountain, making it more elegant and majestic, and in the fog, a **** is frowning into the distance, as if looking forward.

Three days passed by.

For the virtual star god, this is an unprecedented suffering, worried that the character is about to fly, they have discussed some ideas before, but they have not really solved the current troubles.

The problem is tricky!

Especially the soup wine, the cave house of Bai Yuheng, which is the **** of laughter, basically falls in the hands of the demon-like character. In three days, the soup wine and the smiling **** Bai Yuheng simply cannot recover, even if it is recovered, it will be more than the end. What is the difference three days ago?

Laughing **** Bai Yuheng can not suppress, to the virtual star level Tianshen who can suppress the Lingfeng?

The clouds are bleak!

The gods of the imaginary stars never thought that one day they would be forced to this step by the gods on the mountain village stars, and they did not appreciate this embarrassing feeling. They wanted to invite the three great wizards.


Who dares to persecute at this time?


The three great talents do not have the meaning to do it. It is said that Dongying Yingyu is in the virtual world, Shangguan asked that the day is retreating, and Zhou Qitian accepts the task, to take the empty throne, they have no time to take care of these things, not even I know the character who was born in the mountain village.

What about oriental poetry?

Her terrible neighbors don't know, and they don't want to suppress the realm and fight with the wind. She wants to regain her strength. Naturally, she doesn't want to face up with Lingfeng, and other gods don't feel that they are suppressing the realm to the first heaven. It will be more powerful than laughing God Bai Yuheng.

That is looking for death!


Suddenly, the mountains and rivers stirred up, the three gods galloped, the momentum was shocked, the gods like jade, flew down on the cave of laughter, the high-spirited posture, the proud world, so that the face of the virtual star can not help but pale .

The mountain village star Sanjie appears!

This means that the fierce battle is completely over, and Ling Feng will carry the eviction to the end.

"I am going to challenge the smiling **** Bai Yuheng!"

Lingkong strode forward and was quite strong. If he did not have such bravery three days ago, but now there is no such scruples. He is seriously injured and is injured in the rhyme of Tianyin. The injury is very serious and short. Time cannot be recovered.


He went straight up and said something like this.

"Paralysis, deceiving too much!"

Laughing two gods and servants, one face ugly, can not wait to smash the spirit, laughed and injured, these jumping clowns can not help but come to the door to provoke, really laughter is any **** can be bullied?


Just when the sorrowful **** was angry, the main building door was pushed open, and the laughter trembled out, and the gods were powerless, but when they looked at Ling Feng, they were full of awe. In this world, only power can restrain the power.

"This cave is yours!"

Laughing God looked at Ling Feng with a burning look and said: "Laughter is part of the sound of heaven, your rhyme is higher, I lose in the rhyme, not you!"


Laughing God is not reconciled, I feel that if Ling Feng will experience this kind of rhyme, the three people who are suppressed and expelled at this moment will be Lingfeng.

"you are right!"

Ling Feng free and easy laughter.. "If power and space, I may not be able to suppress you!"

"However, if you don't accept it, you can challenge me now!"


Laughing God can't laugh, just want to beat people.

"Reassured, I will challenge you!"

"Come on!"

Ling Feng strode forward, the momentum is strong, a pair of gestures to be with the laughing gods, scared the smile of his face, and let the laughing face frown, the heart hate this guy.

"I am not talking about it now!" he explained.

"But what I said is now!"

Ling Feng said strongly. "This opportunity is not much. I was injured three days ago. It is more serious than you. It is an excellent choice for you to beat me at this time. Moreover, I think others threaten me, if I don't mean It will make people feel less polite."


Laughing God now only wants to kill the wind, politely you are too grandfather.

"I will come to Japan, and one day I will personally take back this cave!"


Laughing God does not take care of Ling Feng, with his majesty and servant flying to the distance, this is full of Dongfang Dongfu, there is no space in the south, only the Dongfu side in the northwest direction has space.

"If you want to take it back now!"

Ling Feng licks his cuffs, as if he wants to violently laugh at the gods. He does not want to leave it so easily, but to completely abolish it.


The laughter ran away. He knew that such a thing was going out of the air. Although the face was important, life was more important. He was alive when he was not sure to face the wind.


Second seat!

Ling Feng directly erased the word "laughing god", and engraved the "name" on the gate of the Dongfu Mountain, and listed it as the second cave house. This allowed the gods to smash the hair, it seems that from the beginning, this goods I have already thought of this scene.


"Is the soup not here?"

