Supreme Demon

Chapter 104: Terrible truth!

Sky Stars!

This day is destined to be shocking, and the things that are born are really too strong, like the sky is falling, don't say that the devils are beaten by the gods, that is, the gods can't react.

Five thousand days of blasphemy!


The devil's life is far more than this. When God reversed the first step, he once smashed nearly two thousand demons, directly letting the devil suffer, and the vitality was greatly hurt. This is the **** battle that followed.

This means that more than nine thousand devils have already killed nearly seven thousand at this moment. This number is far from the extent that the devil can bear. It is too painful and too tragic.

The whole process is only five days.


There aren't many news on the face of the gods. Only the top gods know it, especially the Guanghan Palace and Yaochi. The top ten gods of the empty road don't get much news. When this battle starts, they are willing to go to the direction of the demon. not much.

To know.

The other side of the celestial star is the mountain river of the demon. The **** is too disadvantaged on that side, and the gods do not know the characters such as the candle dragon and the Bifang. They are subconsciously not very feasible, so when the battle starts, they can only Looking forward to and waiting.


This war is coming fast, and the end is faster. In just one day, the demon is almost killed. Only a few demons escape. There are not many derogations on this side, but the ones that really make them horrified are Candle Dragon, Bi Fang, etc. The strength of several top-level semi-imperial characters, that is the strength of the destruction!

That is the Geshi spike!

"This is the real god!"

Some gods said with excitement that they felt the power of the devils when they came. At that time, their confidence was shaken, so they did not take risks to go further. What is more important is that some of the characters in the Heavenly Devils are too jealous.

There are not many people who want to find out who can be with them on the starry sky.


The appearance of the candle dragon and Bi Fang is to make people horrified and ecstatic. The original starry sky also has powerful characters, but they are too low-key and too calm, too much for them to see through.

Now, the starry sky uses strong strength to let the demon know that the real characters can kill them!

"The candle dragon, Bi Fang, destined to be proud!"

"That is the top figure in my starry sky!"

"Who is going to shake?"

People are very excited, too want to know what the candle dragon, Bi is in the end, this mythical record can not be copied, I am afraid that the devils now have no courage to cross over it?

not to mention.

Now the top half-element figures such as Candle Dragon and Bi Fang have already been here, and there is no top strength to dare to cross, and even the top demon must be taboo.


There were once demons who killed them and let them bleed, and the appearance of the anti-god characters made them cool.

"What happened?"

Oriental Yingyu Yuanwang always felt that the situation was not quite right. What did she hear?

Candle Dragon, Bi Fang?

These two characters are very different. She doesn't know if there are the same creatures in this world, but if these two creatures are the two creatures she has seen, things are not quite right.


The two creatures are powerful figures of that power, appearing because of the wind, and disappearing because of the wind. Now what do they mean when they appear here?

Although she did not know which force Lingwu belonged to, it was to be burned by the Emperor, and the entire Eastern family should be jealous. In this way, they did not seem to have to come to this horoscope.

But what if they came?

Shangguan Qiaotian, Zhou Qitian and other gods also frowned. How much hatred is necessary to do such terrible things, killing the seven thousand devils, completely ignoring the struggle of life and death, that is, the forces of Xianting and Void are unable to do anything.

They are not mad at that point, or they are not worth it.


They immediately heard the news and immediately became stunned.

"It's really the two creatures!" Zhou Qitian took a chill, and looked excited and horrified. The terrible creature that once succumbed to the dark star appeared here? Then the other gods still can't fight?

The demon is still alive?

More importantly, they want to know the intention of the characters such as Candle Dragon and Bi Fang. It is necessary to know that the two people who came in this time are not only the two souls, but also five other top-level emperors.

"He came in!"

The oriental Ying Yu **** said brightly, only Ling Feng came in to be reasonable.


The news is somewhat different from what they imagined. Ling Feng did come in and did not hide his identity, so people can know, but when Dongying Yuyu further inquired about the news, he got more confusing and shocking news.

Ling Qing disappeared!

It is reported.

Ling Qing, Song Yuanhuang, Zhou You and other gods were killed by the top talents such as the spirits. Ling Qing defended them and broke into the earth. It disappeared and it was very likely to be killed. At that time, Ling Feng was strong. With the emergence of Ye Witch, Qing Yu, Han Ru Yue, Tian Shenque, etc., it also brought the top half of the emperor.

They kill the spirits!

They annihilate those top demons!

They even broke into the piece of earth!


They will kill the other side of the virtual sky!


The entire battlefield was cast by them, and most of the seven thousand days of demon were killed in their hands. It can be said that it was the spiritual tragedy that directed the demon.

