Supreme Demon

Chapter 130: Twenty-four bridges moonlight night!


Not every person who wins the crown of the heavens and the war can be called the king.

Only this time!

Therefore, the cover belongs to the moment of genius, and it is born by the perfect void and Xianli. It can be compared with Lingfeng in the same level. It can't be found in the ages. If such a character asks, it will be shocking. he

It is worthy of the title of "King of People"! whole

Stars are all eye-catching things, will they be unrecognizable?


After Xianli appeared, he knew the origin of Lingfeng, and knew the horror of Lingfeng. When he was in the fourth-level god, Lingfeng was so terrible, let alone ask the five-level god. he

Meng retired, do not want to compete with Ling Feng, even if he is a seven-level god. Of course


Ling Feng did not give him this opportunity, forbidden from the forward, Xianli, perfect void, etc., and the ninth stone was born, suppressing all directions, to kill the magic figure.

The magical character is jealous of identity issues, and now Lingfeng is as jealous. "

Don't be too much! "The magical figure shouted guilty."

Is it? Ling

The wind is cold and asks. "It seems that you are looking for me first?"


The magic road character's mouth is straight, this is really kicking the iron plate, and encountering the tricky figure of Ling Feng, the two levels of gap, in the face of Ling Feng's fierce blood kill is really not worth mentioning. but


At this point in the situation, he has no retreat, only to go forward. "

I want you to die! "he

Angrily screamed, the power burst, the top Tianwei, the use of urgency, lightning came to the front of the wind, but at this moment the quality change, his figure became blurred, there are eight illusions.

The eight phantoms of the same demon, holding a murderous knife, fell together to Ling Feng.

Nine robbing!

Over the top of his head, a heavy thunder appeared, and it fell quickly. The direction was not Lingfeng, but his own. It was not a dazzling Thunder, but a dark Thunder belonging to the Magic Road.


A thunder fell on a phantom, letting the phantom tremble, and the power was gray for a moment, but the next day's stronger magical power was able to make the phantom come out and force the frenzy.


The second thunder fell, and the rest of the phantoms became stronger. The whole process was very fast, and in the process of the eight phantoms falling together, when the eight-handed blade appeared in front of the wind, the nine thunders It has been blown down, so that the demon is full of power and power.


The nine-handed blade is blended with Lingfeng's head, bursting with the top light, and the same handle is the heavenly blade. The power is pushed to the eight-level **** by this blending power. Once it falls, it is the annihilation of the world. non-

Where horror!

This is the same as Ling Feng's simple and rude. "

Look at your uncle! Ling

The wind is furious, and there is a seven-level **** in the district. He wants to marry him. In the case of blood anger, he is the strongest release.


The loud noise blew out from Dantian, and the fifth Tianli space carried different colors and momentum. The four corners of the fairy syllables blew together. When the roads were pressed out, Xianli’s momentum and strength It is bursting. choke

! Imitation

The Buddha's sword and the sword sing, as if the gods are sorrowful!

In the perfect void, Xianli, and body space, the burning road carries out the heavenly technique, and the four fairy sounds are added to it, releasing its top power and pushing the power to the eight-level **** in one fell swoop. and

And. Fairy

The most terrible place for force and body space is to restrain everything! not

Undoubtedly. when

When this force touched the savage blade, the Thunder was extinguished, and the nine-fold robbery collapsed. Only Xianli pushed forward. Only four fairy sounds settled in time and space. Only the cold face of Lingfeng and the fear of the demon.

"No!" He

The screams of horror, but the sound is so pale. under

A moment.

The burning road ruthlessly smashed the body of the demon, and flew its fierce blade. The four fairy sounds hit the body of the demon, and a fairy sound dispelled its spirit, and a fairy annihilated its flesh and blood. The third fairy sound collapsed its dantian. The four fairy sounds crushed their flesh and blood. First

Three magical characters are killed!

"Magic Road!"

Ling Feng witnessed, these people are always too hidden, far from the roster of the gods, until now people do not know this power, and think that this power may be hidden beside him, that is, he is chilling.

Obviously. This

The intention of a magical force is not small, otherwise it will not be so low-key, and if it is a demon, the problem will become tricky.

Reversing God wants to really go to the starry sky, the roster of death and the power of the magic are the difficulties they have to overcome. can


In his current situation, it is not suitable to lead the anti-God. He wants to let go and open the battlefield of life and death wholeheartedly on this ancient road.


"It's really a little doorway!"


A half-element figure frowned and looked at the front, where the breath died. They couldn't find any breath of Ling Feng, which made them very uncomfortable. Therefore, they used Tianzun Zhibao directly and used the power of law to restore the void. effect

If it is not ideal, Xianli’s annihilation is quite overbearing, even if the law of heaven is weak. Do not

Over. Ling

The power of the wind is not enough. In this respect, the law of heaven is even more terrifying. Therefore, after looking for three days, the half-emperor character is now hiding the direction and finding the direction in which Ling Feng leaves.

