Supreme Demon

Chapter 1184: Blessed land is still earth?

The Sky Star is a threshold! Correct

The demand for talent is too terrible, there is no extraordinary talent, and I want to take a step forward. The force does not have any effect in the scope of the stars, and only the flesh and bones can open this threshold. and

And. day

The capital is extraordinary, the momentum of the flesh-and-blood bones is different, and it is more prosperous. Like the Song and Yuan emperors and Zhou You’s stepping on the steps, they have burst into the picture of Jiuzhongtian, and Lingqing shows the vision of the ice fairy. Forbidden to push open the door of the virtual sky.

but! which is

This is the case, the starry sky is also very miserable, only more than 9,000 gods broke into the stars, and other gods are beaten back, which means that in terms of numbers, they are not enough.

This makes a few people sitting in the virtual sky domain can not help but frown, the situation seems not as optimistic as they imagined.


Frowning is not only the starry sky, but the demon is also frowning, only because the situation of the demon is similar to that of the human race. The 30,000 demons come with wild power, but they collapse in front of the virtual sky. early

Time. magic

The situation of the clan is very good, the momentum is brave, and the hundred devils are forbidden to break into the celestial stars, so that the demon thinks that the celestial stars are just like this, but the next situation is quite fierce, and the more than ten devils are the stars of the sky. The strength of the stock is born and returned. and


More devils are in blood, only a few devils can break into the stars, which directly leads to the disillusionment of the devil's arrogant temperament, and becomes a trepidation. It is just a terrible test of talent, and the sky is in the end. What a great ban? Two

After the hour. whole

The situation has stopped, and the 30,000-day demon has only nine thousand devils into the virtual sky. More precisely, they are also in the face of the stars, less than 10,000 devils, which makes the stars and the demon two The party is a bit shameful. when

Of course.

This is the beginning. The virtual sky stars will not be sealed in this decade. One is to facilitate the gods and the gods to fly out. On the other hand, the devils are not at ease, worrying that the stars will borrow the town to seal the stars. Darkly harm the devils. and


Now the Terran and the Devil of the Terran and the Devil are not enough. They still have time to add, and neither party will miss this opportunity.

You must know that every time you add a top-level god, especially a character of the semi-imperialist level, the pressure on the Mozu will be even greater. As long as you are in the 10,000-dollar range, they must do their best.


These three gods and devils are almost top-notch, but the stars are vast, and there are always people who have not noticed them, like the original candle dragon and Bifang. If the two can enter, the blow to the Mozu will be very heavy. .

not to mention. leaf

The characters of the witch and the gods are not yet born. Some of the top gods are coming back, and the demons are doing their best. The more than 20,000 devils fly back, but the news has been passed back to the Mozu. They are trying their best to find strength. And the talents belong to the top of the demon.

"Go back immediately and fill these hundreds of gods as soon as possible!"

The empty face said awkwardly, the situation is very complicated now. On the one hand, it is one aspect, and on the other hand, they want to know what the Mozu wants to get on the virtual sky.

"No, I want to borrow a few people from him!"

Xuankong Taoist squats, thinking of the performance of the candle dragon and Bi Fangyu in the dark starry sky, the heart is bright, although he did not personally see, but Yu Honglin will not lie. to

Less in the level of the gods, there are no living creatures in the void that can be tied with the two.


He feels that Lingfeng’s power should be more than two creatures at this level. I am afraid that there are still many people. It’s not difficult to burn these people with the ability to burn heaven. If they can “borrow” these creatures, then the situation Will be more conducive to the starry sky.

However, the problem is that they do not know where to burn Tianzun and can't find any breath, as if they have disappeared into this starry sky.


! whole

The sky is trembled, people only feel that their bodies are out of control, and then they take off the ray of light and banned from appearing in the vast stars. Boom


When people land on their feet, they all feel dull bangs. The gravity of this star is heavier than the gods imagined. It is even more terrifying than the Supreme Star. Although it can adapt in a short time, it devours this star. The breath is taken off to reach the previous strength and degree.


The initial impact is still quite serious, especially when it is bloody, there is no time to adapt.


At that time, a fierce voice blew in people's ears. A **** fell on a mountain. The mountain was dark, like releasing magic, even if they could not see through their eyes.

Like a vulgar character in the night. under

A moment. that

The black night light swallowed the god, letting it mourn and sorrow, letting it fight and fight, still not as good as the black magic light. In a moment, his body would collapse and disappear into this star.

