Supreme Demon

Chapter 1083: More tragic road closures ask the sky!

Hongdao Daochang! whole

The scenes seemed a bit stiff. They closed the road and asked the gods of the heavens to change their colors. They did not realize that the ending would evolve to this extent. It is simply unimaginable that this weak and ruined dojo was a strong mess at this time.

When the husband is off, Wanfu is not open! This

It is the current wasteland! Now

in! each

A **** is waiting to see, and finally who can defeat Qin Feng and suppress the momentum of the flooded dojo, otherwise the dojo will be fierce and very unfavorable for their future. Of course


The situation is getting out of control, Qin Feng is brave and powerful, and the power is in the world. It is in a very high level of heaven and earth. Wei Li is shocked, either the second gods come over, or they only have to bow. and

The second-level **** is almost the top level of the prelude to the sky, who will appear at this time? that

It is the last fierce battle!

That is the final competition!

If you show yourself in front of the gods one step ahead, they will lose the opportunity. This is an important matter concerning the face of God. No one will have problems at this juncture.

thus. Qin

The victory of Feng is still increasing. The tenth **** is playing, and soon the blood is killed. The eleventh **** appears... The whole battle finally entered the rhythm of Qin Feng. In the suppression of the giants, a **** is killed. Blood stagnant. This

More cast Qin Feng blood general record! whole

Fifteen wins!

This is an example of a flooded dojo!

This is an unprecedented fierce! in

Under the suppression of Qin Feng's world, the intention of the road to ask the heavenly field was completely disintegrated, and what worried them was whether these characters would attack their dojo in the future. This is a very serious problem.

The other dojo gods are instantly misfiring, and anyone who has such a strong character must have a headache. As far as Qin Feng’s strength is concerned, even the second-level **** may not be able to eat it. This

When the strong characters are on the guard, only the idiot will attack this.


Originally, those gods who intended to sneak into the dojos immediately turned and flew to other dojos. Only a few strong figures would come, only because they knew that the current ruins were all outside the strong, and as long as they suppressed the four gods, the ruins were A piece of fat. but

! he

Our hopes fell through. After Qin Feng, the three gods of Tangjiu, Baiyuheng and Death were on the scene, showing the strength of the whole audience. They did not give any chance to the gods, especially the **** of death. At that moment, the whole scene was smothered, until this time people realized the terribleness of the opponent and the extraordinaryness of the cloak, and even the creatures born in the dead spirit can walk this step. How extraordinary is it necessary to be discouraged?

Needless to say.

This is a personal show of the ruined dojo! This

It is the personal show of the four gods under the cloak! Qin

Maple won 15 games, soup wine won 10 games, Bai Yuheng won 5 games, and there was only one death! open


For this kind of resurrected dead object, the enchanting question of the gods, its talents can be included in the ranks of Tianjiao, even the second-level gods, with their ability to resurrect can kill their lives. more

What's more.

The original strength of death is terrible. It is at the top of the first-class god. The non-secondary gods can't be suppressed. This makes any dojo feel the pressure. The prelude to the battle has just begun, but people have no solution. because

Death appears! Fight

The identity of the awning brother is almost in vain. If Lingfeng would try his best to suppress it, but now the anti-God has stepped into the virtual star, there is absolutely no such necessity. He wants to be eye-catching. Only in this way can he attract more people. Only such a rebellious spirit can conceal.

Two days later. flood

The ruins of the ruins are empty, and no gods dare to challenge. This is the credit of the **** of death. His power is so dazzling that it directly causes the gods of other dojos to not play with the ruins. hit

your sister!

How can you fight even if death is born?

"The situation is controllable!"

Death said with a smile. "We are still in time!"

"Then will be counter-attack now!" Qin Feng said. "

Hold on! "dead

God did not impulsively, but said with a smile. "When the road is asked, the blood is going to be bloody, and the momentum should be depressed. I think some gods should run to that field."

Oh? ”

Qin Feng’s eyes flashed, and he immediately understood the meaning of the words of death. Those goddesses were angry. They always need to let them out. If Qin Feng grabs them in front of them, they will stop the road and solve the problem. Where is the anger in the heart of the goddess?


Ask the heavens!

The prelude to the war is in full swing, and a man of the gods is in a fierce battle. Although there is no excitement in the wild, there is not so much cynicism in the atmosphere. complete

actually. This

It is the dojo in the middle.

but! on

Today, the atmosphere here has suddenly become a strange thing, only because there is a heavenly girl in the void around the field. Everyone is beautiful and not so beautiful, as if she is out of her daughter's country. she was

They are indifferent, they are cold and cold, they are like pieces of ice.

