Supreme Demon

Chapter 124: Hair fairy!


The heavens and the earth are calm, the emptiness of the virtual space appears, and the swaying, swaying in all directions, the faint scent spreads throughout the void, not the orchid scent, not the rose scent, but the aroma of incense from the distant ages. air

The time came to an abrupt end. Ling

The wind put his hands on the lid, his expression was crazy, and his eyes burst into blood. Every expression, every movement was so vivid, without any fluctuations, just stopped abruptly. Fives

The semi-imperial characters are diving forward, to stop the crazy move of Ling Feng, but also to kill them. They are excited and excited, thinking that this is the end of Ling Feng, but the next moment, they will live like a living In the virtual space, it is like a statue of a statue. day

There is only that show in the ground! paint

Black as ink!

Pure, simple, no variegated. can

! positive

Because of the appearance of this show, the world has a touch of color, an aloes, more worldly momentum, it is just the most ordinary show, like just picked up from a beautiful girl's head, like being rained Wet. but

! when

It appears, the heavens are as dark as possible, and everything in the world is in the air. At this moment, Xianli trembles, the perfect void disintegrates, and the four corners of the body space are shining in the arch. The whole body of Lingfeng seems to be lifelike, but actually hands Both feet have been smouldering, and the body is annihilating.

Just because of that show! thorn


A crisp sound, the show banned from penetrating the empty space, what space, when in front of this show must be smouldering, it flashed through the body of Ling Feng, so that his chest has a blood hole, no blood rushing Out, only four weeks of graying down.

then. that

Gen Xiufei flew to the half-Emperor character, the degree is not fast, the whole show is extended, extending from the golden plaque to the half-Emperor who is in front of it, and when it reacts, there is only fear.

"No!" He

Exhausted and trying to scream for the exit, but now the whole body is stiff, but later I think that he is wearing a Tianzhuang war suit and has the law of heaven. This show wants to seriously hurt him. It is not easy to kill him.

The problem is that he thinks too much.

That show was banned from penetrating his body, and the Tianzun war clothes on his body collapsed, and in a short period of time, the smoke disappeared. What is the law of heaven is **** in front of this show.

What is more serious is that the root show penetrated into the Dantian of the semi-imperial character. When the show was not yet touched, the ten heavenly space in Dantian was annihilated, no material poured out, and it was as simple as air. .


The show further spurred the second half of the emperor, and it was like a broken bamboo. Any force was dying in front of him. The second half-element figure was wearing a green leaf, but when the show approached, it immediately withered, like a flower. Withered.

thorn! No

There is any suspense, that the show pierces its dantian, and the smashing power of the swaying out of it is the darkness of the whole body, the soul of the soul collapses on the spot, and loses consciousness.


The third and the second emperor did not escape the tragedy. When the show extended, his body was fixed and pierced on the spot. The power was swallowed up by the show, and the spirit was destroyed.

Fourth, fifth place...

The show is like a needle. The flashing room will wear five and a half emperors and Ling Feng. When they fly, the bodies of the six characters will be lifted up, like grasshoppers, without any interest, all The power is gray. This

This is Ertu. in

The creatures of the face are not weak, like the demon tree, but when the show appears, the demon tree is smashed, and the heavenly spirits are worshipping, screaming, screaming, completely without the previous madness. Virtual

Empty and dull, the picture is eternal!

Just a show, but like the heavens, like the nine-day Thunder, even if the Tianzun-level character is standing here, it is not like a show, more like a fairy.

Don't say that the creatures in this range are the creatures of the entire celestial star. They feel the great power of the powerful will. Although they don't know what material is that, they are born to that. Great awe. candle

Long, Bifang, etc. feel the heart, the power is tremble, only the candle can stabilize the situation. star

The ancient road was full of waves, the power was gray, and the whole sky star seemed to be recovering because of the appearance of the show. Moreover, because of the show, the world was concealing.

What is more serious is that several Tianzun and Mozun statues in front of the virtual sky have sensed this terrible fluctuation. They feel that their bodies have become stiff, and the power of the law has not dared to be born, and has been suppressed by life.

What is the status of this? through

Ancient has not! "

What is the birth of the virtual star? Xuan Tian asked with horror, they were able to sense the waves, but the stars were even more foggy, they could not see through.

"Not very clear, but it feels like a terrible creature wants to wake up!"

Tian Zun’s face is serious. They once felt trembled on the celestial stars. This is not brute force. After all, the characters of Tianzun are different from the gods. The gods are the chickens in front of the show, while the gods are somewhat Ability, this is very likely to awaken some sleeping ancient creatures.

