Supreme Demon

Chapter 1962: Void mission

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A dazzling array of eyes!

This word is used to describe the first door of Wanzhong Building. It is not excessive. The small book placed inside is transformed from the virtual light. It is foggy, like the fairy road to the treasure. People can't help but want to reveal the booklet. open.

The front is the human-level booklet, which means that the difficulty coefficient is the lowest, and the more the inward difficulty coefficient is, the especially the center of the book, which is transformed from the golden light, is fascinated by the nine fog, completely invisible Through, people are fascinated.

Needless to say.

Such a booklet is the most terrible. Once it is uncovered, it will be completed. Otherwise, it will be exiled forever, and this life will return to the empty road.

Ling Feng first entered the empty road, I don't know how high the difficulty coefficient is. However, the three levels like human ghosts should not be strong. It is not difficult to complete with his ability, but because of this, I get it. There will not be too many rewards.

He is hesitating!

For a long while, he stopped in front of a small book and looked at the silver moonlight booklet. He raised his hand and took it off. In time, the virtual light rushed to Lingfeng’s eyes. The virtual light was only open to Lingfeng, and The task is also presented in front of Ling Feng.

"Destroy the cave!"

Then, the task changed, and the whole cave was explained, so that Ling Feng had a more intuitive understanding. The whole process was very fast. After only a moment, the virtual light flashed away, and the booklet appeared in Lingfeng. The void bracelet.

This means he took the task!

Human level mission!

"Yudong, a dark force!"

Lingfeng mouth is raised, this dark power is not terrible, the top character is only a first-class god, and there is only one, because this dark power is not controlled by any forces, and many crimes are committed in the virtual star, making a lot of evil Only was included in the mission of the void.

"It's **** it!"

These levels of dark power are naturally not seen in the eyes of the empty road, so their crimes should be true.


If the king and the spirit are known, Ling Feng will enter the Wanzhong Building and only take the human task. Is it afraid that the chin will be shocked?


After picking up the character, Ling Feng did not leave, and then went to the second ban, raised his hand and took off a small book suspended above the white marble, a flash of light, another task of shining Ling Fengshen.

Ghost level mission!

This is the second task. After picking up the mission, Ling Feng has a full understanding of this task, and the object to be destroyed is only a god, the difference is that this **** is a strong opponent.

"It doesn't seem to be enough!"

Ling Feng strode forward, appeared in the third ban, took off the third booklet, and filled the virtual light. The third task also appeared in Ling Fengshen.

This is a **** level mission!


Ling Feng's eyes are slightly brighter, and he is still somewhat interested in this task, but it is not worthy of his use of force. The premise is that the description of the opponent is correct.

"So is God level like this?"

Ling Feng faintly pouted, and then went to the fourth prohibition, and pushed it away, and then a small book flew out, falling in his hands, where the virtual light is shining, full of the wind and the whole god.

Virtual task!

"This is almost the same!"

Ling Feng is slightly forehead, and he is generally clear about this imaginary task. Unlike the mission-level task, this virtual task climbs at least several levels, and now his realm must be taken seriously.

"The last mission!"

Ling Feng appeared in the fifth ban, a small book flew to him, and the virtual light shone in the void, slowly imprinted into his eyes, and a terrible task appeared in his heart.

Heavenly mission!

This is a task that many first-class gods dare not take. It is terrible. If it can be completed, it is equivalent to having the potential of the list. These characters will naturally be rewarded by the void.

The difficulty factor is second only to the level task!

"It's really a bit difficult!"

Ling Feng's secluded opening, the eyebrows filled with a faint smile, this day-level task is quite tricky, at least the king, the spirit of this level of the gods if the next, fear is to have nine deaths, even if the wind must do their best.

Just as Ling Feng wanted to move forward again, a virtual light flashed in a door, and an old man appeared in front of Ling Feng.


His voice was clear, like a mountain spring breaking ice, he frowned and looked at Lingfeng, his face full of anger. "Too too contented, take on the entire five tasks, from the human level to the heavenly level, this is the limit, it is hard to be you Also removed the Taoist mission?"

"Don't dare!"

Ling Feng said with some guilty conscience, his heart was horrified. When he came, he did not feel the breath of the old man. When he appeared, he could see it, but he could not catch the breath of this person.

This means that the old man is so strong that he can't feel it, it is extremely terrible, at least it is also the old-fashioned figure.


Like Wanzhonglou and other places, can you not have a strong figure to sit in town?

It is only because Ling Feng is a vain god, holding a virtual bracelet, and it is a normal selection task. It is a normal rule. The old talent did not appear, but because of the move of Ling Feng, the old man could no longer sit still.

