Supreme Demon

Chapter 1197: Thousands of knives!

A handle is hollowed out.

That is the proud world of the world, and when the blade is completely ignited, and the town is sealed with a corner, the slashing blade makes all things in this world tremble, even if the ninth stone is at this moment. In the slightest agitation.

Like echoing!

More like an archer!

This is the momentum that really belongs to the burning lane. One blade can burn all the way, like it does not belong to this world.


When the burning road touched the terrifying star river, it was killed by it. Even if the Xinghe River collapsed in front of the burning road, the current burning road has reached the point of unpredictability, mixed with the wrath of Lingfeng. The burning tunnel broke out an incomprehensible force.

It goes even further, falling on the four swords of the gods, there is no sound of gold and iron, only the posture of the four gods of the gods, and at that moment, the spirit can clearly sense the tremor of the four swords. .

Like the burning of the road is the monarch, and the four swords of the gods are nothing but Wang Chen, that is, when their strength touches Xianli, they are already igniting, and the trembles are more tremble.

this moment.

Ling Su was really scared. The last force that appeared on Ling Feng was that he did not see it at the moment. It was because of the emergence of that power that his Star River was trembled and did not dare to match it.

Xianli is great, more sacred and shocking. Like the power of the magical road, it is naturally restrained by Xianli. It is like the dawn of the night, the night is restrained by the night, and the night can never suppress the dawn.

This is the essential difference.

next moment.

The burning road carries the chill of the sky and appears in front of the spirits, so that its heart trembles. In the moment of life and death, the spiritual body sprays a strange light, there is no magic light, only the sigh of the stars that shakes the stars.

He belonged to the spiritual family, only to the magic road, but his family did not go to the magic road, but now it is the power of the gods in front of the spirit, trying to suppress the power of Xian, so that the spirit is free from the body. Death is gone.

That Qiguang is the power of space law, although it is not so shocking, but enough to face the characters of the gods level.


Ling Feng did not think too much. He just let the burning road shoot out the arduous mans, the perfect void and the power of the void and the law are fully integrated into Xianli, let Xianli 迸 shoot unprecedented power.

Xianli is in front!

If we say that the void can restrain thousands of roads, the power of the road can restrain thousands of roads, then Xianli?

Is it only the strength of the heavenly level?

When Xianli blessed the burning lane, it gave the real answer.


The extraordinary law of heavenly sacredness, after encountering Xianli, was actually opened up by the students. The power of Xianli will be completely ignored, but it will be suppressed as a force, and any law will be invalid in the face of Xianli.

In terms of pure power, Ling Feng, who is in the realm of the world, can suppress the law of heaven.


At the moment when the law of law collapsed, the face of the spirit changed dramatically. He thought that there was no problem, and there was a change at this moment, completely out of his understanding. When he reacted, the burning road appeared in his body. .

The flesh and blood tear, Dan Tian was opened.


The spirit is so fierce, this blade is too deadly, directly disintegrating his way, allowing the magic to rush out, let his flesh and blood run down, Dantian damaged and torn, meaning his road collapsed.

At this moment, he is no longer a semi-emperor, but a monster without power.

He can't figure it out, he doesn't understand it.

Why can't the law of the Tianzun level suppress the power of the burning? Is this an alternative display of the world?

The blade of the stalk is like a broken bamboo. It is banned from the flesh and blood of the spirit. It destroys a large piece of flesh and blood. It is that Dantian is crushed by the burning road, and more damage is the blood and bones of the spirit.

"Do not!"

He squatted backwards, fell from the void, and almost broke his legs, but now he can't take care of it, but he is staring hysterically at the wind, vicious and hot.

He thought that this has improved a lot in the past few decades, and he thought he had the power to destroy the wind.


All of this is his fantasy. In the past few decades, Lingfeng’s progress has been even more terrible. They were not a level character before, and now Lingfeng has approached him. When he uses the world’s cliffs, he can disintegrate him. .

What kind of talent is this?

Who is such a demon king to contain?

What makes him more cool is that now he is really screaming, Dan Tian's smashing, let him completely despair, here he can not have the hope of restoring Dan Tian, ​​Ling Feng is impossible to let him go.

This is a tragedy.

Although he killed Ling Qing, he also ended up in a dead end, and then he wondered why the other demons that had previously been with him had disappeared. When they met such a demon, they met the top half of the emperor. To say that they are the top 100 gods will be bloody.

This is a mad killing from the wrath of God!

The power collapsed and the momentum disappeared.

The town was sealed around the nine heavy stones, only because the power maintained on the nine heavy stones was destroyed by the terrible fairy power, and this is the nine heavy stones belonging to the Lingfeng, so it flies directly to its eyebrows.



