Supreme Demon

Chapter 1113: End of the world is cracking!

Wan Gu Xuehai, ghost ancient ship!

The soul is annihilated, to the dark moment!

This is just the corner of the world, and it is all that Ling Feng can see.

He can't find the truth!

If it weren't for the weapon of the gods, he was afraid that even the Yinhong canopy could not be opened. However, he always felt that he had unveiled the truth of the corner, and the ghost ship should have some truth buried.

of course.

The ancient ship of the ghost ship should be the source of the destruction of the world, so the future Lingfeng will explore the ghost ship, and hope to uncover more truth from there.


What he saw was only the time of darkness and darkness, not the golden age. He did not have the opportunity to challenge the characters before the ancient times, and there was no ancient figure to be born, and the truth was revealed, but this is the limit.

He hopes that the latecomers can go further!


Just as he turned and was about to leave, the emptiness of the sky suddenly shone, and a terrible knives fell from the void, evolved from lightning, and outlined the world’s top punishment. It’s not that the gods can face it now.

That is the power of heaven!

That is the punishment of the sky!

Pushing the years and tearing open the corner of the world, this is on the contrary, and is exploring the truth that should not be more impossible to know. It is a ban, and any character who dares to do so must be punished by heaven.

The handle of the knives was tens of thousands of miles, and the momentum was vast and vast. When the knife was set, Ling Feng was imprisoned, and the body could not move, even if Xianli was small and pitiful in front of these forces.

Just because it is the real day!

How can people be annihilated?

In an instant.

The handle of the knives has already appeared above the top of Lingfeng's head. The destruction of the giant force will annihilate the flesh and blood of Lingfeng. It is like a broken bamboo. Even if the heavenly characters squat on these forces, they will disintegrate the commandments. This is just because the Lingfeng tears a corner. However, if he tears him apart, he will be punished as never before.

To know.

The truth of the ancient times is that the characters in the third world of heaven can not be uncovered. Otherwise, they will also die and die, but now Lingfeng is ignoring these taboos.

It’s like cutting a tofu!

Lingfeng's flesh and bones are disappearing rapidly, and the Tiandao is still in the sky. When it really falls down, it is afraid that Lingfeng **** will not be left. Although Lingfeng has tried his best to try to use the evil path of the heavens to suppress, but That is just a good wish.


At the moment when the knives were to completely disintegrate the wind, the water was finally stirred up, and one of them was banned from flying in the air. The golden, flowing, the imprint of the years, shining the ancient will.


The ban was greeted by the air, and the hollow was quickly torn open. It was banned from falling on the knives and sent out the top turbulence. The surrounding space was turned into a black hole, and the shape of the sky was sharp and the blade was opened. .


Like the crisp jade is ringing, not harsh, but this sound makes the knife violently tremble, the lightning is scattered, the heavens and the earth are falling apart.


This is an unpredictable ban, until now Lingfeng still can not see through, it was accompanied by the birth of Taiyi Zhenshui, has repeatedly pulled him back from the edge of life and death, that is, the terrible six reincarnation did not annihilate it, but was banned.

And now.

It further demonstrates the power of the world. It is actually suppressing the terrible knives and a little disintegration. Even if the punishment is only in front of these prohibitions, it only proves that this prohibition is a contradiction.


After a while, the knife went to the end, the power completely disintegrated, and quickly collapsed until it completely dissipated.


The prohibition appeared again in the Taiyi real water, and there was no wave of it. It seemed to have never been born before, but this prohibition appeared. The unreasonable punishment of the heavens did not appear again, as it was very taboo against this prohibition.


Taiyi Zhenshui quickly surges out, breeding blood and bones, allowing Lingfeng to recast bones and bones in a shorter time. At the same time, regenerative surgery runs wildly, making Lingfeng flesh appear quickly.

Just a few hours.

He is standing in the virtual space, and the gods are like jade, which is even more extraordinary. It is the rebirth after the baptism of the heavens. It is branded with a heavy mark, which can produce a more terrifying potential.

In fact.

The punishment of the heavens is the same as the Nirvana. As long as it can live, it will be greatly benefited.


Dantian's recovery is to slow down, especially the three holes, Xianli, etc., but Ling Feng is very worried, so he will quickly leave here the first time he recovers.

At the end of the world is the end of the world, there is no way to back!


It is not true that there is no door, but it cannot be returned to the previous one, as long as the backward flight is necessary to be thrown out of the horizon.


Before the end of the world!

People have been waiting for six days, and the long time is like the whole age, there are still some boiling worlds, and it has become quiet in this day, people are a little dumb, that is, the three characters of Dongying Yingyu are all looking heavy.

That Ling Feng is terrible!

He insisted until now!


