Supreme Demon

Chapter 1972: Break the sky!

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In front of Wanzhong Building.

The stellar light shape is the same as the broken gold, and it falls on the gods. But they still feel the storm, and the flesh and blood can't help but shudder. They know that it will be colder than the wind and rain.

Void characters hurt each other!

Void people want to set the wind to death!

This is a contempt for the rules of the empty channel, but it is also defying the power of the empty road!

If such a thing, the empty road can be laissez-faire, then how to protect the life and death of the empty disciples?

Before the vain disciples did not make a big mistake, if there were other forces who dared to target them, they would have to be suppressed by the empty roads, let alone the hurricane that is carrying out the task of the void. What does this mean?

Is this going to kill genius? Or is it hostile to Ling Feng’s mission?

It is completely rhythm of anti-empty road!

"That will tell the story of the ins and outs of the matter, the rules of the empty channel are desperate, and the courage to violate the rules is unforgivable!" Yu Honglin's eyes are even more killing. The potential of each disciple in the empty channel is top, and the whole starry sky is not much. It is the most valuable asset.

In the empty road, they can suppress each other, but there must be no life or death, let alone other forces.

Although the Void Road is weaker than the top forces on the other fifteen stars, it has not yet reached the level of the forces on the Void.

"Two days ago, when I performed the mission of the empty airway, I thought about coming back earlier, but I didn't expect to have two gods on the way. They wanted to get rid of me in the dark, but they underestimated my strength, but they were instead I will get rid of it."

Ling Feng’s righteous words said: "Before I died, I induced one of the gods to let the truth out."

"What is the truth?"

Yu Honglin’s eyes are bright. He is a thorough understanding of Tianzun than other gods. The strength of Lingfeng is not as simple as it is seen on the surface. The power of the stock is extremely terrible. This is why he values ​​the wind.

He did not ask how Ling Feng killed the two gods, how powerful the real strength is, etc., but pointed to the truth.

"What he said at the time was: I want to say Bai Yuheng, do you believe it or not?" Ling Feng said that he did not directly slay Bai Yuheng, but said the truth at the time. He knew this kind of thing deceived. No, every detail is important, so that Honglin and other powerful people, if he identifies one thing, Yu Honglin may have to doubt the wind


"This is your guess!"

Yu Honglin's face eased and his eyes flickered. Obviously, he also guessed that this was a bite of the **** before his death. He hoped that the empty road would fight.


Ling Feng vomited blood and said: "Therefore, I hope that Tian Zun can find out the truth, and I am fair!"


Yu Honglin looked at Ling Feng with a serious face and wanted to see some details from Ling Feng’s face, but Ling Feng’s performance was in place. He was the one who suffered, and there was no need to cover up.

"This thing will be investigated in the empty air. If you look at the end, if the Void character is directed at you, then I will definitely give you justice. If other forces want to swear at me, I will definitely pay them the price!"

At this moment, Yu Honglin became an unprecedented murder, dare to target the empty road, this is to go against the road, not to knock out the opponent, the face of the void is damaged, what qualifications are there to face the hero of the world?

It’s not just the wind that hurts, but the whole empty road!

"Yes!" Ling Feng did not say gratitude. He knew that this was not his personal matter, but the whole empty thing. He only had to accept it seriously. As for how to check it, he would not even gesticulate. With the power of the empty road, with the cleverness of the great men, if the truth is not found

The empty road will go crazy.

By then, he will benefit more!

This is his intention!

"Where were you assassinated?" Yu Honglin was very satisfied with Ling Feng's attitude. He was very appreciative. This is a well-received guy who has a strong voice. He will show his grievances and force him to have a thorough investigation.

Although a little careful, but this is only a necessary means.

after all.

The **** of the mountain village is worried that the empty road will be biased towards the gods on the supreme star, and there is still a big force behind the white jade. If you lose the reliance of the empty road, Ling Feng really wants to die.

"On an unknown mountain, but now it should have been completely abolished." Ling Feng vomited blood, depressed in his heart, Tian Zun is really powerful, in the case of suppressing the human universe, it is very difficult to recover.

"This is a **** Dan, you can recover!"

Yu Honglin threw a medicinal herb and let Ling Feng take it. Although Ling Feng shouted in front of Wanzhonglou and made the empty road shameful, it was reasonable. He actually apologized in his heart, but Tianzun’s face made him open. .

"Thank you Tianzun!"

Ling Feng gratefully took the medicinal herbs and took them on the spot, so that the injuries in the body recovered completely and healed in a short time. This made him sigh. This empty alchemy level is not weaker than asking the immortals, and at the level High.

"Take me here!"

Yu Honglin’s forehead, indicating that Ling Feng took him to the original battlefield, let him look closely.


