Supreme Demon

Chapter 1108: Three thousand years!


This powerful force that has been smashing through the ages is at the moment! where

I am afraid that they will do their best, but when they face the more emptiness of the blood, they will still die. Who can think of the ultimate strength of the blood? When the fingers are rushed out, it means that none of the top 16 forces can suppress it.

It has been rushing for three thousand years! Ling

The emptiness of the wind is sighing and the time flies, and the three thousand years have disappeared. Until today, the empty road has gone out of the ban, and the void has unveiled its extraordinary face. call


The whole picture changed qualitatively. The Xianting God of Heaven disappeared into the void, and the hurricane was slowly squandered. It was like a sky full of light and rain falling in the virtual space, lighting the surrounding wind and making it more sacred. This

For a moment, he fought with a member of the empty road!

At this moment, he played the top power of the Void! This

For a moment, he unveiled the counter-attacks after three thousand years of the empty road!

Standing in the void, Ling Fengbao is solemn, like a fierce battle that was three thousand years ago!

The wilting voids finally ushered in their prosperity at this moment, but they still don’t know it.

of course.

Because of the different worlds, the Xianting God has only a moment of memory, the real battle brand will not appear here, which means that Xianting God only knows that Lingfeng has come and strongly suppressed him. to

Throughout the battle process and details, it is dissipated at the moment of its annihilation. Therefore, the truth of the void will not let the imaginary three know, it is because of this truth that Ling Feng dare to use these bans.

Half awkward. Ling

The wind flew down from the void, using time to adjust the momentum, using the finger to rush, the terrible power consumption, even if he felt awkward, and then it will be the battle of fifty years ago, he will face eight Top genius. Rear

The face is to face the top genius 100 years ago and 500 years ago. Ling Feng did not want to delay, so he must do his best to recover and quickly suppress it.

The horizon is a different place.

The space here is completely separated, Lingfeng is in this space, and Dongying Yingyu is in another space. They will go to the end together, but they will not meet each other. This is to ensure that the forces before the war will not be outside. vent.


Lingfeng Pan sits here and is not worried about being affected.

After an hour. Ling

The wind moved forward from the void, just ten steps, and then moved to another time and space. Throughout the process, he seemed to feel the time flies, one step is four or five years, but in the end of the world, time is relatively static, they It will not be affected by time.

And when its footsteps fell, it had fallen twenty years ago. One

Between the mountains and rivers, a middle-aged **** is standing proudly. The clothes on the body are somewhat different from the world, and even more quaint. The smother's suit is stained with blood. I don't know whether it is an opponent or a person. he

Carrying a spear, the whole person is more like a spear! This

It was the eighth day of the heavenly battle 20 years ago. The body was a bit fuzzy. Without the previous eighth day, the gods were clear, but the power was even more glorious. After the emergence of their spears, the whole world seemed to indulge in the spear. he

To prove to the whole world how terrible the eight-year-old Eight Gods are!


He met a more extraordinary genius, in the huge pressure of the body space, even if the eight-god figure fifty years ago must bow down, was annihilated by the body space. This

Not a level of battle! Now

The Ling Feng in the real enchanting to the extent of letting the gods tremble. to

before! This

For Ling Feng, it is like eternity.

He banned the inside, and any **** was not seen enough in front of him. The seventh **** was even more powerful than the eighth god, but it was only a little more powerful. How can he suppress the momentum of Lingfeng?


Ling Feng took a strong step and went to the sixth god!

It’s like a broken bamboo! This

It is the rhythm of Ling Feng. In the world-famous space, a **** is dying of blood. Only two hours, Ling Feng went to the end of twenty years ago, facing the top genius of Xianting. that

Is a young god, handsome and rich as a jade. Of course

and. in

The strength is the same. The top power of Xianting shows that a fairy court flies in the Bohai Sea. It is like a boat, and it shoots thousands of miles. It is indeed more extraordinary than the previous one. In the face of the hurry, this is still a chicken. only

Only one hour!

The whole battle has ended. The top genius of Xianting used the commandment to prove the stalwart of Lingfeng. It is not that they are not powerful enough, but they are in a state of perversion.

After a short period of recovery, Ling Feng made another move to thirty years ago.

Four gods!

The whole rhythm is obviously accelerating, and the power is climbing further, but the Lingfeng has not been affected, and with a strong battle sound, the whole starry sky knows that the emptiness of the blood after three thousand years is better than ever.

Can not be restrained! Finish

Victory! sheet

After the engraving, he went to fifty years ago, and the one step was a decade of feeling, and he would face the two top geniuses fifty years ago.

The problem is. Fives

Ten days ago, the battle of the sky was relatively weak. Instead, the previous characters were more wild. They did not play the temperament that Xian Ting should have. This made Ling Feng stunned and could immediately turn his head.

The history of the ages has always risen and fallen.

