Supreme Demon

Chapter 1078: Reverse God will not miss any beauty talk!

Amp; bsp; virtual sky!

This is not the second time that Ling Feng comes in, but he often gives him different feelings, just because he always comes in different places. ??? Dream? suing1a this


He appeared in a forest. The forest did not form a winding mountain, but a plain, but the forest was not only one but ninety-nine forests. The real forest was only one piece, just on the plain. Other forests are more like the reflection of this forest, presented in the void. This

It is the forest mountain! Boom


When Lingfeng appeared in the forest, the whole forest roared, the terrible sound explosion rang in the void, bursting the whole sky, and then the rest of the forest was instantly lit, completely true, and then there was another in the void. A forest, the forest is more primitive and broader.

The hundredth forest mountain!

This is the top potential, and there is only one person in the virtual sky that can appear such a spectacular scene.

Needless to say.

At the moment when the hundred forests appeared, the whole virtual heavens swept the wind, many gods rushed straight in this direction, and more gods were bright, but they did not squat, only because they knew this very well. The energy of the characters, when so many gods "encirclement and suppression" ended in failure, meaning that the character is extraordinary and difficult to find. thing

In fact, it is exactly like this. Wait

When those gods flew to the forest hills, they had already calmed down, and there was no half hair of the legendary figure. This made the gods very disappointed, and more gods felt that they should be right, if that person It's so simple that it won't make the top 16 big powers have a headache. that

They are the characters they have always wanted to find!

The problem is that the character is too cunning, until now they are still not jealous, and if they do not find out as soon as possible, this character may be the dark horse of the future, and the battle of heaven is too important for them to decide the attribution of future resources. Therefore, finding this character is imperative.

and. This

The more people can't find it, the more terrible it is, the more mysterious the identity is, the more scared the big characters are, which means that the character is unfathomable, it is like a bomb, ready to fight in the sky. Burst in the middle.

"Hey, if that person is so good, can we wait so long?"

"It's still too young!"

Some old gods made fun of laughter, even the top gods have appeared, but did not find any breath, let alone the new god. Want

know. Inch

Xianxian burst open, Xianli blessing, Lingfeng's degree can rival the top god, and he can erase any breath, which is even more difficult to find, not to mention the current Lingfeng has Tianye, as long as the birth, the whole virtual Tianyu is a tourist, even if it is a heavenly character who wants to find him. ...


Abandoned field! Yan

Zhu Ling is looking at the void. When the hundred forests were born, her eyes flashed and her mouth could not help but rise. "Will you appear?"

however. Let

When she frowned slightly, it was not until three hours later that Ling Feng still did not appear in the wild road. This is totally different from the speculation in her heart. In the past, as long as the spectacular pictures of the hundreds of strange mountains appeared, the cloak will appear. , but now...

“Did I have been wrong?” She asked herself, but could not find the answer.

Time is in a hurry. straight

After four hours, Ling Feng came in, with the tiredness of the body, appeared in front of Yan Zhuling, the eyebrows filled with a faint smile, this girl is still too tender, I want to guess in this regard, how can there be easily?

Once you find the problem, you can solve the problem. "

What did the Taoist look for? Ling Feng asked a big cloak and smiled.

"The cloak brother, I thought you would appear earlier." Yan Zhuling smiled and asked invisibly. "

I was not reconciled before, and I didn’t know when the flood was shining. When I woke up, I immediately rushed over. "Lingfeng beats the hand.. "I have already tried my best to fly, should it be late? ”

"Not late!"

Yan Zhuling’s eyes passed through the concealed disappointment. She thought that the cloak brother was the character, but the situation seemed different.

"What happened to the Lord who came to me?" Ling Feng asked indifferently. "But, find the born arrogant figure?"

"No!" Yan Zhu Lingdao.

"No?" Ling

Windy gods, sometimes a little trouble do not understand Yan Zhuling What is this?

"So what are you looking for from me?"

What time is it now? ”

Yan Zhuling did not wait until Lingfeng responded, and said: "The prelude to the war, because of the relationship between the Shangguan and the Yew, the Tianjiao characters are not willing to be born, which is equivalent to showing power to the entire starry sky. Once the power is completely exposed, then in the sky. It is easy to suffer in the war."

I know this. ”

"However, those days of arrogant characters will not be born, but their subordinates will be born at this time!"

Psychological suppression? ”

Ling Feng squinted and screamed, and on the one hand, he could sneak out some strengths, and more of them brought more psychological pressure to his opponents. Even his subordinates were so powerful, how terrible the arrogance would be. What?

And it is the so-called prelude to the sky!


