Supreme Demon

Chapter 1032: Refining the gods!

&bsp; before the Jade Gods! Ling

The wind bans the space and hides it. It is waiting for the miracle to appear, and they are also curious about the jade **** cave. If they can evacuate the treasure resources, it will be for the future. Great creation. Do not

Over. he

They are more cautious. The atmosphere here is very wrong. The Yushen Dongfu is full of bans. It is immediately disintegrated when it is slightly touched. At this point, Lingfeng looks more thorough, and the **** map is not covered. but

! also

Without waiting for them to appear, the gods quickly moved forward and died more quickly, which made the two gods somewhat speechless. Of course

and. on

When they are leaving, the appearance of the mask **** is to make the eyes of Ling Feng and Death shine. It is not because the mask **** appears at this moment, but not the strength of the mask god, but because of its way. The two words that came out.

Refining God!

Although his voice is light, but it falls in the ears of Ling Feng and Death, it is a frying pan, and the loud noise is shocked!

and. that

The mask **** is detained by the gods and bones. What is meant by the gods? "

Really they are! "dead

God licks his mouth and looks at the mask. The **** is like a prey. It is only a sinister god. He is also a creature born of the dead, but the situation is completely different from other bones.

Therefore, he feels more empathy and hates the refining of the gods!

"This refining the door is a bit interesting!" Ling

The wind said with a smile. "They are weak, and it is too difficult to kill other gods. Therefore, they will release the sea of ​​jade gods and wait for it here. As long as other gods appear here, they want to take away the endless treasure resources. They are annihilated, and they are leaking."

Get something for nothing! This

It is the intention of refining the gods!

Moreover, the mask **** is still so skillful, not only detaining the bones of the gods, but also not touching the prohibition of the Yushen Dongfu, proving that he is not the first thing to do. "

It’s really poisonous! Ling

The wind is cold and cold. "When you have been for so many years, God knows how many gods and bones they get, and if these bones are completely refining, it will be a **** storm."

"The kill!" said the death of the blood.

"This kind of magic is the most terrible, you must kill!" Ling Feng forehead, Shen Yan said after a while. "It is not easy to refine the body of the gods, even in this sea, want to have endless resources, they It’s not too small to pay, it’s more difficult than they get the gods!”

"Do you want to detain him now?"

God looked at the mask **** coldly and felt that if he could be detained, he should be able to ask more clearly.

"Slightly safe!" Ling

The wind said with a smile: "He is very important to us, and we don't know if there is any ban on him, especially the soul sea. If you are amazed, it will be endless."

"Yes, then we will wait a few days!"

Death knows the meaning of Ling Feng, a small fish in the district, you must not be confused by the gas, you have to wait!

Wait for the **** to get enough oracle bones! Wait

That **** returned to the refining door! Wait

The sea of ​​death appeared in front of them! and

And. he

They waited for a few months, and they were not in a hurry. As long as they found the old nest of the refining gods, they would be able to flatten them all. In the process, Lingfeng had to know more about the secrets of refining the gods.

Time is in a hurry! he

This is a month!

In this month, several gods appeared, and they wanted to break into the cave of Yushen, so they directly slammed into the jade **** ban, and the ban was directed against the soul of the gods. Even the gods of the gods level were in front of the jade **** ban. It is necessary to disintegrate the smoke in an instant. and

After the death of the gods, the mask **** came from afar and landed in front of the cave. "

Eight gods, one of them is a four-level god, not to worry about my two months! "that

The mask is full of smiles in the voice of the gods, stroking the bones of the **** that day, like touching the hand of a lover, the gesture makes Ling Feng nausea, the **** is still shameless? too

Over metamorphosis!

You look at how normal he is. After he has bowed his head, he has never done this kind of thing. It is just passionate.

"Before killing him, first kill his hand!"

The sinister saying is that he all dislikes the mask god, feels too perverted, and the hand is touching the face of the corpse, the mask **** is full of affection, which makes the **** of death feel the hair, I want to smash it. Drop it.

If the hand touches him, it is estimated that he will blow up now! "

It makes sense! Ling

The spirit of the wind is stunned, and the spirit of every character in the refining of God is distorted. Humanity is perverted, otherwise it will not do such a thing of anger.

of course. he

They finally breathed a sigh of relief. The mask **** did not wait for it all the time. Otherwise, God knows when he will wait?

just now!

The mask **** finally has to leave here, and this is what Lingfeng and Death are most looking forward to. It is obvious that the mask gods talk about going back, naturally it is to return to the sea of ​​death, as long as they find there, Ling Feng can directly fight.


