Supreme Demon

Chapter 1179: Magic now!

After the mountain!

The fire was shocked, and it was rushed from the center of the earth and ignited in the void. It was a picture of the underground magma pouring out.

Here is the **** volcano.


Ling Feng is facing the altar, looking at the faint emptiness, the eyes shining in the eyes, not long after the appearance of the appearance of the face, she looked at the wind, some obsessed, until now, Ling Feng that face The handsome figure is still stirring in her heart.

The top gods are not afraid to move!

This is not the magic of force, but the influence of Ling Feng.

“How is the situation?” Ling Feng asked.

"Butterfly, anti-God, etc. are moving forward to those four forces." Yan Yan solemnly said: "We need a little time."

"You have time!"

Ling Feng turned and said: "As long as they are not idiots, this time they should think about how to clear up the relationship, and you are taking this opportunity to break into the four forces."


After a moment of hesitation, he still asked. "The owner, is this too early, will it be a snake?"


At the banquet, Ling Feng hit the four forces and pushed them to the front of the big 6 forces. When those forces knew that the forces such as Fengshen belonged to the third force, the problem would become more and more difficult.

"They don't matter!"

Ling Feng is elegant and laughs. "At the beginning, they had targeted the gods and rebelled against God. Even if I didn't push them out, wouldn't you feel that God is not vigilant?"

"This... what does the person mean?"

"The third force!"

"Are they not the third force?" asked the question.


Ling Feng said faintly. "The third force is not simple, at least not what we have seen. These four forces are too conspicuous, even if they belong to the third force, there is not much threat, but..."

"Does the people think that the third force has another power?"


Ling Feng sneered and said: "With the power of the gods, the zero family and other forces, it is not difficult to find out the gods, but why can't you find the third force until today? It’s not weak here, why can’t I find any problems?”

"We are in the wrong direction!"

"Does the people think that the third force is?" The eyes of the gods shine, this problem has always caused her headache, and when the Lord returns, the powerful intelligence seems to open a new world.

Dazhi if the demon!

It is not too much to describe the person with such words, and when he starts to meditate, he is really handsome to the sky.

"To check a few forces!"

Ling Feng’s eyes gradually became serious and he lowered his voice and said: “Yin Shenzong, Split God, God and Zero!”


Yan Yanyan was shocked. These four forces were once in the fierce battle. They tend to reverse the gods, and they have a lot of power, especially the gods, and the relationship between the gods and the gods is completely a "life and death brother", but now Lingfeng actually wants Let her go to the investigation of the gods and other forces.

"Don't be surprised!"

Ling Feng said with a light and elegant smile. "There has been a problem with the anti-God. It may be because our exhibition is too fast and not solid enough. But when the gods and the gods are standing in the heavens and the earth, will there be no problem?" ”

"The third force can be a force, it can be multiple forces, but it can be part of the character!"

"Do people want to find out if there are any problems inside these four forces?"


Ling Feng said with a smile: "I want to give them a little time to show them the best, I have to give the time to the gods, let them perform better!"

Wait for the flowers to bloom!

Wait for the butterfly to break!


His intentions are not only the third force. He uses deterrence to make the world look good, let the four forces withstand the wind and rain, give the third force more time, and give the gods more time.

The current anti-God needs too much time, and when they are solid, the third force is a joke.

If it was before.

Ling Feng will not hesitate to find out the third force and directly annihilate it, but now he enters the starry sky and sees it more broadly, so he thinks more. Now they are too small to be tossed, and when they are against the gods Starry sky, soaring in the Bohai Sea, what about the third force?

How much wind and waves can they toss?

of course.

More importantly, he wants to contain the third force. The power of the anti-God is too distracting, not only to those extreme stars, but also to the surrounding stars, they need more time to grow.


To the virtual star!

The wind and rain here has not stopped. The four heavenly lords of the empty road have already flown back. The three heavenly lords of the East have already returned, but the Lingfeng has not been able to return. This means that the power of the road and the perfect void have not come back.


The Eastern family and the Void Road are insanely scrutinizing, hoping to find out the real murderer as soon as possible. Previously they were concerned about the reputation of the Void, and now the reputation is far from perfect.

They have to reverse the case!

The problem is that many of the evidences have been annihilated over the years, and they also involve people in the void. These characters do not need many years to destroy the evidence. The years are not only killing the pig knife, but also annihilating it.


