Supreme Demon

Chapter 1085: Unhappy grandfather!

The sky is full of light!

A sky in the virtual light concealed flashes, sprayed with a fascinating aura, gestating a million waves, in the moment of the emergence of a direct stunned star, like a 10,000-way comet shining and disappearing from that direction. this

engraved. Virtual

Tianyu is in the prelude of the war, and there has never been a **** who noticed that direction. It is even more unexpected that the virtual light will shine in that direction, but the appearance of the virtual light and the celestial domain will make the gods in a short time. The eyes are shocked, and the light of the demon is scattered one by one.

Just because it is the direction of the sky! only

Because, that is an extraordinary region!

"It is actually Tianyu!"

Some of the old gods were eclipsed on the spot, and the face was first passed by the shock, and then became ecstasy. This **** may not know this, but they are not clear about these gods? that

Once a heaven, at the center of the virtual heavenly domain, in the ancient times, it was the place where the heavens were trembled, but it was annihilated by the war of the whole starry sky and buried in this heaven and earth. in

After the kingdom of heaven, people have been thoroughly scrutinizing, hoping to find the kingdom of heaven, but there is no progress. It seems that the kingdom of heaven was really wiped out in the ancient times.

however. on

At the time of their disappointment, what is the meaning of the heavenly kingdom?

First, the gods who have been searching for the kingdom of heaven have found their place; second, the suppression of the kingdom of heaven has finally lost power in the years after the end of the ages, and the kingdom of heaven is to be born; third, in the direction of heaven, fear Formed a shocking battlefield. can


Any of these are due to the kingdom of heaven, and they are more convinced that it is the second. The prohibition of the kingdom of heaven is weak, and the ancient gods of heaven can no longer be suppressed, and will be born at this moment.

To know.

That is a prosperous heaven, how many treasures are buried in it? Across the ages, are the resources of the treasures now like flowers and dying, or have they been completely filled?

This is a problem!


The treasures of the ancient times, even if only one and a half stars, will fall in their hands.

"The kingdom of heaven will be born, what are I waiting for?"

The old **** of the gods was excited on the spot. He did not pay much attention to the prelude to the heavens. He immediately disappeared and flew toward the heavens. At this time, whoever appeared first would be able to win the resources of heaven. "

Cooking the rain, this old goods is really fast! ”

An old **** is pouting, and it is quite uncomfortable for the rain. Just because of the degree, they really can't cook the rain, and they are late, fearing that they will be late.


At the time, other gods could not help but move forward, and did not dare to delay a moment of effort. As for the prelude to the battle, they were just a part of the fun.


The shape is the same as lightning, and one of the top gods disappears immediately. The whole space is trembled with a slap in the air. The space is very violent. You can see that black holes appear and are pushed away into the distance. Do not


Only a few top gods will come to join in the fun, and more top gods will not pay attention to these wars at all, but the kingdom of heaven will be born, these things are naturally beyond theirs, in the virtual light only two quarters of an hour, one The top **** of the position has already appeared, and it is forbidden to fly to the direction of heaven. This

It will be a great thing to incite this world! thing

In fact. Do not

It is only the top gods, other gods are also born immediately, the face is ecstasy, the country is vast, the treasures are endless, the top gods are not exclusive, they are also eligible to be taken, this is the top Tianjiao also born, flying to heaven . complete

actually. day

The war is about to come. If you can find extraordinary treasures in the heavens at this moment, it will directly affect the ending of the Tian war, especially those who are trembled by the leaves of the witches. They want to find another way in the kingdom of heaven, and then suppress the whole sky and sky. "

Heaven? ”

The Witch of the Leaf appeared directly in the virtual heavenly field, and looked at the distance with a sigh of relief. He shot a thousand gods and rainbows, and then strode toward the direction of the country. day

The war is coming. which is

That is, she also feels the pressure. The characters in Xianting are unfathomable. Once the gods and the magic soil are restrained, it is not necessarily the end of the world that they can suppress those characters. Therefore, she wants to get more, just because this step is against the gods. If they want, they will do their best. and

What she wants, heaven can give her!

...... virtual

Heavenly Field! whole

An empty, most of the gods disappeared, only a few gods know that the country is the battlefield of the top people, with their current strength, even if they fly to heaven, they must also miss the treasure resources.

thus. he

They pay more attention to the prelude to this day, and hope that their forces will be able to win the crown.

In simple terms. day

The national catastrophe does not affect the prelude of the Tian war. The battlefields of that level, even this Tianjiao are not enough to watch, let alone the present, they are practical, step by step, and can only set off the storm.

then. Eight

The battlefield of God is unfolding. Qin Feng, the **** of death and the three goddesses will face the gods from the Guanghan Palace and Xianting. This will be the top confrontation.

