Supreme Demon

Chapter 1062: Parallel with Tianjiao!

Daokong Dongfu!

This is exactly two levels of Dongfu, and even if it is a heavenly cave, it is precious and precious. Only the true Geishic is qualified to live in this empty road. Only three gods can be in this year. live.

They are Oriental Yingyu, Zhou Qitian, and Shangguan.


People never thought that one day, the mountain village gods can also live in Daokongdong, which is a real blow for them.

The fourth inhabitable **** is Ling Feng!

This was previously laughed at by them. I felt that even if this idiot would suppress them and expel them, it would be a happy occasion. Before Ling Feng did not open his mouth, as if he did not want to see their offended faces, which made them more arrogant and even more proud. There are still people who taunt.

just now!

Ling Feng is a big fan, there is no baggage, but let the rain, Qin Feng and others pack half a mile, but also "walk" in the sacred cave house, the heavenly cave house, let the sacred gods know that they will move out of the sacred cave house, fly to Daokong Dongfu.

This is the show of red fruit!

This is a big blow to the red fruit!

The imaginary stars who had previously ridiculed the lingering winds now want to vomit blood. Those gods who are shopping for the sacred caves want to die. They thought that as long as they got the sacred cave, the gap would not be opened. There is still a chance.


They are so innocent and ridiculous, just a sacred cave house will let them bleed, and they will do their best, and Lingfeng is the wind and light to pick up the next empty cave house. This is the Taoist potential for Lingfeng. Do you agree?


The news will be resounded. It is not the recognition of the Taoist potential, but the challenge of the wind to the gods of the stars, and after the sacred cave house, the Taoist temples that were exchanged for those who have been released.


It’s not just a cave house, but a whole ten cave houses!

In an instant.

To the virtual star, the gods completely lost their voices. I don’t know how to open them. Many gods are depressed and vomiting blood. The **** Lingfeng really dared to negotiate with Dao, and used their Dongfu to change the empty house.

"Damn, he just played one game, then he exchanged for the empty hole!"

"He didn't pay anything, it was completely changed with our Dongfu!"

"Isn't it all the caves that can be replaced by ten empty caves?"

To the virtual star statues are fighting chicken blood, grievances against Ling Feng, but the heart is deep and powerless, the ten cave houses that people exchanged for strength, why not arrogant?

"Hey, Daodongdong, I am afraid that he will not be able to hold it!"

An old **** yin measured and laughed and said: "There is no emptiness in the cave. Any **** is a genius. If you want to be on the same level, he will be suppressed."

"The three Wizards of this session, the last two Wizards, and the three wizards of the previous session... If these characters are serious, can Lingfeng adhere to the geometry?"


To the virtual star gods is the protagonist of the Daokong Dongfu. Over the years, few mountain village stars and gods can live in the Daokongdong house, and the virtual star is inhabited by two or three people every 50 years. How do the winds and the kings of the king compete?

They will be bombarded sooner or later, and now they will see when the gods will do it to him.


Just as they were talking about it, another news was revealed, and they were so speechless that they were speechless. Fairy Cave House!

This is the name of the cave house taken after the poetry of the East, but now it is the cave house of the evergreen tree. It is called the only cave house that can survive in the mouth of the demon king, and is the only cave house that is not targeted by the gods.

The oriental poetry is also moving, and it is even more shocking to go to Daokong Dongfu.

Just because.

People know that the oriental poetry chose to shoot at the moment of rain and death, suppressing Cao Yan for a moment, let the rain have a chance to hide in the strange door of Ling Feng, otherwise it has been killed by Cao Yan, and now Ling Feng is using this Way to be grateful.

what does this mean?

In this position, the oriental poetry is more inclined to Lingfeng. Although people are not happy, they are afraid to speak out. Who dares to say something to the powerful Oriental clan? Therefore, only hate can be opposed to Ling Feng.

"150 men!"

The oriental poetry looked at the distance, the faint opening. When Ling Feng opened, she knew that the whole negotiation process, the Taoist must be down, and paying some empty caves to get the trust of the entire starry sky.

This step is worthwhile for the empty road, but Ling Feng got more, but she did not think that it was the ten empty temples.

This is not a virtual road too generous, but this character is too tricky.

Although at this moment, the oriental poetry does not think how clever the wind is, but feels that this is a personal thing.


Wuyue and Lingyun were completely lost, and their faces were ugly. When the truth was revealed, they almost scared to death, but more of them were the deep horror in the heart. Lingfeng was stepping to the three great wizards, even if it was They all felt the deep chill.

When Ling Feng really enters the main hole of the cave, he will be juxtaposed with Tianjiao, and boarded the Gai Daochang. After one day, he will fight with the imaginary star, and that will be a battle.