The big man of the Void also knows the importance of this matter. He did not find out the real murder behind the scenes. Will Burning Heaven make Ling Feng come back?

Can they rest assured?

They are burning beside the heavens, and the fire of the hope of the void is still there, and if they sacrifice here in the void, it is a **** battle waiting for them.

They are crazy!

of course.

This is a problem at the top level, and it will not affect the gods, death gods, etc. If they wish to enter the empty road, they will practice in the Daokong Dongfu. Although they can't talk about qualitative change, they win by accumulating.

At least, ten years later they will be really strong.

Other forces seem calm. On the one hand, they don't want people to know that they have participated in the assassination of the hurricane. On the other hand, they know that Lingfeng has not returned to the empty road. They are looking for the whereabouts of Lingfeng.

What's more important is that they want to know who is burning Tianzun, and **** more than ten Tianzuns.


In the rush of time, in the virtual sky, there was a huge explosion like a wave. A piece of Tianyu was torn apart and opened, showing a large black hole, and the horror of the heavens was eclipsed.

This is how many years have not been born.

"Damn, that is the area!"

After getting the news, a big man changed his color for the first time. Because he thought of many problems, there was a region in the virtual sky. They were deliberately sealed, not open to the gods, but guarded by the great figures of the heavenly level. .

"The town seal collapses!"

"There should be a person with a heavenly level on the opposite side!"

"Get out now!"

The sixteen top powers were all eclipsed, and Tian Zun immediately drove Tianzhou to fly in that direction.

"What happened?"

The gods are very dumbfounded, completely ignorant of the situation, but are told that they are not going to break into the virtual sky, quietly wait for things to calm down, but this does not annihilate people's curiosity.

"Magic now!"

A slightly older heavenly character spoke up and said with anxiety. "The piece of magical soil is still falling apart."

"What do you mean?"

Some young gods can't help but ask, they know too little about virtual heaven.

"The virtual heavenly domain was once a godland, and the heavenly kingdom stood on this piece of land. It was destroyed before the ancient times. We suspect that this is related to the magic, and there is a magical entrance in the virtual sky. ”

"Tianzuns joined forces to seal the entrance, but the devil is still coming in, and the place has been unstable."


"Is it in this starry sky?"

"It shouldn't be, it's very likely to live in another starry sky, or a dark star!"

"Does this mean that the devil will come over through that entrance?"


Magic now!

This is a very terrible thing, especially the gods such as Vulcan. They know these creatures too much. At the beginning, Shenwuda 6 was once smashed by the sorcerer. The death and injury were too heavy. The rebellious **** was also smashed by the magic mouth and cast the present prosperity.


The devil who came here is not the original demon. When it comes to the heavenly level, the problem is tricky.


At this moment, the horrible fluctuations in the virtual sky, the endless black hole is blending, and then form a terrible magic field, a demon's head is sticking out of the hole, the dark magic is like a wildfire burning, igniting the whole Virtual sky.

"Call, it's really fresh."

He breathed the air around him and looked at a starry sky. The horrible sight seemed to be burning. He was expected to wear a hundred billion miles in the sky. Even if it was through a virtual sky, people could not help but chill.

People know that the most terrible thing is born.

"This is really a very vibrant starry sky!"


The huge head of the demon went one step further, half of the body has entered the starry sky, as if to break in, and behind it is the mighty army of the demon world, the scene is far more magnificent than the original invasion of Shenwu 6 More.


At that moment, the ancient creatures appeared, carrying the shocking sky light from the emptiness air, banned from the head of the head, but also on the thousands of demon army, the back of the solitary support the entire sky.

next moment.

The sky is blurred and everything has been drowned.

Undoubtedly, the character is the Tianzun who guards the entrance to the magic road. At this moment, the demon statue is suppressed. The horror of the gas field and power is not what people can see now.


People are not optimistic, especially Vulcan and other anti-God, the devils dare to invade, and carrying the army, means that they have been prepared for a long time, and they are very passive, and the major forces have experienced a fierce battle. Far less concentric.

Fortunately, the devil is now only a virtual Tianyu, there is no way to appear here, otherwise it will be a life.

"I am afraid that things are not as simple as we think, and the dark moments will come early!" said the **** of death.

“Maybe, is this better for us?”

Vulcan squints and displays in these levels of war, and the reverse can penetrate faster, just too treacherous.

Ps.. burned today, my head is stunned, I can't write anything, I am sorry everyone. good night.

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