Supreme Demon

Chapter 1982: This is really a face!

On the road. blood

The young people's momentum is sloppy, and the sky is flooded. The gas field suppresses the void and fully displays its strong side. This makes the elders in the flooded field do not frown, such a figure, that is, they may not be able to suppress when they are young.

have to say. this

It was indeed a year of blowout. When the Wizards were born, the pressure of competition was quite great. In such a world, the Hongdao Dojo was not able to draw talents to the Wizards. This made them extremely anxious.

and. he

We don't know how terrible the strength of Ling Feng is, or you should wake up dreaming, so at this time you will have to worry about it. After all, Ling Feng's opponent is the sixth lesson of the cold star "Star". "

The ruins of the ruins are not! ”

The blood-haired youth is proud of the world, and said coldly, "I can be flat in summer and winter!"

I have completed nine wins. Are there any people in your wilderness? "summer

Winter arrogantly collapsed the cloud and said, "Let's come out a few more, let me cast a miracle record in this ruined dojo!"

Xia Dong, you are too much! ”

In the void, an old man is angry, his face is blue and violent, and the ruins of the ruins are forced to this part, so that these old people are ugly, but they have to admit that in the first-class gods, the ruins of the ruins do not have the characters who compete with the summer and winter. "

It is not enough to challenge me to the nine gods in the wilderness. "Some people are depressed, this is really a shameful thing."

"Not enough!" Summer

The strong winter said: "I am ordered to come, naturally to level this ruined dojo!"

"Who is your life?"

The old **** asked: "Is it a cold star dojo?"

Oh, although I am in the Cold Star Dojo, it has not been lost to obey the Hanxing Dojo! "Xia Dongying said: "As for who, you seem to be not qualified enough to know? ""

you! ”

If it is not that its own realm is too high, and the suppression of the first-level gods may not be able to rival the summer and winter, they are now rushing to the dojo, and the goods are picked up and smashed to the point where it is really nowhere to clean up. ? suddenly

However, between. he

They suddenly rose up, looking to the summer and winter gods began to change the taste, summer and winter is the sixth "star" of the cold star, and can let it come to life, prove that the opponent's head is very big, should be a very strong figure, and in the cold star It seems that only one person can do it.

"Is it him?"

Some characters can't help but frown. Some of the things in the ridiculous heavens also know some. It seems that the person and the Taoist seem to be a bit complicated, and now the summer and winter are ordered to come, which means that the character has to suppress the situation.

That is really a tricky character! "

Nine wins? ”

At the time of people’s snoring, a voice sounded at this time, and it seemed strange at this time. Then the people’s eyes fell on the cloak who was walking towards the dojo, and the unique hoarse voice made it even more Different.

"The Lord has not yet played, just want to cross the flooded dojo under the shackles?"

Ling Feng said indifferently. "It’s just nine victories. Do you really feel that you can push the ruins of the dojo?"

Cloak... brother? ”

The gods around couldn't help but sigh, and then they remembered this character. At that time, Ling Feng was killed in this dojo by a three-win god. Although the momentum was not big, they still let the old people tremble and excite.


The cloak is a rare genius character, extremely terrible, able to kill a genius character, he is an unfathomable enchanting, which they have been waiting for before. and

Now, he is strong!

"Little cloak?" Summer

The winter sound became interesting. "Before I came, I had studied the Hongdao Dojo. Your battle was really good, but do you want to suppress me?"

And, do you really want to be involved in this kind of thing? ”

Xia Dong’s eyes are burning, to tell the truth, if he doesn’t want to be such an unfathomable guy, the dragon in the virtual sky is the one who can let him be ordered, and he can’t say that he can be honored here. What about him?

God knows if it will hit the top talents among the top 16 powers?

"Fucked up, essentially the same as you!" Ling Feng said indifferently. "

Are you ordered by her? "The summer sun is sinking, this is a dangerous signal. If you let that person know it will be a **** hurricane."

"I am the treasure, the life of resources!" Ling

The wind said lazily. "And, I am not a **** of the wild, I am looking for a strong opponent, and the Hongdao Dojo happens to be satisfied with me, nothing more!"

Oh, let me know how deep your character can be! ”

Xia Dong is no longer nonsense, his face is filled with strong warfare, and the blood in his body is burning, only because he knows that as long as he suppresses the cloak, the ruins of the ruins will never suppress his power and characters, they are the masters. There is no retreat, right? Female

people! on

Go home to have a baby!

"Then you have to do your best, just because if you can't beat me, I will kill you." Ling Feng said as if he was confused. "

court death! ”

Xia Dong’s anger is unstoppable. This character is even more arrogant than him. The tone is completely like a victory, and he is not in his eyes. It is even more exciting for him to make him completely crazy.

next moment.

