Supreme Demon

Chapter 1115: Different from the thirty-five!


This is the real limit!

Many gods are eclipsed by it, but the oriental poetry, the king, the spirit and so on feel normal. With the terrible strength of Ling Feng, Dongying Yingyu and Zhou Qitian may not be able to talk about it.

not to mention.

Lingfeng’s prestige in the void road is far from the three can be said. It’s pushed to the imaginary gods, and it’s a strong figure. It’s the completion of the Taoist mission. .

at least.

In the history of the void, there are really few people who can toss more than him.

After a while.

When people disperse, they go to their own weight, and they have to go further in them. Among them, the king and the spirit are the fifth. They have not accepted the task, and they are even more envious of Ling Feng.

Needless to say.

The thirty-five-dollar skills of the heavenly power can be compared with the five-fold, and the resources of the treasures can make the wind more powerful. This kind of gap is afraid to be opened again.

They hurt the egg!



This is a mountain river in the Bohai Sea. There is no Tiangong in the sky. It is too low-end. It is like a virtual road. It will not do this.


Within these thirty-five weights, there is no ancient book of heaven, and there is no such thing as bookshelves. The whole world is a mountain river, stretching for thousands of miles, the ancient mountains are secluded, and the springs are falling, falling from the top of the mountain.

This is not like being in a building, but more like a fairyland on earth.

The birds are fragrant and fragrant.

There is no book fragrance here, and there is no heavenly atmosphere. Some are just pulsating mountains and rivers, the world is turbulent, the wind is falling, the trees are gray, but the wind here is clearly scented.

Just ahead!

It is a lake, which is completely composed of top-level Shenquan. Although the potency is not enough, this mass is still only seen, and it is mixed with the imperial herb, which can make this Shenquan directly climb to the level of the gods.


There is also a special herb in the lake of Shenquan, which allows the gods to be in an ethereal state, which is more conducive to the skills of heaven.


This lake is not a top resource, but it is very important for Ling Feng at the moment, but he has not found the vain power until now, which seems very special.

He walked between the mountains and rivers, feeling the meaning of this world, and more understanding of the atmosphere of heaven.

Thousands of miles round, passing by.

Ling Feng did not find the virtual sky, but it was found here that some herbs, ancient scrolls, etc. were placed on the top of the mountain. The wind could not be blown, the rain could not be drenched, and the ancients were so, and then the source of God and Wu Daotai were found among the mountains and rivers.

These resources are not to be taken away, but the gods can be taken away, but the meaning is not great for the gods, and the wind does not want to alarm the entire empty road.


Ling Feng directly rushed to the Shenquan, in his heart, he is not too concerned about the vain heaven, and the way to serve the road is different, the future burning road, the **** map, etc. must be separated, it is not suitable for the body.

Let's build a heavenly way!

This is the true meaning of the body!

In this process, sharp weapon and heavenly power are all help, but in the later period, these will form a constraint, and then they have to be thrown away.


Ling Feng feels that in the end, he will eventually develop his own skills, which will be the king of the world, do not need any weapons and skills, it is king, why do you have to embellish?

Besides, there are no weapons or skills to embellish.

It is the top!

The Shenquan Lake is warm, and the spring water is infiltrating into the flesh and blood of Lingfeng. It swims in his blood, runs fast, and disappears quickly. Lingfeng is more and more ethereal, and the body seems to fly.

Only half an hour.

Ling Feng's body slowed down, and finally stopped there. The whole person lay flat, letting the spring water sway his body, letting the inexhaustible force surge, and then his eyes became gray, only a moment. After that, he was immersed in the lake of Shenquan.


"It is actually thirty-five!"

"This is the most special one in Wanzhong Building!"

"Hey, it is said that there are people in the past two thousand years who have come here, but they have not received any heavenly merits. This Lingfeng is really picking!"

Some older people grin and laugh, and the 35th weight is not the most mysterious one in Wanzhonglou, but it is very embarrassing, and there is no top heavenly power. It is said that it may be hidden between heaven and earth.

But after so many years, no one God has ever found it.


The thirty-five weights are basically taboo buildings. How many geniuses are bleeding in them, but the thirty-five heavy ones are too strange. The big men of the empty roads are unclear. It seems to be tens of thousands of years ago. The people of the world came out in the middle of it.

Needless to say.

These thirty-five weights are completely empty buildings for the gods, even if the tenth weight is more than the thirty-five weights in their eyes, the original Ling Feng can choose thirty-four heavy, but because they do not know this The story, but broke into it.

This means he will be empty!


This is the imaginary star gods who want to see that Lingfeng's pressure is too heavy, and has let the three great talents pay attention to it. If the characters such as Dongying Yingyu still can't suppress the wind, then the whole virtual star must be at its feet. .

