Supreme Demon

Chapter 1087: Witch is dangerous!

Wan Jian Gong Wei!

Later generations! leaf

The witches released the virtual light of the world, letting the ancient blood flow in the body. She was gentle and quiet, looking at the sword with a handle, and was able to see the mottled blood and rust on the sword at a close distance. crack!

This means that before the ages, they all experienced the battle of destruction. With {dream}suing1a it

We annihilated in the years, burying the entire age!

They are creatures crying, they are the will of the soul! leaf

Witch emotions!

This is their ancestor, the elite who have been killed by blood! can


They are dead!

"I am here, we are here!"

The leaf witch is spurred by the road: "The ancient Wu will never be annihilated, and the ancient Wu will will be indelible!"

"The blood that the ancestors had flowed, we came to shopping, I know that you have been waiting, so I am coming!"


Wanli Lijian trembled, releasing a massive wave of air, falling into the sky, detonating the frenzy, the whole Jianshan is boiling, it is the ecstasy of the will of the soul, that is the excitement after the perception of the ancient Wu will. he

We are waiting! Now

Yes, they are waiting! Do not

The eradication of the ancient world, will carry the ancestor will embark on the journey!

They will still bleed in this world, but they will not fall! whole

Every heaven is trembled. This is the dynasty dynasty created by Guwu. When the ancient martial arts came, it was the emperor of this dynasty. The Wanjian Tianjian was worshipping the Yews, and the leaf witch at this moment was the real queen. "

He is the real king! ”

Ye witch's emotional way.. "Guwu started with him, one day, we have to step together to the starry sky, Guwu wants to return to the ancient times!"

La! One

Shou Tianjian flew past the leaves of the witches, and the ancient martial arts will escape, not many, but instantly light up the whole heaven, let it fly to the distance, let the ban be trembled.

then. leaf

The witch is going to the center of heaven in the Wanjian Tianjian arch guard. This moment the ban is no longer a ban, and the ban is against other martial arts, but it will not affect the later generations.

This is the blessing of the ancestors! "

Later generations... Guwu! ”

The old man was shocked and stunned. He did not expect to uncover the kingdom of heaven. He even shocked the goddess. Is this special about going against the world? Million

Ancient times. day

The country suppresses the entire starry sky, the ancient Wu prevails, and the strongest, who fights! and

Now that the later generations of ancient Wu reappear, how magnificent will this launch? Want


Now is not the golden age, but this heavenly woman can ask Guwu in this world, how much blood will it pay? Every step is playing for life? but


I have to ask Guwu in this world. Once the golden world appears, the goddess will make great strides forward, and there will be no shackles. Guwu will also have a real murderous force. Who can suppress it?

not to mention. sense

The Heavenly Kingdom, which is subject to the ancient Wu will, is carrying out all of it to the Ye Witch. The endless resources are blessed on the body. The Ye Witch is the king of this kingdom. This is the final legacy of the ancient ancestors for the later generations. lb

Like the sea!

The old man of the ages unveiled the kingdom of heaven, but the whole heaven is open to the witches of the leaves. The ancient kingdom of the ancient world was born, and the ancient martial arts of this world will open a new era on the basis of the ancient times.

"Finally still!"

The old man looked at the leaf witch who disappeared into the double ban, the faint road.

Before the ages.

This is an unstoppable force. If it is not because this is the battlefield of extinction, the ancient Wu will release more magnificent light, and the ancient Wu who was born later is more terrible. With its terrible talent, how many characters can be restrained in the future?

"The war of heaven has not yet begun, but it is over!"

These days, the old man knows some things, the heavenly war is in it, and the leaf witch who asks the ancient Wu will be the real emperor. In the eyes of the old man, this is the king of the world, there are really few in the later generations. The martial arts can be called with the board. Want

It is this witch who is strong enough, and the whole day is really over.

"Yes, now heaven can be in danger!"

The old and indifferent road.. "The top of the world, the gods peep, she is too eye-catching, even if it is made in it, I am afraid that it will also be bloody."

In fact, it is exactly like this.

In the moment when the leaf witch disappeared, the top gods and other gods appeared in heaven.

now. he

Different from the previous ones, they brought the real ban, but the heavens are the best, and the ban can be restrained. Although the heavenly characters are not yet available, they are completely possible to break open with the strength of the top gods and the top treasures. With a ban, the leaf witch who is in it will be in great danger. thorn

La! a few

The gods came forward and together they played the top Tianbao, letting them out of the magnificent rainbow, forbidding the third prohibition. At that time, the treasures on them were shining, forming a top-level space, which was able to suppress the Wanjian sword. Display

Of course.