"This character can't stay!"

The second half of the emperor’s character is cold and open, and the character of Xianli is not to be found. If Lingfeng grows up, it is the nightmare of the death list. because


They want to kill the Lingfeng when they are still on the Xingdao Road.

next moment. Two

The semi-imperial characters are moving forward, and they want to find the whereabouts of Lingfeng as soon as possible, only because they feel the atmosphere behind them is getting stronger and stronger. The top half emperors such as Candle Dragon and Bifang are killing. If they find Lingfeng first, Then their hopes will be lost. complete


Now the list of death gods is too **** and half-emperor. At this time, they face the top-level candle dragons and Bifang. They do not have the advantage. If the forces such as the empty road and the Guanghan Palace are involved, they will inevitably have blood. ...


In fact.

At this moment, Candle Dragon, Bi Fang, etc. are more anxious than them. The situation of Ling Feng is dangerous, and their situation is not ideal. The **** of death behind the gods is coming, not only the half-emperor, but also the eight-ninth. God. mosquito

Too many children, the elephant will feel annoyed. and


Once they are slowed down by them, it is the commandment that waits for the wind. "

You force, I will wait! ”

The leaf witch's cold opening, this progress made her very dissatisfied, although she knew that the candle dragon, Bi Fang, etc. have done their best.


Fang said categorically.

joke. leaf

The strength of the witch and the Qing dynasty is not good. Even if the wind is found, the situation will only be more passive. Ling Feng can use the sky leaf to escape. Without any scruples, he can even fight, but if you take care of the leaf witch, etc. People, there is no hope of even running away.

not to mention.

There are too many dangers ahead, not only the two and a half emperors of the death list, but also the characters such as the demon, the fairy, and so on. As long as they meet, there is no hope of living.


As Ye Witch wanted to argue with reason, she suddenly shut up and couldn't help but turn to look behind her. At that time, the void exploded a large piece of light rain, and a stalked blade was rushing to the sky. One

Only beautiful butterflies appear, and they don’t linger for a long time. One

The beautiful woman who is beautiful is taking the time and carrying the proud temperament. Do not

It’s just that Ye Xinran’s stunned, that is, the cold and the moon are all stunned, and then they are happy and ecstatic. They know that they have been waiting for it. It’s the light rain against the gods. he

We are here! he

In this way, they tell them that the anti-God will use the most decisive means to let the opponent pay the price and move forward with the fastest speed.

More importantly, they know that the Yang master was born.

what does this mean? inverse

God started the anti-war, this is all done with all strength, this is the battle against the **** of death! only


Against the gods, they are too far away from them, and they are far less than them. After all, the gods are going to cast the net. With the intelligence of Yang, the celestial stars will be the first object to be overcome, and then the ancient road. "

I am the butterfly master! "cold

If the moon is flying up, say, "I am willing to fight against the life and death of God!"

Finished. she was

Directly blasting the butterfly order, let the light rain appear on the ancient road, reflecting the stars, let the distant people see it, and tell them that this is the direction of the butterfly. "

I am against the Lord, and I am willing to fight against the life and death of God! ”

Ye Xinran is proud of the world, directly pinching the main devil, so that the light rain is more intense, they know that the anti-God will certainly see, only because they are against God! or

Xu, anti-God will disappoint people.

Perhaps, the anti-God is still very fragile. but


At the moment, they are very tenacious, they will be full!

As Yang’s words. At the moment, I am willing to send you to die!

When death becomes glory, it is the invincible world. "

Please let us go back! ”

The cold is like a month, looking at Zhou Tian and other half-empire, this time is not only to find the Lingfeng, but also to let the butterfly out of the top Tianwei, they know that the future will be dominated by the ancient road. to

Strong witness in the fragility!

Witness powerful in the weak! "

Send us back! "day

The gods are open, and the importance of the moon as a butterfly is self-evident. She can't play any role here, but as long as she sits on a butterfly, it can stimulate the butterfly's potential 12 times. and

It is a truth that he appears in the hidden god. "

I am willing to go against God! ”

She is alone in the rainy month. She knows that Ye Xinran is impossible to leave at this time. She is the only woman who is qualified to be with Ling Feng, but she needs to be the master, even if it only appears. to

Yes. week

Tian, ​​Sikong, and the gods of the gods flew out, and they personally escorted the three gods to the rear, while Ye Xinran and others continued to move forward, as long as they found Ling Feng, they could rest assured.

The void is dull.

In front, a colorful mountain river appears in front of Lingfeng, and twenty-four heavenly arrogances pass by. Each one is like a dynasty, glory and ancient, and on that day, there is a starry sky above the bridge. There is a golden river under the bridge, and an old tree stands beside the bridge.

A crescent moon hangs on the sky, it is the twenty-four bridge moonlight night!

good night.

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