The importance of the virtual sky is self-evident, and the top resources are able to make the characters such as the Oriental Yingyu go further. If Lingfeng is in the same place, it will fall behind.

of course!

The thirty-five key is not bad, but it does not mean that there is no top heaven. There is a legend circulating in the empty road. If there is a **** that can find out and have a thorough understanding, it will be an unprecedented creation.


For thousands of years, this legend has long since vanished!

People once felt that the thirty-fifth weight did not have any heavenly power, and those ancient scrolls, resources, etc. were not conspicuous, and they were similar to others, which cast a thirty-five tragedy.

Void Heaven! This is the top event of the Void Road. The big men are all eye-catching. Every time the gods will enter a more extraordinary realm here, and some people will get endless here. They hope that this time will be able to create more powerful gods, only This is the only way to make a storm in the sky


As for thirty-five weights...

The sun is faint, swaying in the hurricane, and then pushing it together in the distance, while Ling Feng is lying in the lake of Shenquan, with his eyes closed and his eyes relaxed and ethereal, like a body without thoughts in the lake of Shenquan. drift.

At this time.

The material in Shenquan is still coming to Lingfeng, moistening its flesh and blood, polishing its bones and bones, and making the ethereal state more prosperous. The spirit of Lingfeng seems to have "sleeped".

Thirty-five heavy, no substance.

This is what Lingfeng can feel in the slumber, that is, those resources, Wudaotai are not too important for the current Lingfeng. There is no celestial power here, only a kind of faint rhyme is flowing.

That rhyme makes Ling Feng fascinated.

That rhyme makes Ling Feng more confident.

Like going home!

Warm, sweet, and the breath of the heart.


There is no heaven power here, the ancient scrolls, etc. are just embellishment, but the problem is that the atmosphere that touches the spirit of Lingfeng is very different. It seems that it is spraying the light of the world, flowing in the lake of Shenquan, like a star.


The void blood in Ling Feng's body emits spiritual light, and it runs a little bit, and the human universe appears in the lake.

In an instant, the situation is changing, the world is stirring!

The calm lake of the gods became crazy at this moment, the violent mess, the lake tumbling, and the center of the lake was completely shining, large and gorgeous, and quickly rushed to Lingfeng.

That is not a void!

Just the light!

It is different from any light!

The light is like a smoke, and the light is as warm as a spring, and the light has no power.


When the star-like light fell on Ling Feng, it made the body of Ling Feng become sacred, and the treasure was solemn, and a fierce Tianwei was spurting out of the Lingfeng body. momentum.

That light ignites the emptiness of the wind!

That light ignited the wind to help!

That light ignited the entire Lingfeng!


In these thirty-fifths, there is no emptiness in heaven, but it is also the cover of the world, which can make Ling Feng physically and mentally empty, so that Ling Feng can understand the rhyme in a short time, and thus affect the spirit of Ling Feng.

At this moment, Ling Feng "woke up"!

Wake up is the gods, his eyes are still slightly closed.


He can clearly sense that the light is igniting the power of his soul and touch the power that has been hidden.

no doubt.

That light belongs to the material of the epiphany, which can make the gods stunned in a short time, and the only thing that can touch the light is the empty blood. This means that the place where you were sitting here should be a world of empty blood.

And the later generations sealed the void by the empty road, which led to no one to discover the truth here.


Even if it is discovered, it may not be able to show its power. Just because it belongs to the epiphany of the soul level, many gods are afraid that they will never understand it.

Can be different in the wind!

At the moment when the light illuminates its soul, the six-hole cave is actually presented from its soul, without any prohibition and restraint, and freely releases the awkward gas field, letting the gods and gods scream, and let the hungry ghosts mourn. Put the Buddha three thousand Buddhas singing in Zen.

Six holes in the sky!

This is the strength that Ling Feng used to get life and blood. At that time, the real six-hole cave was suppressed by the prohibition in his soul sea. At that time, there were six imprints in his soul, and it was not until many years later that it gradually enlarged, but Lingfeng never I touched the true power of the six-hole sky.

Until now!

The material of the epiphany is aimed at the soul, but it is not limited to the soul of the spirit. What is more important is the power in the soul. At this moment, there is a strong intuition in Ling Feng’s heart, and a **** can be opened on the soul.


Ling Feng opened his mouth, and his body was filled with the world's light. When his spirit was hot, when his soul shone with Taiyi and Niezhen, the six reincarnations were melting, and the sky was like a drop of spring water.

When the first hole fell, the wind was boiling and a blood hole appeared. Ps.. second later. (

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