Supreme Demon

Chapter 1014: Amazing blueprint!

&bp; Tomb is still the tomb!

But the real treasure resources have disappeared, that is, the dragons have escaped, the power that once suppressed the whole world has disappeared, and the whole world has become empty, without any sound. Ling

The wind looked at the spirit beads, and the corners of the mouth rose. The two heavenly figures did not start with him. This meant that they were truly surrendered and cared about the race and death of their race. This

It is their weakness.

It is not terrible to have weaknesses, and it is worthy of his attention to have feelings, otherwise Ling Feng will completely trap them.

He threw the dragon's blood into the devouring beads. Although this creature is not a real dragon, there is already a real dragon in his blood. Although it is rare, it is more suitable for the current proud bird. Dragon Blood will burn the arrogant bird. "

So many resources, is it so wasted? Ling

The wind looks far into the distance, picking up his eyes and laughing. He only gets a very small part, and more treasure resources are flying far away, falling in this virtual sky, most of those treasures are born spiritual, want to find It is not easy to get there. but

That is just for others. "

I don't know how much rain can be found? ”

Ling Feng’s eyes are burning, and those treasures are powerful resources for casting the sky and reversing the gods. If they can find them, it means too much for them, and the rain is the soul that specifically restrains the resources of the treasure. under

A moment. he

Flying out of the Shoutian Mountain, and marching toward the flooded road, when the inch fairy speeds up, it is called the wind and power, just three hours, he came to the front of the flood road, this is to let the two gods in front of the dojo, Then quickly went to the Hongdao Road to inform Yan Zhuling. "

I didn't expect you to come! ”

At this moment, Ling Feng has a big cloak, covering the handsome and aggressive face, and this is Yan Zhuling also can not see through, but did not expect the cloak brother will appear at this time. "

Come and wait for a god! ”

Ling Feng said calmly, he knows that the Tsundere Bird will definitely come over, at least to determine the safety of each other.

"Who are you waiting for?"

Yan Zhuling’s glimpse is full of expectation. The one who can wait for this character is necessarily a terrible figure, and if he can get it into the flooded ruins, it is a merit.

"It should be coming soon!" Ling Feng said with a smile.

Sure enough, when there was not much Lingfeng, the Hongyuan Dojo ushered in a god, also with a big cloak. Although similar to Ling Feng’s cloak, people can still distinguish it. "

Is it him? "Yan Zhuling is stunned. I didn't expect the cloak to wait for the cloak god."


Ling Feng got up and said to Yan Zhuling. "There are no problems in these days?"

Do you still care about this? Yan

Zhu Lingjiao said with a smile. "The Dojo has problems every day. Other Dojos are suppressing us. Although your battle has eased a few points, it is not enough."

The opponent is very powerful? Ling Feng asked.


Yan Zhuling said with a sigh. "At present, some top talents are born, the challenge is normal, and I am weak, and it is necessary to be targeted by them, but I can still control the current situation."

"Yeah!" Ling

The wind doesn't want to be too careless, and said indifferently.. "Let's check it out and see which forces are more suitable. Passive defenses always suffer. If you want to fight, you will hurt them."

"No problem, I will let people check!"

Yan Zhuling’s eyes suddenly became bright and excited. Obviously, this character is not satisfied with the passive challenge, but has to take the initiative to hit the door. This is very beneficial to the Hongdao Dojo. It is time for other Dojo to know that their characters cross the Dojo. Will be invincible.

If Ling Feng really pushes a dojo, then those Taoist characters should think twice and be more cautious and jealous.

and. she was

Knowing the meaning of Ling Feng, he wants the information of the top geniuses, masters the time when they are born, and then does not waste any time to challenge, this is a very strong voice.

She found that the current Lingfeng seems to be different from before, and the wild-like momentum is showing his proud attitude. Take

He still has some taboos before!

At the moment, the taboo disappears and goes straight ahead! he

It is the sword of the sheath! Ling

After the wind was finished, he left the Hongdao Dojo with the Tiaojiao Bird and found a hidden place. Then he flew down and used the empty space and body space to completely seal the world.

"Are you empty, they are all right?" asked the proud bird.

"It should be fine. Although they are a little late, they have already lost their bodies." Ling Feng was the forehead.

"Is there any trouble?" asked the Tsundere bird. He pointed to the dragon. They overturned their tomb and tore open their space. This is a big hate. It is estimated that he must have thousands. Miles to kill. "

trouble? Ling

The wind said with a smile: "He dares to come."

