Supreme Demon

Chapter 1986: Why have you met each other!

Just one?

This is a sharp knife, an invisible hurricane, a spur of the rhyme!

The entire battlefield lost sound, not only the cold star road, the gods are dumbfounded, but the gods of the flooded dojos are all shut up, they laughed loudly compared with this, it is just to mention shoes.

Indifferent, cold, wild!

Ling Feng's slightly browed brow, the faint disappointment of the corner of his mouth, and the gaze of the emptiness of the sky, all show his proud attitude, is disgusting the cold star dojo, saying that such a **** is not enough to warm up. .



At least the gods of the Cold Star Dojo are such a feeling. How hot they were before, how humiliating it is now, when they kill their opponents in summer and winter, their excitement is full of blood, but when such a tragedy occurs in the gods of the cold star, they Some can't accept it.

So strong summer and winter, the sixth "star" of the cold star, was actually suppressed like this.

What is the character of the cloak brother?

Looking at the whole starry sky, there are only a few people who can reach this level. They are all very rare figures. Can it be said that the Hongyuan Dojo really found a unique talent this year?


In the eyes of Ling Feng who despised the world, they did not even have the courage to refute.

The cloak brother is powerful and suffocating!

"Too crazy!"

An elder in the Cold Star Dojo frowned, his chest was undulating, and he suppressed the resentment in his heart. "Is there really no one in my cold star?"


Ling Feng’s eyes lit up and said, “Is there any other wizards coming over?”


The gods don't know how to pick up the words. Even though the cloak covers their true meaning, they can still see the shiny and bright eyes, which means that the cloak brother is looking forward to it, expecting the gods of the cold star to appear.

This makes the gods of the Cold Star Dojo a little aphasia, do not know what to do?

Xia Dong was able to cast a nine-win record. It was because of the door-to-door. The Hongdao Dojo had to do its best, and now let them go to the door to find the embarrassment. How is this kind of thing so awkward?

There are many gods in the Cold Star Dojo, but there are few such masters like Xia Dong, and anyone can see that the cloak is unfathomable. If there is not enough power, it is just coming over and looking for it. The Cold Star Dojo will do it. Is this kind of shameless thing that raises the arrogance of the other party?


If you want to defeat the cloak, you will find the top talents. But these characters can be controlled by the Cold Star Dojo. They want to come, they will come, and they will not be forced to come, otherwise the consequences will be serious.

This means that the Cold Star Dojo also wants to invite a peerless wizard to come over in a short time.

“Is there a difficulty?” asked Ling Feng’s “naive”.


The former elders opened their mouths and couldn’t put any words. They were depressed and wanted to pretend to die. The reason they put down their words was that they didn’t want to be despised, but if they invited people like Xia Dong, it would be equivalent to Helping the power of the flooded dojo.

A dilemma!

"That is no flaw?"

Ling Feng sighed and said: "The things in the world are always unsatisfactory, I understand you."


The whole knives of the gods in the cold arena are dripping with blood. The cloak brother understands their grievances and understands their current weakness. This is more serious than humiliation. This is a complete insult.

"I am fighting you!"

A young man was just mad at the blood. For the first time, he couldn’t help but go to the dojo and fight with the wind.

However, just as he got up, Ling Feng shook his head indifferently and said, "You can't!"

"What is this?"

"Too weak!"

Ling Feng said plainly: "Only a true genius can arouse the blood of my heart, and you are not enough!"


The young man was bleeding from the sputum, and he almost didn’t breathe in one breath. This was the most insulting insult he had, but he could not refute it. Although he was not weak, he was barely able to raise shoes in front of Xia Dong. In front of the characters, even the shoes are not enough.

The difference is too far!

Can you tell this in public that it is very good?

Ling Feng looked at the surroundings and was even more disappointed. There is no such thing as a wizard who deserves his attention. Then he walked down the dojo, and the voice was slow and loud, with a temperament that penetrated the human soul.

"I am a cloak!"

"This is a wasteland!"

"Welcome to the Wizards of the World, I am here, will kill!"

The last two glyphs are the same as the rhythm of the heavenly sound. They blasted on the dojo and slammed around, so that the gods could not help but sigh, and the young man who had previously opened was spurting against the blood, flying back thirty miles, and the body was positive. The flesh and blood are blurred.

Just two words, it will form such a power, and let the cold star dojo eclipse, let the flooded dojo boiling!

Overbearing, strong!

The Lingfeng at this moment is full of pressure. Perhaps the current influence of this battle is not great, but when such a record is heard, the entire virtual sky will have a lot of trouble, at least the face of the Hanxing Dojo should be Invited to the real master.

And what about the Hong Kong Dojo?