This is a cocky mad!

This is an insatiable guy!

This is a **** that is self-effacing!

This is Yu Honglin’s impression of Ling Feng. He has been in the Wanquan Building for four thousand years. He has never heard of anyone who has taken off five missions at a time. The general gods will leave after picking up a mission, and they will be strong. The characters are taking two or three missions.


What do you mean by picking up five missions and thinking about picking a mission?

This goods is this vegetable market?

Can the task of the Void be a Chinese cabbage that can be picked at any time? Let's not say that level figure, that is, the virtual level, the heavenly level task is not the ordinary **** can face, such an impetuous character, such a casual picking of the task, like the vain disciples should have the temperament?


Yu Honglin can no longer sit still and appear directly in front of Ling Feng to stop drinking. Now these young people are always low-eyed, with a big heart but weak strength. They will only leak the empty missions and let those forces and characters run. Drop it.

"Don't dare?"

Yu Honglin was mad, how do you guys open their mouths.. "If I didn't appear in time, I am afraid that you have taken the level task at the moment?"


Ling Feng said very honestly. "I just want to pay attention to the style of the Taoist mission."

"Look at your sister!"

Yu Honglin was in the middle of his heart, and he had never seen such a superb god. "The mission can not be connected with other missions, and if you can't complete the five missions, you don't want to step into the void."

"So serious?" Ling Feng frowned.

"Crap, do you want to be a cabbage in my empty-air mission? Can you pick it?" Yu Honglin was so angry that if he was not scrupulous, he would like to beat this wonderful god.

"Or, will I put this task back?" Ling Feng hesitated.


Yu Honglin almost used cockroaches, and the eyebrows of the gas were all in direct squatting. Once the vain task was taken over, there was no possibility of putting it back. It must be completed. Otherwise, the news leaked. This task is unnecessary, and the impact is great. They have to pay more. The price can be completed.

"Predecessors don't be angry, everyone is civilized!"


As a result, Ling Feng ran away, and the characters of Tianzun level were still terrible.

"This wonderful god, if you can't complete the task, you will die when you come back!" Yu Honglin said with anger.


Green grass, wind and wind.

This is a grassland, with lush vegetation, aura of smoldering, a headed wolf on the grass, a vulture in the void, and a piece of monster that forms a completely different picture, which is very cold and thriving.


In the center of this grassland, there is a forbidden zone. It is a volcano. The atmosphere is hot. From time to time, it will spurt out the endless fire. It can burn the grass and burn the monsters, even if the beasts can't stand the fire.


Ling Feng is on this grassland, sniffing the grass, step by step to the volcano, and in the eyes of the gods is the lightning.

call out!

The next moment, he appeared on the volcano, looking at the fire that spurted out of the volcano, and felt the fine microwaves that came out of it. The corners of his mouth could not be lifted. Obviously, the task of the empty road was real. Otherwise, who could think of it? Is there another hole in this volcano?

Yu Yudong!


Ling Feng’s hands stretched out, and the endless lava and fire were separated to the sides, expanding three thousand feet. Some lavas had flooded the feet of the wind, but he didn’t care, but passed through the lava. Fly away.

"Who dares to swear at me!"

At this moment, there was a snoring sound under the lava, and then a martial art stepped out, the momentum was arrogant, and the lightning appeared in front of the hurricane.

"Twenty-two martial arts, twelve true gods, really a lot."

Lingfeng mouth raised, looked at the dozens of gods, and asked. "Fifty years ago, the Dragon Cave **** case, 30 years ago, the cloud family was ruined. Ten years ago, Yaoshan was looted... Do you know this pile of blood?"

"Oh, did you come to ask the sin?" A true **** smiled coldly.

"You are not just a dark force, but a bandit!"

Ling Feng said indifferently. "So, do you recognize this crime?"

"I recognize you uncle!"


Twelve true gods dive directly to Lingfeng, while twenty-two martial artsmen rushed to the knives and rushed to Lingfeng. The entire crater was collapsed by this force, the lava overflowed, and the grassland was covered with fire. Engulfed with lava.

"You **** it!"

Ling Feng's indifferent opening, he pointed to the knife, pulled forward, a heaven force shaped like lightning, broken into the air, crushing endless power and divine power, when those true gods, Valkyrie have not reacted, A knife.


Like a lightning bolt, instantly annihilating the gods, there is no blood in the void, and there is no bone, and the true **** of the gods is destroyed by the slash of the knife.

"A little worse!" Ling Feng smiled and looked at the hole and said, "Do you really think you can escape?" (

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