Supreme Demon

Chapter 1182: The real virtual sky!

The demons battlefield!

This is what people have taken for this battle, and this battlefield will be in a real virtual sky.

At the moment of getting the news, the top actors of the major forces reacted, even if Xianting was damaged, but they must do their best at the moment. They are consistent in suppressing the demons. when

Of course. people

What we care about is the top gods and the top Tianjiao of this year. Lingfeng disappears. At present, it should not come back. Even if it comes back to the empty road, it may not make it into the virtual sky. There is not only the danger of the terrain, but more importantly, people. Magic danger. complete

actually. people

The magic battlefield is not limited to the four or five gods, but the whole heaven and the gods. It can be said that most of them are top gods. As long as the wind meets, it will be bloody, because not only the devil wants to kill him, but also some forces. God also wants to target him. but

! This

It does not affect other top-level arrogance, at least the real celestial threshold of the sky, the top Tianjiao is not contained. Virtual

The three characters in the empty road chose to enter the real virtual sky for the first time, so that many forces are on the sidelines, only the four-level gods, but they want to take a day in the virtual sky. This courage is worthy of praise, but also face life and death.

The three forces are silent. They will not affect the choice of the three gods such as the Oriental Yingyu. Although they are very unwilling, as long as they can come back alive, Dongying Yingyu will open a new chapter. and


This is the current situation. Every character should do his best, not to mention the power. If they come out with different voices, how will other forces view them?

The next day. wide

On the other side of the Han Palace, the Song and Yuan emperors will participate in this battle, and the demon will be opposed to the Tianjiao in this day. It is only the third person behind the Ye Witch and Ling Feng. he

The appearance of the statue is like promoting this year's gods, several characters in the Guanghan Palace have been born, to participate in this battle, to suppress the demon arrogance. can

Unfortunately, it is.

Because the leaf witch is in a state of retreat, she still does not know the news and should not participate in this battle. This means that the first and second characters of this day will not be able to fight this battle.

When there was not much news in the Guanghan Palace, there was news from Yaochi. The top character of this year, Zhou You, will be strong and carry a few heavenly gods in Yaochi to enter the real virtual sky. Ling

Qing did not retreat, and Yao Chi hoped that the goddess could be more tempered in the virtual sky. when

Of course. also

More importantly, it is said that the ice fairy before the ancient times appeared in the virtual sky. If Lingqing can find the remains of the ice fairy, it will give birth to a great figure.

In this regard, Yao Chi feels that Ling Qing is worth taking risks, and Ling Qing also has this meaning.

because. Yao

The pool and the Guanghan Palace are not enough for this Tianshen, so the Song and Yuan emperors met with Zhou You, and the three top Tianjiao and Yaochi four members of the Guanghan Palace will be polished in the virtual sky. Fairy

The court also reported that it was not the Tianjiao, but the last Tianjiao and Xianting top gods. This made many forces stunned. The powerful Xianting was really miserable this time. Fairy

The six priests were killed by five generations, only the sixth one lived, and the sixth strength to enter the virtual sky, it is simply looking for death, so there is no need to sharpen. and

And. Fairy

The court worried that the crazy girl in the empty road would smash the sixth one in the virtual sky.

The forces such as the Immortal Road, the Flooded Heaven, the Tianzhumen, and the Beast God have heard news. This time, the Tianjiao’s participation in the battle is obviously in the spotlight on the potential figures, and the major forces are consistent. Do not

Over. image

Du Gu Yuyue, Yun Xi, Liu Shu Shu, Tian Shenque, etc. have not been born. It is reported that the Tian war has had a great impact on them. After the end of the Tian War, they will be retired. I don’t know the news yet. This

Let many forces regret it, those characters are extraordinary, if you can go in and see, the future will be immeasurable.

“Is it really clever?”

Others can't understand, but the king and the spirit feel that something is wrong. One or two people choose to retreat. This is understandable, but the characters in the anti-God aspect are completely retired. Only one Lingqing will enter the virtual sky. Do people feel weird? and


Will this important thing, Guanghan Palace, Dianxiandao, etc. not inform them? Want

Is to inform them, but they still do not want to go in? Display

Of course. Take

They understand the anti-God, this force will not miss these opportunities, they are very brave, as long as they seize the opportunity, then they can move forward quickly, and the wisdom of Ye Witch can not think of this. This

As a general, there is only one possibility.

"They are waiting for someone!" Wang

When you look at it with Lingkong, you can see this meaning, which means that they have not given up, but only now, they hope that Lingfeng will come back.

of course.

The meaning of these characters is such that the king and the spirit are pleasantly surprised. This means that Ling Feng will not be too persistent and will appear in the virtual sky.


