Supreme Demon

Chapter 1996: Fighting fake!

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The momentum is collapsed!

This moment of Ling Feng is completely suppressing the whole audience, the proud eyes of the world, the contemptuous temperament, the temperament of the world, completely eclipsing other gods, and its fierce fighting, but also let some gods bloody.

At this moment, they know what power is!

The aura is awkward, she looked at Ling Feng with a feeling of incredible feelings. Is this the **** that she once smashed?

When he stepped into the empty road, he did not show his eyesight. It was far less dazzling than the oriental poetry. I knew that this time she was facing the god. Under the handsome appearance, there was a kind of retrospective charm. .

as if!

He is a real dragon, and the gods of the virtual star are just ants!

The whisper is completely different. At this moment, her feelings are more direct. When Ling Feng slams her fists, she can appreciate the extraordinary power of it. It seems that a beast is showing teeth.


The real power of the beast is still far from being born, otherwise it will be his personal show.

Sorry, I let you down!

Sorry, you can't suppress me!

This is a great insult!

Can be from the Lingfeng mouth, but it is so light, like rabbits eat radish, tigers eat meat, Altman beat monsters are generally simple and normal, and this time Ling Feng does have such qualifications.

One punch will kill the Yuan, and it will hurt the gods around him. This kind of boxing is already suppressing the second god, and is pushing to the third-level god.

Dare to ask, how many gods can be suppressed in the presence?

Even the oriental poetry that looks at this farce can not help but create pressure. The sacred space is very powerful, but who can be sure that the wind will not collapse? At least, the poetry of the oriental poetry flickers, and the person who meets in the virtual world may be the wind.

"It has been hidden, it has been suppressed, it is really curious." Oriental poetry said with a smile.

She is looking forward to it!


She suddenly read what kind of character Lingfeng is. This is a guy who likes to hide. It is also a proud god. More importantly, he attaches great importance to his feelings. At the beginning, the whisper has been abolished, and now it is alive and kicking. How much effort does it take?

Not every **** is willing to pay for it.


Her strategy was wrong before, and should be replaced by a form, such as letting them fall in love with themselves.

"God Lord, he... is it really so powerful?" asked the aura of misery, some horror.


The oriental poetry said with a smile: "This word can't describe him. I think the word terrible is more appropriate."


The beautiful girl behind the oriental poetry said seriously: "Now his strength is not solid enough, otherwise the punch is not so powerful, but in time, he will be able to influence the three great wizards!"

"Is that kind of power?"

Oriental poetry can not help but frown, although she is also very surprised, but has not placed Ling Feng at the height of the three great wizards, but now it is different.

She must be completely confronted, and the entire Eastern clan must pay attention.


She suspected that Ling Feng should not be powerful enough before, because it is only because of the integration of the power into the body, which means that the power of the Tao is indeed extraordinary, the gods they dream of.

"Most likely!"

The beautiful girl behind the poetry of the East should be convinced that she did not feel that the potential of Ling Feng before could threaten the status of the three great wizards.

"That will work hard to be friends with him." The oriental poetry smiled warmly.


Over the sky, the sky is over.

Ling Feng strolled around and looked around to the stars of the imaginary star. He asked quietly. "Who is the next one?"


To the virtual star, an old **** was full of anger, and said with a sullen face. "Is it really felt that I can't suppress you to the virtual star?"

"I really think so!" Ling Feng grinned.

"court death!"

The old **** stepped forward, and the killing on his face was more intense. The birth of Ling Feng seriously threatened the virtual star, and the limelight was too eye-catching. If so many gods could not suppress the wind, then the whole situation would be To get out of control.

Once the **** of the mountain village is strong, it is not so easy to suppress.


He took it one step at a time, lightning came to Lingfeng, and there was a dust in his hand. The ancient colors shone in the void, dazzling and shocking, and a wonderful power was bound to the world.

"Lingfeng children, today let you see the power of God!"

The face of God’s face flashed with a smile. The power of this kind of dust is extraordinary. A heavenly figure in his power blesses the attacking power. The power of this dust is not a simple expulsion, but a suppression of the world’s opponents.

call out!

The "God of God" passes by, and the sky is full of golden light, and the power of it is miraculously suppressed to Lingfeng, and the speed is so fast, that is, many gods can't hide completely.


When I heard the words "God of God", Ling Feng’s mouth was straight, what do you mean?

Isn't this world still born with a second degree god?

The king, the spirit, and so on are also tight, they know the power of the gods, but what makes them wonder is that the gods have appeared on the stars, when did they fall into the hands of the god?

