Supreme Demon

Chapter 2000: Against the eyes!

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"What are you doing?"

The king said with anger: "Is using morality to persecute?"

"Brother, I don't know who is looking for you, but you really disappoint me. The cave house is the blood of Ling Feng. He is qualified to divide and know how to divide it. "When the wind was suppressed, you felt that he might not be able to deal with the gods of the imaginary star, so he hid in the distance. Have you ever thought about this scene? You have your own plans, they only think of it." I myself, I thought a lot about what it would be like to be defeated by Ling Feng.

"If his defeat is abolished, then I want to be there a lot of gods will be extremely degraded?"

"Nonsense!" a **** shouted.

"Do you talk nonsense?"

The king smiled sullenly.. "That would be a check, I really want to know how many gods have laughed and said that he is not self-sufficient when Ling Feng faces up to the imaginary gods!"

In an instant, many of the gods' faces were concealed and shocked. This is indeed what they did. Originally, this was a problem that everyone deliberately ignored, but they did not expect to be turned out by the king.

This is the face of the red fruit!


This kind of thing can't be concealed. I really have to check it with my heart. I can definitely find it. Are they still having a face?

"King, don't talk nonsense!"

Wang Yuan said coldly. "I have never laughed at Lingfeng's younger brother, and this is what we always wanted to do."

"Then go to suppress the stars to the stars!"

The king does not care about Wang Yuan’s attitude. This brother is doing a bit too much now. Is it really Ling Feng?

Such a red fruit is coming over, it is completely forced to suppress the rhythm of them. They don’t think that Ling Feng can’t do it. On the whole, this is a pretty cunning guy. They are very self-interested, only occasionally. Will do something good.

"As long as you can suppress one to the illustrious gods, I will split a cave!"

The king said strongly. "At present, I have six caves in my hand. I only need one, and the remaining five are available."


The faces of the gods have changed even more. This is more embarrassing than before. Let them face the gods of the imaginary stars. They are not Lingfeng. How to fight against them? And when Lingfeng wants to ask, they will be abolished by the imaginary gods.

"Well said!"

Lingkong smiled and stepped forward, looking directly at the gods. "I am the same as the king, there are also six caves, you can divide five caves, as long as you are brave enough to get!"

"I agree!"

Qin Feng no expression, but my heart is angry, these gods are to perform despising?

"I have four seats here, and I can divide three."

The eyes of the gods around him are squirting, and the gods, the spirits, and the Qin Feng are forcing them. If they are so brave, they will stand up earlier. Why wait until this time?

They did not dare to speak at this time, the Dongfu is important, and life is more important.


They looked at Wang Yuan and hoped that he would be able to speak and save the situation. They could not talk about it because of this topic.

Wang Yuan knew that he had to speak at this time. He smiled a little and avoided the eyes of the king, the spirit, and so on. He turned to Ling Feng and asked. "What does Lingfeng’s teacher mean?"

"I mean?"

Ling Feng smiled lightly, and the feelings of Wang Yuan and the gods still did not give up.

"Forty-seven caves, I naturally don't need so much. However, I think there should be a more perfect plan, not a blind division." Ling Feng looked at the king and said, "I think this idea is good. ”


In terms of position, he is in favor of the king. He is the kind of master who is desperately trying to take advantage of the price, rather than dying, and now someone is actually a partner to take advantage of him.

I don't think about it!

The forty-six-hole house has some rewards for 18 gods, and the king, the spirit, and so on, are naturally needed, but what he thinks is more to keep some of the people against the gods. In the future, they are the protagonists here, and then Poor and indefinite.

And Wang Yuan, these gods?

They didn't do anything, they wanted to come over and hold him. In this way, they got the Dongfu, and they tried to use the moral abduction to force themselves to make more Dongfu. Why?

"Lingfeng's younger brother, the strength of a person is not really powerful. The overall strength of the mountain village stars is truly powerful." Wang Yuan's face was slightly sinking, but he still smiled and persuaded.

"When we are being oppressed, where are you?"

Qin Feng sneered. "If this is strong, we would rather not!"


Wang Yuan was almost mad, Ling Feng has not yet opened, he will be the master of this squat? And the words are still so sharp.

"Is this the meaning of Lingfeng's younger brother?" Wang Yuan's face was a bit ugly. Although he felt that he was a little difficult, he should be able to do it, but he did not think that things were more difficult and worse than he expected.

"At least there is no more suitable way than this. What do you think?" Ling Feng said with a smile.

