Supreme Demon

Chapter 148: Is this crazy?

Tiandang Mountain. This

It is not known as Qishan, but because of its special momentum, mixed with magic, the star power is thin, but the place where the gods are taboo, do not want to be here with the gods, only because the power is weakened very quickly. but


Ling Feng did not have this kind of jealousy. He strode forward, as if he accidentally broke in, it was more like the fact that the devils placed the top heavenly medicine here to attract them. Fishing

Fish law enforcement! Do not

Needless to say, these gods are really daring, dare to use these natural medicine to fish.

You must know that Tianji’s potency is shocking and can be sensed through the sky. Now it’s Lingfeng. If you attract the top gods? and


Although these gods have a good idea, the traces are too heavy. How can such a natural medicine appear in this Tianshan? Like this, the demon appeared around the Tianshan Mountains. Didn't completely wipe out the breath of the body, the top characters would not feel it?


This is the view of these devils, such phishing law enforcement is that idiots will fall in?

but. This

Some of the devils were not too stupid. They waited until Lingfeng appeared, and then placed the heavenly medicine on this Tianshan. When Lingfeng appeared here, they immediately took away the medicine and dispelled the medicine to prevent the sky. The medicine will attract top talents. Want

It was before.

In the case of the eight-level demon, or two, Ling Feng will be very jealous, the first time to escape, not to mention the three hundred average strength is in the level of this level of the demon, but at this moment Ling Feng really nothing to be jealous.

Only war. "

Ling Feng, do you think you can still be crazy? ”

That is an eight-level demon opening, with a faint sneer at the corner of his mouth. He is looking at Ling Feng’s unhappy behavior. Now the situation is good for them. The **** is still so calm, so he feels this layout. Very interesting.

"I am not crazy!"

Ling Feng lifted and looked at the two devils who were the ones, Shi Shiran said. "I just killed more than 50,000 days of magic."

Ling Feng, you should not be too mad, now you have no advantage, those top half emperors? ”

"I killed more than 50,000 days of magic!"

"Oh, are you afraid?"

I killed more than 50,000 days of magic! ”


More than three hundred days of magic detonated, I feel that this topic has not been discussed.

"Ling Feng, you don't want to know how we found you?" one of the gods said with a sneer.

"Don't want to!" Ling

The wind said indifferently. "As I had been through the distorted space, it appeared on the illusory sky and rain, killing the 50,000-day demon, I think they never want to know the truth?"


More than three hundred days of magic only feel that the mentality is bombing, how to chat with this goods, 50,000 days of magic is a pit? "

Ling Feng I will glare at your head and come to the blood to sacrifice those devils. ”

Ling Feng carefully looked at the demon who spoke, and said in a serious tone: "What you said makes sense. I used to sacrifice her for more than 50,000 days."


I want to smash you up! "its

One of the devils directly bombed, and more than three hundred days of demon appeared, trapping him, and the goods did not panic and talk about his blood sacrifice, and talked about the sickle, which made the devils very depressed and jealous. Qu.

next moment.

The demon rushed to Lingfeng, which made the two eight-level demon frown, but did not say anything, they also want to know what level of Ling Feng is now.


however. on

When the six-level demon smashed, Ling Feng’s eyes suddenly came to him, and an imposing force appeared on his body, pressing against the other side, like a wild and savage beast. On the spot, let the six-level demon body come to an abrupt end, power Suffering from bondage.

A gray space, mixed with the eternal night light, appeared on Ling Feng. inverse

Road space! first

The first five spaces are blended together, with space, space and voids. This means that the space is not only as simple as space, but also the power of multiple spaces. It is reversible and more repressive.


Ling Feng is using this force, the double universe is born, the heavens can be blasphemy, the reverse can be used to seal the magic, any space can be played against the killing of thousands of roads, not to mention the Lingfeng shopping, regardless of life and death, to sacrifice two spaces, That will be a desperate frenzy. "

Disintegrate! ”

Ling Feng smiled faintly. In that voice, the body of the sixth-level **** was falling apart. Until now, his power was not completely released, and he did not touch the wind, even the clothes.

Just because. in

When it started, the space of Lingfeng had already covered the eight wastes, and it was suppressed in it. It was only more concealed. Others may not be able to see it clearly, and the power of the body space in the anti-channel space is even more terrible. .

The whole void became dull.

More than three hundred devils were shocked and stunned. What kind of ghost is this?

Just because of the power of those three words?

It was the two eight-level demon who saw the doorway, and they smacked their mouths and asked, "What about the body space?"

