Supreme Demon

Chapter 113: Death list!

"Do your best!" East

Fang Yingyu has no extra words and uses the top force to pull forward. Although the power is too weak in front of the characters such as Candle Dragon and Bi Fang, one Oriental Yingyu is not enough, and there are more “Oriental Yingyu”. "

on! ”

The Song and Yuan Dynasties, the lovely Zhou, and so on, pushed forward the mountains and rivers, and they came up with all their efforts.


People's enthusiasm is like fire. The influence of Candle Dragon and Bifang in the sky is very big. They may not know it, but Song Yuanhuang and others have a few hearts. Just because of its appearance, people are crazy. Display

Of course. This

It is the only hope. If the characters such as Candle Dragon and Bi Fang can't push the door, God can go home.


At this moment, people are showing extreme madness, trying to kill those half-devils, their eyes are blood red, the power bursts in an instant, and the smashing of the world's frenzy, like a torrent, banned from the road to the ancient road.


The entire Star Trail lost its color, and a half-Emperor was born. Looking at the candle dragon and Bi Fangmei, they felt the shuddering momentum in these top-level semi-emperors. early

When they dispersed, they broke the devils and let the sorcerer's knives appear loopholes, and then they formed a sickle, restrained the slashing knife, and the sturdy part was in the part that swayed the death of the slashing knife. and

When the sorrow of the **** of death collapses, the gods can drive straight in and that no power can bind them! "

kill! ”

"Through my blood to shake the gods of this world!"

"Let the world dry up!"

The semi-imperial demon smashed forward, and the top treasure came out, carrying a giant wave like the Bohai Sea, pressing the heavens, destroying the world, and directly welcoming the top half-element figures such as Candle Dragon and Bi Fang. complete

actually. Now

In the death of the sickle has lost its function, there is no blade, what is the use of this sickle?

Without a sickle range, can this sickle kill the enemy?


They further reduced the scope of the sickle and wanted to make it more potential, which would be able to face the top half-level figures such as Candle Dragon and Bi Fang.


Just as the Death Scythe reduced the scope, a character suddenly appeared in front of them, even the semi-emperor demon was surprised, only because it was the **** who disappeared into the void. Ling


Don't say that the Half Emperor is surprised, that is, other gods are also surprised, do not know the intention of Ling Feng suddenly appear here.

but. he

We soon learned that only because of the wind fluttering out of the hands of the gods, the top forces blasted together, regardless of life and death, especially the power of Xianli and the body space, the perfect void, and so on.

Power is being pushed to a terrible degree, reaching an unprecedented level. and

Rear. One

The power of the Dodge is easy to appear on the gods. The space between the lightnings tears the space and appears on the top of the demon. When the reaction comes, the gods are covered with a thousand miles, and the vastness makes people chill.

next moment. degree

The sacred shackles the half-Emperor of the Emperor, despising any magical power, and arrogantly squandering it and sweeping it away.

Bang! far

The square of the mountain collapsed, and when the sorcerer’s face climbed out of the ruins, he really chilled, not because of the terribleness of the gods, but because the wind was too terrible.

That **** has such magic!

The fourth-level **** can actually explode this power!

More importantly, the death knives that they formed were disintegrated by the appearance of Ling Feng. The candle dragons, Bi Fang, etc., drove straight in, carrying the giants of the world, and banned from the heavens and the half.

Losing the blade, the Death Scythe will not wave the top power!


A candle flies, carrying the power that makes the demon completely puzzling, banned from appearing in front of the first demon, the demon is also quite brave, able to rank second, which means his power is not weak. but

! that

But the candle that burns the heavens must be praised. The candle dragon can be listed as the first dragon, it is because of this candle.


The first savage sorrowful sorrow, the moment of contact with the candle, disintegrated, the magic could not contain the candle, and his body was not enough to see.

Needless to say.

This one is the commander of the devil, the death of the sickle is disintegrated faster, and when the candle is pressed to the second demon, Bi Fang and so on have already flown, and the power has been blown down in an instant, especially in the side, the eyes are flowing with the rays of the sun. The top of the force, released from the third demon. Connect

With. candle

The dragon and Bi Fang carry a powerful force to push the fourth demon. straight

When the candle is grayed out, until Bi’s eyes are lost, the number of demons who have died in front of them has reached five, and Sikong and Zhou Tian went further and pushed this number to ten. This

What does it mean? dead

In their hands, there are more than a dozen of the Emperor's Devils in the hands of them. They are shocking and directly disintegrate the Devil's Scythe, and then the other top demons are crazy, and they see greater hope.

If in these circumstances, they can't deceive, then they are too sorry for the sky that the candle dragon and Bi Fang hit.

