Supreme Demon

Chapter 1187: Step by step bloody!

Spiritual! This

It is any character that you must remember when you are against the gods!

At the beginning. Ling

When the wind flew out of the realm of the gods, it was once assassinated by this family, almost killed, and led to the overall passiveness of the anti-God. If the wind is still alive, there is no place for the gods.

How do you not hate in the hearts of the gods? and

More hateful is Ling Qing, it is this demon, who led several gods to force Ling Feng into the magical sacred, if it was not the ban in the spirit of Ling Feng, it has already died. can


The original Dark Protoss had left the Shenwu continent and had not seen it for so many years. They thought that the Mozu did not dare to invade, but did not expect to meet here.

That is blood hate!


The spirit is even more hateful. At that time, the layout did not even smash the wind, but it also caused the ancestors of the spiritual gods to die. Even the Tianzhou was opened, and if the characters of the dark gods were in the distance, they were afraid. He will die in the secluded starry sky.

At that time. he

From the Shinto step into the magic road, let yourself become more extraordinary, and strive to meet the anti-God one day, kill them one by one, the Emperor pays off, and he walks to the realm of the semi-empire, and at this moment, it is even more The reverse character.

Ling Qing!

It is reported that this character is Lingfeng’s sister. If she can produce oysters, it will be a heavy blow to both the anti-God and the Lingfeng. If they bring a warm bed, they will die of them.

"Ling Qing, don't be fooled!"

Song Yuanhuang's face was ugly, and he directly held Ling Qing. Although he did not know what happened in the end, if this time Ling Qing was in the past, I was afraid that it would be the mind of the devil. in

In front of the top demons, what they have to do now is to work hard. live

There is hope!

"I hate!" Ling

The gods of the gods are moist, become red, and look directly at the spirits, as if they want to swallow the dead. "

what happened? "Weekly knows that things are serious, and now we must work hard to persuade Ling Qing."

He almost hurts the wind! "Ling Qing said bloody."

Dark damage? Song

The Emperor and the Zhou are lovely, look at each other, some are puzzled, Ling Feng is a void, and they don't seem to have much to do with it?

"He is my brother!"

When the words were spit out in the middle of the song, the Song and Emperor and the Zhou are all discolored. They always think that the two characters are just the same as the surname, but they have not thought of this problem. this

The first person in the Stars Sky and Ling Qing is a younger brother!

What is even more frightening is that one character dominates the empty road, and the other is about to dominate Yaochi. What kind of talent is this family?

and. Ling

Qing and Ling Feng have already opposed the Mozu, and Ling Feng almost died, and they are afraid to hate them.

"Oh, unfortunately his life is too hard!" Ling

Su Yin’s testimony: "The blood was so hard that it didn't die yet, but today I can swear his sister. I want to know what expression he is now?"

He said that you must personally suppress you and destroy the dust that you hit! ""


Lingsuo mouth straight, the original Ling Feng gave him too much pressure, the world's top wall appeared, even the top real gods are bloody, now Lingqing has stepped into the four-level god, what is the more extraordinary Ling Feng? Fives

Level, level 6, or is already at the top of the gods?

What would be the picture if you use the world?

shudder! "

Unfortunately, he is not here, and as long as I am angry with you, what can he do? To tell the truth, the current spirituality is somewhat guilty. Although his progress is very big, but he faces the terrible wind, he still trembles.

The character is a nightmare!

This is to make Zhou cute, Song Yuanhuang strange, Ling Feng is only four levels of God, but although very strong, but still not threaten the semi-emperor? But the half-Emperor is very jealous. This

What is the intention? "

He will come, and anyone will want to suppress his footsteps! Ling Qing said madly. "At that time, he will personally annihilate you!" ”

"court death!"

Ling Qing’s strength makes Ling Suo feel unprecedented danger. Although he did not feel the breath of Ling Feng in the gods, this does not mean that Ling Feng will not come in, and as long as Ling Feng comes in, waiting for him will be fierce. .

Finished. spirit

Suqian quickly swooped to Lingqing, to be directly oysters.

however. Song

Yuan Huang and Zhou You are more responsive than him. The first time they took Ling Qingfei, the other gods broke out the potential of the world, and they directly entered the territory, regardless of life and death. Er

There is hope in the soil, and there is no hope for the gods. Boom


In the next moment, Song Yuanhuang was filled with strange light. The top heavens came to the fore, appeared at his feet, held him, Zhou Zhou, and Ling Qing quickly disappeared, while other gods used it earlier, and even Tianzun Zhibao appeared. "

Do you think you can escape? "spirit

Suddenly ridiculed, with their speed and strength, they can completely suppress the gods such as Ling Qing, even in the land. in

When the Song and Yuan emperors and Zhou loved to use the heavens to the treasure, the demons used the Tianzhou directly, plowed the space, and lightning approached the gods such as Lingqing.