"It is the body space that kills 50,000 days of magic!" Ling Feng said with a smile. "

Grandpa! "now

In more than three hundred devils really want to kill God, this goods open mouth is 50,000 days of magic, the sickle does not bring this, he considered the feelings of the devils? "

Oh, what about the body space? Can you hold more than three hundred demons? ""

The 50,000 heavenly devils are also able to live! ""

kill! "This

At that time, more than three devils did not want to talk more about this character. It felt that as long as he spoke, they would have one more knife in their heart. to

Yes. he

We want to let it shut up forever.

this moment. that

More than 300 demon gods did not kill one by one, but they swarmed up and tried their best to beat Ling Feng to death. They worried that there would be more night dreams, candle dragons, Bi Fang, etc., and they would be worried that they would be broken by Ling Feng. .

Only the two eight-level demons were very self-satisfied and did not have the first time to shoot. but

. on

It is the momentum and strength of these three hundred devils, and it is enough for the nine-level **** to drink a pot, and the level of Ling Feng is too special, so that people can not see which level of **** he is in. complete


He now has a different cultivation system, and there are only two spaces in Dantian. Of course


It is these two spaces, but it can kill thousands of roads and push the ages. When the three hundred devils are killed, Ling Feng’s face shows awkward smile.

next moment.

The void is in the air, and there is a strange calm within a thousand miles. The needles can be heard, and the heavens and the earth are even more sealed. The power is completely bound, and then a vast expanse of Tianwei collapses from the void. Compressed. that

It is the power to erase the law! that

It is a space that despise the road!

Hey! only

Only a trembling, the demon only felt that the body that was moving forward came to an abrupt end, the pain came from the body, some powerful demon can withstand this Tianwei, and those who are weaker feel the flesh and blood in the body blurry.


The screams of screams rang from the air, some of the demons disintegrated on the spot, while others insisted on it for a little longer, but when the authorities appeared, they had no room for resistance. only

Only a moment, those demons will fall apart.

"Retire!" two

The eight-level demon movement, half a year, the power of Ling Feng seems to be more embarrassing, the real Tianwei of the body space appears, the suppression is not only the flesh and blood body, but the real road. when

The road was restrained, and that was the chicken.

Now more than three hundred days of demon face this situation. in

When the opening, the two eight-level demon immediately stepped forward, using the eight magical powers and the heavens to the treasure, carrying the top light rain power, falling on the reverse space and letting it tear, which saved the lives and deaths of hundreds of demons. .


There are still more than two hundred devils who are killed. This

It is simply dying! that

Some of the devils sighed coldly, and felt that they had kicked the iron plate. No wonder that Lingfeng dared to go on the road alone. The feelings have reached this point. Even the characters of the eight-level celestial face must bleed.


The devils still can't understand the power of Ling Feng, just a space?

"Is this back?"

Ling Fengsen smiled. "Is you too naive, or do you think I am not crazy enough?"


He strode forward and stepped down. He trembled in nine days, and he shrank into a large god. He seemed to have a foot pressed down in the void, which would make Wandao lose his voice and make it light and colorful. Boom

! One

Only foot to suppress the heavens!

In an instant, the more than 20 devils who were a little slower were killed directly, and they couldn’t help the Tianwei. Once the space was unveiled, even the heavens should be taboo, and this is not the top. can

It is said that the present Tiandao space is completely a sharpening stone. When the anti-channel space completely seals the sky, the heavenly space is the nourishment.


Ling Feng did not hesitate, the burning road flew out from Dantian, and the anti-channel space appeared on it. In a short time, the power climbed directly to the point where the eight-level demon trembled. cut

Heaven! only

There are trekking techniques!

When the chilling skylight tears the sky, any gods and devils are chickens and dogs in front of the wind, this is the true meaning of the anti-channel space. thorn


A sky flies, more than a dozen gods are killed.


The second day of the sky flew, more than 20 scorpions smashed blood. when

When Ling Feng exhibited all the emptiness, more than a dozen gods died.

When Ling Feng sacrificed the perfect void, more than 20 celestial bodies were ruined. day

Dangshan was blackened by the blood of the demon, and the bones were full. These demons were not fragile. They only met the King of the World, and the Lingfeng at the top of the six-level god, not only despised the six-level demon, but also despised the seven-level demon, his real The opponent is an eight-level demon.

and. because

The five paths of space are merged, and the counter-channel space that was born is ten times that of the previous one. The horror is hard to imagine. Once it is down, it is a horizontal push, and this is what the devils can’t react to. Their concept is still Stayed before.

"So... can you be crazy?"

Ling Feng stopped, but only the two eight-level demon can stand in front of him. How **** and **** the whole process is, and the horrible one is horrible. This is exactly what people worry about. Repression, the means of Ling Feng is even more cruel.

Good night, stay fragrant tomorrow and try to write more.

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