Supreme Demon

Chapter 127: Drag the fairy to the water!

Hey! Virtual

The emptiness of 10,000 roads, a canopy passing by, forbidden to tear open space forbidden, so that the heavenly statues must be astounded by the light rain quickly, creating a light path in the space. Display

Of course. burn

Tianzun also sensed the danger of Lingfeng. It is necessary to immediately send the anti-God to the celestial star to reverse the fascination of God over the years. It is not a difficult thing to want to break in, especially those gods who have been baptized by the gods. And the top real god.


The real anger is against the gods, but it has not lost its rationality. But all who go to the virtual sky are the gods. For decades, the potential of the anti-God is shocking. If it is not a dark force, the real power is invisible. It is a nightmare for many forces.

There is only one Tianzhou, but with tens of thousands of true gods and gods. Among them, the ancient martial artists who are personally pointed by Burning Heaven are extraordinary, although they are not as good as death, but once they enter the virtual sky. In it, you will be polished and polished, and when they come out, they will be really strong. and


They are mainly responsible for the news and control, and they are conducive to rebelling against the situation of the gods. The responsible for solving the battles are the top half-element figures of the candle dragon, Bi Fang and the royal family and the virtual door from the Tianzhou. This

It means that butterflies, hidden gods, and heavens are all showing terrible lethality.

Death is born. This

I was shocked by the empty road. I was very valued by the status of death, and I just asked the third-level gods. It is very dangerous to enter the virtual sky with such a realm.


More serious things happened. Vulcan and shallow fall were directly flying into the sky. Qin Yutian and Ling Xuewen were also born. It was almost half of the characters in the world’s arrogance, and their directions were all virtual. Stars.

why like this? can

! dead

God, Vulcan and other gods are shining with endless anger. Their gods are full of hatred, and their anger is shocking, letting some heavenly figures frown, which makes them unthink. "

Ling Qing... I am afraid that I can’t really come back! ”

The oriental poetry looks at a god, a sigh of sighs. Before Ling Feng and others appeared, she has already felt that the situation is serious, and now even death is going to be born. What does this mean?

Ling Feng may be in danger.

At this moment.

A distant Tianzhou appeared in front of the empty road, but there was no intention to fall. Just as the empty road was going to fly in the sky, when the Tianzhou was suppressed, the **** of death and the **** of fire boarded the heaven. under

A moment. day

The boat tore open the space, fast forward, and the momentum of the heavenly boat, the lowness of the mountain, and the cold chill of the forest is to make people chill and chill, this situation is too wrong.


Star Road! At

At the blood, Candle Dragon, Bi Fang, etc. are in front, Zhou Tian is waiting, and Ye Xinran, Qing Yu, Han Ruyue and others are in the middle. They are moving forward step by step, and the speed is fast, and this is the three and a half. The emperor's characters can't suppress the power frenzy.


When they met at the beginning, the three and a half emperors bleed their blood, and their bodies fell uncontrollably from the void, and their faces were gray.

Bang. candle

The dragon is crazy, the fire of the eyebrows flies out, falls on the head of one of the half-emperor characters, and quickly suppresses it downwards. In the light of the candlelight, the half-emperor character makes a savage scream and the body is covered with candle. The fire devours, and in a short time it will fly away.


Fang is even more brave, and the eyes of the gods are filled with Xiaguang. In the face of the second half-emperor, the Xiaguang is like a fierce knife. It has been plowed from its head and let its spirits annihilate on the spot. Connect

With. that

Xiaguang flew back and appeared behind the half-emperor character, the power burst, banned from penetrating its dantian, tearing Dantian, letting the ten heavenly forces disintegrate, and the second half-emperor character was killed.

Zhou Tian and Si Kong are the only ones who suppress the third half of the emperor. he

They sat in the back of the town and faced the third half-Emperor. When the power burst completely, it was a frenzy. On the spot, the third and the half-emperor were struggling, and they were quickly suppressed by Zhou Tian’s sleeves. The trenches passed by and they were nailed to the air.

The ancient road is bloody!


They didn't delay here, knowing that other characters in the Death List are staring at it, and Ling Feng is in front. The half-Emperor who he wants to face is not in a minority, but the problem is that as long as a half-Emperor can make his life .


Candle Dragon, Bi Fang, etc. hope to find Ling Feng in the first time.


They walked for three thousand miles, and their hearts were sinking. It was because there was no half-Emperor character on the roster of death. What does this mean? image

The forces of death list are not stupid enough to place a few semi-imperial figures here, which can achieve more effective killing. Now that the half-emperor characters are not here, there is only one possibility. he

We are killing the wind in a crazy blood! "

Find them! ”

Ye Xinran was cold-faced, killing more and more, personally moving forward, not to be persuaded by the candle dragon and Bifang. Although it was only a four-level god, the power formed by the gas field made people feel the pressure.

They are fast!