"There is no more suitable way than this!" Qin Feng said coldly.

"Oh, what is said!"

Wang Yuan smiled and stood up, a little indifferent. "If Lingfeng's younger brother was injured earlier, then come back as soon as possible. We are looking forward to your more exciting battle."


He did not wait for the wind to respond, then turned and left.

Although the other gods were embarrassed, they nodded to Ling Feng, and they just left.

"Brother, it’s a mess!"

The king shook his head a little disappointed. Wang Yuan was actually tempted to invade the Dongfu of the Lingfeng. It was not a void road. It was afraid that Lingfeng had already suppressed it.

To know.

Previously, Wang Yuan had turned against Ling Feng, but now he is still cheeky, and the purpose will not be so simple.

Want Lingfeng to look at his face and let out some caves?


If I open my own mouth, Ling Feng will really let go of the mouth, and let out some caves. But since then, I am afraid that I have to be alienated. He is such a clever character, can you not see them as a little trick?

Even the characters that the royal family grandfather praised, don't break the bottom line!


Both the royal family and the king saw a terrible hope in Ling Feng. Is such a powerful and invincible wizard, is it really impossible to find a sky in the void?

Wang Yuan’s pattern is too small to focus on the immediate interests, but he does not know the long-term.

The rhythm of Ling Feng has been completely pulled up, and he has received a lot of attention. He has no retreat at all. The only direction is to step on the virtual star. It used to be a first-class god, now it is a second-level god, and then it is a three-level god. .

He even suspects that Lingfeng can already kill the three-level gods, because the goods are too fond of hiding, people can see what he wants others to see, but there are still many people can not see.

Like that method is empty!

What are the tools like the scorpio and the sinister blade that have not yet been born? What does this mean?

The intention is great!


"Manic, can you really get out of the sky alone?"

"If there is no backing, we can't hold it."

"We really want to see how long he can hold on?"

"At that time, I want him to ask us!"

After Wang Yuan left, several old gods sat on each other, and there was an irresistible anger on his face. They should be taken care of by the mountain village stars, but Ling Feng ignored their feelings, which made them quite unscrupulous.

“Is it really easy to fall to the virtual star?”

"The three great wizards have not yet started."

"Wait, he won't be stunned for a long time." Several gods said with some bitterness.


Whether it is human or god, it is the same in this respect. When the virtual star is strong, they are squatting, and they dare not have any complaints. Now, Lingfeng is strong, just because there is no branch, it is like this. curse.


Does Ling Feng care?

These people don’t have any plans, they only know the characters of the little tricks. He really doesn’t look at them. Moreover, these characters will never reflect on their own bodies. If they are willing to stand up at that moment, Dongfu will definitely divide them. Share.

But they don't have this kind of courage. They don't have the courage to face the gods of the virtual star, so they are not worth casting!

"get ready!"

Ling Feng said to the king and the spirit of the air. "I found a mountain in the virtual sky, where there may be a treasure that is not to be buried, you need to walk!"

"no problem!"

The king and the spirits are bright, this is the creation of the greatness of heaven.

"Ling Shao, what about me?" Qin Feng is bright and looking forward to it.

"You still can't, there needs someone to sit here!" Ling Feng said.


Qin Feng’s forehead, he knows that if it is feasible, Ling Feng will not refuse, and now Ling Feng said no, then there is really not suitable for him.

"But there is one in advance!"

Ling Feng looked at the king, Lingkong said. "Secondary god!"

"Only in this way, our hopes are even bigger!"

"it is good!"

The solemn amount of the king's forehead, Ling Feng first stepped into the second-level god, has made him feel the pressure, and now he has to ask as soon as possible, otherwise the gap will be opened, this is not what the king wants to see.

"And I!"

The spirit is excited and said: "There has been this thought, but now you are stimulated, maybe the speed will be faster."

"Well, I will introduce an acquaintance to you!"

Ling Feng’s inscrutable laughter, he can imagine that waiting for the king, Ling Kong to see the expression of the proud bird, is estimated to be scared?


He does not mind letting the king and the spirit know more.


The tomb of the dragon is too extraordinary. It is only dangerous for him and the proud bird. If the king and the spirit ask the second god, it should be easier.


The king and the spirit leave, to prepare to ask the second-level gods, and Ling Feng is recovering as soon as possible, a repressed atmosphere is spreading, and a storm is about to unfold in the virtual sky, it is bound to be shocked.

Three months later.

In the empty road, the momentum is thin, and a strong air wave is rushing to the sky. good night. (

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