"Today, don't even think about one!"

The lightning bolted forward and killed the Song and Yuan Emperor with the power of the world. "

Damn it! Song

Yuan Huang's face is gray, their strength is not as good as the other side, and the other side has a Tianzhou, the speed is faster than them, so sooner or later they will be killed by them, then they will only have a life and death. "

I come! ”

Zhou Chou has not been able to take care of a lot at this moment, but solemnly sacrifices a banner to let it zoom in in the void, in which Tian Zun breathe out, bursting out of the gas field, actually suppressing the Tianhu’s Tianzhou and letting it fly backwards. And out.


The flag broke out of the world, wrapped the Song and Yuan emperors, Ling Qing, etc., and the lightning disappeared into this piece of land. Display

Of course. This

It belongs to Yaochi Zhibao, which is given by a Tianzun character to prevent Zhou’s cute characters from being killed in the virtual sky. They can protect their lives at the moment of life and death. However, this banner is also banned and can only be used once.


The spirits are full of anger, and an inadvertently let Ling Qing escape, the impact is still very large.

thus. he

With the two top days of the demon banned from flying forward, not let go of Ling Qing, and the rest of the demon is to kill the fallen gods. "

what! "One

The sound of Dao Li’s voice rang in this piece of earth. A heavenly woman was stopped by the demon, and her strength was hard steel, but she could not be juxtaposed with the demon. Only one contact, she screamed.

Sting! under

For a moment, a magic knife opened the empty space and appeared on the head of the heavenly woman. "

Do not! "that

The celestial woman tried her best to escape from the magic knife, but in the magic of the Eight Heavens, her strength was too thin, and the sword was directly smashed at the beginning of the skull. The soul of the sea collapsed, the body torn, and died on the spot. . This

It is the first blood of the gods and fierce battles! this

Come. This

The Heavenly Girl was once swallowed up by the Devil Tree and had no possibility of running away from the Eighth Heavenly Demon.

The other gods are stunned, they can't kill it, they will get rid of those gods, but now they can only try their best to escape, or break into the more fertile land, and die with the devil, or as soon as possible Find the top gods to suppress the demons.


Now they have no choice but to go forward hard. As for whether they will encounter the top gods, it is not a problem they should consider. can

! he

We are fast, the devils are faster.

Only a moment later, another demon will stop a god, use the magic of the eight heavens to fall from the void, and ban the opponent, which is completely powerless, even if it belongs to the fourth of the Guanghan Palace, but in The eight-level demon is not enough to see. when

When the magic of the Eight Heavens fell, the fourth sacred ancestor of the Guanghan Palace could only carry the sighs of the sky. This

It is the second drop of blood!

"Don't die!"

After three quarters of stalemate, the third **** was caught up, even if he used the heavens to the treasure, but the power is not as good as the demon, the speed is more subtle than the demon, there is no possibility of running away. Of course


This **** can be too brave, he knows that he will die, but he hates the devil, so when the demon kills, he blew himself on the spot, forming a horrible frenzy, knocking the seven-level demon, The flesh and blood are blurred and almost killed.

Regrettably, this god's self-destruction did not abolish the demon. This

It is the third drop of blood! Do not

Like these gods, the fourth **** is to be more intelligent. He directly enters the center of Erto, uses the top heavens to treasure, suppresses the inner fear, and faces the blood of the earth. he

The horror that I thought of borrowing the earth was gone with the devils.


It was not a demon who was killed to him, but the real four. In their great power, the demon tree of the earth was actually crushed by them, but the speed was slowed down, but it was given to the god. Breathing time.


The **** only felt that his body was numb. He didn't know when a small grass was rooted on his back. He was madly swallowing his blood, and he was so painful that even the speed was affected. but

He did not hesitate, and the backhand directly cut the grass together with the flesh and blood, and reluctantly moved forward. day

The demons are not dead, so be stubborn to live! thorn

La! Do not

For a long time, a demon chased it up and smashed the arm of the **** to make it more miserable, and the grass was not so simple, the poison was eroding his flesh and bones, which made the gods feel dead in the day. .

He knows that he is very hard to live!

Hey! sheet

After the engraving, his second arm was also smashed down, blood dripping down. again

After a while, his half-body has been degraded, not the blood, but the poisonous blood with a light blue poison, his consciousness has become blurred. "

Still can't live? ”

With a sigh of regret, with a sad heart, he stepped toward the center of Erto, and at his most desperate moment, he found an ancient altar in the center of Ur.

The altar was ruined, and many of the imprints became blurred, and it was impossible to see where it was going. but


This makes the **** god look bright, no matter where it leads, is it always lucky to die here? he

Fast forward, banned from falling into the altar, and then the top power madness, flocked to the altar, like a frenzy, until the ancient altar revived, releasing a vast amount of skylight. (

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