Supreme Demon

Chapter 1064: The tragedy is staged!

Yang is a powerful person!

After knowing the precise news, he knows the purpose of Ling Feng. The sea of ​​death will be the first step against God. If you want to cast a strange door, it is not enough to rely on Lingfeng.


Casting is very important, and with their help, the gods can cast their own strange doors faster.

It’s a fierce battle.

The anti-God's elite characters flew to the virtual star, the whole process is bound to be very slow, they do not have the degree of Lingfeng and others, and there is no strength of Lingfeng and others, but in terms of consumption is more horrible, every day is astronomical, Even if these resources are provided by the questioning, it is still a distress to the people.


This is an inevitable step, just because they want to start the situation in the stars, they need such consumption!


Daokong Dongfu!

After releasing the news, Ling Feng would not let Qin Feng and Death wait for further delay. Instead, they will release them directly. They will swim in the sky and choose excellent seas to cast Qimen. He is a big man who prevents Daozun. Attention, I have been sitting in Daokongdong.

at the same time.

He let the rain prepare, although the empty road did not talk about the problem of falling rain, but Ling Feng did not underestimate the ambition of the forces of the virtual star. As long as there is an opportunity, those forces must bite the rain.


Falling rain is too eye-catching in the empty road, and Ling Feng can't stay with her at all times. It is difficult to suppress the situation with the strength of the king and the spirit. Therefore, in the empty road, the rain is always in danger. It is safest to send it to the waters of Death.


Just when the empty road was boiling and not ending, the virtual Tianyu was born with more embarrassing things. When Lingfeng knew this thing, he was so sad that these gods were so sad.

He suppressed many gods, it was just the beginning of tragedy, and the real drama is not here.

Virtual sky!

This is the battlefield between the top 16 power gods. Not only the gods of the empty road are here, but the other fifteen power gods are also here. The difference is that the 16 top forces are completely separated by the dojo.

Like the empty road, this year's gods choose differently, some in the empty dojo, some in the Guanghan Palace, some in the beasts, and Lingfeng is in the wild, the **** is free in this respect.


Just today, the whole virtual heaven is an unusual thing. The reason is that a cloak **** appeared in the ruins of the ruins, and bluntly challenged the emptiness of the gods, please look for Yan Zhuling.

This is a wonderful thing. After all, the **** was beaten, and it should be hated by the ruins of the Tao. However, the cloak **** did not, at least did not vent the anger on the gods of the ruins.


In the meaning of being able to hate, Yan Zhuling found a emptiness **** for the cloak god. It is said that this **** is one of the six princes of this year. His strength is extraordinary. After Bai Yuheng and Tangjiu are abolished, he It is the character behind the "four" of the empty road.



This fifth one is not in the ruins of the dojo, but in another dojo. It is reported that it was only today that it entered the virtual domain. It has been recovering a few days ago. It is obviously a serious injury in the **** road, but the restoration of the gods. The ability is very strong, not to mention the fact that he uses the drug and can recover in a short time.

"Call directly!"

This is the voice of the cloak god, and then he really appeared in the dojo, directly to the dojo, and until this moment, Yan Zhuling and other talents really realized how terrible the cloak god.

Punch a god!

One foot suppresses a god!

His strong mess, completely did not put this year's gods in his eyes, just such a strong suppression, and pushed the victory to the number of ten, shocked that the characters of the dojo face gray, and this is a ecstasy .

In essence, this is a victory for the wild ruins!


The cloak gods slammed into the fifth vain of the void. Unlike the previous battles, the cloak **** did not show any strength, but step by step to push the fifth vain passage to the dead end.


The next moment, the cloak gods launched a brutal inhuman killing, the fist head is the rain generally fell on the fifth body, but also directly used the seal of the ban, hit the fifth empty road.

In an instant!

The whole face of the Taoist gods was shocked. I didn't expect the cloak gods to be so hot. I used this kind of banter when I came up. This is to beat the fifth vain channel to the rhythm of death.

To know.

The virtual celestial domain is only for the virtual body, and the main body is not here, but this does not mean that what can be injured here is just a virtual body. If the opponent's power is too terrible, it can also hurt itself.

For the gods, the use of the gods is the same!

Through the virtual body, hit yourself!

Although this banned device does not let it go straight to the ground, it must really hit the key, fearing that it will be directly abolished.

"What is this hate?"

Some gods are discolored, I don’t know why the cloak gods will be crazy at this time. I know that he was more kind in the past, and did not kill the gods, and the fifth of the emptiness is... miserable!


