Supreme Demon

Chapter 1133: Fight for the glory of heaven!

That is a feather fan!

When the handle fan is fully unfolded, it is Jianshan, and it is filled with endless force, forming a completely different space.

That is the lupin space!


After a while, the Jianshan Mountain changed, forming a sword, falling from the void, slashing and pushing, and the eternal collapse, no matter whether it is space or strength, it is not enough to look at such a sword mountain.


The space in front of the flower fog suddenly rips apart, forming fragments flying to the square, and the sword is imposing, and it slams into the east. What is even more frightening is that in the fan sword, the mountains, rivers, stars, and the sea are flowing. When the whole force is superimposed, the power is inexhaustible and unstoppable. Undoubtedly, when the sword is thrown out, the flower flies. The imposing atmosphere of the fog is not as simple as the fourth-level god.

Single, banned from the level of the five-level god.

"I can't control it, then it will blow up!"

The oriental Yingyu is very simple. It uses the avenue bottle to suppress it. The wild power devours the law, so that the mountains, the stars, the sea and the sea are gray and the power is lost. What is really fierce is the sword.

"Sunrise East!"

Finally, the Oriental Yingyu burst into a burst, one round, the big day appeared from afar, banned from the fan of the wind and the fog.


The flowers fluttered coldly and sneered. "The original one was using these skills in the end of the fiasco. Now you think this skill can suppress me?"


Dongfang Yingyu did not respond, she was just solemn and solemn, and she tried her best to control the round of Shengyang.


When the round of Shengyang carried the avenue bottle to meet the sword, it formed a moment of stalemate, and each other was wiped out, but the sword did not restrain the round of the holy sun, and finally the holy sun collapsed, and the sword Still swaying to the east of Yingyu.

"Is power coming to an end?"

Flower Fog smiled and said: "The same strength, you can restrain us, can we not restrain you?"

In an instant.

The fan sword is even more dazzling. The flower fog has not yet used the full power. When it is doing its best, the fan sword has already reached the front of the oriental Yingyu. It is impossible for her to dodge, and there is no time to dodge and counterattack.

This is the gods level confrontation!

It’s a late step!


Dongfang Yingyu was unmoved, still maintaining the previous rhythm, slightly closed his eyes, a sneer at the corner of his mouth, others did not know, but the oriental poetry was already excited, only because she knew that her sister had been studying Ancient law.

That is the power that the East has never been full of!

just now!

It will come out!

"come on!"

The eastern Yingyu screamed, and the jade hand couldn't help but shudder, and at the moment when his jade hand trembled, a round of white sacred yang appeared in the air, carrying a virtual light, suddenly falling on the top of the flower flying fog.

The loud noise.

The flower flies and the body is stiff, and the stabbing sword has not been able to go any further. Instead, it stops in front of the oriental Yingyu. The powerful momentum has messed up the hair of the oriental Yingyu and stabbed the face of the oriental Yingyu.


The jade of the flower fog is pale, and it is unbelievable that the gods in the field have been horrified, only because after the round of the holy sun, there is another round of holy sun, and this round of holy sun appears from the west.

A sudden flash!


It’s too late to wait until the flower spray reacts.

"Sunrise Quartet!"

Dongfang Yingyu smiled and whispered. This is the ancient method that she is studying. It is the strength of the ancestors who have studied their blood, but they have no chance to play it out. The oriental Yingyu is extraordinary and integrates this ancient method. To my own body.


The fascinating flower smog fell in front of the oriental Yingyu, and the sixth sect of Xianting fell before the 64th. This is what no one thought of, and what makes people more wary is that the Oriental family has this time. Prepared, not as bullying as before.

After sunrise in the East, there is the sunrise west!

Oriental Yingyu was injured, but it did not affect her flower appearance and her arrogance. When she raised her head, the entire starry sky bowed.

just now.

Who can be sure that Xianting will be able to seal the emperor?


The power of this fierce battle in the East Yingyu is far more than this. She should be even more terrible. It is just that the flying fog can only do this step. She still can't force the full strength of the Oriental Yingyu.

The fairy figures are dumb!

They did not think that the powerful flower flying fog would fall in the hands of the empty road east Yingyu. Does this mean the rise of the oriental family and the empty road?

Yu Honglin secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

Oriental Yingyu is better than he imagined, although it may not be able to win the title, but at least not the rank in the list.

"The glory of the past, I will take it back little by little!"

Dongfang Yingyu slammed his fists and then stepped out of the battlefield space.


The fifth day of the battle was quite intense.

After the Oriental Yingyu, Ye Witch, Ling Qing, etc. also played, but their opponents are only three, the level of God, but also can not suppress them, so they are only a little hard to advance.

However, Lin Yong, Qin Ao, and Yin are more miserable.

