Supreme Demon

Chapter 1163: Oriental ancestors!


This is the top figure in the current starry sky. Even before it was asked, even the top forces, it is extremely difficult to ask the day, and in the case of other forces, there are really few Tianzun who dare to ask the sky.

And now. day

The contest between the respects will start in this space, and it will be like a water fire.

Yu Honglin faces the three heavenly lords, the power is madly squirting, and the violent momentum appears. The space law presents a faint blue light, full of destructive atmosphere. Once it is knocked down, the whole space will be annihilated. early

When he fought with his fist, he was suppressed and had to use the top Tianli weapon. can

The issue is. he

Can be used, the three Tianzun can also be used, under the pressure of the three laws of red, red gold, light yellow, Yu Honglin gradually showed a decline, the power is becoming gray. complete


He used to consume a lot of time and wanted to recover in a short time.

"Still hiding?"

The head of Tianzun’s cold and proud smile: "In the old dog, you have no chance!"

not necessarily! "positive

At this time, Yu Honglin suddenly flew up and broke the space, and then the blue light formed a million roads, which fell from the emptiness and rushed to the most imposing Tianzun.

He wants to destroy one of the gods. boom

The loud noise. to

Hong Lin's attack succeeded, and the other party's reaction slowed down. When the blue law force exploded, the battle was directly pushed to the top, and the Tianzun was screaming and vomiting blood, and flew for three thousand miles.

His sternum was blown up, and the power partially collapsed, but the blow did not kill him. "

Damn, I want to smash you! ”

The Tian Zunyin test said that the rapid coming, the space law force burst out, more intense than the gods, and the other two Tianzun is even more down, completely restricted to Hong Lin. "

Everything is a law! "to

Hong Linbao was solemn and did not show any panic, but when his power was crushed down, the secluded blue light beam formed a sword and was banned from the power of Tian Zun. Card

rub. that

The power of Tianzun collapsed on the spot, and the blue light beam was a strong push. A stabbing sound, a **** mouth was opened on the Tianzun body, reaching the internal organs, letting it vomit and vomit blood, and his face was pale. "

It's really good! "for

The first Tianzun said faintly. "It’s just not enough!"


He banned from flying to Honglin, his hands pushed forward, and the whole world was amazed. The red space law formed a space and squeezed out. This is the top space born from space. Finish

A space formed entirely by space law.


Hong Lin was eclipsed. He walked for three thousand years, and the other side seemed to be more terrible and powerful. When it fell, the whole world seemed to be boiling, and the space formed by the law of space could crush everything.

Above the road!


The next moment, his miserable sorrow, flew out and crashed into the Tianzhou, causing the Tianzhou to collapse. The law of the day was further destroyed, and the impact was very serious. He worried that the three Tianzun could immediately Tearing.


However, the three Tianzun did not put Honglin as much as this, and came one step faster, and they tried their best to get rid of Honglin.

The three rules were played. Yu Honglin flew on the spot, his face was blood, but it was the blood of heaven, but now it is like water, it can ignite the space, and it can burn the stars, and then.

The head of Tianzun directly tears open the space, and Honglin will be forced to fight in the space. "

Damn it! ”

Yu Honglin’s face changed dramatically. Once he was forced to leave, Ling Feng and others were completely fish. can


In a situation where the situation is not as good as people, he is indeed inferior in strength. In the case of the assistance of the other two Tianzun, he has no choice at all and is forced into space in a short time.

"The trouble is coming!"

A heavenly character in the empty road said palely, Yu Honglin could not suppress the situation, and the other two Tianzun would start to them. "

Ling Feng, at the moment of life and death, we will fight for life and death. Once the boat collapses, you will fly immediately, and how far it will be to escape! ""

Yes! ”

Ling Feng’s forehead, some things are not reluctant, but this kindness is remembered in his heart. One day he will let these gods pay their lives, and the empty figures are using their lives to prove their needs to Ling Feng, they attach importance to them. . but

It is hard to say whether he is paying attention to him or the perfect void.

"Ling Feng, get out!"

The remaining two lords glared at the empty sky, one of them said. "We want you, not the whole empty road. If you come out, I will let them go, but if you don't come out, then Let the whole empty road gods bury you for you."

"Don't be fooled!" said the oriental poetry with a sullen face. Display

Of course. thing

At this level, there is still no possibility of survival. The two gods can't let go of each of them. Now it is just a provocation. "

I know! Ling

Once the wind is light, say, "I don't care, don't worry too much."


I don't know why, Zhou Qitian and others want to beat people. The feelings have not been considered. They have to hide here, even if they are pulling them to bury them.

"They are not credible!"

Dongfang Yingyu said, "The Tianzun of the Oriental family should be coming soon, we don't have to worry too much!"

"You informed the Oriental family?"

