Supreme Demon

Chapter 146: Embrace the Crescent Moon!

Recast! first

Before, Tianshen casts nine heavenly space to reach the top gods, and ten heavenly space can cast half of the emperor. This is a system, the same as the ancient. Of course

However, at this moment, there are two completely different spaces in the body of Lingfeng, which are different from the space of the heavens. They release the atmosphere of the world, let the stars and stars defend, and make the daggers more like the universe. Ling

The power of the wind has not weakened, but has become more terrible. It has directly moved to the sixth-level gods, and belongs to the kind of spike-level character. When the hand is raised, the six-level **** will be wiped out. Display

Of course.

This is not in the scope of the previous cultivation system. Each space is equivalent to three heavenly space, and even five, because the power has not been fully released. Otherwise, it will be a flourishing frenzy. but

Even if the two spaces are fully occupied, it will not affect the realm of Ling Feng. He can also move forward, but it is different from the previous one, unlike the ancient system. "

Gods three heavens! ”

Ling Feng's eyes are bright and burning, and the two spaces are equivalent to the six-level god. He thinks that Dantian will not give birth to nine such spaces. It is the limit that can be born three times, and the three spaces will push its power. To the top gods.

just now.

He is in the second heaven of the gods. inverse

Push the cultivation system. inverse

The true power of God is being released, and will come out of a different path.

This shock made Ling Feng horrified, but for a moment but forehead, this is a shock change is inevitable, because the previous space is too fragile, it is difficult to support the terrible power of the universe, only recasting can give birth to greater the power of.

thus. force

After the amount of recasting, the cultivation system must be recast. Only in this way can it adapt to the space of recasting, and only by disintegrating the previous boundaries can it bloom more extraordinary potential.

This is the qualitative change of space!

I have to say that the current Lingfeng is really strong enough to make people suffocate, and a space can be squeezed out to suppress all the heavens. Another space flies out, despising the great power of the world, and even more shocking is the piece in the heart of the sea. Virtual light. by

The previous thirty come, added to hundreds of channels, once they melt together, the beam will be directly destroyed.

Ling Feng refines the life and death poles and deserves to reward him for the whole void. One

A piece of virtual light, a piece of backlight, during which the power of the fairy sings, the endless, the more extraordinary force, although not the space of space, but can push the power of the wind to the unpredictable.

this moment.

Ling Feng can face the eight-level god, even the nine-level god, and if you step into the heavens and three heavens, you will be able to suppress all the heavens, and the half-empire characters will bow down, and this is what Ling Feng expects. "

Go ahead! Ling

The wind looks at the sky, there is not much ecstasy, for him, power is only used to demon, and will never recover those important people. under

A moment.

He flew out of this space and stepped forward to the farther stars.


Twenty-four bridges on the moonlight night, where the jade people teach to brag. this


A **** and a demon are standing in front of the twenty-four bridges. They look at the bridge that is full of illusory light. The gods are full of desire, and they are very eager and crazy. When they come, they will know the truth. two

The fourteen bridges can open up Tianyu, and the rhyme is extraordinary. Once you comprehend it, you can let Tianli space explode and suppress the gods. and

And. This

It is a test of the talents of the gods. The real talented people will rush to Tianyu, and the talented people will look up, so that the gods and gods will be crazy.

In the gods and the devils, a beautiful woman was volleyed and released Tianwei. There was only one semi-emperor character beside her, while the other half-element figures flew into the distance to find the whereabouts of Lingfeng. not


This goddess is the leaf witch.


She wants to look forward to the whereabouts of Ling Feng, but here she senses the will of Ling Feng, and realizes that he once slandered here, and the two half-devils of the list of death gods are dying in their hands.

This means that there is no half-emperor in the front of the roster of death, and the candle dragon, Bi Fang, etc. are rapidly flying, and have been in front of the semi-emperor characters of the list of death, and should find Lingfeng faster. more

What's important is that Ling Feng has branded here, and the leaf witch is here to understand. The rhyme here is very suitable for the leaf witch, which can make it a rhyme in the gas field. gas

Field rhyme! "

He needs strength! "The leaf witch is secluded and looks sad. Here she can sense the breath of the wind, the sorrow of the body, the gesture of the proud world, and the atmosphere of the devil. He

Really a lone wolf!


He is not alone, he still has them.

but. This

For a moment, she knew that Ling Feng needed strength, so she did not hesitate to move forward and flew to the twenty-four bridge.

When the gas field burst open, the whole world seemed to be gray, only she was shining, and the twenty-four bridge was even darker. The moon in the sky that had never been filled was full of martial arts. Light, all sprinkled on the leaf witch. This

It is completely different from other gods.

This is more different from Ling Feng. jade

The snoring sounds, the leaf witch did not sit down, she stood up in the air, so she realized the sound of the air jade, and realized the curved moonlight in the air. No

There are cracks.

