Supreme Demon

Chapter 1069: The World of Witches!

Three-level god! This

It is the real strength of Shangguan’s question, and it is the result of his immersion for several years. The vast power is unfolding, and the whole world seems to have collapsed at this moment. A sea of ​​heaven and earth is crushed down, and the space around it is directly on the spot. Annihilation.

The terrible airflow swayed around, attracting the horror of the gods. Is this power the positive goal of the third vain channel?

Sting! One

The Daoguangguang blasted, formed by the real dragon space, banned from the leaves of the witches, and the odds were fast and unparalleled. In the blink of an eye, they had already reached the leaf witch, and the real dragon was breathing, forming the light rain of the day. in

The black holes around it are presented, which is created to bring out the light and rain.

The light and rain are extraordinary, and this light rain can make the second heavens annihilate. It is terrible and unimaginable. You must know that this is the formation of the real dragon space. Plus the dragon breath, it is the murderous power. Of course

and. on

On the day when the light was carrying the light rain, the leaf witch was flat and forward, and the space formed by the gas field exploded at the moment, forming a punch, banned from the light rain. boom

The loud noise. four

Zhou Hedong directly annihilated, forming a gray sky, and the light of that day was blocked at this moment, and was bitten by the punch, and was quickly wiped out until it disappeared, and the punch was a step forward, playing the upper official. not


The power of this boxing is better than that of the day. Once the space formed by the gas field is in place, the power is indeed unmatched by other spaces. "

not bad! ”

Shangguan asked the arrogant smile, in this realm, he is indeed qualified to laugh at this new god, even if it is the fourth of the Guanghan Palace, as long as it has not taken the third step, there is no hope to overcome him. under

A moment. three

The space of the road is violent, and it is pressed forward to form a dragon breath. It is like three heavens shining out. Before the power is far away, at the moment when it appears, the dojo is roaring, if it is not the suppression of the imperial pattern, it is afraid that it is now Has collapsed.

And the whole void, three thousand squares, seems to be ignited by this kind of skylight, a golden piece.

They are pressing against the leaf witch, and they are to suppress it with this simple skylight, but this is not realistic. Therefore, after the three heavens fly out, the Shangguan asks the sky to move forward, and a real dragon is flying on the fist, lifelike, It’s so lifeless, like flying out of its fists. he

A punch! This

It is the punch after the sky!

"as you wish!"

The leaf witch said coldly, the body disappeared on the dojo, directly using the power of the inch, and then she was like a dragon, carrying two gas fields to meet the sky. boom

Long loud!

The whole world was trembled, and the empty road was annihilated one after another, but it was not enough. Then, the punch after the light of the day was killed in front of the leaf witch, and it was strongly defeated and smashed with its fist.


Like two giant hammers falling together, a dull bang, shocked the gods earaches, his face is amazed and white, this level of arrogance, the power is really shocking, as if it is top God is in the blood. leaf

The witch's boxing power was finally blocked, and she couldn't help but step back, and the Shangguan asked the day to stay still.


In the realm, the leaf witch is still not as good as the Shangguan, just the suppression of the realm, the leaf witch is unlikely to take the threshold, and this is the intention of the Shangguan to ask the sky, crushing with the realm.

"Secondary gods!"

The official asked the sky to understate the words, completely did not put the current leaf witch in the eyes, the potential of this woman is extraordinary, but the realm is not enough.

"Oh, three-level god!"

The witch was indifferent and laughed. She did not show jealousy because of the three-level **** of the Shangguan. Instead, she strode forward, and a sharp knife appeared in her hand. It shined with the light of autumn water, and it was more magnificent in the dojo.

The top heavenly charm is spreading from the knife, carrying the terrible power of Thunder. and


She smashed out, and the space of the gas field rushed in, making this road become horrible, and there was a might of the sea. There seemed to be a sea of ​​seas between the heavens and the earth, and it was opened by the gas field. nine

The same day!

A stab! that

The incomparable skylight and the fist were directly opened by the sharp knife, and Wei Li poured toward both sides, annihilated and disappeared into the heavens and the earth.

Shangguan asked the day to step backwards, and the shot was not slow, and it was like a knife. It fell down with a knife and greeted the sharp knife. When it was a tremor, the two knives fought in the air, bursting with the mighty power of the mountains. In an instant, the sky will be drawn into a hole. leaf

The witch is like a wind, the fairy is moving, and the Shangguan asks Tianbao to be solemn and smile.


This is just a junior confrontation, and neither of them has used all their strength. "

Second-level gods, if it is just such power, let it go! ”

Shangguan asked the sky to look at the leaf witch, and finally shook his head. The goddess still let him down, the realm is not enough, relying on the sharp knife to join together? Want

It may be enough for other gods, but it is not enough for him. "

You are not qualified! "leaf

The witch's face was indifferent, and the body disappeared between the heavens and the earth. The sharp knife quickly rushed to the official and asked the sky. On it, a phoenix flew out, and the phoenix sounded at this moment, and it was shocked for nine days. very

Fast, the **** phoenix is ​​integrated into the sharp knife, so that the sharp knife becomes unmatched. When it falls down, the void directly explodes, forming two completely different worlds.