The current Lingfeng makes their real blood boiling, this long-lost feeling is flooding the heart, and the former ruins of the Taoist field have been so pretentious, but unfortunately, the Lingfeng seems to be pushing the prestige to a higher level. Circumstance.

He is here, facing the entire Star Wizards!

He is here, dare to commit crimes!

Yan Zhu Ling was fascinated and looked at the majestic hair of the Lingfeng step by step. The light in the eyes was admiring and admiring. At that moment, the blood in her body was stirred up, and the heart beat, only three sentences. It can shake people's hearts.

The Hongdao Dojo really needs such strength and tone too!

Can not be scorned!

The Cold Star Dojo and the other Dojo gods who watched the war were silent. They did not feel the danger, but the **** was injured. This kind of power is unfathomable and they really value it.


The cloak brother is really too mad, challenge the entire Star Wizards in the dojo!

"The ruins of the ruins have finally come out of a famous person!" Someone sighed and said that as long as such a character is present, there will be hopes of rising in the ruins of the ruins.


When this character attracts more and more talents and geniuses, the ruins of the ruins will surely fly to the sky. This effect and influence are unmatched by other dojos.

“There is no doubt that Yan Zhuling’s girl is trying to create an invincible legend!”

An old **** said with some excitement: "I used to have such a legend in the ruins of the ruins. This was the first time to push it to the top three dojos. Yan Zhuling is going to copy the miracle.


Is this really possible?

Are you really willing to let the Hongdao Dojo fly like a sacred dojo?

"Why don't you fight it?"

There was a depressed road in the rainy morning. "How strong is this rhythm. What a good opportunity. With his strength, he can fully reach the Cold Star Dojo, complete the most magnificent miracle in history, and this can intimidate those who are imaginative. Dojo."

"He won't fight in the past."

Yan Zhuling shook his head with a smile, as if he was looking at the wind, saying: "A master like him wants the strongest battle, not bullying the weak god. If you hit the cold star, you have to deal with the endless troubles. ”

"Trouble..." The old man’s mouth is straight.

"Moreover, he does not belong to the ruins of the ruins. He naturally has no obligation to fight. His purpose is to challenge the real genius. Therefore, it is more appropriate to provoke such words and to arouse the suppression of the genius."

"Is this too crazy?" The old road rained and frowned and pondered. This is to push the flooded dojo to the entire virtual sky and fight fiercely with the other fifteen dojos.

"It's a little crazy."

Yan Zhuling’s forehead, said with a heavy face. "But we have no choice, even if he doesn't do it, cann't the dojos who come to see it do not bite us?"

"This is the only hope I can see. I am willing to accompany you for a trip!"

Yan Zhuling said with enthusiasm. "I hope that one day, this whole virtual sky is his own show!"

"Then I will try my best to satisfy your wishes."

At this time, Ling Feng smiled and came, looking at Yan Zhuling said. "However, if I did not do it, you will not turn your face to recover the reward?"

"Giggle, yes!"

Yan Zhuling first smiled, and then he said with a face. "That will deduct all your rewards."

"Girl, I just sell, I don't sell art."

"Giggle..." The two men looked at each other and laughed. There was a kind of understanding without any communication. It was natural, and Ling Feng understood Yan Zhuling. Therefore, he should do his best. Yan Zhuling understands Ling Feng and knows that he wants it. What is it, so it won’t refute, what she has to do is try her best to provide convenience.

Casting the sky "wind and rain", waiting for its dragon to take off.

Why have you met each other!

When the two gods admired each other, an untimely character appeared, and the lightning flashed directly in front of Ling Feng, with a big cloak, and the knife-like body was here with fog and lightning.

The cloak is very similar to Ling Feng, dark as ink, covering up its true identity, if you don't know, you think it is a cloak.

"Is there a fan so soon?"

The old road was raining in the morning, saying like a sly.

"The cloak brother?"

The cloak of the red-red dress said that the voice was light and powerful.

"It seems to be me."

Ling Feng smiled lightly, but it was from the heart, only because he sensed the familiar atmosphere in the red **** of the red dress.

"Oh, I finally found you, I don't want to come across thousands of miles."

The cloak of the red-red dress said with a smile. "I didn't know the name of the battle in the previous battle, but I have heard your prestige. Now I am inviting."

"Who are you? Looking for a cloak?"

The old road is tense in the morning and the rain is tense. It seems that the other party is not good. So pay attention to the cloak brother is either a friend or an opponent, and from the dialogue between the two people, they should not be friends.

"Detective treasure!"

The cloak of the red-red dress grinned. "I just don't know if the cloak has this guts?" ps.. first update the chapter, and later, the fragrance will be written. (

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