Supreme Demon

Chapter 1979: Tenmoku Tenjin!

&bsp; the **** of destruction!

Proud of the world! This

A moment.

Ling Feng's eyes are burning, and he does not hide the wild vision in his heart. Qin Feng will step into the virtual star sooner or later, in which he will find a real glory, and Ling Feng is going to compete here for the entire starry sky.

thus. in

In some cases, he simply can't care about Qin Feng, and only Qin Feng is still too weak. At this time, Qin Feng needs enough strength to face the pressure of the characters of the virtual star. He is not enough.

He needs a strong team! and

In this to the virtual star, there are not many people who can pay attention to Ling Feng. It is just that at this time, the smiles of Bai Yuheng and Tangjiu appear, second only to the potential of the three great wizards, so that the two wizards can make the world, at the first level. The **** is definitely the top person. this


Ling Feng did not want to play the ideas of Bai Yuheng and Tangjiu, but the devil and the gods appeared directly to sew the clue into a giant net, and the two gods were firmly bound in it. The affirmation of the virtual road was strong, and Ling Feng’s heart was one. Bright, sprouted to put the two talented characters on the anti-God brand.


He took advantage of the situation to directly abolish Bai Yuheng and Tangjiu, and it is to break through Dantian. Even if their forces want to restore them, they will have to spend endless treasures. This kind of effort will lead to a resentment of the empty road, even if it They are willing to be afraid to take care of the empty attitude. more

What's more.

On that day, the treasures of the earth are rare, and each one is precious and precious. It is quite precious to the empty road, not to mention other forces. It is the Shinto thing that Tianzun is eager for. Will they be consumed by two wastes?

If those forces are reluctant, and what is God's willingness to give up? Want

Is Lingfeng able to restore them and take it one step further? Want

Is Ling Feng willing to help them find out the real murderer, and they are innocent? although

However, Ling Feng is abolishing their murderers, but the situation is too special, they will be resentful, but in the end they still have no choice, or they will be abolished, they will be oppressed and despised by the gods, or they will rely on Ling Feng. Get rid of grudges and be proud of the world. only

If the two are not too idiots, they will know how to choose. They must know that waste can not be washed away, but only bear shame.

"Ling Shao wants them to surrender?"

Qin Feng stunned, he broke his head and could not think of such a ah, the two were abolished, miserable, and thought that the two gods came to rely on it, how wonderful it would be to do it. Do not

Only he can't think of it, that is, the empty road and the murderous estimate can't guess? "

That's right! Ling

The wind grinned. "That's two valuable wizards. It's a pity to just abolish it."

Then Ling Shao also used them to scrap? "Qin Feng stunned, do not know the intention of Ling Feng.


Ling Feng said with a little sigh. "Everything needs to be more brainstorming, force can solve problems, and IQ is sometimes more terrible than force. Therefore, even if you use force, you should think more."

"Yes!" Qin

Feng mouth is straight and his heart is full of sadness. This is his weak place. Let's not say that the person, the leaf witch, etc., is that Liu Shushu is smarter than him. Moreover, he has been immersed in these years. Budo, rarely participate in this level of wits. because

and. in

IQ can't keep up with the current rhythm of Ling Feng.

"Abandoned because they need to be abolished. Why don't they have anything to do? Don't waste them. How can they be forced to the point where they are running out of water? If there is a choice, do you think they will trust us?"

Ling Feng smiled faintly.. "And, these two blood stagnates, can make the real murderer a little more relaxed, just let me find a clue, then eat it directly!"

"You have to ask the gods as soon as possible, then I will be assured that you will be born!"

Yes! ”

Qin Feng disappeared and appeared directly in the Dongfu. He used the power of the wilderness to carry out the final baptism, and then he asked the gods here. not

Undoubtedly. This

At that time, Qin Fengqiang’s suffocation, Guwu’s blood was completely sprayed, and under the circumstance of many resources, Guwu’s blood should be truly prominent, especially the stimulation of Lingfeng’s assassination. Qin Feng’s potential can be sprayed. The power is shocking. only

Only three days. four

Zhou’s power of flooding rushed to Qin Feng, forming a glory, and in this case, the ancient martial forces are shining, the ancient floods are surging, and there seems to be an ancient beast in the body. Cicada.


The hurricane is cold and the momentum is thin. in

Under the rush of scent, Qin Feng’s momentum is getting stronger and stronger. There seems to be a living being in the top of his head, gold feathers, gold eyes, and golden claws. that

It is Guwu to Ba color!

That is the ancient Wu to the domineering momentum! only

Yes, the creature was concealed in the endless fog, and could not see the true meaning, but the gas field in the world was suppressing the nine days and eight days, and then, in Feng Feng’s eyebrows, the flesh and blood were trembled, and the blood of the red blood was dripping. One of the flesh and blood is tearing out the flesh.

Third item!

Guwu is the most primitive force. It can be used to promote Wandao. It can also be deduced to any direction. Qin Feng stepped on the ancient Wudao due to Lingfeng, but he has already walked out of his own martial arts, which is completely different from the original Lingfeng. This

In the past few years, he has been immersed in it and built his own way. Although the progress has been slow, it is just because this proves that this is even greater. in

that moment.

