Supreme Demon

Chapter 1136: Blood anger!

Blood book! that

It was the whole anti-God who was fighting at Xianting, but this time Xianting still didn't understand it. but

They will soon know how cruel this battle is.


Just as Ling Feng resentfully held Qin Feng out of the battlefield space, the oriental Yingyu, who had been watching from the cold, spoke. She tore off her clothes and wrote it in the same words, and said, "There is no rule. There is a life and death on the battlefield!"

The Oriental family has endured for 30 years! and

In this session, I finally couldn't help it, or Qin Feng's collapsed soul, reminding her of the past, thinking of her sister's pain and the loss of the oriental family. She finally calmly collapsed and became crazy.

bloody battle! This

It is the Oriental family who is fighting against Xianting! "

Oh? ”

He Xiao stopped and looked at the oriental Yingyu, a gentle smile. "That should be the same!"

However, this is the entire empty road? Or is it just for you? ""

Life and death only! "week

Qi Tian smiled indifferently.. "Isn't it a blood book? Then it will start!"

"It is exactly what you said!"

Shangguan asked the sky and shrugged and said: "Even if we don't have a blood book, you will still collapse, then you will have this blood book!"

Four empty roads are full of blood books! This

It means that the entire empty road will be on the Xianting, not endless! "

In this way, the rules have no meaning! "leaf

The witch opened her mouth and said with a cold smile. "From then on, there will be no boundaries between life and death. This is the real battle!"

"That's right!"

Ling Qing sneered and said, "Because it is too good to kill the killer, this rule is really interesting. If you violate the rules, we will not want this rule. From this moment on, we are the rules!"

It makes sense, I am willing to be a pioneer! Yunxi said with a smile.

On life and death, talk about the war! "day

Shenque spoke and said, "Don't dare to come, then go home!"

Either live or die! "clear

She is strong and open, and it is really jealous to be in the realm of the fourth-level god. "

The battle between life and death makes more sense! "cold

If the month is open, this person who does not show up in the mountains, but in his power is a force that cannot be ignored.

This is against the gods in the statement!

Qin Feng dare to sacrifice, why are they afraid?

People fight mainly, then they fight! not


When these characters spoke, the Tianzun of their powers only frowned, but did not speak, and until now, Xianting knew how many forces had been offended by the god.

Thirty years ago, the empty road endured. three

Ten years later, their blood debts are squirting!

"Is this what your power means?" Xianting, the adult material asked.

"We only represent ourselves!"

Ye Wong said. "Power is a force, but we can't stand it. If something is wrong, we must pay more blood and life. This is the next generation!"

This sentence is more poisonous! This

It means that they will be completely on the Xianting, eternal life forever!

To be honest, Xianting characters have some headaches, they are horizontal, so other forces will be afraid of three points, but now they are embarrassed.


The big man in the court is stunned and murderous.

"You will know!"

The witch is not afraid, but frankly and sternly, they are born in this world. The next generation is the anti-God, at least the death **** will become a formal disciple of the Void, qualified to participate in the next battle. This

It is also the advantage of the gods.

Will the death **** at that time let go of Xianting?

"The next day of the war, the heads of Xianting Tianjiao, I am determined to die!" said the **** of death.


God instantly picks up, no one can ignore the character born from the prelude of the heavens, and has to say that the present death is too strong, and the future will be the enemy of the Xianting characters. "

No rules, what rules? ”

Finally, Song Yuanhuang said: "Is it so boring to play like this?"

It’s enough to be alive and kicking! "week

Cute and lazy said. "Others think I can rank fourth, but in fact I want to hammer the first!"


In this blood disaster, people are fully aware of the dark side of Xianting. They think things too simple, kill people but think simple things, both in handling and in attitude, so that the gods are very dissatisfied. . he

We are worried that the next one will be them! he

If we don't follow the rules, then we will fight for life!

In an instant.

The battle of the sky has changed its taste, full of **** atmosphere, the real hurricane and **** rain is coming, that is, the Xianting characters are discolored at this time. They are very strong, but they are not strong enough to face the fifteen forces. "

Yu Tianzun, what do you think? Fairy

The big man in the court is very headache. It is really like this. It is estimated that the genius of Xianting will be scrapped, and other forces will have to be abolished.

Who wants to see the situation of losing both?

The gods are too young, considering that things are not comprehensive enough, but older people should consider more?

"The things between the gods are solved by themselves!"

Yu Honglin said indifferently that the empty road has been miserable for three thousand years, and Xianting oppressed them for three thousand years, but now he does not care so much, or kills in blood, or sinks forever.

"Very good!"

The big man in the court was cold-faced and said coldly. "You are willing, then we will accompany the end!"