The whole picture is presented in front of people. Even the Song and Yuan emperors and Zhou You are frowning. The current state of Ling Feng is really dangerous. They are worried that Ling Feng will die.


When the whole picture was shown to them, they let them take a sigh of cold, only because there was only one **** in the field, white as snow, tall body, he held the burning burning road, arrogant, and that The half-Emperor demon has fallen to the ground and is dying.

Ling Su could not hold on, his injury was too heavy, but his magical eyes burned an unprecedented flame. He did not expect it to be such a ending and ending.

He is the genius of the spiritual family!

He is the half-devil of the world! it’s just the soul of the storm.


Ling Feng’s attention is not on people. He is blushing and stepping into the spirit. The burning lane in his hand loses its light, becomes quaint and textured, and the sharp light is now revealed.

"Your opponent should be me!"

Ling Feng came to the face of the spirit, and the words were like blood. "You should not target her!"

"Now, she is gone!"

Having said that, his voice has become extremely hoarse, in self-blame and sorrow. "Do you know, I will make you a thousand?"

Ling Su was first frightened and discolored, but after a while he calmed down and looked at the more crazy Ling Feng. His magic eyes shone, and then hysterically smiled. "Haha, that's interesting."

"Ling Qing is dead, it’s so good to die!"

"Are you sad?"

"Are you hurting?"

The neurotic smile: "Now you should be able to understand what I felt at the beginning?"

"However, if you are suffering, I will be very happy!"

The spirits are shining, like returning light, saying, "Use my life to change your sadness, worth it!"


Ling Feng did not open his mouth, but raised his hand. The heavenly murderous blade instantly fell on the spirit, and cut a piece of flesh and blood on his face. It was sticking to the bones, and the painful face was straight, and the convulsion was even more devastating. Going to the wound, he became more painful.


Ling Feng no expression, another blade fell down, falling on the face of the spirit, but also a piece of flesh and blood fell.

"Haha, it’s awesome, it’s a thousand!” Ling Suo’s crazy laughter said, “Ling Feng, you’re thinking too long, my family will soon unload you eight, I want you. The death is even more fierce, and they are going to die in front of you one by one!"

The real pain is not itself, but a close relative!

Ling Qing's body collapsed, Ling Feng was crazy, and if the characters of Ye Witch and Liu Shushu died, the pain in Ling Feng's heart would directly collapse him.

His pain is even worse than his own death.

"There are only the spirits, how many will kill them!"

Ling Feng said coldly. "I will kill you one by one until you die completely. If I am unfortunate, then they will embark on this road!"

This is crazy snow hate!

Rebellion will use their lives and blood to cast the spiritual death path.


Ling Su is also aware of this, only Ling Qing is not terrible, only the wind is not terrible, the terrible is the invincible anti-God, when they so much power to fight, but the life is destroyed.

The whole of the anti-God is really terrible, and this is the most worried of the Lingzu.


Ling Feng did not let it think for too long, his third blade has fallen, opened a third **** mouth on the face of Ling Su, then the fourth and fifth roads, the Lingfeng of this moment is unprecedented. Crazy.

He is like a **** butcher!

A knife, another knife... Soon, the face of the spirit is flattened, only the bones are left, and the wind blows the body of the spirit. It is cutting the meat, and the pain of that point will be clearly transmitted to the spirit. On the body, it is passed on to people's eyes.

Even if the gods feel too cruel, the Ling Feng at this moment is even more creepy. In the end, what kind of hatred can they do this kind of thing?

Bi Fang, Candle Dragon, and Ye Witch are expressionless. They have long known that the spirits are going to be finished. There is no hope for the current Ling Feng, and they can understand the feelings of Ling Feng.

Thousands of knives!

Every one of the anti-God wants to slash a knife in the spirit. It is not only because of Ling Qing, but also because of Ling Feng. If Ling Feng died, where is the current anti-God?

When the anti-God was tortured almost mad, the pain that the spirituality suffered was relatively nothing.

One hundred knives, one thousand knives!

Ling Feng did not mean to stop at all. He followed a blade and slashed his face. He cut off his bones and smashed his head. Even though it was just a bone, Ling Feng still did not let him go.

Just because this is just a torture of the flesh and blood, it is not enough. He wants the spirit to be more painful!

That will afflict his devil!

"Pain, every time you hurt, she should be a little more happy!" Ling Fengsen laughed, using the soul to form a terrible knife rainbow, the spirit of the fallen spirit, like the meat, the magic of the spirit The soul is cut off a piece of soul.

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