Yan Zhuling is very appreciative. "On the one hand, it is the contest between the subordinates. It is the same as the tempering. On the other hand, it is psychological suppression. Like their level of masters, they have to be **** when they are careless." Although this psychological pressure is not very effective, but what if it is useful?"

"And, if in the prelude to the day of war, its subordinates can take off the laurels, it is also a beautiful talk!"


Ling Feng’s eyes flashed, and he was trying not to pull Qin Feng and the two gods of death into the temper. "

What do you mean by letting me fight with their subordinates? Ling Feng grinned. "

indeed! ”

Yan Zhuling smiled and said. "I mean this!"

"I seem to be very easy to be bullied or very delicious?" Ling Feng is a little bit sorrowful, although he knows that the subordinates of Tianjiao should be good, but he is a bit bully in his current realm. "

I know you are not willing! Yan

Zhu Ling is not angry, but smiles. "However, you should never blame this subordinate character. Many of them are worthy of attention. On the day of the previous birth, God is one of them."

"Who?" Ling Feng asked slowly.

"Have you heard the rain?" Yan Zhuling did not directly tell, but asked with great temptation. "

do not know. ”

"The sky is raining, like the thunder!"

Zhu Ling’s solemn road: “The rain can nourish the heavens and the earth, and it can destroy the heavens and the earth, and the sky **** rain has such power.”

interesting! "Ling Feng smiled, but my heart is measuring."

It’s a bit interesting! Yan

Zhu Ling’s demeanor became serious. “This is a terrible force. In the past few years, it has suppressed the Void Heavenly Gods and was valued by the top forces. It was directly selected as a formal disciple and more qualified to participate. Heavenly battle."

Is there such a thing? ”


Which step did the rain in the sky go to? Ling Feng asked curiously.

"Five hundred!"

"Can understand!"

But this **** is not the most invincible one in the prelude of the heavens! ”

“There are more powerful people?”

Yes! Yan

The path of Zhu Ling Shen.. "That is a real strong man, directly crushing other characters, and in the battle of the sky to reach the top 100, and the gods and the Lord are both beautiful, until now they are relished."

It’s amazing! "Ling Feng swears."

Great! ”

Yan Zhuling smiled and said. "This is also the reason why I let you come. If you can force other people in the prelude of the battle, you will be qualified for the top 100 battles. You can warm up before the war. Is it more beneficial?"

Of course.

Yan Zhuling This is the true love of the Ling Feng, to use the resources of the Hongdao Dojo to create the Ling Feng, they provide information resources, so that Ling Feng challenge one by one, until the other days of the battle, to win the prelude of the prelude.

but! she was

Still too arrogant, or she does not know the identity of Ling Feng, even the leaf witch can force the Shangguan to ask the day, then where can Lingfeng be worse? when

Of course. Want

Is the leaf witch in front of Yan Zhuling, afraid that she will not make such words, such as Ye Witch, such as Tianjiao is at least the top 32 strong characters, why should it be exposed too much before the war?

truth. Ling

The wind is not a cold for the rainy genius that day, but the subordinates of the district are not necessarily bloody, but this prelude to the war is indeed a good choice, at least for Qin Feng, death is a temper. more

Moreover, there are two gods, Bai Yuheng and Tangjiu. "

What is the consideration? Yan

Zhu Ling looked at the Lingfeng, and the Hongdao Dojo was too short of the top Tianjiao in these years. However, the Yews and the like did not have much interest in the Hongdao Taoist Temple. Therefore, Yan Zhuling came up with a more favorable method after the Best.

Make God! use

Their resources to build the top Tianjiao that belongs to the Hongdao Dojo, step by step to the altar, and then to attract more gods, as long as this step is successful, as long as the cloak brother shows terrible power, strong into the 32 strong The creation of the gods in the ruins of the ruins can be gradually carried out.

By then.

Those gods whose potentials are almost the same will break the head and want to come to the ruins of the dojo. If the strength is weaker, she will not believe that there are not many people who can compete with the top Tianjiao.

"I think it is more appropriate for the subordinates!" Ling

The wind raised a smile and said: "After five days, someone will come over!"

Finish. Ling

The wind turned and left. If he participated in the prelude of this day, the prelude would lose its taste. At least the characters on this level were not qualified to be with him. His real opponent should be the Oriental Yingyu and other wizards, and let Qin Feng them. It’s more interesting to come in.

Just because the anti-God will not miss any beauty talk!

"Are you jealous of him?"

Zhu Ling looked at the back of Ling Feng and was disappointed. "I am so proud. Is it also a figure of Tianjiao? But I really look forward to his subordinates."

good night. Amp;bsp;

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