Supreme Demon

Chapter 1193: Magic!

Flashing, like amber. to

Between the frozen world, pieces of flesh and blood, clothes become lifelike, like sculptures, and the cracked edges and corners are more like an art, and when this "amber" is sealed with blood? that

It is the real blood! This

It is a treasure of heaven and earth!

This is a million years of miracles! this


Ling Feng squatted in front of the magnificent blood and amber, his eyes shed blood and tears, his body trembled until he was hoarse, until the tears could not fall, his whole body was crazy, the handsome face became distorted, and the temperament was changing. Get bloody. This

It is the blood of the life of Ling Qing!

They did their best, but they were still late, and they could only watch Ling Qing die from death. It felt like a sharp knife, and Ling Qing was scratched in front of Ling Feng, and he was so painful that his heart was like a knife. .

Ling Qing is the body, it is the soul.

Her breath is gone, her power disappears, Ling Feng does not feel any breath here, which means that Ling Qing, really has ... his only close relatives collapsed in front of him.

No miracles, no hope! Ling

Qing is not a Lingfeng. There is no such thing as a ban on the world. There is no magical force. She has insisted on it, but she can’t hold it anymore.

"Ling Qing!" Ling

The voice was exhausted, and the piece of blood was held tightly. The gods were blushing to bloodshed. Others did not know the importance of Ling Qing to him, but he knew that without the clear, his world lost its light. she was

It is his lamp!

She is his last sunshine!

They are lonely and dependent, he has vowed to bring this girl happiness, let her face overflow with a smile, so that she is no longer so thin, so pale.

Feeding medicine before and after death!

Lonely persistence!

There is also the sound of the weeping blood. Once he was the only sustenance of Ling Qing, it was the direction she insisted on. Now Ling Qing is the direction and sustenance he insists. Without direction, he will be lost.

Without the holy sun, his world is full of darkness!

Ye Witch, Han Ruyue and other gods stand beside Ling Qing, and the eyes are crying. In the relationship, Ling Qing is their true sister. It is the relationship between life and death, and it is more precious.

In particular, the three goddesses Duyun Yuyue, Yunxi and Liu Shushu completely used Ling Qing as their sister. They often appeared together, and Ling Qing was like their big sister. Many things came from her.

When Ling Qing collapsed in front of them, they were also crazy, witnessing splitting and anger falling apart. and

When they feel the deep sorrow of Ling Feng, their hearts seem to have been empty, and they feel the same. The only close relatives are disintegrating. Ling Feng is now like a lone wolf. How many people in the world deserve his grief? he

It is a child raised by Ling Qing!

He is the dead man with Ling Qing's warm body!

Ling Feng is like a sculpture. He is quiet in Ling Qing's "grave". He holds the ice crystals that can't be opened. He does not move, but the blood that is dripping proves that he is still alive. He is full of blood and hate.

A full three days. gas

The boring atmosphere makes people suffocate, and the candle dragon and Bi Fang frown. Sikong wants to say something, but he can't open his mouth. Lingfeng's close relatives have collapsed. Can more words comfort the injured lone wolf? and


Now Ling Feng is full of people who are full of suffocation, who dares to come forward to comfort? Festival

Sadly change?

Looking forward to life?

What is even more frightening is that the roots of people's winds have become pale, like the snow in this world, the smile on his face disappears, becomes distorted and dull, like a person who can't laugh.

Although the Witch and other gods are not so serious, they have become less vocal, and the dull people feel that the storm will come. this


No amount of words are useless. Only bloodless killing can clean the blood flowing through Lingqing, and even if you do not destroy the demon, you can't change this ending. Lingqing can't appear again.

Even if Ling Feng can be enshrined in the future, there is no Ling Qing, and all this is Jinyi Night.


This is not the atmosphere of the heavens and the earth, but the feelings of Ling Feng’s heart at this moment. Without Ling Qing, what is the meaning of his life?

If the next of kin is not protected, what is the use of this powerful and powerful repair?

"Clear, sorry!"

Ling Feng trembled and said: "I am coming, but I am late, because the fly head is profitable, because of the arrogance of the world, but without you, I will live another look, without you, I have no home. !"

She is his home! she was

It is his harbor! no

On how much wind and rain he suffered in this starry sky, as long as she is still there, he will not be tired, even if the whole world will give up him, but Ling Qing is still Ling Qing, willing to give it all to his Ling Qing.

This life can't live up to it! "

what! Ling

The wind grieves and cries, there is no blood and tears, only the hoarseness makes people sad, so that the leaves witch and other gods are very worried, Lingqing's disintegration is too heavy for Lingfeng. that

It is life written with poverty and blood!

suddenly. on

At that moment, the magic light appeared in the body of Lingfeng. At the beginning, it was like a faint magic. People didn’t pay enough attention. When the magic gas surged out, a wave of turbulence rushed out and let the ice palace Being trembled. Fairy

The force is gray, the space in the body is turbulent, and the wind is full of heads and vertical expressions.