Ling Feng is calm and calm, and his heart is empty. He does not know how unpredictable the strength of Tianzun is. Is it true that Tianhuo and Xianli can really annihilate the truth, can Tianzun still see the problem?


At this time, it can only be **** the scalp. It is a fact that he was assassinated. At most, the strength is discovered. The secret of the human universe is shocked in front of people, and the step of reversing God is more difficult.

But if you don't pick up your opponent, can he live alive until the anti-God is fierce on the virtual star.


He does not hesitate to use his low-key to carry out a gamble!

call out!

At the next moment, Ling Feng and Yu Honglin disappeared into the void road and galloped to the place where the previous struggles had been made. After the two characters left, the whole empty road burst and the gods were shocked and knew that things were too big. It is.

"Break the sky!"

An old **** said that the old people like them know the character of the big man in the empty channel. Other forces can compete with the disciples of the empty channel. The light is right, the loser is too weak, and there is nothing to be accountable, but They hate the forces that are assassinated in the dark.

Once you find out, it is necessary to fight blood in the end!

There is no room for negotiation!

"New Heavenly God Bai Yuheng!"

Some of the gods' mouths are straight, and Ling Feng dares to spit out in public. Even if Bai Yuheng is not found in the end, this shame must be branded on Bai Yuheng, so that many gods are jealous.

It can be toxic!

This will almost isolate Bai Yuheng.

And if the truth goes to Bai Yuheng, no force or any character can save the laughter. It is a sin of heaven to dare to assassinate the same door.


It is that its forces are affected, and it is necessary to give up the laughter and strive to win the understanding of the empty channel.

"The battle on the virtual sky, the soup and the laughing gods were the worst, and almost abolished. It is really possible to say that the most likely to start with Ling Feng." One **** shouted.

They are the witnesses of the fighting, knowing how serious the injury of soup and laughter is. It is not a strange thing to say that the two gods are hateful.

"It shouldn't be!"

Another **** retorted: "Tang wine, laughing God is crazy, and can not touch the rules of the empty channel, it is equivalent to self-destruction."

"That is, soup wine and laughing gods are not so stupid!" Some gods do not believe that this is the embarrassment of Ling Feng, he is worried about the opposition of the two gods, and therefore counter-attacks in advance, wanting to destroy the two gods in one fell swoop Although Ling Feng only laughs at Bai Yuheng, but the gods feel the chill between their words, it’s not just Bai Yuheng

There is also soup wine.

"Those things catching the wind, do you think Lingfeng will be so stupid?"

The old God of Heaven said seriously. "This should be true. Ling Feng should be assassinated. Otherwise, he dares to brave the sinister screams here. He has a few heads that are empty enough for the big guys to cut?"

"Is that laughter and soup wine stupid?" Some people questioned.

"This is the problem."

The old **** said, "Tangjiu and Bai Yuheng should be smart people. It is impossible to be so confused. It is possible that other forces are in the mischief, deliberately confusing, and the purpose is to let the empty space consume."

"This is a great possibility!"

The gods are forehead, Ling Feng is afraid to lie at this time, otherwise it will only lead to the murder of himself, and the sentence he said is very credible, before the **** dies, say such words and Not surprisingly.


"I feel that the empty road is going to change!"

Some gods feel that the body is cold, and the forces that dare to go to the empty disciples will be simple?

Just did not get rid of the wind, want to come to the other side should be trembled? In this way, there will be a lot of evidence pointing directly to them, and Ling Feng is an iron-clad person's card, angering the empty road, which is destined to be bloody.


What Ling Feng didn't think was that when they flew to the battlefield, the entire battlefield had vanished, the terrible breath shattered, and the turbulent hurricane swallowed up for nine days, which was completely different from when he left.

The style of painting is completely different!


In which the power of Tiandao annihilates the frenzy, penetrates the thirty-three heavens, wipes away the air, hollow particles and other breaths, and the atmosphere in the heavens is weaker, and it will disappear in an instant.

The traces of the entire battlefield were completely obliterated, at least with the strength of Ling Feng, there will be no discovery, and nothing can be found.


He was full of anger and anger, but he was ecstatic in his heart.


After he left, the terrible figure of the secret forces had got the truth, lightning came, completely destroyed it, erased all traces, and did not want the empty road to find out the truth.

The traces he had erased before were only his own, the level of the gods was still a little worse, and the heavenly character was to be clean and thorough, at least his part of the atmosphere should be erased.

However, the next moment his face will be completely ugly. If he is slower, he may fall into the hands of the mysterious Tiandao. When he thinks about it, he will be shocked by a cold sweat, and his heart hates this power.

Ps.. Today, Cavan, only to write it until now, during the diarrhea, I am sorry, but still wrote it. Goodnight, everyone. (

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