Supreme Demon

Chapter 1955: Too much like

The screen is empty!

The whole virtual heavenly field appeared in the flourishing world, and the shining was too glaring. The gods could not help but raise their heads. They looked at the proud sun and rain, and looked at the hundreds of Tianshan Mountains. They were shocked and their chins fell, and they were shocked and shocked.

this moment.

I don't know how many top geniuses are eclipsed. They also stunned the dazzling ancient moon on the ninety-nine Tianshan Mountains, but the picture was destroyed and smashed into **** in front of these miracles.

Above the stars, pedaling the sky!

This is the miraculous image that the character has shaped. I don’t know how many years of wind and rain, nor can I wash away the pictures in people’s hearts.

The only thing in the world!

"Find out that person!"

This is the voice of the big man of the Void. The virtual heavenly domain does not belong to any force. It only targets the 16 top power gods, so even such a big man can not break the rules. This is to further protect the characters of the Wizards.

Let these gods go to the fierce battle without worrying about identity and origin.

"Hundreds of Tianshan are born, unprecedented grandeur. This is a grand event that has never been seen before. This character must be found." Some gods open their mouths, but they are not as anxious as the big man in the empty road.

To know.

The virtual celestial domain is a different place. It means that this picture is completely formed. As long as the gods step into it, they will bring their own "wind and rain". Like the top figures of the empty road, they will enter the ninety-nine Tianshan Mountains. When you are no longer bound by it, you will pass directly.


The original picture of the ninety-nine Tianshan Mountains will also be presented. This is the so-called "wind and rain".

As long as the character enters the virtual sky, it is necessary to have this "wind and rain". It is not difficult to find him at that time.


The big man in the empty road thinks a lot. He smells a void in the "wind and rain", which reminds him of the scene of the birth of the world. They think that person will definitely appear, but in the end it is an empty .

He is worried about the recurrence of the tragedy!

There are so many wonderful things in this world, there are always one or two who will do this kind of thing.


In the far direction, a beautiful jade goddess flashed, and raised her eyebrows slightly, then disappeared into the virtual sky.

"This world is destined to be very interesting!"

A handsome young man smiled faintly and looked at the hundred Tianshan Mountains. His mouth was rising. He did not say much, but chose to leave the virtual sky. As long as he had enough time, he would have to uncover the truth sooner or later.

"Wait for you to fight!"

A beautifully beautiful girl raised her face and looked at the **** in the white light, with a smile on her lips and then left the virtual sky.

This **** was born, and they have already covered their light. They are not fighting for this time, but for this world.


They seem to be aware of some phenomena, some things do not need to prove, just because they will believe!


The sky is dazzling.

Ling Feng is in the sky, his eyebrows are flowing with a strange light, the whole person is in a wonderful situation, as if the ancient moment, an ancient charm is stirring in the heart, the sound of the sky roars, everything is full, but in another moment Annihilation.


The gods and the dead bodies, the heavens and the dead, the whole world is a tomb, and the entire starry sky is buried.

It’s a moment!

In a blink of an eye!

Ling Feng seems to spend a hundred years in a dream, but the dream is so real, not like a virtual crossing, and when he opens his eyes, there is more light in the eyes that others can't understand.

“Is this a reward?”

Ling Feng grinned and was full of excitement. He did not expect to get this kind of reward when he passed through these ninety-nine Tianshan Mountains.

That is the epiphany of a hundred years!

He intended to see how immortalized in the end, but did not expect to change when entering the ninety-nine Tianshan Mountains, the body's void is uncontrolled, the human universe is born, inspiring all kinds of arrogance, and then step towards the sky Let the hundredth Tianshan be born.

The situation is out of control!

There are some deviations in the ending, but Ling Feng is even more ecstatic. This centuries-old has formed a momentary epiphany, which gives him an essential insight into the Tao and some forces. It seems that the fog in the heart has been taken away by this hundred-year epiphany. Many things are not blurred. But directly present the essence.

This kind of reward is too precious, how much time does it save?

How much should this be so heavy?

More importantly, the fog in my heart is revealed. Ling Feng sees some sacred powers that he could not see before. Although it is impossible for him to make a glimpse of it in a hundred years, as long as the door is pushed open, it is only that they are born. Time problem.

This is the horror of the epiphany!

"The scene is still a bit big!"

Standing in the void, Ling Feng can see the bright figure in the distance. Obviously, the power of the hundred Tianshan Mountains is too powerful and dazzling. It has already made the whole virtual heavenly eye on him. This situation is not what he wants.

after all.

He is only a first-class **** now. If he is in the realm of extreme gods, he will not have such jealousy.

next moment.