The king smiled and flew into a cave house, where the wine was fragrant. The two majestys were taking care of the seriously injured soup, while the servant was standing aside. When the king flew, the gods were not surprised.

Ling Feng Ge Shiwei pressed the cave of the cave, and the news has already been heard throughout the virtual sky, they obviously know.

"This cave house belongs to you now!"

The soup was lazy and blind, and people felt that he had completely abolished, but he was quite free and easy, not angry and impatient, calmly let out the cave, and then left with his majesty and servant.

"They are not satisfied with their hearts!"

Lingkong looked at the back of the soup and frowned. "When you leave with the servant, instead of throwing the servant, it means that they still feel that the cave is theirs and will be taken back in the future." ”


The king said, "They are very dangerous. It is really a blessing for these characters to hate."

"The deity can suppress them forever, and they will be able to suppress the world!"

Ling Feng’s eyes were shocked and did not put soup and laughter in his eyes. These two were injured. Although they were not completely abolished, they had a great impact. The resources needed to restore blood and blood were huge. And when they recover, the time is gone.

By then.

What qualifications do they have to challenge Ling Feng?

What's more, the void is born, the blood power is far more violent than before, Lingfeng's progress is fast, and can you catch up with laughter and soup? His opponents should be the three great wizards and the entire starry sky.


Third seat!

This is the most miserable ending to the virtual star. The entire Dongdong Cave House basically fell into the hands of Ling Feng. Only the Dong Dynasty poetry was not affected. Although Ling Feng was strong, it was not crazy enough to challenge the second-level gods. .

of course.

This is because he does not want to cause trouble. If the oriental poetry comes out, he will let him know what genius characters are in front of the world.

Other characters to the virtual star are very eager to come out, but because they belong to the previous world, they are also awkward when there is no challenge in Lingfeng.


Lingfeng and other three gods did not stop at Dongfang Dongfu, but flew to the south of Dongfu. This was previously discussed. The Dongdong Dongfu is a kind of Lingfeng, while the southern Dongfu is divided by the spirit and the king.

The main character is still Ling Feng, although the king and the spirit air have recovered, but the power has not yet returned to the peak.

"Ling Feng, don't deceive too much!"

A **** in the south of Dongfu said with anger, "Do you know what you will pay?"

"I am tired of this kind of discourse, can I change it fresh?"

Ling Feng licked his ears and said loudly. "Tangjiu and Bai Yuheng are smarter than you. You should keep a low profile before you have the ability. Otherwise, let me remember. Do you know how dangerous this is?"


"The two choices, either sneak out of Dongfu, or I beat you to rush out of Dongfu, which one do you choose?"

"Ling Feng, you are enough!"

The **** was full of faces, and he took such a great effort to get the cave, but now let him hand it over, the suffocation in his heart can be imagined.

He is not reconciled.

"If you don't choose, then I will choose for you!"

Ling Feng Yin smiled, punched out, stone broken, and broke out on the spot, the gods hit the three thousand feet, flying out of the Dongfu, and his body was more open because of this punch, blood flow.

Punch a second!

At this moment, Ling Feng’s demeanor has made many gods eclipse.


Second seat!

The king grinned and smacked the name of the god, and engraved his "name", and learned the style of Ling Feng, engraved on the "second seat", this is to conquer the entire virtual heaven The rhythm.


Lingfeng's three gods flew to another Dongfu. Although the owner of this cave house was angry, it was more intelligent than the previous one. The strength was not as good as people. He could only admit his life. He flew out of Dongfu quite simply.


Second seat!

Lingkong came forward to imitate the "Famous" engraved by Ling Feng. His eyes were bright and he was ready to lay a vast world in the void road, so that the younger generation could step in and not be wronged, but now it is just the beginning.

To the virtual star sky collapsed!

Under the strong influence of Lingfeng, many gods in the south were expelled. Dongfu was completely in the hands of the king and the spirit. Those gods did not fear the spirit of the king, but they must first suppress Lingfeng.

Just one day.

The Dongfu depression in the two directions of the virtual Tiandong government, and those who are originally very powerful, can only play the Dongfu in the northwest direction. This is what people have never thought of, that is, some characters in the empty road are completely aphasia.

What the three gods are doing?

Do they know that doing so is equivalent to destroying the future of the empty road? Losing those top-level caves, the growth of these gods is subject to embarrassment. The light and heat that can be exerted in the northwest direction is far less than the two directions in the southeast.

can! This is the rule of the empty road. No one in the past has done this like Lingfeng. It is almost necessary to divide the virtual heaven into the back garden of their home. (

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