What makes them even more shocking is that Ling Feng can actually get the praise of the oriental poetry, one hundred and fifty-five men, far from the perfect score, this world is afraid that the second **** can not be found?

"Miss, do we really want to move?" Wu Yue opened his mouth and frowned.

"Yes!" said the Oriental poetry poem.

"But... this seems to be bad for us. Missy is already there." Wu Yue concealed that the identity of the oriental poetry is more sensitive, and its true IQ and force have not been displayed, otherwise it will be no less than the East. How much is Yingyu, this will make the two clan taboo.

They have been concealing, and if they are close to the two Wizards, they will be seen.

"I want to be closer to him!"

The oriental poetry smiled and said: "Hope is on him!"


Wuyue did not ask much. She knew the intention of the oriental poetry to appear here. Now the positive response of the oriental poetry means that the power of the Tao is on Lingfeng, and at the moment when Lingfeng comes, its opening She also sensed her.

His lack of response is the strongest response!

The poetry of the East is to go further. She has to be close to Ling Feng, and then she can ask the power of the Tao to be able to get the approval of Ling Feng. In this way, the Oriental clan has hope.

The road is magnificent, like silk scattered from the sky, lighting up the entire space.

In the position near the center of the Void Road, a strange mountain stands there, flowing through the years of the gods, scatters the momentum of the road, the terrain here is more solid, the space here is more terrible.

Here is the road! The pattern is the same as that of the virtual sky-dong house. At the top of the mountain is the cave house, the mountainside is the sacred cave house, and the foot of the mountain is the heaven-level cave house.

the difference is.

The sacred cave house on the mountainside is not in the regional situation, but in the back and forth, like a serpentine, the grade is strict, this is reflected in the heaven-level cave house, and each five blocks form a level, a total of ten levels.

it's here.

The sacred atmosphere and the sinister atmosphere are more eye-catching, and you can smell this power in your breath. If you practice in the Dongfu, you can’t say that it’s a thousand miles, and it’s no wonder that it’s more precious than the virtual sky.


When Ling Feng and others appeared, they did not alarm any gods. The entire empty temple was unprecedentedly calm. The three wizards of the present are all retreating and honing, not here, and the last **** was performing the task. Wait, as for the last Tianshen, there is no such thing as Ling Feng and others.


In their current realm, it is "not enough" qualification to challenge Ling Feng, at least until Ling Feng asks the five-level god, and even the six-level **** can challenge.


Ling Feng and others stayed in the empty cave house, where Ling Feng and Luo Yu lived in a cave house. There is a cave house in the king and the spirit space. There is also a death god, Qin Feng, etc., while Bai Yuheng and Tangjiu did not come in. Their identity is too sensitive, Qin Feng will release them separately.

In addition to the Dongkong Cave House of the Oriental poetry, this is only six caves. This means that there are four other caves. This makes many mountain village gods feel excited, but Ling Feng does not expressly say that they also I dare not ask questions.

It is Wang Yuan who dare not speak to the king. The king can get a hole house. It is that they are able to get the blood of the gods and the gods to give endless blood, and what about him?

At that time, just sitting on the sidelines, can you send him a hole in the character of Ling Feng?

"At this moment, we are juxtaposed with Tianjiao!"

Ling Feng smiled faintly, and when he really felt the smog of the cave in the cave, he was relieved that it was indeed more shocking than the sacred cave house, and they were the second and third grades in the heavenly cave. The Dongfu all won, and it is estimated that those who are the imaginary stars will know the red eyes.

"Ling Shao, this is the figure of Tianjiao!"

Miao Jiao Jiao smiled, until this moment she was fortunate, how important the original choice, the charm followed the oriental poetry, but not much, and she followed Ling Feng is too much.

Ling Feng is not always in Dongfu, so the resources here can be fully enjoyed. This is the true truth of Ling Feng, and here the whisper can be called a thousand miles, progress God, has to ask the true state of God.

"I am relatively low-key, and most people really can't see it." Ling Feng laughed heartily.


He walked to the main building, where the **** of death, Qin Feng, and the rain were waiting. They knew that Ling Feng had already got the waters of the **** of death. Now that he is afraid of something to do, this step is against the gods.

"Send the message back to the stars every day!"

Ling Feng directly spoke and said: "Let Yang Yaoyao come over and carry the real essence of the defiant, no matter how much the price, I want them to come here, I want you to ask the sky in the sea of ​​death!"


Ps.. Too sleepy tonight, I squatted and then overdone.

Cough, can only be one more.

Normally updated tomorrow, we will explode for a few more days next Monday.

good night.

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