They are the same as the king and the spirit, and they have strong characters, so they have not been able to advance to the 64th. This is no way. Now they are equal to the king and the spirit, and they are far from the witch, Ling Qing. Equal level.


The gods and gods are extremely brave, crushing their opponents with the identity of the fourth **** of the beast god, and standing side by side with Ye witch and Ling Qing, hit the sixty-four strong.

Shangguan Qiaotian and Zhou Qitian also played in the near future. Their opponents are the third-class gods. With the strength of their four-level gods, they really have no pressure and they are ready to end the fierce battle.

The three heavenly gods of the virtual road are synchronized into the sixty-four strong!

This is a huge victory compared to the previous session. It must be known that there was only one **** in the last session who took the 64th and was **** at the time of the 32nd.

at dusk.

Qin Feng is about to play.

Originally, both Death and Qin Feng will play in the evening, but the death has not recovered. Forcing him to play against him is not good for him, affecting the future, so Ling Feng will let the gods give up this.

This means that there are only two chances for the gods in the void.

One is Ling Feng, and the other is Qin Feng.


Yu Honglin has no hope for Qin Feng. For the strong characters of Xianting, there is no hope for Qin Feng’s current strength. However, Ling Feng can’t see through, and it is very likely to kill the 64.

"The empty road Qin Feng, come up to die!"

In the battlefield space, the character of Xianting was violently blasted, and there was no such thing as a vain character, especially Qin Feng.


The killing on his body was very fierce. The sixth sorcerer of Xianting was bloody, and a person from Xianting was defeated. It made the other characters of Xianting unhappy, and Qin Feng, who was in the realm of the second-level gods, dared to despise them.

Such a character must die!

"Qin Feng, you have to remember, things must not be reluctant!" Yu Honglin solemnly warned.


Qin Feng just looked directly at the battlefield, and the gods saw it, and there was a killing of the body.

"Live back!"

Ling Feng was heavily photographed on Qin Feng's shoulder. He knew Qin Feng's mind. This fierce battle is what he wants. It is even more desirable. Even the people can't suppress it at this time.

The anti-God has sacrificed too much on the journey, and one day will be the sacrifice.

Some things can't be avoided!

This is the responsibility!


Qin Feng has a heavy forehead, and this is the time to move toward the battlefield space. The momentum is fully unfolded. He can die, but the fighting spirit of the wild, the soul of the wild cannot die!

At the edge of the battlefield space.

Qin Feng stopped and grinned. "Ling Shao, if I can't come back, please tell them, I hope they can live to be a sharp knife!"


He entered the battlefield space one step at a time. The power of madness and wildness exploded in an instant, reaching the top of the second-level god. If you face the **** of the top of the third, you still want to keep it, which is equivalent to looking for death.

This is a life and death battle!

This is a glory battle!

"it is good!"

Behind Qin Feng, Ling Feng said with a smile, just smiled and smiled, but his eyes were wet, and the dead people could die. Why can't the king be dead?

So many people who sacrificed the gods sacrificed, can Qin Feng sacrifice?


What Qin Feng can't worry about is the sky that has not yet grown up. They are too young and they can't experience the wind and rain. He hopes that they will grow up in the future and become the real blade in the hands of the people.

Oriental poetry, oriental Ying Yu frown, do not know why Ling Feng is so indifferent, even sent his own characters to the **** of death.

"Yes, if they dare to kill you..."

Ling Feng is still laughing, just laughing makes people chilling.. "I will let the entire Xianting funeral for you!"

This is a strong battle!

I don’t know why, when I heard this sentence, Dong Yingyu, the oriental poetry, and even Yu Honglin, who stood on the side, felt a cold. They didn’t know what Lingfeng was going to do, but it’s awkward. Broken sky.

When Qin Feng appeared in the battlefield space.

The battlefields in the distance seem to be losing their voices. Ye Witch, Ling Qing, Tian Shenque, etc. are chilling and calmly looking at the characters of Xianting. No one can ignore their wet eyes.

That is the king of waste!

He is fighting for the wild, and there are too many people standing behind him!

He is not talented enough, so he has to use blood to make it!


He is not fighting for himself, not to fight against God, but to fight for the wild!


If the Xianting figure really dares to take Qin Feng’s life, then the whole world will be crazy, and the whole anti-God will have to wait. At that time, they are crazy moments, they will bear the blood debt, for the glory of the gods. Fight with life and death!

"come on!"

Qin Feng said with a smile: "When you are too long, you can do it today!"

"It's very good!"

The Xianting figure said with a sneer. "The second level of the gods, but also want to break into the sixty-four strong? I will let you die very rhythm!"

"I am afraid that you will be disappointed!"

The smile on Qin Feng’s face disappeared and became empty and gloomy.

"Kill!" The Xianting gods have long been impatient, and when the voice falls, they quickly kill Qin Feng. (

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