A heavenly character in the Void Road said: "Even if you have noticed it, but now you want to fly over, I am afraid it is too late."

"Get it!" East

Fang Shishi sneered and said: "We have informed earlier that they have already come over!"


Let the officials ask Tian Tian, ​​Zhou Qitian and others to frown, that is, the heavenly characters in the empty road are also blasphemy, what does this mean? The Oriental family is going to take them one step faster? Have they already known this secret? but

Now is not the time to consider this issue, I have to say that if the three kings of the East appear, then the current problem can be solved. "

coming! "east

Fang Yingyu's eyes are bright, the bracelet appears automatically, and the sparkle shines brightly. "

Who dares to move me to the virtual star god? ”

A Tianyin blasted, a Tian Zhou plowed the darkness, appeared in the dark starry sky, carrying a violent force, pressing the sky and the earth, and the last three heavens came to the lightning, looking at the two Tianzun, the face wrapped A layer of frost. "

kill! ”

The two gods did not hesitate to directly kill the former, and now any words are superfluous, only you die and die. "

kill! "east

Fangjia three Tianzun quickly stepped forward, blood killing the heavens and the earth, and one of the old Tianzun is very uncomfortable, a boxing can collapse the law of space, quite powerful, even the Oriental Yingyu and so on.

Just because. This

It is the ancestor of the Oriental family. The greatest wizard of the year was never published for many years, but it has already arrived. Milli

No doubt.

Under the pressure of this ancestor, the two Tianzun immediately showed a declining trend and continued to regress.

"Open!" East

Fang Laozu was as powerful as a mountain, with one hand hitting the space and directly tearing it apart. Then he punched out and shot the entire starry sky, and the two gods who were in the fierce battle were frightened.

"Oriental ancestors!"

Honglin Daosheng released the strange light and immediately flew out of the space and came to the front of the three homes in the East. "Are you coming?"


The eastern ancestors smiled and said: "If you have a hard time, you will regret it."

"I am grateful to the empty family for the greatness of the East!" Yu Honglin said respectfully, this is an old-fashioned figure. It can be said that when the ancestor of the East was shocked, he was not born yet. "

We are also coming for Lingfeng, but it is not grateful! "east

Fang Laozu smiled lightly, then looked at the three heavenly lords and said: "First get rid of them, I will wait for the few heavenly lords of the empty road to join together as soon as possible!"

"it is good!"

next moment. he

They killed the three heavenly lords, and the eastern ancestors said: "Uncovering their heads, I really want to know which forces they came from!"

This is also the purpose of the four heavenly gods. Do not

Over. only

There are three ancestors of the Eastern ancestors, and the other Tianzun is responsible for guarding the empty sky, and he is worried that other celestial beings will appear in the void. Virtual

The air fierce battle is quite horrible, piercing a heavy space and forming a scene of destruction. Of course


Just when the three heavenly gods were suppressed, and the shackles were full, the light in the void reappeared, and a heavenly boat appeared silently and silently. The upper three sides sat on the three heavenly lords, and they tried to cover all directions. "

Hand over the wind, can't kill! ”

When the voice fell, they had already flown to the ancestors of the East. This is a whole six heavenly lords, even if they are under pressure from Hong Lin and the Eastern ancestors.

Even more terrifying. six

Tian Tianzun restrained them from the Eastern ancestors, and the other two Tianzun came to the Tianzhou.

"The crackdown can't stop!"

The oriental Ying Yu Yu Yan was furious. Originally, the ancestors of the East had already turned the tide, but they did not expect the opponents to be more fierce. They even wanted to annihilate them. There is no doubt that the previous three Tianzun were completely fishing. "

Shopping! ”

The Eastern ancestors of the ancestors were red, using the top rules, bombing, blurring the flesh and blood of their opponents, and then pressing on to another Tianzun, to fight against the two gods in the attitude of the world, it is not arrogant.

But this is still not enough.

"Tear open the boat at once, don't delay!" said the last three figures headed by Tianzun. "

no problem! ”

A Tianzun came to the front of the Tiantan, the sound was clear and magnetic, and then the terrible law power was placed in his hand, like a storm, quickly pressing against the Tianzhou, the horrible power can make the day tremble.

"Let's stand up, you are ready to fly!"

Several heavenly figures were tragic and forward, and they were suppressed by the power of heaven to urge the entire Tiantan. can

This power is too small in the face of true rules, and they are destined to bleed. This

It will be a tragic ending..."

They are coming! ”

But when the power of the law was crushed, the smile on the face of Ling Feng, he did not know how great it was to burn Tian Zun, but when he came alone, without fear of the storm, he could rest assured .

Ps.. can't write three chapters, postpone until tomorrow, a bunch of chores recently. Correct

I can't afford everyone. late

Ann. (

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