Even the forces like the Void and Xianting are no exception. Compared to the world, other days of the war may be eclipsed.

but! when

He really went to the millennium, the day of the war is not the current level, but the real king war, the suppression of the ages of the characters is simply terrible, even if the wind is full of pressure. that

It used to be a flourishing world! special

It’s not the 3,000-year-old battle, at the peak of Xianting’s time. In the pressure of the void, the potential of the singularity is not comparable to that of the real world. Moreover, the blurring of the end of the world means that the character is more powerful. Reality is more terrible. Of course

and. Ling

The wind is still far from that step. He is taking a hundred years ago to face the top genius a hundred years ago. thorn


What surprised him is that the top genius of a hundred years ago was not a fairy figure, but a genius of the Guanghan Palace. When his power unfolded, a star flew down from the void to suppress the wind. . that

It is a moon!

The Guanghan Palace seems to be born on the moon, carrying a terrible will and a proud world, and the moon is their ultimate embodiment, not just a star, but also a heavenly power.

Regrettably, he encountered a top-notch vague blood, and in the hurry, the moon collapsed and collapsed. hundred

Years of the year! This

It was the end of the last vain geniuses, and their conquest came to an abrupt end at this moment, but this is not the end of Ling Feng, he is still moving forward.

Three hundred years, five hundred years... thousands of years!

Even the characters of the millennium can't suppress the rhythm of the wind, and it is unpredictable to work on the road. In the blood of the void, it is more sturdy to use the road to serve. to

Yes. bomb

Refers to the rush to let the characters of the millennium bow down, even if they are more vague, the power is more unpredictable, the Tiangong and Xianting displayed are more magnificent, but after a field of tempering, the wind is more **** and more extraordinary, and the finger is more astounding. . when

Prosperity and dying are the prosperity of the empty road. not

Undoubted! This

It is the end point that a character can reach a hundred years ago. It is because the end of the world can not show the top strength of those characters, otherwise they will not be able to see this step. It shows how terrible the characters of the millennium years are, but for Ling Feng Not a problem. only


His fingertips are still in the primary, far from showing the power of the world, and he has not done his best, otherwise it will be a spike. Two

Millen years ago!

One step is a hundred years!

Obviously, the characters at that time were more terrible than the world. At that time, the suppression of the void was not completely disintegrated. Xianting and Guanghan Palace were not in a hegemonic position, and the people in the empty road could still shake their position.

thus. Two

The characters of the millennium were even more stunning, and Ling Feng felt pressure and had to use more power to restrain. more

What is important is that the characters of the two thousand years ago are in the realm of the fourth-level gods. It makes the Ling Feng frown in the suppression force, which is very difficult. However, when the three thousand-year-old Xianting and Guanghan Palace can not suppress the void, they have not fully demonstrated. This world can't hold back when the void is fully displayed.


The **** of the gods in Xianting had to be sharp and too sharp. At the moment when the fingers appeared in a hurry, they were already gray and directly emptied of the void. In the millennium, they did not forget the ban on the stalwart of the empty road.

Because of this strange technique, Xianting and Guanghan Palace have no hope. to

Yes. Two

The characters of the millennium ago also bowed their heads and carried the sorrows of the sky to the void, which pushed Ling Feng directly to the 3,000 years ago.

One hundred years! Ling

Fengshen is persistent and calm. He knows that the third millennium is a threshold. After three thousand years, it belongs to Xianting and Guanghan Palace, and three thousand years ago it was a void road. This means that his next opponent will not belong to the two major forces, but will welcome The man of the door.


The battle of the three thousand years ago did not belong to the three major clan of the East, but to the empty road. The characters cultivated by them have won the crown, and that is the last great age. Do not

Knowing when, the end of the world is shining, there seems to be a thousand miles in the concealment, this is the end of the world. three

After the millennium, finally someone can come here! open

There is no precedent!

Create an age legend!

At this time, the geniuses such as Shangguan Tiantian and Dongfang Yingyu did not bleed out, and they were still in a fierce battle. With their potential and strength, it was not a problem to go to 2,000 years ago.


Their pressure is obviously heavier, far less than the speed and ease of the wind, so the speed is much slower.

at last. Ling

When the wind came to 3,000 years ago, the time was still, but the light of the whole world was amazed, and Ling Feng stood on a void. "

Three thousand years ago, I waited for the end of the game! ”

A voice sounded, carrying the tiredness and regret of the sky, said: "After three thousand years, the people who can come are not my empty genius characters, I hope they can solve the problem."

The **** of the gods is slowly appearing, his eyes are gray, and he is asked by the wind and laziness. "Are you a fairy, or a wizard of the Guanghan Palace?"

"No!" Ling

The wind is elegant and laughs, watching the **** can not help but give birth to respect.. "I am from the empty road!"

Bang! Traditional

Hua Yongsheng, heaven and earth sink! p

s.. People in the field, busy today, very tired, so this is even more. Bright

Tianliuxiang wants to go back, and the day after tomorrow will start to make up, at least I think it should be added this month.

good night. (

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