Supreme Demon

Chapter 1968: Gai Shi Xian Li!

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The night sky is like ink!

The crescent moon is faint.

The gods and gods are chilling and standing. They look like winter snow. When they fall on Lingfeng, they are like looking at prey. Especially the ghosts and gods, the gods are shining with ghosts, the smoldering flashes, let this night Become colder.

They are imposing, like two giant mountains suppressed in the surrounding, the power of the same shape and the sea, to swallow the wind.

The void is completely sealed by this force. Even if the third-level **** wants to open this void, it is extremely difficult. Moreover, the current Lingfeng, the heavenly murderous blade does have this power, but in the process of opening it, he may first To be destroyed by the two gods.


Ling Feng does not have any possibility of escaping. Only by doing everything in his power and using all efforts to kill the two gods can there be a possibility of living.

At the beginning, the incomprehensible law was not enough to see, and was directly annihilated by ghosts and gods. The power of the three spaces is not comparable to the present.


Ling Feng did not panic, but screamed, and the handsome face was filled with wild colors. In the void, he kept suppressing, preventing those characters from seeing the doorway, and here, at the moment when life was threatened, he Will release yourself and fight the world.

Just now!

It is this moment!

"come on!"

Ling Feng slightly closed his eyes and realized the splendid frenzy from the body. He met the faint night moon. Dantian released a huge amount of energy and directly rushed into the blood. It was at that moment that his human universe was resurrected.

The blood is like the sea, the human body is like the universe. At the moment when he opens his arms, he runs wildly. The essence of the surrounding night moon is surging, filling the whole body of Ling Feng, such as the blood of the ink is stirring, the blood of the blood is boiling, the whole The momentum is like turning over the sky.


That is the sound of the sea.

This is the momentum of nine days of tremor!

At that moment, the night moon in the sky seems to be brighter, slowly pressing down, close to the front, just above the top of the wind, the endless night moonlight is essentially normal, lighting the body of the wind, set off its Extraordinary temperament.

The vast amount of essence is forming a force to the Lingfeng Dantian, making the hollow and empty particles more eye-catching, and gradually magnifying, in which the stars are completely true, one can suppress a true god, and a light can annihilate the martial arts. .

They didn't fly out of Dantian immediately, but they were brewing in lightning, and it seemed to be guarding a force!

And that is exactly what Lingfeng is looking forward to!


The same wind flashed, a pale air flow flew out from Lingfeng Dantian, and flew directly on the top of Lingfeng's head, forming a lightning, surrounded by a heavy fog, people can't see through, its power is very weak, but the surrounding Space is being distorted by this power.


This is the ultimate strength of Ling Feng, has never been sacrificed, but now there are not so many taboos, he wants to kill the two gods here.

The whole process seems to be slow, but in reality, it has only been completed, and the terrible momentum is overwhelming. Whether it is the hollow, the empty particles, the stars, or the Xianli, all set off the style of Lingfeng.

"Hey, is it still hidden?"

Ghostly yin measured and laughed. "The momentum and strength are indeed stronger than before, but it seems that this is not enough?"


Xianli is covered up by the misty fog, twisting the surrounding space, but it is difficult for the true **** to capture. Only by stripping the fog can you know how extraordinary the fairy power is.

"Is it?"

Ling Feng raised his eyes and looked at the ghost who was laughing. He smiled and said, "Tonight, I will knock you off here!"

"With you? Is it qualified?"

Ghosts and gods said, and then the body disappeared into the void, faster than lightning to the lungs, and in the process, he pointed to the knife, directly to Ling Feng's head.

The three ghost spaces are integrated into the night, which is easy to deceive people's eyes, and when they fall down, even if they are noticed, it is too late.


When Ling Feng used all his strength, his gods were in the picture, the night was only in the area, and he could not cover the truth.


His eyes were bright, he directly lit up the space in front of him, and revealed the three ghost spaces. Then he held the heavenly path and faced the whole void, letting the hollow, the hollow particles and the misty fairy fly. On it.

Hey! Even the weapon of the heavenly path and the fierce blade has become trembled at this moment. The upper emperor is peeling off and reveals a more brilliant blade. This is the power of Xianli, which is activating the supernatural blade. Fierce, if there are nine seals on the murderous blade, it has now been stripped seven.



The murderous blade of the heavens trembled, and the terrible heavenly sound penetrated the nine-fold space, letting the sky bloom endlessly, and then the sound disappeared, completely integrated into the murderous blade of heaven.

Tao Yun!

At this moment, Ling Feng is using this top-level force to fight the ghosts and gods.

Many forces blessed on the path of the heavens and the savage, let the evil spirits of the heavens and sorrows shine, a layer of light broke through the sky, the power of the human universe appeared, and then Lingfeng lightning shot, directly meet the three ghost space.