He punched out, and the punch was unremarkable, but it casts a supreme appearance. The surrounding mountains and rivers are trembled, and the nine-handed soldiers along the heavens and the earth have been pressed against Lingfeng. Each dragon has carved a dragon on it. The sons, 貔貅, 睚眦, etc. are born, lifelike, and in the purple gold heaven space, a head creature is activated, carrying a storm full of days, killing will come.

This is Jiu Shen Quan!

The fist symbolizes the dragon's nine sons, the power is very large, and all the gods in the field have been taught. The first few gods are directly bombarded by the nine gods. In the power, the summer and winter are indeed mad capital.

"You are playing this?"

Ling Feng is a bit boring. Please come to the cloak brother, can you not be serious? move

With the power of flesh and blood, plus a strong skill, can you feel that you can suppress him? This

It is extremely unrecognized!

Without pressure, how can he let him feel and understand the power of "cutting"? because


For such a character, Ling Feng felt that it was necessary to let him know the price of not paying attention. When the nine gods were killed, Ling Feng’s eyebrows flashed, and a stone appeared in his hand, which was dark and inky, forming a stick weapon. Although the strength is not strong enough, the victory is indestructible.

This is what Ling Feng wants! call


The wind rushed to the ground, tearing the sky and cracking the ground, so that the field was full of stunned pieces, and the Jiu Shenquan, which had just banged and banged, also slammed into the front of the wind. At this time, Lingfeng did not dodge, which made the ruins Some deacons are frowning, and the cost of being a hard-core **** is very heavy.

However... oh!

The bang suddenly exploded, and the ninth **** fist was suppressed, and the one that suppressed his fist was a piece of ink stick. It seemed that the power was not fierce, but he was able to hold the momentum of Jiu Shenquan.

"Are you playing this?"

Ling Feng said with a smile. "Then I will play with you!"

Finished. he

Picking up a stone stick, if lightning falls on the fist of summer and winter, the nine dragons formed by Jiu Shenquan also completely collapsed at this time, completely unable to resist the grace of the stone stick. "

what! ”

Xia Dong’s face was disastrous, and the hand that showed Jiu Shen’s fist almost broke, and the pain spread directly from the hand to the whole body.


The stone stick is not simple. When it is down, there is also the terrible ability to bleed blood. It is specially designed to restrain the flesh and blood, to make him hurt, and the skin is fleshy, that is, the giant force of the nine gods can not be completely suppressed. This

so horrible!

However, the terrible thing is not just beatings, but... always beating! Boom

! positive

When he was dodging, Ling Feng held a stone stick in a blink of an eye, directly forced Xia Dong to the front, and a stick hit it down. Then Xia Dong’s hand of Jiu Shenquan was more painful, **** and white. Sensen's, contaminated with blood, is extremely impressive.


Summer and winter face changed again, and quickly fell back.


Lingfeng was in the shadow, another stick fell down, and the hand of Xia Dong was injured again. The bone blood began to smash and annihilate in the void. He hurts his cold sweat and feels that the stick is falling on the heart.

He wants to hide, but still can't escape!


The fourth stick fell down. Summer and winter only felt that the whole arm had to be abolished. The pain was trembled, and the pain was like tears. What is this wonderful thing, even suppressing him at speed, and it is more fierce. I will not give him time to struggle.

Boom! This

It is the fifth stick! summer

The winter pain is not as good as death, the pressure is unprecedented, the cold sweat is DC, and then this is going to be abolished, and the loss of one hand on the gods is still terrible, especially for the opponents of the cape brother. .

In fact, is it just him? four

Zhou Zhongshen is completely stupid. The previous summer and winter, which was still strong and powerful, was actually ruined at this time. The fists of the fight were so **** that they could only dodge their heads. What kind of rhythm is this special?

Is the record so over?

Lost under... stone stick? difficult

Tao said, is this stone stick to be flat?

Boom! when

When the sixth stick fell, the gods of the Hongdao Taoist Temple were almost excited to shout. This powerful cloak is like a demon king, completely suppressing summer and winter. If it is suppressed, this summer and winter must be abolished.

"Ah, I want to abolish you!"

Finally, the summer and winter momentum burst, the hand flashed a sword, fiercely pulled out, the center of the stone rod, the virtual road, the sound of the road blasted, forming a terrible thunder, the emptiness of the sky gods are suffering from eardrum.

Ling Feng’s seventh stick did not fall, and his suppression was so abruptly stopped.

"Are you enough?" Summer

Winter gods became crimson and said, "I am hurting to this extent, you are the first one, but from now on you will not hurt me!"

! he

When the voice just fell, the stone stick fell, this time it was not the hand, but the handsome face of Xia Dong! This

It’s really a face!

good night. (

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