Ling Feng flew down and crossed the ninety-nine Tianshan Mountains, changing direction, appearing in the distance, and rising into the sky. He also looked at the scene caused by his own distance, and he was astonished. It seems that the feat was not made by him.

After a short time, the light rain ended, and the hundred Tianshan Mountains were grayed out. Then, the hundredth Tianshan disappeared.

The whole world calmed down.

But people are not calm, they are still talking about this, and many gods are flying around to find the god.

The strange thing is that after the light rain fell, the **** did not appear, disappeared in the heavens and the earth, as if there had never been a general, this scene made many gods frown, what a wonderful thing?

Is there anything to be jealous here?

"what happened?"

"What about the god? Made such a big movement, is it still playing and disappearing?"

"Who is it? Which of the sixteen forces in this session will have such a talented person?"

“Amazing, it’s really the best!”

Some gods are depressed. They really want to know who is more dazzling than the characters of the millennium. But the characters did not satisfy them. This made them feel very wrong. If they knew that they would, they would have flown to that. Is the direction good?

"so similar!"

Oriental Yingyu looked at the sky and frowned and said, how was this scene the same?

At the beginning.

In the empty road, when there was a virtual void, this scene appeared in the empty world, and the whole star was stunned, but when people waited for the character to appear, the goods disappeared, and the emptiness of the big man was almost crazy. Drop it.

And now, the tragedy really repeats itself!

"Isn't that really the character?"

Oriental Yingyu frowned, this style is too similar, always feels like the person who activates the empty world, but the problem is that even before the empty road did not decline, those who practiced the empty road did not seem to have such winds, Right?

"The world is so big, it’s not unusual to have two or three such characters!"

In the end, Dongying Yingyu said that he felt too much heart, and such a person is afraid that he is not a **** of the empty road.


"It's him!"

In the distance, a beautiful and beautiful woman smiles quietly. There may be such people in this world, but this style is not many, and the low-key after high-profile, is it the style of the character?

He is so dazzling and so low-key.


After she knew the sacred areas such as the virtual Tianyu, she had been waiting here, and now she feels that she has waited. She knows that she can't find him now, but as soon as she appears here, she will meet sooner or later.

She is waiting for that day!

"Virtual meets in the sky!"

Another beautiful woman said so, her eyebrows sparkled, and some things could hold the gods in the world, but they could not hold them.

She knows that he is coming!

Although it is a little late, but still come in, this is enough!

"What kind of image would you appear?"

She smiled at the corner of her mouth, very much looking forward to the moment of reunion.


Because the hundreds of Tianshan mountains are dazzling, the entire virtual heavenly domain is in an excited state. Some characters are looking for the disappearing characters, while others are facing up, especially the new characters of this year, which ones don't pay attention to?

This will be a rival!

At least, Oriental Yingyu is preparing to re-enter the ninety-nine Tianshan Mountains. With his proud character, can he tolerate these characters to suppress her?

And what about Ling Feng?

After making such a big move, he disappeared in front of the gods and flew into the distance, stepping closer to a vast area. It was like a country of God, but there was no **** city, and there were not so many people.


This area is very prosperous. From time to time, there will be gods appearing in the field, and in the center of the field is a dazzling void, which is completely formed by space, and is essentially opaque, like a palace of blasphemy. Straight into the nebula.

Virtual sky!

Two golden characters are engraved on the empty palace, full of metal-like luster, like a sword like a sword.

After entering the field, Ling Feng did not rush to the palace, but walked in the field to find out what the difference was.

"Hey, this little brother should be the new god?"

At this time, a veteran appeared in front of him, and Bao was solemn and said: "Is it necessary to step into this virtual domain today?"

"Do you know this?" Ling Feng squinted, showing a "surprised" expression, stupid performance, want to know what the old road is doing.

"You have been asking about the virtual world before, this is not new and what?"

The old road said "I am the old man" and said: "You have a relationship with me. The virtual world is actually very complicated. Do you want to know exactly when?"

"What do the old predecessors mean?" Ling Feng grinned, slightly toe, in fact, he already guessed what the old road is doing.


The old road seems to have been stimulated by this sentence, and the blushing neck is thick and explained. "This road is only three hundred years old this year. Little brothers, don't think that the skin is very young and you can bully this way. This is the way, you are at least this year. It’s more than two hundred years old."

"Yes... what my brother said!"

Ling Feng’s old blood almost squirted out. This old road is really able to blow. The old face is estimated to be a thousand years old, a living old liar. How can he say that he is still young?

Does he know how to take advantage of the "young people" and it is very hurtful? good night. (

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