Supreme Demon

Chapter 1157: Perfect void!

The momentum is stirring!

Wandao bowed!

In the battlefield space, Ling Feng headed to the sky, letting the ancient imposing out of the body, letting the light of the human universe shine in the body, the white and the night alternately appear, the white is the Galaxy, and the night It is a star.

That is a void! in

In the void, a starry river, a star, they cast a perfect void, and the ancient atmosphere pushes the whole scene to an unpredictable top.

Three thousand years!

The empty road has been studying, has been sighing, has been lost!

Ten years ago!

The world is coming out, they are ecstatic, looking for! can


They were still depressed before, why is the light of the void unreproducible? Why are they being suppressed by Xianting for three thousand years? Has the once glaring blood that has been eye-catching really disappeared?

however. on

When they were disappointed and lamented, a strange light ignited the heavens and the earth, dispelling the haze of people's hearts, shining in this virtual space, and fascinating in this world. three

Today, thousands of years later, they are no longer disappointed, only because of the void of the blood!

The whole scene was stunned, but then it was a boring blockbuster. Yu Honglin looked at the emptiness of the virtual battlefield. First, the Taoist eyes were wet, and then the old tears were swaying. They waited too long on this day. east

Fang Shishi and Dongying Yingyu were stunned. They only thought that when Ling Feng looked at them, they thought that Ling Feng had to show the power of the Tao, but did not expect to wait for this moment.

They are completely shocked! she was

They are ecstatic and incomprehensible! on

The official asked Tian, ​​Zhou Qitian was on the spot, looking at the extraordinary Ling Feng on the battlefield, actually did not know how to open, this is the object they have despised? A **** who really controls the blood of the void?

People can't help but get up and become respectful, especially the people of Xianting. They are pale and pale, and the tragedy of 3,000 years ago is going to happen again? that

At the time, the blood of the void is the threshold for them to fail!

At that time, the void characters were their nightmare!

And now the nightmare is coming!

Ye Witch, Ling Qing and other smiles, they have long guessed that with Ling Feng's character and strength, it is impossible to find the blood of the void, and as long as they can find it, it is sure to take that step with Ling Feng's help.

Once the blood of the void comes out, what is the blood of the four elephants?

"This guy always plays heartbeat!"

The gods licked their mouths, but they couldn’t help but clench their fists. He knew that the goods would not be as simple as this. The four elephants in the district wanted to suppress the wind, might it? "

This... can you do it? ”

The king, the spirit of the air, said that the empty blood is not a problem?

"The void reappears, and Xianting may not be able to defeat!"

"The first person who was created three thousand years after the empty road has been concealed until now, and it is really hot!"

"This session is really different. The four elephants are born, the blood of the void reappears, and its extraordinary level is more than three thousand years ago."

They talked a lot, all were awakened by the blood of Ling Feng, and the side of Xian Ting was collective silence. They didn't know how to open it. The blood of the four elephants is really dangerous to the blood of the sky. difficult

Weird Ling Feng dare to single out the fairy court! only

If the blood of the void is to come out, the future void will return to the first force, and the entire Xianting will bleed.

"Void... blood!"

He Xiao mouth mouth straight, his face can not help but pale, although never encountered, but the shadow of three thousand years, the formation of the influence is too big, so that he could not help but give birth to chill.

Suddenly. he

The corner of the mouth rises and smiles and says: "The blood of the void is not complete, and the void will ban it. It is because it will let the gods go into flames, and finally break into the magic road. Now let it be born, whether it is to achieve you, or to destroy it. Lose you?"

Just because of this battle? ”

In an instant. that

The scene that was still boiling was quiet for a moment. Before the people were shocked by it, they ignored this problem, which was forgotten by Hong Lin.

The blood of the void is forbidden. It is not that they cannot be tempered. It is because the consequences are too serious. The characters of 3,000 years ago broke into the magic road one by one. The impact is too great. The real Tianjiao is finally dead, and the end is too miserable.

And until now, they have not solved this problem, but how can the virtual blood appear? "

Oh, this is really a problem! ”

Several big people in Xianting said with a smile. "The empty road is really hot. In order to win this battle, I will not hesitate to sacrifice a Tianjiao."

"Incomplete voids will only make one more magic in this world?"

His powerful figure also frowned, is the virtual road now really crazy to this point?

In fact. to

Hong Lin is also frowning. At least he does not think that Ling Feng has the possibility of being exposed to the void. He has already been sealed by several big men. Unless the problem is solved, no one in the empty road will want to practice.

Can Lingfeng appear like this.

This made him think that when the airspace came out, it should be that Ling Fengyu touched the airspace and got the blood. "

He is still too proud! ”

Yu Honglin sighs sighly. Even if he can win this battle, is it too much? what

Xiao Heng died, Ling Feng can't live.