They are not as powerful as those of the semi-emperor devils, but they are victorious in the number of people. Thousands of tens of thousands of people are surging. Thousands of gods are flying wildly enough to kill several half-devils, while Candle Dragon and Bifang are Use white and long night power and top skyfire.

Sting! One

The half-Emperor demon moved forward and killed a **** with a knife. But before he turned around, he snorted, and only the sword of the sword fell on his body. Even if it was flesh and blood, it was painful. and


A number of top gods appeared, and they smashed him together. They ignored life and death, and the sigh of anger in their hearts broke the top Tianwei at this moment. "

Devil! ”

Some gods screamed wildly, digitally, and even dozens of people together arrogantly a semi-emperor demon, although in the process there is a **** of death, but the semi-emperor demon is even more bloody.


Not long after, Ye Witch, Qing Yu, etc. appeared, along with other gods to kill the semi-emperor.

The situation is down! number

Ten and a half imperial devils, but have been smashed out more than ten places before. Now, although the candle dragon and Bifang can not use the candle and the Xiaguang, but the white, the night, the skyfire can not be underestimated, but also suppress one or two Half Emperor. week

Heaven, the sky is not so dark, relying on the gods Dan is crazy.

Just a quarter of an hour.

The five and a half imperial gods died of extinction, while the gods were destroyed by hundreds. Two

Clock time.

Twelve and a half imperial devils killed the gods, and the gods lost more than three hundred. Wait

By the time of three quarters of an hour, the entire battlefield was emptied, and the gods died more than six hundred. This is a rather terrible number. It has a serious impact on the gods, but more serious is the demon.

Dozens of devils are killed!

Most of them are directly killed by the top half of the Emperor, such as the candle dragon and Bi Fang. Only a few of them died in the hands of other gods, and the door that they had not moved before was rumbling at this moment.

The situation is heavy! can

Is it worth it? non-

Often worth it!

Dozens of top-level devils, which means that the devils here have been disintegrated, other gods are not climate, and the tens of thousands of demons on the face of the demon are even slaughtered by the gods. Now it is completely the mountain of the gods. six

More than a hundred gods are killed, but in exchange for the future of the entire starry sky, worth it?

of course.

The really terrible thing is that the candle dragon, Bi Fang and other blood stasis, the injury is very serious, and Zhou Tian, ​​Si Kong is almost abolished, if they do not use all their strength, fear that this time Ye witch and so on have been killed. "

We have to rest and recover! ”

The candle dragon and Bi Ling said.

"Yeah!" Ling

The amount of wind, dozens of devils are not easy to deal with, candle dragons, Bifang pay is worthwhile, they should need more time to rest, and his current state of mind is not really to break into the ancient road, just a demon.

thus. he

We did not move forward, but the rapids retreat, returning to the virtual sky, waiting for the candle dragon, Bi Fang, etc. to recover. "

Ling Feng, thank you! ”

Dongfang Yingyu said that although he was hanging on the body, it was a hard-won victory. Lingfeng did too much for them. Now it is up to them.

"I am very sorry about Lingqing!"

Song Yuanhuang sighed and said: "If we insisted on it, will the ending be different?"

"I will break into the ancient road, and I will be with you all the time!" Zhou said with a lovely attachment. "

Ok! Ling

The amount of wind, there is not too much expression, said: "We will rest and rest there, we will be demon in the ancient road, not endless!"


He disappeared with the candle dragon and Bi Fang. He was mixed here and he was very worried.

however. on

After the disappearance of Ling Feng, some gods did not leave, but found an excuse to return to the virtual sky, but the eyes flashed, people can not guess their intentions. very

fast. east

Fang Yingyu and Zhou Qitian flew to Xinggu Road to the second star. They guessed some truth, but some things were not what they could do now, only to make themselves stronger and stronger.

"There was a half-devil's demon to contain, but now the containment disappears, I am afraid..." Some gods said with concern. "

They are not at ease! "another

Several gods sighed and said: "So a character is alive, they are sleepy, and now is an excellent opportunity."

"That will tear your face!"

Some gods are cold, and the stars are now basically in their mountain and river space, losing the semi-emperor demon. Now those top figures have to move other minds, and the first one will be targeted at Ling Feng.

Xianli, perfect void, body space, and these three forces can still blend together, not to mention those forces, that is, they all feel tremble.

This is destined to be a different storm!

And waiting for thousands of gods to fly on the celestial stars, it is to push this storm to the top, the performance of Ling Feng in the virtual sky and rain, let some forces pay more attention to, the heart is cold and vicious, to include it Death list!

Ps.. Tonight is still the same, tossing a day, it is too tired and too sleepy.

I wish you all a happy Dragon Boat Festival and happiness.

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