The fifth fierce miserable, hit by the gods, although it is not essential, but also let it bleed, hurt itself, badly hurt, at least it takes a long time to recover.

His vain body was slowly exhausted, but the haze in his heart spread.

in case.

It’s just that this fight, people don’t feel strange. There are always things in this world that can’t be speculated. Like the cloak god, it’s afraid that the gods will offend them, and then they will die.

I have seen it before, now I have it, and there is still in the future!


The cloak **** statue is kicked off. In the next two months, the emptiness of the gods of the empty roads is alive and well, and they are suppressed in the empty road, but there is no such pressure in the virtual sky.


They think this is their dojo.


They were stunned by the terrible goddess of the Guanghan Palace, and they were destroyed by the ruin, and they were also wounded by the shackles, and they could not jump for at least half a year.


In just two games, they did not dispel the enthusiasm of the empty-air gods. They went on and entered the virtual domain.


The real tragedy is staged.

They smashed the cloak gods in the ruins of the ruins, and they were extremely miserable. They were smashed by the **** sorrows in the Guanghan Palace. They were squandered by **** scorpions, and in the beast of the beast, they were double-spaced in Yunxi. .

What is even more frightening is that in a dojo, a cold girl, she gently points out a finger, it is a rhyme, silently extinguished the smoke of them, and that rhyme straight through the heart, banned from hitting The empty road hurts their bodies.

This is the Daoqin Tianwei!

It is not only a rhyme, but also a ban, at least not prohibited by the virtual celestial domain.

Not the worst, only worse!

When they screamed in the raging Lingqing, they were frozen by the cold force. When they smashed Liu Shushu, they were torn by the scorpion, and even worse, it was as cold as the moon. It’s a enchanting creature that can be torn apart.

It directly intercepts the sky, hits the empty road, and opens the main body of the **** directly. The blood is overflowing and can't be completely restrained. If it is not suppressed by the medicinal herbs, it is feared that the **** will have to run out of blood.

Just two months.

There are as many as 30 people who have been seriously injured in the empty road. Although most of them are first-class and second-level gods, they let the third and fourth gods tremble. They don’t know what is going on, it seems to start on that day. The entire starry sky is targeting them.


The king and the spirit know that it is against the gods in the snow hate, in the venting of the dissatisfaction of the gods to the virtual star, but also in the rain, the power of the wind here is weak, but in the virtual world The power against God is tyrannical.

What makes them even more shocked is that the power that the anti-God showed at this time is not only the proud birds, the leaf witches, Ling Qing, Du Gu Yu Yue, Liu Shu Shu, etc., but also what it means?

They are able to cross the 16 top forces, and they are more able to suppress the gods of the virtual star, which has already demonstrated their extraordinary strength, even if they feel great pressure.

If these characters grow up completely, where are there other forces to live?

They will be a person!

They are destined to open a glorious page in the sky!

Needless to say.

To the virtual star, the gods are completely eclipsed, and they are not afraid of the virtual heavens. It is not their dojo, but the execution ground. The top talents of many forces are staring at them, and **** suppression is carried out whenever they appear.

In the empty road, there is one more person staring at them. As long as they dare to be born and show strong strength, they will be suppressed.

There is no way to live!


Just when they were in a heavy mood and the atmosphere was dull, there was an exciting news from the empty road. The Shangguan who had been retreating was finally born. He did not appear in the void road for the first time, but directly entered the virtual sky. Domain, you have to fight there.

"Hey, just playing!"

An old **** squinted and smiled, and the gods who had been against the gods of the imaginary stars were going to be bloody.

"Dare to bully the empty gods, and this bloody, but also use the banned ban, really when we have no genius characters in the empty road?" Some gods smiled.

"Oh, completely scrap them!"

To the imaginary stars, the gods are full of expectations, and they threaten. "I waited for the official to ask the day to return!"


They don't think that the gods can threaten the Shangguan to ask the sky, and they are more expecting that the Shangguan will come back to suppress the Lingfeng, which has been oppressing them, and completely abolish it.

"It’s really time to be born!"

Ling Feng’s eyes suddenly sharpened, and the Shangguan’s question was unfathomable. Even if he was to be cautious, it would be a little dangerous if he really married them.

"Falling rain, you are here, I want to enter the virtual sky!"

"Yeah, brother, you have to be careful!" Rainy grinned and said.

good night.

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