"Ling Qing is only afraid of being killed!" Shangguan asked the day to say quietly.

"That is his sister!" Zhou Qitian sighed and said, his mouth was straight.

At the beginning.

He once threatened to suppress Ling Feng in the battle of the sky, let him pay the price, so Ling Qing appeared, let him really know the power of this god, and then he knew that Ling Qing is the sister of Ling Feng.

She is angry!

Now that Ling Qing has entered the era of Er Tuo, Ling Feng has killed in the shortest time and brought the top half of the emperor in the power. Isn’t it enough to show the feelings of their sisters? More importantly, they used the life of seven thousand devils to prove their anger, their power.


This is not the reason why Ye Witch, Han Ruyue and other goddess gods are killed together!

Oriental Yingyu frowned, always felt that some problems were not right. When she wanted to invite these ladies, the oriental poetry once said that it was empty talk, but even said that they would be born, but not time.


The leaf witch came, the cold is like the moon, the gods are coming... they are all coming!

Come by one person!

Zhou Qitian and Shangguan asked the sky to look at each other. They were all shocked by the speculations of the other gods. The problems that the oriental Yingyu can think of, they can naturally think of, and more than the oriental Yingyu thought.

"In the battle of the day, Qin Feng's blood was almost killed. At that time, Ling Qing was angry, right?" Zhou Qitian asked.

"Yes!" Shangguan asked the heavens.

"The leaf witch is angry, right?" Zhou Qitian asked again.

"Yes!" Shangguan asked the day to respond.

"Clear, cold as the moon is angry!"


"Don't rain, the gods are angry!"


As they talked, the truth became clearer and clearer, but it was because of this that they were trembled and unwilling to believe.

"When the Qing dynasty is on the wind, let's make it right?"


“When the lonely rainy month meets the Lingfeng, the symbolism is more right?”


Asked here, Shangguan asked Tian and Zhou Qitian suddenly lost interest in speaking. They have already guessed the truth. It’s just that the Thunder people are too scary and too hurtful, and the corresponding characters such as the Yew Witch now do not need to guess.

This is the truth!

They are not born, only because they need his attitude, they are waiting for him!

"They...this is a power, right?"

At this moment, Dongying Yingyu is already stupid and already knows the truth, but it is because of this truth that she dare not speak, she just hesitated.

Can you imagine that the top characters in this day's war are all from a single force?

Can you imagine that the whole day is the back garden of that power?

Top Leaf Witch!

Top Ling Feng!

The battle of heaven is directly hit by them, and the performance of Ling Qing and others is more conspicuous. The sixteen-day gods of all colors, that is, the quarter-finals are like the forces that are against the entire starry sky.

How can this special thing be done!

What's more important is that if it is not Lingqing's commandment, it will directly drive the madness of the wind, but I am afraid that the truth will still be concealed, and I am afraid that there is not much to guess the truth now.

What are they doing?

No one responded. Shangguan asked Tian and Zhou Qitian just looking at the sky. They hope that this is not the truth, but they can't overthrow the truth.

Several forces, such as the Void Road, the Guanghan Palace, the Yaochi, and the Dianxian Road, are basically the world of that power. This is the king. What suspense is there in the future? To be on this momentum, the Supreme Star is a joke.

What kind of forces are able to cultivate these talented characters?

How pitiful their persistence seems to be now?

What is even more frightening is that the power figure is now born, directly killing the devil, how many stars and gods face this special?


For a long while, Zhou Qi’s genius said dull.


Dongying Yingyu was chilling. At this time, she knew the truth about the poetry of the oriental poetry. She knew that it might be more than they knew, but she dared not say it. It was very taboo.

Even if they don’t dare to say the truth now, God knows if it will be ruined here.

"If Ling Qing, really killed, what steps will they do?"

This is the third question asked by Oriental Yingyu.

"To the dead party!" Zhou Qitian said without any hesitation.


At the beginning, Qin Feng almost died, Ling Feng will go to Xianting to death, now Ling Qing, really killed, and is his sister, God knows the extent of the current Lingfeng violent, and the entire battlefield is expanding step by step, by Ling Su, more than 20 devils to the present seven thousand devils.


They think that this is not the end. The devils here are afraid of one and don't want to live, or the characters of that power have been completely destroyed. Even the souls such as the candle dragon and the Bifang have already appeared, and the determination of the power can be seen.


Just when they frown and meditate, and want to know more about the truth, this piece of heaven and earth is a qualitative change. A strange light breaks through the sky, blasts on the sky, and forms a light path directly to the far side.

good night.

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