The air is filled with the taste of tulips, and there are also flowers. where

I am afraid that it is a god. When I face these gods, I also have some guilty conscience. Such a goddess can find one, and it is also a great creation. At this moment, it is actually more than a dozen. It is most appropriate to describe it with glamorous.

more importantly. people

We know that those goddess are more illusory, which means that they are not from the road to the heavens, but from other dojos. Such gods are not coming to watch the battle or challenge.


A simple word blasted, and the first goddess took a step forward and flew directly on the battlefield.

choke! she was

The hand is shining, a sword is out of the sheath, carrying the fragrant wind and the tempest of the murderous temper, and stabbing the road to ask a **** in the heavenly field, lightning fast, and it is the top blood kill, one The sword stabbed out and it rained for nine days.

This is the real kill! pregnant

Breeding blood and the magnificence of life! carry

With the rebellious gods, the will of the world! this


They come for the Lord! this

engraved! she was

They are the thousands of people who are looking forward to waiting for the results! hit

It’s even more horrifying to see that one of the gods is far from a dojo, and this is the determination to reverse the gods. thorn


A simple blow, but this blow makes every **** in the field change color, there is no fancy chill, it is without any set off, the man is the sword, the sword is the top murderer . she was

We are not fighting, but killing the enemy!

The angle is boring, but it works very well!

Just a sword, let the **** of death succumb to death, so that every **** in the field is in the cold.

"Fighting again!"

At this time, the second **** flew down and stabbed the second field. The terrible degree showed the magic of the gods. When it fell, the feather fan in the hand unfolded, bursting with the magnificent sky, and the same giant mountain fell down. On the spot, the **** will be suppressed. "

Three wars! "No.

The three gods fell again, and the momentum was tyrannical, killing a **** with a fist.

"I come!"

The fourth goddess appeared, and the plump body fell on the dojo and it burst into flames. The power of the heavens was swept from all directions, and the **** who was at the center was directly killed. "

Today, the road is degraded! "end

Yu, the goddess of the opening, stepped down, behind him, a **** flies, carrying the top fighting power to the battlefield, destroying the dead, even the characters at the top of the first **** are also unmatchable. This

It is the elite of the anti-God!

It is also an iron-blooded figure created by the characters such as Ye Witch and the power of the wild!

If they deal with people like Bai Yuheng and Tangjiu, they are not enough to watch, but they only ask the gods and gods of Tiandaochang. They are the elites of the war. When more than a dozen people come together, the power cannot be contained. This

It is an unprecedented blood disaster!

The wind channel asked the gods of the heavens and the field did not think that the other dojos did not even think that they thought it was the four cloaks, but the situation seemed more complicated than they thought. These goddesses are completely picking things up. ten


The road asked the Tiandaochang people to have a headache! Fives

Ten wins!

The road closed to ask Tiandao, the main face of the road was shocked!

One hundred wins! whole

The wind tunnel asks the Heavenly Field to stumble!

They are in the middle of the game, but hundreds of gods are basically all, one commandment, no one is alive, and more than a dozen women are just going through a passing, simple bombing, crisp and neat, they are not like It is a goddess, but a night assassin. Milli

No doubt. Now

In the closure of the road, the Tiandaochang was more tragic than the previous Hongdao Taoist farm. It almost made the Taoist rushed to the fault. Where did they know that such top figures were targeting them at the same moment, and they did not even think of sealing the Taoist Temple of Tiandaochang? That's so hard.

They are the first fallen dojo in the prelude of the heavens, and the impact is too serious.


This is only the first day. next


The four cloaks of the gods have already been killed, and they have challenged the gods of the heavens and the roads. This makes the dojo more tragic. The gods who lost their spirits were tortured. Many gods chose to quit the road and ask the heavens. I have never seen such a dojo in the egg. can


Just when they thought that things would end like this, on the third day, the dozens of gods appeared again, and the second round of horizontal push, followed by four cloak gods, causing those gods to dare not appear, withdraw from the day to ask Serious, and the reputation of the road to the Heavenly Field is even more falling.

If it is not because this is just a prelude to the battle of the sky, it is estimated that the seal of the road asks the hearts of the gods who want to die. inverse

God, heaven is awkward! whole

For ten days, under the ravages of more than a dozen goddesses and four cloak gods, the road closed to the heavens and the field completely fell, the characters were beaten too badly, and the "sharks" who smelled the **** smell immediately swarmed. , biting the road and asking the big fat in the Tiandao field. a few

After the day, the road closed and asked the Tiandaochang to collapse!

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