"Too bad!" East

Fang Yingyu said with some sighs: "The leaf witch did not appear, the Qing Dynasty has not yet arrived, and the solitary rainy month is also in retreat. I thought I could join them in the real virtual sky."

It is really disappointing. with

For the goddess, she is very appreciative of the leaves witches, Qing Yan these characters, especially the invincible power of these heavenly women in the battle of the sky, if she missed the real virtual sky, she would feel pity. "

They will fight! ”

The oriental poetry smiled and said, the gods flickered. "

Yes, they should not miss this opportunity! "Oriental Yingyu eyes are bright, now it is possible that the face of the Guanghan Palace has not sent the message to the Ye Witch. Otherwise, the character of the witch should not be so calm."

"Yes, they won't fight with you!" East

Fang Shishi is elegant and laughs, full of ecstasy, does the performance of these characters mean that the character is coming back?

"What do you mean?" East

Fang Yingyu asked, and could not help but ask.

"The time has not yet arrived, they are still waiting, but I think they will definitely step into the real virtual sky, but will not be with you." Oriental poetry said with a smile. "


Oriental Yingyu frowned, she heard a different taste, like the leaf witch did not look at her.

"Wait, my sister will understand."

The oriental poetry does not tell the truth. Some things should not be said, even if this is her sister.

"what's the situation?"

Oriental Yingyu is even more embarrassed, always feels somewhat incomprehensible, and the oriental poetry seems to know more. "

This is just my guess, the truth will have to wait until my sister reveals in the sky. "The oriental poetry said with a smile. "As for the reason, my sister will not ask. ”

"Go!" East

Fang Yingyu did not insist, these are not important to her, but the important thing is **** a world in the virtual sky.

however. on

After two days. each

The big forces began to recall the arrogance within the forces, especially the characters of the Song and Yuan Dynasties, Zhou Youxiu, and the Oriental Yingyu. That is too naive to be too dangerous. It is a life of nine deaths to enter with these strengths. In this case, the major The forces and gods should pay attention to it. One

These days, the gods are given the best, and they hope that the arrogance of their power will come back alive.

Eight days later.

The entrance to the demon is fluctuating, and the endless demon is coming out. It is not a demon, but a demon. Most of them are top demons, and only a few are potential devils.

The whole number of thousands of devils! can


The starry sky is not panicked. Several Tianzun sit in the virtual sky, and the tens of thousands of days of magic in the district only affect the overall situation. Moreover, the Mozu has already shown sincerity and has not invaded. Tens of thousands of demons have appeared first, proving that he really wants to Starry Sky God competes in the real virtual sky. and

The face of the starry sky is not directly annihilated. It is equivalent to sinning the demon and letting them smash it in the end. This is not what the stars and sky gods want, at least not yet.


They are very confident and feel that they can suppress the Mozu in a virtual sky. when

Of course.

The Mozu also knows that the real virtual sky is a different star, the threshold is extremely high, and it needs a strong talent. If there are only 10,000 devils, I am afraid that many will be brushed off, so that tens of thousands of devils will be allowed. Come together.

"Can open the real sky!"

The demon statue looks cold to the few gods, and the momentum is strong. "

I have to wait a few days, the starry sky is not ready yet! "A **** worships."


The devil's worth, they were laid out earlier, so they were well prepared, and the starry sky was passive. There should be enough time, and because the starry sky was not ready, it would prove that the real powerful **** will be born.

This is exactly what they want to see. this


Void road. One

The Tianzhou appeared, the Oriental Yingyu and so on did not hesitate to fly on the Tianzhou, standing in front, the gods were cold and devastated, this is destined to be a **** road, she did not know if she could return, but from this moment, she Will walk out of their own martial arts.

Because of her, she is a unique Oriental Yingyu!

"War!" Wang

The spirits and the spirits are striding out. Those who walk with them are the characters in the family power, and the gods in the empty road. The strength is too thin, but this is their choice. The empty road does not say anything. for

What they are sending is Vulcan, Death, Shallow Departure, etc. "

I know what you are waiting for. ”

The king said before leaving. "If we can't come back here, please don't let the Mozu insult our dignity!"

Will do! ”

Death smiled and said: "Some things will never be missed, some characters are destined to shine, you are waiting, we are waiting, but not time!"

understand! "king

The person, the spirit of the smile, they know that the person really wants to come out, although they do not understand what the gods are doing, but he feels that as long as he comes, it will be a **** hurricane. and

The character will carry the wind and rain and go against the world. "

Really coming! ”

The oriental poetry is full of laughter and always feels that the character is hiding, and Vulcan and Death seem to be forcing that person to appear.

Ps.. burned, the second will be later.

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