This is Haotian! "

Unfortunately, not enough! ”

Shangguan asked Tian Tian to say that he is still trying to suppress him on his skills. Is it possible? he

We are all in the same qualification!

When his voice fell, he flew a sharp sword in his hand, which was also a heavenly level. He flew down in the wind, carrying the power of thunder and smashing, and hitting the leaf witch hard, smashing with the sharp knife in his hand. This

It is absolutely necessary to suppress on force!

but! on

At the moment of the smashing, the change suddenly occurred, and the leaf witch flew a sharp knife on the top of the head, and quickly asked the official. First

Two handles!

Double knife! This

It is the murderous power of the Leaf Witch, and is now being pushed to the extreme. thorn


Although Shangguan asked the day to suppress the first knife, he did not think that the leaf witch could display the second knife of this power. He couldn’t wait for the defense. Although he responded quickly enough, he was still smashed by the second knife. Leave a **** wound, straight to the lungs, if it is late, afraid that it can be directly opened by this knife.


Looking at the bleeding shoulder, Shangguan asked Tian's face to be extremely ugly, because he was too careless to follow the road, which made his heart stunned, completely irritated, and did not intend to give the leaf witch any chance. "

well! "he

Said: "Now warm up, I will use your blood to make up for my injury!"

Finish. he

It disappeared into this dojo. The whole person was so fast that the eyes of the gods could not be caught. Because it was too fast, both the wind and the space collapsed behind him.

next moment.

A sword rushed three thousand feet, stirred nine days of wind and rain, and stunned thousands of lightning. The lightning was a real dragon, and when it fell on the sword, it showed an invincible appearance, so that people could not help but breathe.

Nine days of thundering sword!

Although this is not the top sword skill of the Shangguan clan, it is a supreme sword skill. Once it is displayed, it can lead to a penalty, and this sword becomes a sword of heaven. Any force can be annihilated.

restraint! This

It is the focus of the nine-day thundering sword!

The power from the yang to the right, can not be evil, can not be water and fire, as long as it is born, it is necessary to exhaust all blood and soul.


Ye witch's face is unchanged, with a double knife to suppress, playing a phoenix phoenix, soaring in the void, and then fly to the double knife, point the gas field space, at that time the double knife is qualitatively changed, one handle is like the ink The magical soil, while the other handle is a holy god.


The double-knife carries the magical earth of the gods and rushes to the nine-day thundering sword.


The waves blew up and overwhelmed, and nine days seemed to be crushed into soil in this force, and the field was more roaring, and the **** pattern shines without ignoring the light, and the **** stone that supports the emperor is being consumed quickly. Yan Zhuling is distressed.

Wan Wandao, it is completely formed by space debris, so people's vision is blocked, and they do not know the real battle situation. Boom


After a while, Ye Witch took a step backwards, his face was slightly white, only the second-level god, in strength is still too weak, the power of the nine-day thunder sword is large, but not as good as her double knife, but because the Shangguan asked the heaven realm is high enough Even if he has not used the full force of the nine-day thundering sword, he has already repelled it. This

Is the gap in the realm! "

The gas field space is nothing but restraint! "on

The official asked the sky to say indifferently, which made the people around the world scream, and feared that only a few celestial priests, such as Shangguan, would dare to say this? If they are afraid, they will be directly suppressed by the gas field.

"The third-level **** is really a headache!" Ye Witch muttered to himself, like a character like Shangguan Tiantian is really not easy to deal with. "

That would be even more a headache! "on

The official asked the day to start the second day of the nine-day thundering sword. The sword broke out and turned upside down. The terrible airflow violently swooped toward the leaf witch, like a mountain, and the gas field was like the sea.

Karaoke! day

In the Shenyun cloud, under the subduction of eighteen thunder, directly blasting to the leaf witch, while on the ground there are eighteen thunders, while the Shangguan asked the sky to fly in the air, bathing in the thunder and battle . three

Sixteen thunder!

This second heaven, even the third-level gods appear to be seconds! but


At that moment, Ye Witch was faint and laughed, and a sharp knife broke out directly, greeted the skyless thunder, forcibly penetrated four heavenly thunders, and then on that day, Lei and Shangguan asked the day to be killed. At that time, the handle on the top of her head was bursting, releasing a massive immortal momentum. and also

It was at that moment.

The gas field of the Witch's body changes, no longer confined to two, but directly appears three, the intertwining of the gods and the magic soil, forming the gossip **** figure running on it, this is the third space, it is her Ultimate power. three

God of the heavens!

Who is not?

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