He is full of qi and blood, climbing to the ultimate real state of God, the gas field of the world is not as cold as the original, and the hot atmosphere is boiling out, so that the power of the surrounding wild is changing color.

Redness! "

I have been waiting for this moment! ”

Qin Feng slightly closed his eyes, squatting in the golden light, and then the ancient power began to blend, and the smashing of the power of the mountains and the sea, and even the activation of the emperor in the cave, suppressed to the surrounding.

It’s just a true god, it’s already a god! under

A moment! ten

The Tao is in harmony with each other, and the ancient Tianyin sings in the Zen, swaying out, completely crushing the surrounding forces, and this force is brewing for a whole month, until the golden treasure is dark, and a bright red blood is appearing. . in

Throughout the process, the head of Qin Feng’s head was clear, and the fog was heavy and heavy, and the third item on the forehead was torn the flesh and blood completely, and the **** redness was opening the world.


A strange light flashed, and a faint light flashed around Qin Feng's body, and then settled in the void, slowly falling in his palm. that

It is a **** star!

That is a **** month!

That is the space of the gods! blood

Monthly space!

of course. This

However, it is a prototype, but it is far from tyrannical, but the power of the floods around it is madly coming in. In a short period of time, the **** moon space is filled up, making it full and shiny, making it a worldly metamorphosis.嗡


The **** moon space flashed, completely enlarged, enveloped in Qin Feng's body, and the third eye on the forehead was to release a massive amount of force, fascinated with endless blood, blood is not fully open. but


Qin Feng is trying hard to open it.


A **** light flew out and spurred out. If it wasn't for the emperor's pattern to shine in time, it was feared that the entire main building would collapse due to this **** light. The ancient true meaning seemed to annihilate this piece of heaven and earth. under

A moment! day

Inter-storms will be red and red, and it seems that there is a flaming creature in the fog that is flying and is igniting this mountain.

"A little trouble!"

Lingfeng wrinkles, here is not the Shenwu continent, if the ancient Wu bloodline appears, God knows how much trouble will be attracted, especially in this empty road, so he quite decisively sacrificed the body space, shrouded the entire main building, It is the use of the spiriting beads, suppressed in the main building, the wind in the sky is soaring, not letting Qin Feng ask the vision caused by the gods to alarm too many people.

have to say. body

The domain is indeed very magical. When it is crushed down, the clouds in the sky are broken, the vision does not disappear, but it is born in the body space, but this is not what other people can see. when

A heavy fog is exhausted, and it is a creature that appears on the top of Qin Feng!

Red feathers, red claws, and the red body!

It is extraordinary, ancient and strong, it is born three-legged, the bird is in the direction, nine days bowed.

Three-legged bird! This

The ancient creatures are rarely present in the world, the three feet can seal the sky, the mouth can burn the starry sky, the potential can be compared with the real dragon, and the vision of the beast is a kind of ancient blood vision.

no doubt.

Qin Feng’s question is that the gods are quite scary. The space of the gods is the top space that is comparable to the real dragon. What is even more terrifying is that the three-legged bird was born and did not disappear. Instead, it flew to Qin Feng and quickly entered its third target.

The three-legged bird has three feet, and Qin Feng has three eyes!

Three eyes god! on

It’s very amazing that Ling Feng is so amazing that Qin Feng’s eyes are really bright. Although he didn’t get his cuts, etc., Qin Feng’s got a breath of scent, not as good as intercepting the sky, let him Further, ask the power of the gods to be compared with Liu Shushu at the time. special

Don't be the third! Ling

The wind guessed that this may be the activation of the three-legged bird vision after the ancient blood vessels were born, and then the power of the three-legged bird.

Now Qin Feng is qualified to enter the virtual star, for the anti-God to smash the vastness of the sky, and Ling Feng is very important to the future of Qin Feng, after the ancient Wu Jingwei, will not be much worse than the Ye witch. Wait

Going further to Qin Feng, he was able to suppress the soup and Bai Yuheng. It was Qin Feng’s team. He didn’t want to participate too much, but he wanted to restore the two gods, either Nie or Regeneration. Surgery.

Regeneration is the eighth! can

Regeneration Dantian!

Nie has no such restrictions, either vigorous or violent death, but Nie will be more invincible, that is, he does not know that the two characters dare not.

Qin Feng asked Tianshen success!

He stepped into the heavens and gods, and it was the three-eyed god!

Two days later, the third eye on the front of Qin Feng’s forehead slowly closed, and the flesh and blood recovered, completely disappearing on the forehead, making people completely invisible, and then his **** moon space was slowly integrated into the body, surrounded by mountains and rivers. The rushing, gestating the flesh and blood of the day.

The next day, the three-eyed **** Qin Feng was born!

Ps.. first update the chapter, the second is still writing, quite card, so the speed is very slow. Wait

If you are not able to go to bed, look up tomorrow. &bsp;(

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