Supreme Demon

Chapter 1152: Looking at the horizon!

Four gods showdown!

This is a feast!

People are full of enthusiasm and full of energy. Looking at the vast battlefield, they are very excited, especially other forces. They hope that Xianting will be suppressed and their strength will be weakened. The confrontation with them is the void and the Guanghan Palace.

Anyway, it’s not your own death!

When the result came out, Xianting He Xiao just smiled and looked at Ling Feng's eyes full of killing. This **** appeared to bring enough shame to Xian Ting, and now this shame is finally over.

He wants to use his top power to let his opponent know that Xianting can't be insulted!

Qingyi, Lingqing, etc. appeared very calm, and there was no wave on the face. The Tianshi war had arrived at this time. What they really worried about was that after the war, Lingfeng dared to show the top strength, which means he wants to end this. Heavenly war.

Just at the moment!

"This is the final showdown!"

Dongfang Yingyu opened her mouth. She used to lick blood. After taking Tianshen Dan, his strength has recovered. Although she has not recovered, it does not affect her actions. At the moment five days later, she appeared on the battlefield.

She wants to know who is going to the top of the day!

I want to know more about the fierce battle between Ling Feng and He Xiao, and whether the shame of the Oriental family can be cleaned in this session.

Not much time.

The first game of the Four Gods is coming, and the Witch is slowly walking towards the battlefield. Yuyan is as cold as ever, like anything can not be wavered, and when it appears on the battlefield, it immediately ignites people's enthusiasm.

This is the only **** of the four gods!

It is the first day of this year!


The power displayed by the Leaf Witch is indeed terrible, especially the weakening power of the gods and the devils. It is the heavenly power that any **** is jealous of. However, her power has been fully revealed, and the Song and Yuan emperors are unfathomable. I am afraid that it is also very dangerous.

More importantly, this will be the fierce battle between the first day of the Guanghan Palace and the second day of arrogance. It will not be divided into life and death, but it will affect the future pattern of the Guanghan Palace. There is no doubt that no matter who beats it, the Guanghan Palace You can break into the top matchup.

"Sister, please!"

At this time, Song Yuanhuang went to the battlefield and looked at the leaf witch. He said with a slight smile. "I heard the teacher and sister before, but I didn't have the chance to compete. I always felt very sorry. I didn't expect to meet in the battle."

"At least don't worry!" Ye witch said plainly.


Song Yuanhuang said seriously: "All along, they called me the first day of arrogance, but I have not defeated you, I am really a misnomer, this war also asks the sister to do their best!"

This is the real **** of war!

They are eager to go further, they are more eager for their opponents!

"I will do my best!"

Ye witch's forehead, coldly said: "I want to go to the top of the day, who would like to suppress!"

This is a fierce battle!

She is not the Guanghan Palace, not her own, but thousands of people against the gods, they are waiting in the distance, waiting for the anti-God to fight in the invincible posture, the madness of the Lord, the strength of the Lord.

This is the real "medicine" that stimulates the potential of the gods.


Song Yuanhuang shouted, stepping forward, the battle fist is like a burning fire, directly hitting the leaf witch, the cold hurricane permeated in the four heavens, forming a storm, a hole in the void, banned from appearing In front of the leaf witch.

This is the power of the four heavens!

The fierce battle between them is not as intense as it is, step by step, step by step to the top.

"not enough!"

The leaf witch is cold and open, and bursts out in the same way. The power bursts into the mountains and rivers, and the earth and the earth show it. There is no weakening power, only the pressure of Tianyu.


Fist and punch!

The surrounding void collapsed in this boxing, the power collapsed, and the turbulent hurricane swayed around, affecting the place, and the leaf witch and the Song and Yuan emperor did not move, letting the space sway.

There is a faint mist of fog on their bodies, formed by the space of heaven, and is not affected by the turbulence of the space.


The two gods did not stop here. The leaf witch's body flashed and flew directly to the Song and Yuan emperors. The power quickly burst open, and the punch was punched out. One punch was the gods, and the punch was the magic soil.

The weakening force finally appeared at this moment.


Ye Witch doesn't want to delay any more. What she really cares about is the fierce battle between Ling Feng and He Xiao. I want to know what kind of realm Ling Feng is currently in, and how much he can grasp the unpredictable He Xiao.


Song Yuanhuang's face was slightly amazed, but he already knew that this scene would appear, so he did not panic. When his voice fell, he saw a jade crystal in his hand, releasing a massive amount of force and forming a Vientiane.

The whole world is covered with his body, and it is true that I can't tell which one is true.

of course.

Vientiane is not so simple, but it can suppress the weakening power of the land and the magic soil. Although it has not reached the level of restraint, it can make it slow. As long as there is enough time, it can be at the speed of the Song and Yuan emperors. Dodge off.


The gods and the earth were crushed, and the illusion of the big film was crushed on the spot, but it was not the true self of the Song and Yuan emperors. When the leaf witch discovered it, the Song Yuanhuang had been killed by the leaf witch, faster than lightning.