This will be a shopping! inverse

Gods will do their best to win the laurels that belong to them!


Heaven! This

It is an ordinary wasteland. The loess has already buried the glory of the heavens. Only the grass can be seen. But today, the grass has been uncovered, and the illusory light is shocked by it.

A depleted heaven seems to be presented from the void, and the illusory light that is sprayed out of the soil is the arch of the heavens, and it is pushed forward one after another to form an eighteenfold plaque. that

You are forbidden!

Every major ban is unfolding, which is a large piece of heaven and earth. Among them, the buildings are forested, magnificent and brilliant, and they exude an enviable spirituality. Even after passing through the ages, these buildings are still intact, showing how brilliant the original heaven was. . when

Of course. Now

What is presented is only the corner of the original kingdom. The real kingdom is much more than here. It is a real behemoth.

It is reported.

This heaven has covered many stars, and the virtual star is just one of them. It forms a starry sea. It is because this is the battlefield of destruction. This heaven is ruined, leaving only this corner of heaven.


This horn of heaven is the true center of the kingdom of heaven. It is endowed with endless creations and extraordinary temperament. It was the top character cultivation field of the heavenly kingdom, especially the center. There was a person in the third place. this

Waiting for the kingdom of heaven, even the heavenly characters must be eye-catching, let alone the gods of the present. Do not


Just below that day, a handsome young man held a bronze monument to make him endless and eager to promote the heavenly kingdom. The Qingmang seems to be integrated into the kingdom of heaven, unraveling a heavy ban and letting the country disperse Out of inexhaustible embarrassment, fast and swaying. straight

Unlock to the nine-weight ban! that

The handsome young man snorted and spurted his blood. The bronze monument in his hand lost its light and disappeared into his hands.

"It's still too weak!"

The handsome young man sighed and said: "The grandfather was a god, but now it is just a god. It is too difficult to push the ninety-nine ban... **** cloak!"

Undoubted! This

A young man is a grandfather who has recovered!

Due to the appearance of characters such as Ling Feng, his living tomb was disintegrated, and the body that was seriously injured was further affected. Now it is only a three-level god, that is, the flesh and blood are greatly discounted, not as good as before.


Grandpa hates the wind and wants to peel it.


He couldn't find a cloak here, which made him very powerless. After the beginning of the prelude to the day, the grandfather was not lonely, and he had to join in the fun.

This is not! Cong

Ming Wei’s grandfather came up with such a poisonous plan, directly found the original heaven, and used bronze monuments. He also wanted to unveil his ban, and he wanted to bring the cloak out, but also to the people here. God draws, although those gods are only virtual bodies, but the virtual body is still power, as long as it is integrated, the grandfather has the ability to return to the realm of heaven. "

Wait for you to come! ”

Grandpa gasped and said. "The **** cloak, wait for the Lord to recover, the first one will hammer you!"

Finished. he

The body flashed and disappeared into this world. only

Because he sensed that there is a top **** who wants this direction, the power is extraordinary, he really wants to squat, now he is very dangerous, and he wants to take advantage of the fisherman, not with those gods.

after all. he

The identity is too sensitive, if the big characters of the virtual Tianyu know, that is the top danger. call out

call out! a few

Just in the moment when the grandfather disappeared, the region of heaven was suddenly screaming, and it was almost suffocating. It lifted the endless waves and pushed open a heavy space, like a light path, rushing straight here.

next moment. One

The top gods appeared, flying in front of the country, looking at the splendid ancient country, sniffing the old atmosphere, their faces filled with smiles, and their hearts were excited.

Obviously. This

The kingdom of heaven is really born, and the ban has been opened. There are as many as nine, as if it is decaying, that is, the tenth ban has been decayed, and as long as they do their best, they can be blasted. "

A piece of land, enter! "for

A top god, hesitated a little, immediately flew to the country. At this moment, they have no more time to think about the kingdom of heaven. The endless resources are the lights at night, and they are moths. and

And. only

To be a little later, the endless resources don't fall into the hands of others, so they have to shoot as soon as possible. "

on! "One

The top gods of the position are moving forward, but they are cautious. After all, it is heaven. It is bound to be full of danger. Don’t underestimate the heavens before the ages. It used to be a golden world. It has been a real supreme, its terrible degree. Not now, Xeon can match.

It is not surprising that they say that there are heavenly characters in the third place.

Sting! on

As they move forward, the ban is suddenly bright, and a vague force appears in front of the gods, and one of the top gods is annihilated on the spot. "

Damn, the ban is not completely decayed! ”

One of the top gods said with amazement. "It's still awesome!"

That is the prohibition of heaven, even if it is turbulent, it is not the top gods can hold it, let alone this is the power of the world before the ages.

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