Supreme Demon

Chapter 1074: Anti-God space!

The situation that is created with endless resources and the situation that is honed between life and death! that

It is totally different.

Only in the blood and between life and death can the most sharp force be polished. The Shangguan asked the heavens to be the Shangguan clan genius, the blood killed the endless martial arts, and cast the bleeding light, but it was because he stood behind him.

thus. he

Still in the greenhouse, there is no courage and opportunity to ask questions during life and death. The natural strength he polished out is indeed terrible in front of the gods next to him, but in front of the characters such as Ye Witch, they are not enough to see. Want


Against the gods step by step, there are too many wars, in the Shenwu University 6, on the stars, in the stars, in the stars, there are Star Road, Tiangu Road, and other top dojo, the anti-God is a step in life and death Step by step to the present, they did not rely on the big tree, relying on their thin body to prop up this day.

and. image

The characters such as Ling Feng and Ye Witch are still moving forward with the whole anti-God. The pay is where the Shangguan asked the sky to imagine. It is not only the question of life and death, but also the endless pressure.

Only such a huge pressure can force a more extraordinary potential, Ye Witch is like this, Ling Feng is like this. because


Shangguan asked for a natural defeat.

"Is she really so terrible?" asked Shangguan.

"Until now you still can't see through!" the old man sighed and said. on

The official asked the sky to frown slightly, looking at the old character, suddenly the eyes were gray, and this moment he really understood the meaning of the old man, until now he still can not see the leaf witch, and the opponent completely despised him.

what does this mean? that

The Witch of the Leaf is indeed a character that he is still unable to match now. It is not so terrible to see it through it gradually.



The official asked the sky to get up, and bowed down to the old man, solemnly said: "Ask the world to be tempered, let yourself become stronger!"


The old man said, "Before the war, let yourself be more important than anything else. You can safely temper. I will deal with other things. Also, don't worry about it at this moment. The pattern is broad enough. The future is still far away."

Yes! "...


Time is in a hurry! Do

Guan, it’s been a long time since the battle of the sky, but the record of Ye Witch is still alive and shocking the gods, and even more awakening many celestial figures, let them know how terrible the real battle is, and work hard in that direction. .

To know.

Not every arrogant can reach the level of the characters such as Ye Witch and Shangguan Qiaotian, and the top Tianjiao is able to see many questions in this battle. The Shangguan asked Tiantian to do his best, and the Ye Witch has not yet .

She is hiding! that

What is the prohibition for hiding? What is the point?

Needless to say. leaf

The witch's hiding lies in the heavenly war, and the more terrible ban is prepared for them, so they must be extra careful, and any one of the heavenly witches will be trembled. this

The sixteen top forces that have come to calm have become calmer now.

The top figures are all in retreat, getting closer and closer to the battle of the sky, and each step of the gods takes too much time. Under the pressure of the leaf witch, any Tianjiao must pay attention and force them to take a step as soon as possible. . because


They have no intention to pay attention to other things, especially the three gods of the empty road. The Shangguan asked that the confidence of the heavens has been broken. At present, there is no threat to Ling Feng, and Dongying Yingyu is not going to start with Ling Feng. Their intentions More importantly, as for Zhou Qitian, there is no more meaning for Ling Feng. For him, it is more important to suppress the Shangguan. and

This suppression is a battle of the sky! Wu

The crushing on the force is often more direct than the intelligence! its

How does his **** think about it, it has no effect on Ling Feng, he just keeps his own rhythm, every step is very solid, and these days he has been studying Tianyuan, want to find out the space of refining as soon as possible. "

Not too much trouble! "Two

After a month, Ling Feng's eyes shined with the light, slowly rising, looking at the distant Tianyu, his mouth faintly laughing, he tried his best to study, the problem naturally has a solution.

What's more.

Alchemy and the caster have similar places. Although he does not understand the details of the refiner, there is no problem in the general direction. It is difficult to ask him to cast the Qimen alone, but if there is a refiner Then it will become simpler. suddenly

Of course.

Just this day.

Ling Feng's palms are shining, and a broken blade appears from the palm of his hand. It lights up all around and brightens the eyes of Ling Feng. "

They have arrived! Ling

The sound of the wind became violent, and the gods became hot, for a few years, and now the rebellious gods are finally born at this moment, flying here as quickly as possible, only because he needs. on

With the distance between Shenwuda 6 and here, they can fly in more than two months, fearing that it is not too small. suddenly

However, Ling Feng is somewhat distressed. Anti-God is like his child. He does not care about his own efforts and hard work. However, every time he pays a point, his heart is remembering that he is distressed. but

He even wants to be able to rely on himself to be stronger step by step. "

Falling rain, how are you prepared? ”

"Brother, I am ready!" Rain responded.