Sixteen top powers have known the truth. If they can't get through, they will let the top gods come in with their treasures. Although the heavens are brilliant, but now the ancient Wu collapses, only the spiritual sword can suppress these characters. .

not to mention. Rear

The characters of the world are very curious about the ancient Guwu. If they want to study thoroughly, the kingdom of heaven is the object, and they naturally need to pay attention to it.

A heavy ban was torn open, and the gods strode forward.

Most of the treasures of heaven are in their hands, and then they are the top arrogants. They are pushing forward. Although there is no top heaven and treasure, they know how to take advantage of them. After the top gods set aside the ban, they immediately enter.

and. day

Every single banned space in the country is very broad. Even the top gods can't search for it at a time. This is cheaper than the top arrogance. even

Push the nine-weight ban!

This made the old man stunned, and the gods of later generations were not weak. However, by the tenth ban, they also seemed very struggling, and they needed to join hands to open them. boom

Long! only

It was only a quarter of an hour, and the tenth ban was collapsed. The gods were stronger in strength than the current eternal scorpions, and the treasures in their hands were not as good as the bronze monuments, but not as much as the gods. Together, the power is far from being able to match the old man.

Therefore, they can open the tenth ban!


Just as they stepped into the tenth banned space, the gods suddenly flashed and could not help but tremble, only because before the eleventh ban, a heavenly woman opened her hands and tore the ban, little by little. It was like uncovering a page of books, and then her body disappeared quickly. "

Who is that? ”

The gods couldn't help but be surprised. There was a **** faster than them, and the tears were torn open by hand, and the light rain on them was not strong, which meant that the heavenly woman should have extraordinary treasures.

"Leaf Witch!"

A top-level arrogant **** shimmered. "According to this is the fourth genius of the Guanghan Palace!"

"This session?"


"Oh, then we are not suitable for the shot, then I will give it to you!"

A **** smiles, but the gods are very cold, and the district is new to the gods, but they have to step forward than them. How many treasures do you need to get? Are you afraid that the top resources are in their hands? and


The leaves of the witches tore open the ban to make them very surprised and more heart-warming. but

! he

They are the top gods. If they are strongly suppressed here, they are estimated to be angry with the big people in the Guanghan Palace. However, it is completely different from the Tianjiao. The battle between the same level has lost the treasure resources, even the big people in the Guanghan Palace. I won't say much.


You are also gone! "another

A few gods, Nunu mouth, huge interests are in front of them, can they not be tempted? "

Let's go and join in the fun! ”


Obviously. This

The gods who step by step are not the gods of the Guanghan Palace. Otherwise, they will not start with the leaf witch. The 16 top forces seem to be harmonious. In fact, it is only in the big situation, but there is a struggle in the situation. he

We don't want the leaf witch to be beautiful in the past, especially before the war, such things are even more unproductive.

then. Public

The gods joined forces to push the eleventh ban on the ban, let the top Tianyao step into it, and they will suppress the leaf witch, which is destined to be a **** battle. and

After scraping the 10th ban, they were forced to fly to the eleventh banned space and pushed the twelfth ban, only because the leaf witch had entered the twelfth The space is banned, and the degree is faster than they think. "

Find her and kill immediately! ”

A **** slays the road.. "I feel that the **** of the Guanghan Palace is about to appear, can't wait!"


The celestial arrogants are striding forward and advancing fast. They have no interest in the resources of the treasure. They have more important resources in the leaf witch. That is the real top. If the gods of the Guanghan Palace appear, several Tianjiao will face each other. They are more troublesome than they are now.

"found it!"

Not long after, a **** shouted, and quickly flew toward the distance, the body power came out and banned from the front. boom


A building collapsed, and the leaf witch flew out of it, and some frowned at the gods. she was

These gods appeared earlier, but here is the kingdom of heaven. Many resources belong to the ancient martial arts. They cannot be leftside. It is impossible for them to step directly into the center of heaven. Otherwise, if these treasures fall into the hands of these gods, they will be a huge loss for them. . positive

It is like this, her degree is not as fast as those gods.

"Hand over to treasure!"

Several gods appeared, and they quickly pressed against the leaf witch, and they were not allowed to escape. "

I don't think about it! ”

The leaves of the witches are wrapped in frost, and the momentum is cold. She does not say much. She directly sacrifices the horizon, and the gods and the magic earth blend together, bursting out of endless skylight, and banned from pushing to the rear, and this is the few Tianjiao Unexpectedly, in the rush, they dashed to dodge, but this is the heart of the Witch's mind, she quickly disappeared, disappeared into the building, lightning to the thirteenth ban. in

In the process, she did not hesitate to directly smash the palm of her hand and make her eyes bright.


She needs them!


Against the gods! p

S.. Kavinka's powerful, hard support can also be written, but can not write the feeling I want.

tomorrow. Bright

Tianliuxiang wrote the fullness of this story, so that everyone can see it cool.

It’s even more tonight.

good night.

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