Supreme Demon

Chapter 1998: Ultimate rhyme!

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Drive out the virtual sky cave!

This is a pain!

At the beginning, Ling Feng drove the Tangshen, Bai Yuheng and other gods out of the Dongdong Dongfu. Now it is still vivid. Although there is no smoke, it is bloody. At that time, the gods of the virtual star wanted to die.

now what?

This tragedy will be repeated. The soups and Bai Yuheng were previously driven out, but at this moment they are.


The real strength of Ling Feng is unfolding. There is indeed such a suppression of the gas field. Any one of the gods must be cautious when confronting him. Who dares to say that he can suppress the wind?

no doubt.

This is even more determined that the gods have joined forces to suppress the mentality of Ling Feng. If this is not possible, they will leave the Dongfu direction directly, and the face of the virtual star will not let this happen.

They don't have these qualifications!

"come on!"

Ling Feng smiled and looked at the gods, the body of the gas field is squirting out, telling the truth to fight to the stars of the stars, this is quite a risky way.


Only in this way can he feel the pressure, he wants to know what kind of realm is in the virtual star, which is very important for him to be against God, but more important for the beginning of the sky.


He wants Qin Feng to experience this kind of repressive power, just because this is the situation in the future.

"Get together, kill him!"

To the virtual star, the gods are really upset. When they encounter such a wonderful figure, their heads are very painful, but they are a bit clear about the character of Ling Feng. This is a pretty wild and has such strength.

Ling Feng dare to say so, then there is a certain degree of certainty, this is the reason for the trepidation of the gods.

Just entering the second-level gods, you have these strengths, so how can they still live in the future?

"It's right, don't let it live!"

"Dare to insult to the virtual star, you must die!"

One person who came to the virtual star gods forward, the sky that was still clear, suddenly became gray, and the wind and the earth were overflowing. It seemed that there was a storm to pour down and let people feel a kind of chill.

More than forty gods!

The virtual star is indeed a terrible star. It can come in more than forty gods in 50 years, but it is only twenty in the virtual star gods. After these gods join hands, the power is even more terrible. The gas field is tearing up the void space.


A flash of lightning appeared in the void, and cracks in the void appeared like ink, spreading to distant places, and the heavens and the earth became exhausted at this moment.

"Kill!" The former middle-aged **** first shot, and a sword appeared in his hand, which was enlarged in the void, and then the whole body was integrated into the sword, forming the spirituality in the sword, and it was a special skill. And when this skill is revealed, the power of the sword is rapidly spurting, a ho

Yan Tianwei is suppressing nine days.


The sword sends out the sound of the source. There is no dragonfly, no phoenix, only metal vibrato, but this is not weak, but strong.

Back to Basics!

This is the supreme mood of the sword.

When the sword was sprayed to the peak, the sword formed a space, but suddenly, the terrible momentum collapsed, and the wind was torn into pieces. There were more than nine thousand shadows on the sword. The sword fell down together and there were more than nine thousand cracks in the void around the sword.

The picture is terrible!

The whole void is blasting!

The whole world is insane!

Under the influence of the middle-aged gods, the gods around the world madly come out, the space of the gods exerted force, forming a cage against the Lingfeng, and there is endless suffocating momentum in the cage, taking advantage of the heavens and the earth, gestating the supreme power.


The wind is raging, and it is straightforward!

Divine power is shocked, straight through the mountains and rivers.

There are even more terrible physical strength and mental strength. Lingfeng is being attacked by multiple attacks. The space within 30,000 miles is turbulent. In the reverse character house, the emperor rushes to 30,000 feet and rises against the world.

At this moment, Ling Feng has become murderous and heavy.

I have to say that the power formed by more than forty gods is too horrible, no less than a four-level god, that is, he must do his best. If he uses the ultimate power, such force will hardly hurt him, but He is still hiding now.

"Dao Yun!"

He screamed in his heart, and the power was madly swooping out, especially the two holes, releasing a dazzling light, while the hollow particles were a hidden glint, the same as the body space.

Three spaces blend together!


The emptiness trembles, a scorpion is flying, forming a harp in front of Ling Feng, the harp is not spectacular enough, not big enough, but full of rhyme, the difference is that the Lingfeng five fingers are shaking The face is serious.


He pressed the five fingers on the strings and tried to pull them all the way and then ejected forward.


The five-tone music seems to have been substantialized, and the direct sound comes out. There seems to be more endless demon in the heavens and the earth, but it is only invisible to others. Only Lingfeng can see it, but he does not go to see it, but closes his eyes. .

that moment!

In the heart, there are thousands of rhymes, and they are staggering past. The power of Yanli is shining. Under the endless pressure, Ling Feng is an ethereal, an unprecedented realization is emerging, and the fog is in his heart.

"What is the rhyme?"

He is thinking about the most essential problem of Tao Yun, and it seems to be eternal in an instant.

