Supreme Demon

Chapter 1024: Road level mission!

&bp; Pingtian pot! This

It’s a shocking day! according to

It is said that this Tianguo once belonged to a powerful Tiandao figure. It used the Pingtian pot to dazzle the eyes, how many characters fell on this pot, how many wizards were black face, that one belongs to a pot. and

just now! This

The mouth of the pot is born again, a strong mess, with the ability to disintegrate the power of heaven, ignoring the space defense, directly hit, let you be able to withstand, are falling in this pot. not

Undoubted! This

The mouth of the pot is too big, even if it is the top 16 forces to pay attention to, which means that the "Ximen Yixian" is of extraordinary origin, otherwise you will get these weapons? "

Terrible! ”

Yan Zhuling sighed coldly, but did not expect that this arrogant "Yi Xian" actually had such arrogant capital.

"Pingtian pot, how many times can you be born?"

The old road is full of envy, this Tianguo is too windy, the attitude of the gods is more handsome, and it is even more mad, some gods, if someone asks, how the five gods fell, they should how to explain?

A pot?

Is this estimated to be more uncomfortable than killing them?

I don't know if the five gods will leave any psychological shadow after waking up.

"What is the origin of this Yixian?" asked an old deacon.


Even if this question is not answered by Yan Zhuling, the cloak is even more blunt and unfamiliar with this, which makes her very helpless.

"Pingtian pot was born, but why was he so badly beaten by the goddess before?"

It is a place that people can't figure out. If he had previously sacrificed the Pingtian pot, it would be the goddess who was afraid of the tragic, but he did not do so, but flew directly until he was completely passive, even offering a flat pot. No time at all.

“Is there any tricky thing in this?” Some gods smelled something different. "

You don't understand! ”

At this moment, a young man’s faint opening, with a sense of madness in his demeanor: "Do you know who the goddess is?"

do not know! ""

One of the four wizards in the Guanghan Palace! "The young voice with a vibrato, explain." "Guanghan Palace was the second force 100 years ago. All four can be ranked in the top 16, but this day's war has not yet begun, but the goddess is terrible. After she appeared, even the other three Wizards in the Guanghan Palace were born with jealousy! ”

"so smart?"

The gods were horrified, and they did not expect that the goddess would come bigger.


The young man spit out a sullen gas, and this opened his mouth. "The powerful can not describe her, the potential can be shocked by the ninety-nine Tianshan Mountains, forming a terrible vision, second only to the top genius of the gods; unpredictable, Zeng Hengzheng Eight wilderness skyline; the face is fascinating, so that the characters of the Wizards are heart-warming; it is also valued by the Tianhan of the Guanghan Palace, and is included in the selection of disciples!

Of course. can

It is enough to know that the gods that are so clear should come from the Guanghan Palace, and the tone of this youth also proves this, and the strong side of the Ye Witch can only be seen by the gods of the Guanghan Palace. leaf

The witch is somewhat the same as the Lingfeng. After knowing that it can't be hidden, it will be pushed hard and completely unconcealed. The gods of the Guanghan Star, who have been playing, have not been able to recover from it until now. Do not

In the same way, Ling Feng is even more unpredictable. A kind of power is buried in the body, and the body is even more restrained and suppressed. Even the heavenly characters can't see through.

"That Ximen relies on immortals, although it is not good, but it is not enough to see me in front of the four Guanghan Palace, and I guess that the character should know her power, this is only flying." The young man said with some nervousness. "


God’s forehead, this is the only one who can explain Ximen’s reliance on Xianfei’s move. He is one of the four unpredictable people in the Guanghan Palace. Even if he uses a pan, he must pour blood, and the more intense the resistance, the more The worse you will be beaten.

Because the Pingtian pot was born, the proud birds swayed the eight wilderness and despised the gods. At this time, the gods finally calmed down and no longer laughed at them.

after all! proud

The bird lost to the goddess of the Guanghan Palace, not because it is too weak, but because the **** of the Guanghan Palace is too rich, and now the Pingtian pot has confirmed his power, in this case, only the idiot Will go up to die.


Although the Pingtian pot is a heavenly weapon, it is still very shameful to be photographed by it.


Abandoned field backyard! proud

The petite bird is looking at Ling Feng, his nose is swollen, and although the leaf witch does not have a poisonous hand, his flesh and blood is very painful. This kind of injury is only a few days before the gods can completely disappear. Display

Of course.

The Witch is to let the Tsundere bird suffer, remember this mistake. "

Are you right? ”

Finally, the proud bird opened, directly qualitative, did not give the opportunity for Ling Feng to refute, he was sure that this matter was known before the wind, but completely buried him in the drum, the typical sellers seeking glory, heavy color Friends.