"That's it!"

Ling Feng did not want to delay, the first time to release the body space, the gods feel scattered to the Quartet, especially in the Hong Kong and other big people's Dongfu, to prevent those characters from staring at them, it is a big trouble. half

noon. Ling

The wind and the gods glimpse, with the rain falling toward the front of the empty road, flying fast into the distance, but it is not the sea of ​​heaven, but the opposite direction, and in the process, try to erase the breath of the body and prevent it. There are heavenly characters to follow.辗

Turn more than ten gods!

Ling Feng has been far away from the empty road. At this time, he completely released himself. Xianli and the body are in parallel, forming a terrible turbulence, directly annihilating the surrounding, even if the Tianzun character wants to trace his breath, it takes too much effort.

after all. body

The domain space and Xianli are quite horrible, especially Xianli. Although it is still in its infancy, its annihilation is unparalleled, and it can purify this sky and make it empty. sheet

After the engraving. Ling

The wind uses the terrible sky, directly tearing open the space, and it is thirty-three heavy space, banned from flying toward the sky, the lightning is three thousand miles, and people are suffocating quickly. inverse

The gods have arrived, and the wind is so crowded that they want to find them faster.

Only a moment of effort, the wind and the rain will appear in the sky.

"Just ahead!"

After sensing the breath of the anti-God, Ling Feng became extremely ecstatic, pushing the Bohai Sea directly, and carrying the rain in that direction. call


next moment.

The sky leaves directly tearing open the space, appearing in the far corner of the Bohai Sea, and here is calm and calm, there is no wave, the sea water is ink-colored, there seems to be a strange power here, which can make the sea water discolor and affect them. The sense of the gods makes people feel that there are no creatures hidden under the sea. and


This is a very dangerous area. As long as there are hidden creatures, any gods that appear here will be unlucky. but


I have to say that the sea water here is a natural barrier, which can hide the whereabouts, which can't be traced. However, the rain is different, and the sense of the gods is sharper than the heavenly characters. It can sense the breath of the gods, even the sea here. Nor can it be suppressed.哗


Ling Feng did not hesitate to push the sea away, rushed into the dark sea of ​​water, and dive quickly until he reached the bottom of the sea.


In the dark sea of ​​ink, a martial god, a true god, a **** is standing straight, they form a neat formation, they are like a benchmark, they are powerfully sprayed on them, and they are doing their best to the sea. The pressure, they are pale, but they do their best.

They only want to wait until the arrival of the people! he

We are struggling to insist that we are not allowed to show their existence! he

They are the future of God, and this step must be adhered to even if it is filled with life! This

It is faith! hope

In this scene, Ling Feng has tears in his eyes, and there are such a number of people who can throw their heads and blood to come to the present. They use their own life and faith to achieve the great pioneering work against God. he

We are going to be alive!

Their future generations will live better!


They can only work hard forward, they have to cast their own forces. "

I am here! Ling

The wind worked hard to straighten the body, facing the reverse of the gods, the voice is not big, but spread throughout the audience!

"We are here!"

Against the gods suppressing the voice, but can not resist the excitement in the heart, they are all tired, but only because he said a word, they rushed to the endless galaxy to come here, what a stalwart strong charm? Now

Here he is here, they are also here!

No need for any hugs, no need for too many languages, he wants to say they know, they know more about what they want to express. "

I know! Ling

The wind said emotionally. "I am here to wait for you to come over!"

I will be casting a strange door here! ”

Ling Feng went on to say: "I will give this star to you, please be sure to knock it down!"


Resolutely speaking to the gods, this is an agreement between men, he strives to create the present, and they strive to achieve the future.


In the next moment, Ling Feng directly launched the devouring beads, and directly tens of thousands of rebellious gods, which rushed out of the sea level and flew into the distance. At this time, the **** of death and Qin Feng were in the body space, pointing out for Ling Feng. That can be used to build a strange door.

What makes Ling Feng happy is that Qin Feng and Death are not stupid in the past. They are very smart at this point. They pick out a few different places, choose by Ling Feng, and list their advantages and disadvantages. In detail, obviously they are very careful during this time.

"Just here!"

Finally, in a hidden sea, Lingfeng stopped, and the eyes released an endless light. "I want to cast a strange door here, and go straight to the space of refining the gods... No, it should be called the anti-god space in the future!"

Ps.. Kavinka died, can not write. on

One more.

good night.

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