Ling Feng was faster. When he appeared here, he sensed the breath of the two and a half emperors. So he fled the first time and walked around, sticking to the Tianqimen. Although he was very cautious, he still let Two and a half emperors found.

Needless to say. This

It is a life and death escape!

Ling Feng's inch fairy shows no sky, let Tian Ye burst out of 12 points, but the two half-element figures can not be underestimated, holding the heavens to the treasure, the speed is even faster, is approaching Ling Feng . This

Let Ling Feng frown.


The two gods and the characters in the list of death gods are obviously intended to prevent them from escaping from here, and the suppression of speed is very deadly. he

When they fly and flee, it is thousands of miles.

In fact. Ling

The speed of the wind has surprised the two and a half emperors, and the five-level gods in the district have erupted. These potentials have made them feel ashamed. If they grow up, the other half of the emperor will still live. to

less. he

We know that as long as Ling Feng asks the half emperor, the gods of the death **** list here will be miserable, so they must not let Ling Feng live away from the stars. suddenly

Of course.

Ling Feng’s eyes flashed and he saw the two characters in front of him, and he was walking in a waste land, seemingly looking for something. This

The waste land is extraordinary, scattered in the ancient road, like a pile of ochre, a large piece of large-scale appearance, straight to the distance, a radius of 50,000 miles in its scope, where the illusion of light, heavy fog, covered with a layer of mysterious light. and

In the waste soil, the body of the demon is ups and downs, and the blood of the red and the black blood of the dark appear from time to time, which proves that there has been a very fierce battle. "

It’s really a narrow road! Ling

The wind was stunned, and a sneer smirked at the corner of his mouth. Although he did not know the two top gods, the breath on them was very noticeable, especially the fairy court above their heads.

Obviously. This

It is the top **** of the two cents, with strong strength and is in the realm of the half-empire.

thus. Ling

The wind did not hesitate to rush to the two Xianting gods. He was very angry with this force. Now he can use the half-emperor characters of the list of death gods to get rid of it, and even more potential for the two half-element figures. "

Two seniors run fast! Ling

When the wind shouted, he quickly rushed into the waste land and used the fog to annihilate his breath. "

Ling Feng, it is you! ”

The two top gods suddenly stunned, and now Ling Feng came alone, it is a good opportunity to get rid of him.

can. he

We haven't had time to do it yet. The two and a half emperors of the list of death gods have come to them. Gai Shiwei immediately fell down and killed the two top gods. After all, Ling Feng had called them predecessors. "

Who are you waiting for? "Two

The top gods were shocked and were about to explain, but the power of the frenzy had already flooded, forcing them to fight passively without a chance to speak. boom


In an instant, the fierce battle will break this piece of waste soil. The two-and-a-half emperor characters in the list of death are quite horrible, but the two top gods of Xianting are not weak. At least it is impossible to end the battle in a short time. but


The ending has been doomed, the two top gods of Xianting are far from the opponents of the two-and-a-half emperors in the roster of death, and because of the layout of Lingfeng, Xianting will be dragged into the water, and it is necessary to participate in this shopping.

And Ling Feng is screaming at the time of their shopping, disappearing quickly, annihilating the atmosphere, he is a dragon like the sea, the death **** roster wants to find himself is not so easy. ...


Before the virtual sky. a few

Tian Zunwei closed his eyes and looked at the distance from time to time. They were waiting, waiting for the gods and magics on the horoscope to end. Of course

and. on

At this time, there were tens of thousands of demons in the entrance of the magic road, and they quickly rushed to the virtual sky stars. The quantity and quality were far higher than before. At this moment, they did not delay any time and banned them from entering. Display

Of course. he

They did not give up, but waited for the opportunity. Now more than half a year has passed, they do not believe that Lingfeng will always be in town.

It turns out that they are correct. when

When thousands of terrible demons broke into the celestial stars, several Tianzuns were discolored. After paying so many lives, they even had to be hard-hitting. What does this mean?

The Mozu’s intentions on the Sky Star are too great!

The former Mozu was not a climate, but now the wings of the Mozu are full, and it is really an eventful autumn. Of course

and. on

When people frown and worry, the sound of the beasts suddenly flashes, can not help but fly to the sky, looking into the distance, and several Tianzun has long been eye-catching, they sensed the waves, and quickly advanced in this direction. "

Has it been published? "Ming

The beast of the beast was raised. He knew that some things could not be suppressed. When the ancient road appeared, he knew that the anti-God was coming, but he did not know that Ling Feng was being chased by the ancient road at the moment.


Two Tianzhou plows open Tianyu, a person who is a world-famous person stands in the head of Tianzhou, and comes from the thorns of the heavens. In the sky, Yang’s eyes are bright, wearing blood coats and cuffs wrapped in white silk. She is not strange, but two When the gods on the Tianzhou are all the same, the Mingtian beasts are moving.

good night.


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