In the mask **** is very cautious, before leaving, it is to annihilate the breath of the surrounding, but also to open up the space, to see if there is a god, this is to let Ling Feng slightly forehead, if there is no such alertness, fear that the sea of ​​death has long been found.


His body space is different, not in the first three spaces, but in the ninth heavy space, which is not visible to the mask god.

call out! under

At that moment, the mask **** god lightning disappeared, and the space was directly torn away in the distance, the speed is very fast, equivalent to the inch level, which is to make the death of God scared, only one level of the gods have such a speed, then the top figure of the gods? "

Ling Shao, he is flying! "dead

God is about to chase, but finds that the old **** of Lingfeng is there, and there is no meaning to chase it out.

"Slightly safe!"

Ling Feng looked at the distance. At this moment, the **** figure burst into a burning sacred rainbow. Even though the space was separated, the trace of the **** of the mask could be clearly captured, and then the mask **** was not seen as “going back”. sheet

After the engraving.

The mask **** flew back again, quickly looked around, and tore open the space for viewing. After discovering that there was no other **** tracking, I couldn't help but grin, and then the lightning disappeared and went straight into the distance. "

So cautious? ”

The **** of death is stunned. He did not think that the mask gods would turn back. If they chase it out one step at a time, it will definitely be discovered at that moment. It will be very troublesome to find the sea of ​​death.

"Not careful enough!"

Ling Feng said with a smile. "Of course, it depends entirely on the pattern. Although he is cautious, he can see too little, but he does not know the real powerful people. Will he only hide in the triple space?"

"Strength by strength!"

Can we chase now? "Death toe, asked with a smile.

"Wait!" Ling

The wind smiled and said, we made him more cautious. fruit

Of course. that

After the gods flew out of the field, the gods changed direction and appeared in another space. After a few days, they turned back. After eight days, he determined that no one had followed, and this was going straight in one direction. "

The sea of ​​death is in that direction! "This

At that time, Ling Feng directly tore the space and quickly moved forward. They did not fly out of the ninth heavy space, but galloped among them, while the **** figure binoculars looked through the void and kept the mask **** in its eyesight range. Inside.

however. which is

It was discovered that no one was tracking, and the mask **** was also very vigilant. He had been squatting back in the sea, and he wanted to kill him directly. Does he know that this is very disrespectful?

but. Health

Gas is angry, but they are not impatient, but waiting.

After half a month. that

The speed of the mask **** is obviously much faster, which means that he is already approaching the sea of ​​death, which makes the wind and death become colder, and the body is shrouded in the body and directly integrated into the space. call out


The next day.

The mask of the gods flashed and disappeared into the sea, and when Lingfeng and Death traced here, they did not find the figure of the **** of the mask, which meant that he completely disappeared into the Bohai Sea.

"Let him run away?"

The **** of death looked at the empty sea, and his brows were wrinkled. They waited so many days and suffered the bird of the **** of the mask, but now they are lost, making him a little impatient and angry. "

not at all! Ling

The wind said with a smile: "His previous direction is not the sea of ​​death, but here!"

Qimen? "dead

God is not stupid, and I think of it in an instant.


Lingfeng flew directly to the bottom of the sea, where the endless reefs were found, but the reefs were very ordinary. Although they became extremely strong under the pressure of seawater, only this kind of reef could not form a strange door.

"Not here?" A glimpse of death.


"Where is that?"

space! Ling

The wind pushes forward with both hands, the hollow power shines, tearing a heavy space in the sea, and when the fourth heavy space appears, the whole space becomes completely different, and the altars appear in front of them. The altars are very old, like a lamp, dispelling darkness and illuminating the entire space. in

Each of the altars is embellished with a dZi, emitting a majestic energy, and on that day, a picture of the **** is engraved around the bead, and the figure of the **** spreads around, forming an ancient gate. this


The gate of Naki Gate shines, the momentum is weak, and it is the same space, covering a radius of five hundred miles, and the space light curtain is the starting point of splashing, like a storm falling over the space, very beautiful and magnificent.


It is such a strange door that leads to the most **** and sturdy place. It is undoubted that the end of this strange door should be the refining of the gods!

"Are we past?"

God first looked at the Qimen, and after not discovering any danger, he asked Ling Feng. "

No! Ling

The wind said solemnly. "I don't know where the end is, but I don't know if the end is in the center of the refining door. If we rush like this, it may be unlucky, it would be better to keep the door here!" &bsp ;(

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