"Hmm?" A singular bird, some puzzling, Ling Feng does not seem to be afraid of the dragon. call


In the next moment, a pot of dragon blood appeared in front of him, red and clear, magnificent like an endless treasure patchwork together, dazzling, and in it is exudes a sense of heaven, prove that this blood is from the dragon from. "

Are you right on him? "proud

After the bird was over, the bird was full of surprises. He did not expect that after they left, Ling Feng did not leave. "

Yes! Ling

The wind said with a smile. "But you don't have to worry, although the dragon is a god, but it was once, now the power is equivalent to the god, but the body is too strong."


"This is the two heavenly figures who came out. Although it is the essence of the dragon, but I think this is more suitable for you." Ling Feng explained. "

Just the **** level? ”

A singular bird, and then licking the chest, know that they should be the blood of the dragon, do not need the wolf. "

Yes! ”

Ling Feng said a bit dull. "I used to guess that I didn't want you to take risks."

But do you know that if you bleed, how many people will go crazy? "The proud bird said with anger. "When I am, I can at least share the point for you." ”

"I know." Ling

The wind said with a smile: "I have two heavenly figures, and it’s just a waste of nothing."


The petite bird indulged for a moment, then asked: "Will there be a problem on the side of Shou Tianshan?"

will not! ”

Ling Feng said with certainty that he knew that the Tsundere Bird asked if the tomb of Shoutianshan would be discovered by other gods, and then alerted the top 16 power figures. At that time, they would really check it out and they would definitely find them. On the body. "

why? "The proud bird is even more awkward.." Have you erased the breath of Shou Tianshan? ”

"not at all!"

Ling Feng said with a smile. "I feel that there is only one soul who is more anxious than us. If we let the 16 top powers discover that we are at most exposed, and he is more dangerous, he is eager to erase than any of us. That breath."

Then do we want to guard? ”

The arrogant bird is clear, this is an excellent opportunity to know that the dragon will return to wipe out the breath, as long as they guard it can be oysters.

"No!" Ling

The wind solemnly said: "That is the **** of heaven, even the two heavenly characters are unbearable, we can't do it, but I think he will find it soon. At that time, we will talk to him again. Is it better?" ”

"What do you mean?" asked the arrogant bird. "

There is one gatekeeper in the sky! ”

Void road. Ling

The wind succumbs back to the main body, which makes the king and the spirit in front of the main building secretly relieved. They are really worried that Lingfeng did not come back in time and was stared at by the dragon. It was a big trouble.

"What happened after that?" The king was keenly aware that Ling Feng's face was wrong.


Ling Feng said faintly. "It’s just a slap in the virtual sky with the proud bird to prevent problems."

It turned out to be the case. ”

The three gods talked for a while, and the king and the spirit could not wait to leave. They got so many treasure resources, although they were far from the wind, but it was also a shocking thing. If they could study thoroughly and digest, they would go straight. A big step.

thus. he

They are eager to study and want to take this step as soon as possible.

Looking at the king and the spirits, Ling Feng only went to the Dongfu. There was no suffocating gas here, it was empty, but it was not completely abolished. As long as the emperor was still there, it could slowly gather the scent of the wild. . "

Falling rain, you have to trouble you! Ling

When the wind comes to the rain, the things that will happen in the virtual heavens will come out one by one. For the king and the spirit, he needs to hide some things. For the rain, there is absolutely no need for this. "

Brother, you are amazing! "The rain is sincere."

"The rain is also very powerful, and the next thing will bother you." Ling Feng said with a small head that slammed the rain. "That is the treasure of Tianzun, unusual. I think you can find several gods that suit you." Things."

Ok! "drop

The rain was at the forefront, and then she was so excited. She had long wanted to go further, but because of her ethnicity, her martial arts were destined to be different from Lingfeng.

next moment.

They flew to the altar, and thus entered the virtual heaven, opened the treasure hunt, and with the spirituality and the sense of the rain, after entering the virtual heaven, several kinds of gods were discovered. Although the **** has been born spiritual, as long as it is found I just want to escape the hand of Ling Feng. drop

Rain Lord God, Ling Feng main power!

Under the strength of the two characters, those disappearing treasures are “returning” quickly, and in the rain, it is indeed found that several suitable for her can accelerate her to take a big step, and more and more treasures appear. Let the spirit of Ling Feng become hot.

"It's time to build a world!"

In the days after, Ling Feng flew out of the virtual sky with the falling rain, and let Qin Feng, who was in retreat, be born, and sprinkled it to the virtual star, casting the world with endless resources. It is this step that is against the gods. The murderous knife opened to the starry sky of the virtual star. &bp;(

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