Just when they were meditation and serious, the end of the day suddenly trembled, and a strange force collapsed from it. When people had not reacted, the end of the day was grayed out, like the spirituality was taken. Lost vitality in general.


Suddenly, Tianya uploaded a crisp sound. This is a smooth and mirror-like horizon. At this moment, there are cracks, mottled and scattered around, and the rainbow above the horizon is a smog.

The whole process was only a matter of interest, and when people reacted, the end of the day had torn apart a series of shocking "wounds."

"How is this going?"

People have been shocked and have never happened since ancient times, and they don’t know how powerful it is to break the horizon.

Is it Ling Feng?

This is unlikely, the three-level **** of the district, even if you go against the sky, I would like to do this step.

But if it is not Ling Feng, how can we explain it now?

In fact.

That is the slap in the sky, and the ban on the ban in the water of Taiyi, forming a wave of heaven, which led to the emergence of "wounds" in the horizon, the impact is very serious, but others do not know it.

call out!

A flash of light flashed, and Ling Feng appeared in front of people.

His clothes are full of blood, his face is very pale, as if he escaped from life and death, this is what he deliberately made, intended to confuse the audience, not wanting the gods to doubt him.

have to say.

When it appeared, people were really scared, and they were looking at the miserable appearance of Ling Feng, and their hearts were full of doubts.

With Ling Feng's current state, can you shake the horizon?


Even if he is more than a day in the East, he can go to a step beyond the terrible degree of the day.

Five thousand years?

Still 10,000 years old?


People's eyes have been scattered on Ling Feng, waiting for him to speak, waiting for him to uncover the truth, even the top three characters of the East Yingyu are full of expectations, more worried about terrible things.

Instead, the oriental poetry smells the breath of Ling Feng, a smile on his face.

"Ling Feng!"

At this time, the king and the spirit air quickly flew, looking at Ling Feng with a smile.

"Congratulations, you are the last one!" Lingkong said first.

"It's really amazing, stick to six days!"

The king is calmer and said, "However, I really look forward to what year you can go."

"The last one?"

Ling Feng was slightly stunned, and then he said with a bitter smile. "The end of the world is terrible. The last **** was too extraordinary. I only went to 5,000 years, but I still can't cross it."

His face is regrettable and lonely.

It seems that it is a sad thing to cross the five thousand years.


He did not know that when he fell, many gods wanted to die. They didn't even cross the last gods, and even Zhou Qitian just came to the end of three thousand years and stopped.

Only Oriental Yingyu can be on the same stage!


Oriental Yingyu and so on are slightly relieved. What they really worry about is that Lingfeng is going to 10,000 years, and even further, that is even more terrible.


The fierce battle in the end of the world does not explain all the problems. There is no strength, no fighting between the momentum and the gas field. The extent of the fight does not depend entirely on the strength, but also on the time. If they can slow down, think more, maybe Can go further.


Any character should pay attention to it. Lingfeng can go to 5,000 years. It is not accidental, but has such strength. He is qualified to be alongside the other three top talents.

"Ling Feng, can you find unpredictable things in the end of the world?" Lingkong asked low voice.

"whats the matter?"

Ling Feng is even more sorrowful, and he has asked some inexplicable questions about Lingkong.

"The end of the world is cracking!"

The king’s Nunu mouth, indicating that Ling Feng looked to the horizon, and when Ling Feng looked at the horizon, he couldn’t help but breathe a sigh of relief, his face was shocked, and he really only knew the shock before the ages, but he did not think it would affect it. To the end of the world.

This made him feel that if the real world is unveiled, the whole world will be wiped out.

"Not you!"

Lingkong’s forehead, he worried that the responsibility of the end of the world would appear on Ling Feng, when Ling Feng was going to pour blood, but now it is for it.

“How come this happened?”

Ling Feng said with a sigh of relief: "You should let the big man of the empty road come to see!"

He is not an idiot!

Such a thing can't let other people know, go to Wan Gu, God knows what will happen, and the horizon is an ancient device, precious and unparalleled, with his current resources can not afford to pay.

What's more, if this kind of thing is empty, if the big guys can find it, even if they win!


Oriental Yingyu and so on no longer ask, and then they have to face the entire starry wizards, not with the emptiness of the heavens in the empty road. "Wanzhonglou will open, the top heavens see the true chapter."


She has an interest in Ling Feng, with a provocative taste, apparently she was stimulated by the power of Ling Feng.


Ling Feng did not notice at all...

"It's really a arrogant woman." When the oriental Yingyu disappeared, Ling Feng turned around and looked at it, and then he slammed the eyes of a pair of thieves.

Ps.. last night in an emergency, no time to update, no time to say, I am sorry everyone.

The fragrance will be updated normally, even if it is a more, it is not a very special thing, the fragrance will not break.

Sorry, 100,000 sorry. Good night, I wish you all a happy mood and a good dream. (

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