That is his bones!

At this moment, the seal of the bones is splitting, banned from falling apart, and pushed directly to the six seals. In a moment, the magic light is overwhelming, and the gods are trembled, only because the power of the magic light is too strong. sense

I feel that it is like the power of the gods and the power of the gods, solid and immortal, can open the void, can disintegrate the six reincarnations. end

to. Ling

The wind is full of white hair, no black, the skin becomes pale, and the eyes are blushing, that is, Xianli and body space begin to appear black, his blood is also qualitatively changed, black The blood appeared, mixed with the blood of Yin Hong. "

Ling Feng! "leaf

The witch, the cold moon and other goddesses immediately discolored, Ling Feng felt hurt, the horrible killing intention, has reached the point of out of control, and his power is completely uncontrolled, is moving toward the magic. situation

The situation is very serious.

"Ling Feng, don't come!" Sikong, Zhou Tian, ​​etc. have not taken care of a lot at this moment, directly using the top Tianli to suppress, hoping to curb the momentum of Lingfeng into the magic. Of course

and. Ling

The magical light in the wind, the power of the world, is actually pushing the top of the heavens. "

Repress him, otherwise there will be big problems! ”

On Sundays, I want to do all the things like Candle Dragon and Bi Fang. I don't want Ling Feng to really break into the magic road, and Ye Huo and other goddesses are not merciful at this moment, and do their best to suppress the magic light.


The horror of the magic light is far more horrible than their imagination. Even if these forces are imposed together, they can't be suppressed. This makes people wonder. Even if Lingfeng breaks into the magic road, there should be no such magical power of horror.

Bang! under

At one moment, all the gods were swept away, the body was uncontrolled to fly backwards, and the leaf witch was vomiting blood and was hurt by the magic light. "

I want to die this day! Ling

The wind sullen and **** shouted, the gods released a huge amount of magic light, the seal on the magic bone is being opened step by step, if the last two magic bone seals are also smouldering, then Ling Feng will really break into the magic.

"Ling Feng, you have to wake up, don't be controlled by the demons!" Ye Witch shouted.

"Clear and fall, why use this body repair?"

Ling Feng laughed loudly, smiled and smiled, but he was guilty. If he was not worried about his life and death, he would not face the blood of the sky. If he didn’t get more benefits, why would he return? Shenwuda 6?

If he is still there, Ling Qing will not die!

If he came earlier, there will be hope in Lingqing.

His present is Ling Qing, but the last warm heart has disappeared. He thought that he was strong enough to hold his dear, but he did not think of the power but let the dear. Want

Why is this repair used? Want

What is the body used for? This

For a moment, he will burn this heaven, the demon! "

Ling Feng, do you think Ling Qing is still alive, she wants to see what you look like now? "The leaf witch shouted."

But... she is gone! Ling

The wind is sorrowful, the heart is broken, the spirit is falling, and the whole person is no longer the calm god. "

what about me? ”

Ye witch's eyes shed tears of blood and looked at Ling Feng, saying, "What about me?"

Ling Feng's body trembled violently. He didn't dare to look at the hot eyes of the Ye Witch. He owes her too much and makes her carry too much. Can the hot feelings be disappointing?

What about the tragic emotion?

What about the kiss? she was

Be a woman! "

What should I do if you are not there? ”

Leaf Witch came to Lingfeng step by step, grabbed his hand and put his hand on his palm.. "I know you hate, I hate it, but we are still, you still have a home, if you find it Come, I am your home!" She

Spread your hands and hold the wind in the air, crying. "This world, I can't do without you!"

Such as the month, Liu Shushu, etc. want to go forward, and finally give up, they know that some people can not be replaced.

"I..." Ling

The wind is open, the body is trembled, and unconsciously, there are also women in the world who can't give up. He can be crazy for Ling Qing, but can the leaf witch?

What should she do? that

The sly voice is awakening the pain in his heart. Of course

and. leaf

The witch did not give the time to think about Ling Feng, but kissed her in the mouth of Ling Feng. There was no disguise. Only the feeling of being hot and full of emotions. In this kiss, the magic light of Ling Feng disappeared, and the soul was in the sea. Flying out of a ban, the town sealed the bones. Wait

The magic light to Ling Feng disappeared, and the leaf witch only let go.

"I want to swear!" Ling Feng said with exhaustion. "

it is good! "leaf

The witch snuggled in the arms of Ling Feng and said warmly. "You want to demon, I will take the devil to do this for you, you want to kill God, I will lead the **** to open this world for you." Where are you, where I am, your direction is the direction against God."

As long as you want, as long as I have! ”

Ling Feng did not say much, but carefully took Ling Qing’s “bone bones” into the jade box and wrapped it on his chest with a cloth. At this moment, he seemed to carry the whole life, but it was full of white but never again. No recovery. p

s.. second later.

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