They have also paid attention to it, and they want to know who the real **** is in the hands of, but its brand is completely annihilated, but the truth is directed against God.

This means that the **** of the hand may be on the body of the demon.


They grinned, only because the **** of God is only the supreme imitation, not the real god, where can the power be compared with the real god?

"With the imitation of the real thing, I don't know if this God is eating the wrong medicine!"

Lingkong grinned and laughed. If this supreme imitation is on them, it will definitely make them suffer, but the opponent of God’s gods is the Lingfeng holding the authenticity. This is simply forcing the wind to fight against the wind.

"I really have the courage." Qin Feng sneered at the side, this old **** is simply a funny.

If other weapons of the gods, it can pose a threat to Ling Feng, but "degree of God" ... Oh.


The whisper is eclipsed, and I hurriedly pulled the rain and said. "Quickly let Ling Shao dodge, the power of this weapon is too terrible." "Sister, why are you hiding? Is it not good to let your brother fight fake?" She is an eye-opener, she is one of the insiders, Ling Feng's treasure has been rummaged through it, but the degree of God is too big, in this empty road can be completely solved with fists, Ling Feng is really too lazy to use


But now it is different!

"It turned out to be a god!" The gods around him are eclipsed. This kind of weapon is born, and it is impossible to prevent it.

"Ling the wind to finish, dare to despise me to the virtual star to live!"

"Repress, poor little peas!"

To the imaginary stars, the gods laughed and talked. Some gods know the origins and truths of the gods, but even the power of imitations cannot be underestimated. In the second gods, there are really few people who can suppress them.


They don't think that Ling Feng is one of them.

"It's just a copy of the imitation. I'm afraid I can't hold him." The poetry of the East sighs. If the authenticity is here, no one can escape, and the imitation does not have the power of the miracle. The power of rhyme can be completely preserved.


On the occasion of people's arguments, Ling Feng smiled, really do not know what to say, to the virtual star gods seem to be picking their own strengths, sometimes Ling Feng silently for them ... three seconds.

"Actually, I also have a handle."

Ling Feng said with a smile, the voice is not big, but the audience can not help but frown, when is the gods mass production?


Just when the "God of God" was going to be killed, Ling Feng’s hand flashed, and the sacred **** that released the starry sky was born, and the fierce momentum was lost, but it was full of The gas field that makes the gods and gods bow down.


This is the real thing!


Ling Feng single-handedly shot the gods, without any prestige, but the power of Qi Qi suddenly squirted and disappeared into the void. When the old **** reacted, he found that he had been bound by a dust and flew quickly. To the distance.


At the next moment, the murmurous loud noise on the far side of the virtual sky, accompanied by the tragic sound of an old man, did not splatter, only the scattered blood fog, and this scene is a horror to the presence The gods.

The singer who was screaming before was smashed!

The mountain village stars that were previously worried are stunned!

The king and the spirits are indifferent. They have long known that this will be the result. The supreme imitation is a waste in front of the real god. It is a wonderful match with the real thing. I really don’t know the courage of God.

The whispered words were wide-eyed and stunned. The previous tight expression was still on the jade.

The fruit in the mouth of the oriental poetry poems fell down, and stood up from the chair. The **** looked at the dust in the hands of Ling Feng, and the heart was sinking at this moment.

"That is... what is the dust?" The charm of the mouth is straight, and the powerful old **** is actually being blown away by a dust. What kind of weapon is it?


The beautiful goddess behind the oriental poetry said with a vibrato, God knows that at the moment when she was born, her hair was blown up.

"Two-handed gods?" Ling Yun did not know the truth, asked a bit strange.

"There is only one handle in the world!" the oriental poetry said heavily.

"That..." The rhyme gargle.

"The **** in the hands of the old predecessor is just a replica." The beautiful lady explained.

"What about the authenticity?" Lingyun asked subconsciously.

"It’s in his hands!”

The poems of the East poetry said eloquently, the eyes of the gods spurred the endless light. At that moment, several big figures in the empty road opened their eyes, and the influence of the gods was shocking, that is, their characters could not be ignored.

"He...the the real god." The rhyme only feels that the throat is dry and dumb. The imitation goods want to kill the real thing, but they are counterfeited by the real thing. To what extent is the virtual star going to be miserable?

Ps.. Today, more than three hours of high-speed, Minsheng gave birth to nine hours, leaving the fragrance with a tired and back, barely wrote a chapter, dedicated to everyone.

I am sorry tonight, I am sorry.

Tomorrow will be normal. good night. (

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