No annihilation.

Only the gas field is trembled. When the Yew Whelp Tianli space comes out, the twenty-four bridges are not in the previous appearance. It is like a tailor-made one. The gods and gods are guarded and pushed forward to the far side. Of course


Just as people were horrified, Ye Witch stepped forward and passed directly through the first overpass. The gas field here did not hurt her, and more of her relatives, waiting for the whole age to wait for her.

That is the dazzling face! that

It is a thought that crosses the ages.

This time.

The crescent moon smashed the tens of thousands of illusory light, fell on the leaf witch, soared around its body, quickly penetrated into its body, and the golden river was flying up and banned.

This is the expectation of the twenty-four bridge moonlight night! and

When the leaf witch walked forward and passed through the bridges, the whole picture became boiling, the golden river was more eye-catching, and a flat boat in the river soared in the air, and the jade sounded through the air, making the demon in the presence feel trembled.

This is what no gods have thought of.

That is the pinning of the gas field! that

It is the inheritance of the gas field. Boom


The witch is standing on the eighth overpass, overlooking the sentient beings. The strength of the body is full and full, blending with the moonlight, blending with the golden river, and blending with the gas field on the eighth bridge. Imitation

In the Buddha, she was in a dojo, standing in a starry sky and controlling life and death.

Two days later.

She appeared on the 18th overpass. This was the end of the gods and gods. No one has been able to take that step. Previously, Ling Feng also came here to make a terrible killing. The five and a half emperors died. People think that Lingfeng can go further, but he has not gone. Are


People are eye-catching. image

It is to know that people are full of expectations, and Ye Wong has not taken a step to disappoint them. It goes straight to the 19th bridge, stands on the top, and realizes the eternal life and senses the world. she was

The mind is ethereal and looks sacred.

She is a real fairy!

People's faces are amazed, the significance of this step is too great, and the twenty-four bridges become violent because of the emergence of the leaf witch, especially in the sky, Huaguang dazzling, straight into the sky.

The top gas field is suppressing all the way.

however. leaf

The witch did not stop here, she was still moving forward, heading for the twentieth flyover, and 20 overpasses to the twentieth bridge, and whenever she took a step, the body’s gas field would Will be strong.

Beside him, the gods and gods are guarding.

Behind him, the gas field appeared, looking gray.

Her hands were slowly pushed forward, and the jade eyes were slightly closed. It seemed that there was a flash of light on her chest, showing a splendid. boom


When it stepped into the 22nd flyover, it broke out with great power, and the thunder fell from the sky, letting the entire bridge roar. It seems that the sky bridge has become taboo. but

The golden river, the one-leaf boat, and the jade girl show extraordinary power, suppressing the Thunder, and not letting it hurt and affecting the Witch. thorn

La! One

Shou Tianjian fell from the void, and banned from the leaves of the witch, that is the Tiandao slashing, this is because the leaf witch stepped toward the twenty-three bridge, and by this time people almost suffocated. This

What kind of enchanting character is it? simple

Straight thoughts. Ling

The wind did not do anything, the leaf witch actually did.

"Is the last one?"

When the Wrath opened her eyes, the gods released different light, and the clearness was like the moon in the sky, but people did not notice it. In their arms, the faint light rain was shining and slowly gathered together. .

"That's coming!"

The mouth of the witch raised, showing a faint and warm smile, a faint opening.. "He will stay here, wait for me, how can I let him down?"

"He wants this day, I will open this day, he wants the land, I will open the land, he wants strength, I will do my best!"


She strode to the last overpass, and when she was lifted up in her footsteps, she thundered and thundered in nine days. The Tiandao slashed at this moment and drowned the leaf witch in an instant, which was unimaginable. but

she was

However, he turned his back and walked tenaciously until the whole body was integrated into it. At this time, the thunderstorm in the sky was even more violent, and the twenty-four bridges were completely swallowed up. boom


It seems as if the whole world is bursting, as if the stars are disintegrating.

The half-emperor character of the zero family frowned. This situation is too tricky. He promised to take care of the leaf witch, such as the candle dragon and Bi Fang. It can be thundered in nine days. He is also helpless now, and he thinks of the leaf witch, Xiao Xiaoyu, he I only felt that my body was stiff and my scalp was blown up. Of course

and. that

Thousands of thunders did not make people wait too long, and only three hours disappeared. month

Still the moon in the sky.

The bridge is still a twenty-four bridge. people

Still that pretty person! can

At the moment, in the leaves of the Witches, a clear moon appears, flowing through the years, shining the rhythm of the Tao, affecting the stars, the place of the air, killing the world. p

s.. I know that a lot of people are already jealous of me, but I still have to explain, after 8:00 in the afternoon to finish this chapter at 2 am, don't want the card.

what can I say? low

Just look at the head and wait for the fragrance to smooth the card. late



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