"What are you talking about, I don't know." Ling Feng looked at the proud bird with a look of innocence. "

It is you! ”

Aojiao's toothache, but this can't catch the evidence, and he can't beat the wind, otherwise he really wants to go to work hard.

"Don't yell at me!" Ling Feng said, turning his eyes.

"Then explain to you and me, what is the need for the plot?" The most depressing thing about the Tsundere bird is this sentence, until now I still can't figure it out.

"She is worried!"

Ling Feng’s heart is warmer and she has not considered it. She is considering that she is considering the whole future against God, and she is considering her own safety. This

A woman is worth waiting for and guarding with her life.

"What are you worried about?" asked the arrogant bird.

"We are worried that our identity will be exposed. Your pan is a source of evil, and my interception is a source of disaster. This kind of thing can't hold back Tian Zun, and the Shou Tianshan is erased by the dragon, but only 16 top forces. After careful investigation, you will be able to find clues."


If they find us and point their finger at the anti-God, then our intentions will be completely exposed, and by then we will not be alive. ""

What does this have to do with my arrogance? "Aojiao bird asked depressed."

"First, she is angry, which means that we were too risky before; second, she is trying to dispel people's guess as much as possible. We are too close, it is easy to make people guess, and her appearance is even more Deliberately let people ignore us."

Now, what else do you want to ask? ”


and also? ""

Have! "proud

The bird said affirmatively.

"Then ask you!" Ling Feng was a bit speechless. "

Will they come over and beat me? Asked the arrogant bird, this is a very serious problem, Ye witch first hands, then other women will also start, he is afraid.

"No!" Ling Feng said with great certainty. "

why? "A proud bird."

Because she has already played! "Ling Feng smiled and said."

Is that the case? ”

"That's it!"

Therefore, after the separation from Lingfeng, the proud bird escaped quite decisively and easily stopped entering the virtual sky. It was very uncertain that the wind was so sure in this kind of thing.

"I want detailed information on the 16 top power figures!"

When leaving the Hongdao Dojo, Ling Feng said to Yan Zhuling that he knew what Yan Zhuling needed, but he also hoped that Yan Zhuling knew what he needed.

"no problem!"

Yan Zhuling readily agreed to it. This is not difficult for the abandoned roads. The real strength and situation of the top people may not be inaudible, but the most basic situation is not a problem.

and. Ling

The wind is so open that it means that if those characters have not yet been born, they will directly hit the door to challenge, and this is exactly what Yan Zhuling hopes to see.

In this era of lowland, they need a challenge to crush other dojos.


Heavy building! which is

It is at night, it is still brightly lit, like a white, and the characters going to Wanzhonglou are not in the minority. Not every **** does not expect the secret of the empty road, at least those mountain villages and the virtual star neutral. The **** of power is still very much looking forward to seeing the top secrets.

In fact.

It is the oriental poetry, the oriental Yingyu, etc., which also pay attention to the top secrets of the empty road. If it can be obtained, and the secrets of the oriental clan will reflect each other, a more magnificent practice will be born. only


Wanzhonglou is too vast, every weight is different, and independent of each other, the gods are not surrounded by each other, so they will not be affected when selecting tasks, and no one will know the contents of the secret. this


Ling Feng is standing in the second heavyweight of Wanzhong Building. In front of him, all the roads are shining, and the same kind of lights are in the same light. In that light, there is a book in this light, especially on the center road. The fire is boiling, like boiling water, and in it is floating an ancient book, thin as a flap, misty, so that people can not see the original record. Road

Level mission!

In this building, there is only one Taoist task, but there are nine heavenly figures. For the heavenly character Ling Feng, he already knows the depth. The fox’s phantom space is indeed terrible, but it is restrained.


The Taoist missions are completely different. There are not many gods who can complete the Taoist missions in the history of the void. As long as they are all terrible figures, there are many of the three clan and the empty gods, while other powers It is extremely rare, especially the **** of the mountain village, and only four or five gods can complete it in the history of the void.

"It's really what people look forward to."

Ling Feng did not hesitate, strode forward, passed through the heavenly figures, and went straight to the Taoist mission. Then he reached out and picked up the ancient book between the lights. but

! on

At this time, the ancient book is bright, forming a terrible virtual light to the Lingfeng, like a poison dragon, which is equivalent to the power of the second-level gods, and will annihilate the hands of Ling Feng.

"Prohibited?" Ling

The wind was shocked, and the hands were quickly pulled back, and then the empty holes were lighted, and the strong light was pressed against the virtual light, which was disintegrated and directly penetrated the past and extended to the thin book like a flap.

good night. &bp;(

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