Supreme Demon

Chapter 109: What about 300,000 days of magic?

Body space!

This is a top-level taboo force, born in the refining body, and more detached from the body, and its explosive power will be surpassed.

In this space, Ling Feng is the monarch.

In this space, refining is a joke!

The space of the body can be proud of the world, and it is more immune to the strength of the body. This is the terrible space.


Ling Feng strode forward, facing dozens of demon, punching out, it is the Thunder, and when the body space undulates, the whole world is collapsing, no power can be bound.


A demon has just flew to the front of the wind, and it is shrouded in the space of the body. The power of it is thin, forming a river, the ocean, pouring down, and suppressing the demon on the spot, and the giant forces around it will surge. , crush it in this space.


The next moment, the demon screamed, directly blasted by the space, the flesh and blood were torn, the power was disintegrated, and the whole body was wiped out.

Can not be a frenzy!

But Lingfeng did not notice, he had never asked, or was worried, in the body space, and here, even the semi-emperor demon would not want to survive.

The power he can play here is the top horror.

He stepped forward, stepped down, punched his fists, and hit the third demon. In his hand, he broke out a monumental mountain, black and heavy, and restrained any power and weapon. When he fell, the whole space They are all collapsing.

Nine Stones Tianwei!

Undefinable top power!

At this moment, the wind is more demonized, and the body space and the top refining device are born, meaning that no characters and forces can be restrained in the presence.

Needless to say.

When the dark and heavy mountain fell down, the void was gray, and the demon was blown up, flesh and blood, and the eight gods, and the goddess of the refining body, could not hold a stone.


He fell into the space of the body and was annihilated by the terrible power.

Go forward!

Lingfeng's speed is too fast, and each step falls ten miles. In this crowded space, the distance between the devils can be less than ten miles. This means that in the process, Ling Feng is not one or two demons.


The monumental mountain was a violent mess. When it was down, one or two demons couldn’t hold it anymore, and they couldn’t help it. On the spot, they were suppressed by the monumental mountain. When the power poured out, the road was gray.


The devils are in horror, and the dozens of demons who have swooped forward are really scared. The Lingfeng at this moment is the king of the king.


After a while, the monumental giant mountain broke out with unprecedented power, shrouded a radius of ten miles, and suppressed more than a dozen of the gods, so that their bodies collapsed and their power died. In that moment, they died completely.

Simple and rude!

Extremely overbearing!

Ling Feng is showing these four words to the fullest extent. He is chilly and cold, and the white hair is more indicative of its distinctive momentum. At this moment, he is more like a demon.


The demons were moved, and the demon who had swooped over did not dare to move forward. They had not seen the body space, but they knew that this terrible prohibition was once incomparable in the same level of refining.

Want to restrain and overcome?

does not exist!

What's more, the strength is not only the Ling Feng, the power of the Ye Witch and so on is not weak, the whole is like a sharp knife, the flat is pushed, and the same shape is cut.

Not retiring at the moment, that is to find death.


Ling Feng is faster than they think. The talent he showed is against the heavens. He is not suppressed by the celestial light, and he is shocked by the virtual sky and the fairy power.


Even if it is a virtual skylight, it can't suppress Xianli, but Lingfeng hasn't shown it yet. To deal with the current demon, the body space is even more explosive.


This sound fell, Ling Feng body flashed, appeared in front of some demon, did not wait for them to retreat, the monumental giant mountain will fall down, the frenzy giant force suddenly took away more than ten demon life.

When he flashed again, the demon had no time to react.


More than a dozen devils are killed!


More than 20 devils are killed!

At this time.

The devils are completely red-eyed, scared to the face, what is this enchanting? Flashing in the skylight?

What kind of talent is this?

What is this ability?

More importantly, many of the devils are fully fighting against the skylight, the body is fixed, the flesh and bones are releasing the aura, this rhythm appears, they lose control of the body, want to dodge impossible.

Only the celestial beings with the best talents can move in the glory of the sky, which means that those who lose their control of the body are the living targets.


When the devils are chilling, in the virtual skylight rain can not only linger in the wind, a god, the leaf witch and other gods can also do, when they fly, it is really a demon.


The leaf witch presses out with one hand, and the force of the refining body forms an aura. Although it is only a ruler, it is a weapon for harvesting life. On the spot, the demon smashes blood, and several skulls roll down, and the blood is filled with empty space.

The **** gods are forward, the top talents show, the body becomes bigger, indestructible, it is more direct, there is no use of power, just to kill the devil with its body, have to say that the lethality is equal to the monumental mountain.