The Witch of the Leaf seems to have long been expected, not to panic, but the reflexive is a powerful blow, the gods and the magic soil are violent.


When the loud noise exploded, people only felt that the eardrum was suffering, and the entire battlefield space was in turmoil. Among them, Wan Wandao blurred the people's vision, and Ye Witch and Song Yuanhuang did not stop.

They are in a fierce battle!

The fists and the opposites, the strength is pushed to the top, releasing the inexhaustible power.

at last.

When the scorpion was scattered, the power of the Song and Yuan emperors was pushed to the top, reaching the level of five, dispelling the haze of the whole space, and strongly suppressing the leaf witch, and the space formed by the leaf witch in the gas field also showed No power, equivalent to the top of the fourth heaven.

At the present, the power of Ye Witch is pushed to the fifth-level god.

This makes the void eclipse, people almost suffocate, the Song and Yuan emperors are perverted, and the leaf witch is more enchanting, this is to destroy the confidence of many gods.

Ling Feng is in the forehead. After ten years, the leaf witch is really strong enough to make him fearful. If it is not born in the body, it is very dangerous. It is feared that it is very dangerous to encounter the leaf witch now.

It can be said that a **** with a leaf witch can defend the situation!

This is destined to be evenly matched!


When the two gods used the top forces to fight, the battlefield space was instantly blasted, and black holes appeared quickly. The day was flooded. People could see the glimpses of the battlefield space, but they could not see the battlefield space. Two gods in the middle.

Not just fast!

For a moment.

The leaf witch's body flew up, surpassed the Song and Yuan emperors, and the voice became clear, like a phoenix to come out.. "Come on, end this battle!"

"it is good!"

Song Yuanhuang’s forehead, at this moment, his state is excellent, it is the moment of the final confrontation.


His voice became an unprecedented chill, and instantly flew into the void, and on his head, the nine dragons rushed out, arched the Song and Yuan emperors, and breathed out the power, forming a powerful force.


When this power came down, Song Yuanhuang was the king of the nine days!

The supreme warfare technique that had made Ling Qing blood-stained, at this moment, showed more thorough, violent to make the world amazed, the wind and rain carrying the nine-headed real dragon, the center seems to have a dragon knife.

Kowloon spit!

This is known to people, but at this moment, the power of Song Yuanhuang is different. No one knows that the Kowloon spit is just a starting hand, and the real power is behind it.

"Cut off the road!"

Nine dragons and pearls merged, and they were embedded in the knives, and the hands of Song Yuanhuang were held on the knives.


One knife out, the sky trembles!

A knife out, the wind and rain stop!

There is only one knife, but it can cut off thousands of roads!

That is an extraordinary knife created by the elite strength of Jiutou Zhenlong.


When the Song and Yuan emperors started, the leaf witches were also using their full strength, and the magical earth began to blend together. The power of a horror was coming out, like the spring water spewing, and the gas field was more turbulent.

Her treasure is solemn, like a female fairy!

She is old-fashioned, like the **** of war from ancient times!

And when the magic soil and the gods thoroughly blended, the power of the singer in the leaf witch really appeared. At this moment, she has no scruples, and it is necessary to suppress the Song and Yuan emperors with the most top power.

Do your best!

Let this day be shocked!


Her body trembled, and a low force flew out of his dantian, glaring at a layer of spiritual fog, so that people could not see through how powerful it was, and that power appeared in the land of earth and magic in the lightning. In the power of harmony.

End of the world!

This is the first strength that Ye Witch played at the beginning. In the virtual sky, she once showed the second strength, and she did not see the horizon.


At that time, she did not use the power in the body, and now she uses it, which means she will push the horizon to the third.

Looking at the horizon!


next moment.

The power of the Song and Yuan emperors has already appeared in front of the leaf witches, and the wild giants quickly hit, especially the power of the nine-headed real dragon and the spit beads, which first reached the front of the leaf witch, and then it was the one that cut off the million. Ancient dragon knife.

Nothing is not broken, it is like a broken bamboo!

This is another highlight of the Guanghan Palace's Tiangong. The Song and Yuan emperors also walked out of a completely different avenue from their ancestors, and their power was even more powerful. Otherwise, they would be hailed as the first person after three thousand years.

In the momentum, the Song and Yuan emperors are really terrible, so that Zhou cute is sighing. This time the Song Yuanhuang is really terrible, but if he uses the top power, it may not be as much as the Song and Yuan emperors.

Now let's see if Ye Witch can suppress Song Yuanhuang.

Unlike the horror of the Song and Yuan emperors, the leaf witch seems to be much calmer. Only the tremulous spiritual fog on the chest is squirting, and at the moment when the power of the Song and Yuan dynasty is over, the sorcerer raises her head and squints at the corner of her mouth. A faint smile. Then she launched the power of the fog between her hands. (

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