Yu Honglin looked at Qin Feng lying on the bed, his face was a bit ugly, Qin Feng's situation was quite tricky, the soul has collapsed, even if it is recast, it may not be perfect, he has strength, but it is very headache on the issue of the soul. . "

The situation is serious, I am also at a loss! "to

Hong Lin sighed and said. "

Work hard and respect! ”

Ling Feng’s forehead, with a layer of frost on his face, did he not know?

Qin Feng is not him after all, his soul sea is strong, even if the heavenly characters want to collapse, they must be annihilated. The prohibition is the top penalty, but Qin Feng soul has no such power in the sea.


Yu Honglin patted Ling Feng’s shoulder before leaving the room.

"Ling Shao, is he still hope to live?"

After Hong Lin left, the **** of death was impatient and asked, and Qin Feng had been with him for so long. He was already a life and death brother. He was very concerned about Qin Feng’s life and death.

"To wait for!""

Wait? Asked the **** of death.

"I don't know the specific situation right now, but his soul does collapse." Ling Feng said murderously. "I don't dare to mess around, but I think Burning Heaven should be able to do it."

Burning Heaven is coming? "The eyes of death suddenly brightened.

"To come!"

Ling Feng said with a voice. "He came, we have hope, he will not come, we have no hope!"


He took out a banner. This was created by Burning Heaven. Once the banner broke open, it was the moment when the Burning Heaven set foot on the void, and it was the moment when the entire anti-God was fully prepared.

When Ling Feng decided to **** Xianting Tianjiao, when he decided to use the full force, the Burning Heaven must be born. Virtual

The empty road, Ling Feng is still not convinced.

"come on!"

Ling Feng held the flag, and the bright light appeared in the eyes of the gods. "Do not ask the present, do not ask the afterlife, fight now!"

next moment!

The flag burst on the spot, and the smoke flew out.

almost! on

At the moment when the flag was smashed, the entire Tibetan star would send out the vastness of the heavens, and any force could clearly see it, and the mansions presented a broken edge.

That is the symbol!

However, in that symbol, a **** of blood dripping appears, many stars of the earth do not know who this **** is, but can you not know the characters?

That is his wild king!

can! Now

The king of the wild is bleeding, has passed out, and has a blood hole on his forehead. What does this mean? shortage

King sacrifice!

In an instant, the entire Tibetan star was blown up, and a strange man was born without any news. They banned from flying to the tiankeng, which could not be suppressed by any character, and the butterfly immediately acted and sent the message. Spread to the Shenwu continent and scatter to the stars of Hengtian. whole

The rebellious spirits rushed and the tense atmosphere came again.

"I will be born!"

One day, Burning Heaven was born, and broke away from the tiankeng, releasing the momentum that made all the people shudder. He was smothered with sorrow, and the terrible power poured over the mountains and rivers, even if the little stars were smashing.

This is the **** of heaven before the ages!

This is an older and more terrible figure than the old man!

at the same time.

The birth of the beast of the beast, the Bifang, the candle dragon also came out. Ten years later, the two top gods have taken a step toward the heavens, and they can prove that they are at the top of the semi-empire. and

Although the Mingtian beast is still the first place in the heavens, it is the real king, and the power of the law of burning the heavens can be used to cover the heavenly respect.

The power of the top of the reverse **** finally surfaced, ten years of immersion, ten years later, and ten years of incomprehensibility.

It is the smell of the old man who has been born, sitting in the town of Hengtianxing, once the war started, there is no scruples to the starry sky. all

Prepare for the face! only

Because the people need it!

Simultaneously. people

We know a message that Xianting violated the rule of the collapsed Qin Feng, the Lord has already written a blood book, to completely confront the Xianting, this is not his personal problem, but the whole problem of reversing God. he

We will carry blood debts and carry the hope of tens of millions of against God! "

From this moment on, we kill the fairy court! ""

People mainly suppress the immortal world of Xianting, and forever eternal life, we strive to do it! "The most out of the battle broke out."

then. burn

Tian Zun tears the void and moves forward quickly. Mingtian Beast, Bifang, and Candle Dragon are personally accompanying each other. This is not to smear Xianting. It is not enough for their current strength, but to ensure that the Lord is in danger. and

And. Qin

The situation of Feng has been passed back, and the characters of the day are temporarily suppressed. The Burning Heavens have to look at them personally, and they are looking forward to the results. "

Don't worry! ”

Before burning, Tian Zun said, "Whenever you step on the ancient martial arts, the soul is the force, and the force is the soul. He can recast."

This is the reason why the gods are relieved, otherwise they will slay the fairy court even if they die. but

This is blood anger, from now on, the wilderness will do its best, and strive to kill Xianting!

Ps.. May 1 seems to be six? that

Just six more.

Happy Labor day! (

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