"The Law of Darkness!"

Their faces are mad, the black light is different, they can swallow the light around them, and they will last forever. Although they have experienced the ages, the laws of darkness have already worn out too much, but even if it is only a little, it is not the gods who can withstand it.

Obviously. in

In front of the mountain, there was once a great heavenly court, and the law of darkness was imprinted in it.

Sting! on

In the few gods gather, want to move forward, away from this place, a fierce virtual light flies, let the gods suffocate, and when the virtual light flashes and passes, the three gods directly bleed blood, in different places. and

Until now, people still don't know where the virtual light flew from, but this piece of heaven and earth has been covered with blood. This has just landed four gods, which makes people realize that this is a piece of earth. he

We will live on this piece of land for ten years!

"Everyone should pay attention, be alert!" said an old god, and the gods were completely let go, pressing as far as possible to prevent terrible changes.

however. This

The heavens and the earth calmed down again, and the vain light did not reappear, and the mountain did not have any gods to dare to approach, and people carefully moved forward, away from this unpredictable earth. when

Of course.

The celestial stars are so vast, more than nine thousand gods flew together, and it is impossible to fall in the same area, but they are completely transmitted to different directions and fall in different places. Nai

It is normal to be separated by thousands of miles.

When the oriental Yingyu fell, it suddenly became creepy. Not far from his side, a glimmer of shining light, which flew out of a clear air, banned from falling down, if not the eastern Yingyu alert, first Time to dodge, afraid that it is now dead. boom

Long! that

The air is falling, and a big hole is made in the solid sky.

Zhou Qitian and Shangguan asked the sky to be more shocked, only because they were in a vast territory, surrounded by gray, and they were destroying their strength and hurting their bodies. Although they did not directly kill them, this intangible force More terrible. This

It is poison gas, it can paralyze the flesh and blood of the gods little by little, until it is decaying, only to fly out as soon as possible, can survive, and if the poisoning is too deep, the impact will be the future.

call! he

They tried their best to use the treasures to suppress the gray atmosphere around them, and then swallowed the gods to keep the power from exhausting. It took a whole quarter of an hour to fly out of the gray atmosphere.

Despite this. he

They still feel that the flesh and blood are stinging, and some gray breath has penetrated into it, affecting their flesh and blood. If they don't pay attention to it, they will die. because


They first found a calm land of God, sitting in a hidden place to drive away. After all, the sky is full of mysterious and terrifying, God knows how terrible this gray atmosphere will be? Of course


The gods who flew with them could not have such good luck. At the beginning, they didn't pay much attention to it. At this time, they immediately used their power to drive away. It took a lot of time, and then they stayed here. The longer it is, the more terrible the penetration of the gray breath. This

When they were flying, they were still a step late. flutter

through! when

When the first **** was bloody, people’s faces changed wildly, only because the **** was **** and fuzzy, like rotting, quickly disintegrating, and finally formed a pool of blood and died.

At the last moment, the gray breath came out of the body directly, with a piece of rotten flesh and blood. people

They fry, this situation is too embarrassing, the impact is too serious.

They didn't dare to delay, and they quickly flew out. Indeed, they did it. But when they just got out of the gray and breathable range, they couldn't help but fall to the ground. The flesh and blood disintegrated quickly, and the blood of the stains spurted out.

Soon, their spirits are dissipating, and when Shangguan asked Tian and Zhou Qitian, they only saw their desperate eyes. sad

Severe and tragic, people are scalp. This

It is not a blessing but a purgatory. thing

In fact. Virtual

Tianxingchen is really a blessed land. Although the eastern Yingyu and Zhouqitian are relatively unlucky, but Zhou is lovely, the Song and Yuan emperors are different. They are in a blessed blessing, surrounded by ancient floods, although too dull. It is more messy, but for them it is a rare land.

and. he

They are not forced to separate like the group of Oriental Yingyu. Their group is directly in this blessed land. It is not far away, only a few thousand miles. For the gods, it is always possible to gather. he

They didn't move forward, but they sat down on this plate and spit out the flood of air around them. Although many breaths were muddy and they needed further separation to be able to sacrifice, this is indeed a flood of air, far more precious than Star Power. . and

The deepest feeling is Ling Qing, the ancient flooding airflow is very compatible with its blood, which can make it go further.

When they sat down and sacred, the celestial stars were sorrowful. Too many gods and demons were encountering unpredictable life and death. Even the top gods could not hold the unpredictable power. p

s.. second later.

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