Cold as the moon, clear and other killing power is not much, but in the battlefield of the demon, it is not a small force.

in a short period of time.

The anti-God has slaughtered thousands of demon, many of them are still very talented, and this number is expanding, and the body space that Lingfeng shows is playing the power of letting the devil shudder.


A few of the Devil's faces have changed dramatically. If this momentum continues, then these tens of thousands of demons are not enough to kill them.

"I want to kill the devil, who dares to retreat?"

Ling Feng said coldly, directly against the few demon statues, strong and unmatched, at that time, the fairy power on his body finally came out, thin as a fog, but released a huge prestige that makes the virtual sky and rain tremble.

He did not use Xianli to kill, but let Xianli be integrated into the body space and enveloped himself.

In an instant.

The heavens and the earth lose their voices, and the power becomes hollow. In the space of the demon, a force of scorpion is radiated. The emptiness of the sky and the rain, the appearance of the fairy tales, like a door to be pushed away.


The next moment, the **** disappeared.

The next moment, the virtual skylights let go!

The next moment, Lingfeng four heavenly space is born!

When Xianli is shocked, the body space bursts, even if it is a virtual skylight, it must be bowed, only because Xianli has surpassed the genius category, no longer its bounds, and Lingfeng is a dislocated wild horse.

A four-level **** was born in the skylight rain!

What is that picture?

The next moment, the Burning Path was born, carrying the top light out of the air, and it was stained with Xianli, which allowed the virtual skylight to automatically let go and exert its vitality. It is no longer a four-level god.

When it falls, the death is no longer more than a dozen, more than 20 demon, but a large block of the demon.


The demons are crazy and have a strong sense of danger, let them give up the challenge and quit here.


How can their speed compare with the current Lingfeng?

They are fast, the wind is faster!


The burning road set a 5,000-strong force, and on the spot, more than two hundred devils were killed. Then Lingfeng strode forward, and there were seven monuments in the monumental mountain. They flew in all directions and fell above the void to keep the void. .


The perfect void carries a little bit of Xianli, directly open the way, tearing the void, forming a space of five thousand feet, let more than three hundred demons die, and this is not the most terrible.

When the void and the law are all available, it is the true silence.

In the silent, the whole void is gone, and there are more than 500 demons.

This is a frenzy!

This is destruction!

This is even more dying!


A few devils are at the entrance of the magic road, hate can not be killed immediately, the eyes are all blood red, the current Ling Feng is the weapon of the demon, there is no magic to fight for the front, he is a knife, the devil is just fish.


It is not that the devil does not want to retreat, but the seven monumental mountains are too overbearing to seal this piece of void, and they are unable to move with their flesh and blood.

"All are dead!"

Lingfeng's top power broke out, and the inch fairy rushed out, flying between the devils, wherever they went, it was annihilated, so less than a moment of effort, the whole void was covered with celestial bones.

Three thousand heavenly devils are killed!

Eight thousand devils are killed!

15,000 days of magical life!


This is a shocking death. Don't say that the devils, that is, several Tianzuns have been horrified by the scene in front of them. Originally, several Tianzuns are still worried that Lingfeng will be damaged and killed, but they are going forward, but they are stopped.

What should be worried about is the devil!

"Xian Li is detached, even the celestial stars must bow down!"

"They are guarding the customs. It’s really smart to people who are scared."

"The devil is afraid of tragedy at this moment!"

The gods are laughing, they have not completely broken into the stars, so the tragic death of the devil is to make them ecstatic, and some gods frown, such a powerful wind, let them feel chill and taboo.

One quarter of an hour!

This is like a long life for the demons. Although the seven monumental mountains are powerful, they are not so perfect in the rush, so it is a matter of time to break through.

The problem is that Ling Feng did not give them time to break through.

During this time, more than 30,000 Tianmo dying on the spot, large voids were emptied, only a few demons escaped to heaven, while others were bloodshed.

"I am here to keep the customs, why not 300,000 days?"

When the whole sky of the demon was killed, Ling Feng was wearing a demon blood, his face filled with a smile of sensation, cold to those few devils, proud of the world, and pressed against the ages, if the immortal.

Here, how about 300,000 days of magic?

Here, he dared to call the devil to sing and conquer!

Here, he dares to kill the devil and scream!

Ps.. Sorry, something went out tonight, no time code, really too late and too late, I am sorry everyone.

First and foremost, tomorrow's three will make up today. good night.


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