It’s like a few decades, but it’s just a blink of an eye.

When Ling Feng opened his eyes, he stretched out his fingers at the same time, pressing on the strings, but gently popping up. It was like touching the face of a lover. He seemed to solve the most essential substance of the original rhyme. .

Time is slowing down!

Heaven and earth are silent!

Ten lights flew out and rushed to the endless space of the gods. There was no sound, no substance, that is, the light was not visible, but in the moment of the dive, it had already radiated the whole world.

next moment.

The first five syllables directly slammed the endless force, and the radiating force trembled among them, and the cockroaches shot endless 涟漪, and the space of the heavens was gray, and the sound of the melody was annihilated. The power of the five-tone music is extraordinary. At this moment, the rhyme highlights its imposing power. In one fell swoop, the twelve gods are blown, and the flesh and blood are blurred. In the chest, there is a blood hole, and then the ten piano sounds. Only then, the mighty power of the world will be completely erupted.

The sword was suppressed and the situation was forced to stop.

and then.

The ten-tone piano sounds fierce like a dragon, like a nine-day charm. When it falls, all the roads are destroyed.

Everything is gone!


The sound of horror filled the whole world, and the space of eight thousand miles was completely broken. The horrible frenzy swept through the entire virtual sky, and at that moment, Ling Feng’s body disappeared and he used the inch to kill the madness.


A **** flies out.


The two gods fly out!


A **** is smashed!


This is completely chaotic, and people are shocked by this picture.


Just as people are stunned, a strange wave suddenly emerges from the frenzy, people can't see the source, they can only conceal the kind of turbulence.


Just when the waves were swaying, the heavens and the earth roared, and all the forces collapsed, and all the power was disintegrating.


It is like a giant hammer on the heart of people, so that they almost suffocate, and then the body will fly backwards in the distance, the flesh and blood of the body will soon be blurred, and it is Tianli who wants to suppress this turbulence.


The poetry of the oriental poetry was shocked and quickly flew down, and the rhyme and so on did not dare to delay. Almost as soon as they left, the jade table jade chair instantly became a powder, and the space was twisted and annihilated.

"What power is this?" The aura exclaimed, and the body trembled.

"Dao Yun!" The oriental poetry explained with a serious face.

“Does the rhyme have such power?”

"There was no, but now!"

"What do you mean?"

The oriental poetry did not respond, and the beautiful girl behind her couldn’t help but say. "The ultimate rhyme!"

Tao Yun is in the realm of the gods, although it is not invincible, but it can make the power of the gods climb to a rather terrible level. If the blessing is on the heavenly power, the power is more extraordinary.


There is also a distinction between Tao Yun.. First intention, fascination, extraordinary, ultimate!

The previous Ling Feng can only be said to be extraordinary, much higher than Bai Yuheng, but the power is still not enough. If the piano is in hand, this rhyme will speed up, but the rhyme is more suitable for Yunxi.


In the battlefield on the ninth day, it took so long, and Ling Feng’s body was born with a rhyme. When this force was sprayed in the Lingfeng body, it was directly brought to the extreme.

What is the ultimate rhyme?

That is the essence of the Tao!

Exhalation can be a rhyme, breathing can be a rhyme, raising a hand can be a rhyme, picking flowers can be a rhyme, his whole person is a rhyme.

Under these rhymes, Ling Feng is almost in an invincible state at the same level.

then. At the moment when the extreme rhyme falls, when the light rain is completely annihilated, Ling Feng is independent and empty, and the temperament is proud of the world. The blood dyed on the body is adding a different charm to it, and at the foot is a bit lying. God, they are seriously hurting vomiting blood, they breathe, they are even coma

Not awake.

One person suppresses the audience!

This is violence!

It is even more amazing!

Today, to the virtual star gods at dusk!

The oriental poetry did not participate in this battle, but she knew that even if she entered the battlefield, her end would be better than other gods. There are only three wizards in the estimation that the virtual star can suppress the rhythm of the wind.

And he is the fourth wizard!

"That is the ultimate rhyme!"

Even the poetry of the East is a bit jealous. How many people in this world can form a rhyme in the gods?

The three great wizards are too mysterious. The oriental poetry knows a little, but there is not much that is known, but this is the realm she has been longing for.

"From today, the southeast direction Dongfu surname Ling!"

Ling Feng said strongly. "I won, you should know how to do it, don't make yourself even more embarrassed!"


He spurted his blood and quickly flew down and rushed to the opposite side of the cave. Even if the rhythm of the sacred rhyme was on more than forty gods, he was seriously injured, if it was not covered by the endless shackles and the emperor, The body domain, he is already dead.

Ps.. The last day is even more.

Suddenly quite uncomfortable, psychologically and physically.

Tomorrow is Valentine's Day, everyone will accompany your girlfriend, and tomorrow, you will be able to add more to your Valentine's Day at home, three more! good night. (

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