This is why they quit the Star of Heaven and seal it up. Now

At the time, they were worried that the gods and gods would not care, and they would uncover some terrible seals.

"I hope you don't want to come!"

A few Tianzun are very headaches. If those creatures are born, the unfortunate ones are the current gods, that is, the whole starry sky will bleed. After all, they are not clear about the origins of those creatures. magic

The gods frowned, and they also sensed the fluctuations, but they were not sure about the problem. It would be nice if the demons tore open the force, but if they really let go of the world, that would be the real trouble.

To know. magic

Respect and Heaven are not the end of the martial arts. This world is too vast and the martial arts are more vast. Before, they felt that the three heavens were the end. Now it seems that things are far more horrible than they think.

The third dimension of heaven is not to be found, but it does not mean that there is no such creature in this world. but


Is the third heaven of heaven the end?

This is the truth they have been looking for, and there are answers in the Stars, at least they don't feel that they can see everything.


Moon Star, Thunder Wandao! whole

The forbidden zone is changing, time and space are collapsing, only one show is coming out, the golden dragonfly remains as it is, but the show is even more embarrassing, and its six characters are fragmented. Fives

The semi-emperor character suddenly disappeared in an instant, but when it came to Lingfeng, there was a change, and the eyebrows flew out to the Taoist figure, and it was necessary to suppress the show. but


The Taoist figure was far from being filled, and it became dark in the show, and it was suppressed by life.


That show will come to Lingfeng, to pierce its eyebrows, to annihilate its spirits, but things are not so simple, when Ling Feng’s eyebrows hurt, the ban on the magic bones has suddenly flashed. Bright, out of the sky. boom


Forbidden to seal the sky, this is the first time in Ling Feng, there seems to be words shining, too embarrassing, can not read more, but does not affect its extraordinary and terrible. cover

Shiguang presses Xianting!

The upper text is more like a respectful immortal, suppressing the gods of the gods, and the show is stopped, like the birth of the intellect, is "measuring" the prohibition, but has not been suppressed and affected by the prohibition, from this side It can be seen that the show is extraordinary. Ling

The spirit of the wind is tense, and Dantian is not damaged. All this is due to this prohibition. What is now worrying about him is whether this prohibition can suppress the show, or the soul of the golden age.

Tick! cold

Khan is dripping, every minute of stalemate makes Ling Feng physically and mentally tired, and even he has no intention to pay attention to the prohibition.

Half awkward.

That talented scholar flew down and did not collide with the prohibition. It seemed to be taboo and sigh.

"You... still..."

However, the sound of the fairy sounds, with the vicissitudes of the ages, it is difficult to understand, Ling Feng can only explore a rough.

"Yes... you are also disabled..."

The voice sighs with a faint sigh, as if in a feeling, through the ages. Say


The voice disappeared, the show returned to the golden plaque, no longer appeared, and the imposing manners of the gods and gods were disintegrated. Ling Feng fell to the ground, breathing heavily, and the injury was very heavy, but he was more than the other five and the half. To be lucky, at least he is still alive. but


The sound of the fairy sounds made him horrified. It seems that the owner of the show knew the prohibition. This did not start, but what made her sad was that the prohibition was disabled. What happened in the first place?

Can it be said that these characters are going to die?

Could it be said that this prohibition has also participated in the battle of the world? half

The ban on the ban is so horrible, what if it was in its heyday?

It is clear.

The character used the word "also" to prove that she was also half-mutilated, but the show can still ask the sky, suppressing the sun, the moon and the stars, and the gods of the sky, how strong will it be in the heyday?

Are they still defeated?

Although Ling Feng did not know what these characters had experienced, it made him think of the battle of the world. The more powerful the characters, the more miserable they are, but in this world they seem to be alive. that

The ban is still in the light, not calmed by the disappearance of the show, which means it is more taboo.


Ling Feng did not think much, but the first time to rush out of the golden 棺 range, to the distant Star Road, until he completely left here, only to take a breath, find a secluded treatment in front of the ancient road. "

Show can be a fairy, what kind of life is that? "half

After a month, Ling Feng recovered and looked at the distance. He had no feelings. He didn't know how great the third heaven was. But it was only Tianzun who couldn't do this step, even if it was the day of worship.

He did not inform the Ye Wong and other gods, banned from flying to the ancient road, and branded, I hope they can find here. p

s.. second later.

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