"He asked me to take him alive and leave here..." Yu Honglin's eyes sank, and Ling Feng at that time had already thought of such a curtain.


The oriental poetry and the oriental Yingyu also frowned. Why didn't they think that it would be like this? No wonder he could force the gods of the virtual star. It is indeed terrible to have the blood of the void, but the final ending is often very miserable. value

Got it?

When I heard these words, Ye Witch, Ling Qing, etc. also lost color. If it is as people say, then the future Ling Feng will break into the magic road, affecting not only the empty road, but the entire anti-God. more

The important thing is that they don't allow this to happen. "

Will not! "leaf

The witch said affirmatively. "He won't be crazy and stupid!"

Incomplete void? ”

Ling Feng grinned, very iconic, so the elites of the anti-God are assured, if there is no such confidence, Ling Feng will not show, which means that Ling Feng at this moment is the perfect void.

"Yes, that was 3,000 years ago!"

Like sighing, more is proud. Virtual

The problem that the airway did not solve was because they did not dare to go against the road, did not enter the terrible level of serving, and he was in this way, this is the king of the world.

"Incomplete void, do you think you can beat me?"

Xiao Yu sees Ling Feng, although he is shocked, but it is really strong. At least four blood vessels are not impossible. "

Have you seen the real void? Ling

The wind smiles and smiles. If you have already shown it, you don’t need to care. The burning of the sky has arrived. The problem of the old man has been solved. He has two heavenly statues before the ages, plus the three heavenly masters of the East, even if they are empty. Force him to measure the amount. because


He does not mind making the void more dazzling.

"I have never seen it before, but I have suppressed a lot of people three thousand years ago!" He Xiao proudly laughed. "

Yes, that is not the real void! ”

Ling Feng’s low smile.. “I know that you don’t understand these things, then I will show them to you!”

The voice fell. he

The blood in the body is excited by the explosion, and a frenzy is pushed to the top, which emerges from the top of the head. It is a complete void, without any flaws. The stars and stars illuminate this world.

And it shows the human form.

Human universe! its

On the illusion of light, there is a heavy glory, like a town seal, and when Ling Feng runs on the road, the upper one is unveiled, and a blade appears in front of people. Do not

The same is true. burn

The road has a handle, and the void blade has no handle!

Accompanied by the void blade is the endless storm, as if the whole world is annihilated, only the sessile blade is shining, which makes many people eclipse, this power seems to be more terrible than three thousand years ago.

but! to

Hong Lin looked more seriously and carefully. He has already realized the different meanings. The void is complete, and the virtual blade is perfect. What does this mean?

More importantly, the virtual blade has not been born for three thousand years! that

The martial arts that were born from the virtual pulse were not strong, and they were a bit of a chicken, but now they are born with top talent.

What does this mean?

"Surely feel it, the void will not let you down!"

At the moment when the virtual blade appeared, Ling Feng smiled and played, held it in the palm of his hand, and then pointed it out, and the slamming sound slammed, and the virtual blade ejected and went straight to He Xiao.

The void is empty, and the fingers are in a hurry!

"Xian Ting Wan Fa!"

Xiao face heavy, directly use the top Tiangong, let the brilliant Xianting come out, the four-like fairy knife flew out from Xianting and fell down. This

It is the top showdown after three thousand years! Of course


The whole process did not have a thrilling power. Only the empty blade of the world was hit by the air, and it penetrated thousands of miles and crushed the world. It was like a beam of light, plowing the void and darkness.

At the moment of contact, the four images of the world could be grayed out, and the smoke would be extinguished in a short period of time. The knives of the knives were quickly fragmented, and then the virtual blade was open to the air, and the whole fairy ancestor was opened. image

It is cut tofu! Want

It’s not that Xiao Xiao’s situation is wrong, and the dodge is fast enough, fearing that it will be directly killed by the virtual blade.

At this time, people just stood up and looked up at the empty blade, looking at Lingfeng, **** trepidation, pale face, vain suppression of them three thousand years ago, then acceptable, but now they are To bow down. "

That is... the real void! ”

Yu Honglin’s excited tears, if he can’t see it at the moment, is the real idiot, and the previous words of Ling Feng are another level of meaning. He has to go back alive. for


At the beginning, the incomplete vague blood has experienced so many winds and rains, how many forces are jealous, and want to get rid of their top arrogance?

And now the complete void blood comes out?

How many characters are going crazy? many

Less power to fight?

"Let him go back alive!"

Hong Lin said hoarsely. "Anyone can die, but he can't!"

Only a complete void blood can turn the tide, let the empty road return to the peak, and further, that is hope, the meaning is too great, this is why Ling Feng wants to say those words. (

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