The body is even more direct, and the use of inch fairy is really fast, keeping the ghosts and gods in a rhythm, and not letting them have the possibility of dodging.


Heavenly path to the murderous blade will be on the three ghosts of the space, the real murderous bursts, forming a frenzy to stab the ghosts behind the three ghosts.

next moment.

The terrible air waves met in the void, just the gas field, and they stunned the world, forming a mushroom cloud directly in the void, flying high above the sky, and forming a blast, exploding four thousand miles, and this is a The mountain was born into a big rift.

And this force is still exploding, and God knows how much storms to set off here.


At that time, a blade of sound, the sinister blade of the heavens opened the endless battles and storms, and fell into the three spaces. At the beginning, there was no loud noise, only because of the misty mist on the celestial blade. The shocking fairy power was born.

It shatters the way and pushes the space!

That is an unattainable force!


Simple and rude!

A space was directly opened and flew out to the sides. Then, Xianli was unimpeded, forbidden from the forward, forming a sharp edge, and blessing on the path of the heavenly path, the dazzling fairy light is the nemesis of space, completely ignoring.


It was like a flash of lightning across the void, letting the two gods have a **** light in their eyes, and the second space was instantly torn, and the power on it was grayed out by Xianli, flying out to the sides, completely without The possibility of hurting the wind.


The sinister blade of heaven and earth fell on the third space, and it was like a broken bamboo. It was so suffocating quickly, and this space was also shredded in the sound of explosion.

To know.

The ghosts despise the Lingfeng, but they have not used the top power. They only use the finger knives formed by three spaces to suppress the wind, while the Lingfeng uses the top power. The day the murderous blade is terrible, in the hollow and hollow particles. Under the blessing, it is no less than a second-level god.

And Xianli?

That is a more ferocious power than the space of the gods. It is equivalent to the second space of Ling Feng, and it is even stronger and stronger. This kind of power ignites, so that Ling Feng directly has the great power of the three-level god.


The blows fell, the three ghosts and the space were extinguished, and the heavenly murderous blade took the world’s savage to the ghosts and gods, and they were shocked and stunned. They finally realized how powerful it was and could let the first-class gods press The third-level **** is the power to destroy the world.

Ghosts and gods want to hide, but the speed of the wind is really reflected at this time, directly to keep up with the possibility of not giving him dodge. In this case, the only thing the ghosts can do is to use all their strength to withstand.


He quickly sacrificed a sacred **** to push forward and block in front of himself, while the three heavenly forces were madly hitting, trying to stand up against the edge of the heavenly path.


Ling Fengyuan is even more unpredictable than him. At the same time that the evil path of the heavens is killed, Ling Feng is approaching the ghosts and madness. He does not know whether this attack can kill the ghosts and gods, and therefore uses the third space.


The sinister blade of heaven and earth fell on the gods, inspiring a huge amount of shackles, which made the gods bend, leaving a deep crack on it. If it was not a murder weapon, it would be cut off at this moment, that is, let the two gods fall. Cooling gas, what kind of murderer is that fierce blade?


Is it so easy for Ling Feng to take a hit?


Suddenly, the Xianli, who was blessed on the murderous blade of Heaven, suddenly flew up. If it was lightning, it would kill the body of the ghosts and gods. The arrogant force was not bound and suppressed, even if the three forces were annihilated at this moment.


Ghosts and gods are fierce, as fierce as a wolf, he has tried his best to dodge, but still can't hide.

The fairy force directly cut off his flesh and blood and the bones of God, smashing his blood, strong power until the real touch touched him, only because the injury formed by Xianli was irreversible, and his strength could not be restored. .

He formed a blood hole in his chest, and the injury directly affected Dantian, causing his body to be seriously damaged. One of the forces was actually annihilated and let him descend to the second-level god.


The face of the goddess was shocked. I didn't expect this character to be so tricky. They were too big. If they came up, they would use the top strength. I am afraid that the wind is already a bone.

However, there is no regret in this world.

He rushed forward quickly, trying to force the wind to stop the rhythm of killing ghosts.

"too late!"

Lingfeng mouth smashed a cold and **** smile, and the footsteps flashed, and he had already come to the ghost **** Baizhang range. Looking back at the infatuation that is approaching, he said, "My space, I am the master!"

"Hugh think!"

Ghosts and gods endure the pain, lightning breakout, to stay away from the wind.


He thinks so, but there is no movement.

"Idiot, hurry!" The goddess yelled in the distance, urging the ghosts to retreat first, and there was almost no chance of winning the wind at this time.

"Hide... hide... don't... open... ah!" The ghost's mouth moved hard, but he was very hard, his body was completely in the air, and then the **** was noticed, not knowing when the world was shining. A touch of faint light. (

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