Supreme Demon

Chapter 150: Eight demons!

"Large space?" Ling

The wind looked at the two eight-level demon, feeling the turbulent space in the body, a little indifferent, for him now, the big space is not important. punish


This is eternal!


These demons are too naive, do you think this layout can hurt him? Do not

Over. This

It is also reminding him that the simple blood killing damage to the demon is still too small, so that they really know the pain, like the original skylight rain, like the previous night in the night. because


He is more eager to rebel against the gods. It is not only tempered, but also allows him to lay out. It is not like the layout of the two eight-level demon, the layout is too small, and his layout is aimed at the gods on the ancient road. To bury these gods forever.

The layout needs a source of information, but it must have strong strength to support it. Otherwise, how can it be laid out with his weak position?

"There is always a chance!"

Ling Feng sighed, the real layout is not the only one, but also rely on the mountain and river terrain, etc., like the original heaven, he can fully use it to kill the gods. Now

in. he

It is necessary to find the terrain of the mountain. under

A moment. he

Disappearing in this direction, moving forward, he has already stepped into the ancient path, and he has to do his best to finish it. ...


square. Fives

The semi-imperial characters are moving forward. They are not fast. They belong to a force. They are a top-level semi-emperor. Their bodies are thin, but their eyes are full of gods, and they release the atmosphere of the world. God

The magic is shaking!

That temperament, let the devils go far away, do not dare to approach. he

They are not eager to go to the second star, but are free from the ancient road, want to find extraordinary earth here, find the world to treasure.

have to say.

These five and a half emperors are too horrible, like the appearance of carpets, turning over the entire ancient road, and some mysterious treasures also surfaced, so they dig their treasures. to


In this situation, there are still no forces and characters who dare to compete with them and compete for the best.

however. on

When they appeared in a mountain of sea and earth, the emptiness of the sea was fiercely turbulent, flying three heavenly devils from the sea, for the middle, the simple robes, the more quaint face. he

They are strange and appear stranger to the five and a half emperors. more

What is strange is the momentum on them. top

Level half emperor! this

Engraved, the treasure has not yet been born, but the sea is so horrible, the momentum is rolling, all because of the three and a half of the emperor's demon, if placed in the past, the devil met them, the five and a half emperors have long since fled.


The three and a half demons did not escape and banned themselves. "

what happened? "that

The face of the half-Emperor was shocked. I didn’t think that these demons would appear. They didn’t even sense the breath in the sea, not because the sea was too embarrassing, but because the three and a half emperors were too embarrassed.

They are suppressing the breath of their bodies. Want


In the past, the semi-emperor demon was almost killed, and the remaining half-Emperor was not much, let alone the three top-level demon gods. The situation seems to be quite wrong. Fives

The half-Emperor figure looked at the cold and the three-and-a-half-devils, and his face was embarrassed. These gods are forbidden. Is the intention not obvious enough? "

What are you waiting for? "that

Asked for the semi-imperialist material. "

The three masters under the magic seat! "that

The half-devil in the middle said coldly, the robe fluttered with a hint of dust. can


When referring to the words "magic Lord", their demeanor is obviously respectful, which makes the five and a half emperors all shocked. In the end, what characters can have these three top-level demon gods? magic

the Lord!

People keep this name in mind. Do not

Over. Want

It is against the gods here, it should be chilling, only because this is the three-and-a-half-devil in the Eight Emperors under the Lord's seat. Although it is only a semi-emperor, it has terrible strength that is beyond the reach of the people.

They are here, just ask God! "

Oh, three demons? Lord of the Lord? ”

One of the half-emperature figures sneered and said: "I have never heard of it, but you can really bear it. When I was killed by the top half of my starry sky, I didn't even appear. Do you want to break it now?"

At that time, I am waiting. ”

For the half-Emperor's opening, revealing the cold temperament. "Now I will wait, they will die!"


The five-and-a-half emperor faces are even more shocked. What does this mean?

Is there another demon into the virtual sky?

And the purpose of these three and a half imperial devils is to kill them. The tyrannical momentum, the ambitions of Ang and Yang, are telling their greatness and horror. These three devils are definitely the party and the candle. Dragon and other characters at that level.

"It’s a big tone, waiting for me to get rid of you!”


The half-emperor character immediately flew to the semi-emperor demon, and a sword appeared in his hand, releasing the top light, carrying the scent of the sky, and he will come out, so that the void will be lost.嗡


The sword is swaying and shining, and the whole void is ignited to form a large net. It is so terrible that the power is terrible. At least the nine-level **** is not enough to see it in front of it, and will be instantly suppressed. Of course

and. on

At that time, the middle half of the Emperor Demon walked out and thought that the semi-emperor demon, he is proud of the world, and despise the half-Emperor. "

Dare to be the fifth magic emperor, die! ”

When the words sounded, the half-Emperor disappeared into the void, banned from penetrating the space, and a bell in his hand blew, falling from the void, and the center of the bell was a big bell.

"To the end of your life!"


The void exploded, time and space fixed, the half-emperor figure snorted, only felt that there was terrible power in front of the seal, the big net could not fall down, and the bell sounds into the rhyme, playing with the momentum To him. more

What is extraordinary is that the bell is falling from the void, the big bell is long, and the power is crushing the big net.


The semi-emperor character did not panic. He flew out of a piece of armor, and merged in the void to form a cross knife. The hovering circle fell from the void, and the power was full, and the sword was even better. but

! he

Still underestimating the power of the bell, the cross knife slammed into the bell, but it was crushed by the bell, and the force was broken until it collapsed completely, and the big bell in the bell suddenly flew.

Boom! folder

Miscellaneous with the half-emperor character snoring, the mouth of the big bell will suppress it, let it use the extraordinary space of heaven, and can not promote the big clock, just because the big clock is too extraordinary, it can swallow the power, even more The endless magic erodes the flesh and blood of the half-Emperor. this

The other side.

The momentum of the half-Emperor character became weaker and weaker, and was completely sealed by the big mouth clock in a short time. "

Damn it! "that

For the half-Emperor's face madness, feel the unprecedented danger, these three and a half emperors are really terrible, just a bell to suppress a half-Emperor character, the power difference is so big.

This made them quite a picture of the second half of the Emperor.

That is completely killing!

Now the spikes appear on them. Obviously, the demons are stimulated to send the top demons to death with Candle Dragon and Bi Fang. and

And. This

The devils of these devils are heavier, not only to kill Ling Feng, but also to kill the top gods. more

What is important is that they previously heard the “fifth demo emperor”. What does this mean? also

How many other emperors?

What characters dare to call the emperor in the realm of the semi-empire?

Needless to say. This

It should be the real wizard of the Mozu, and their luck is not very good. "

kill! "that

For the half-Emperor character is also a hot character, did not retreat, but chose to kill, want to know the true strength of these three and a half Emperor, while the other three and a half emperors immediately move forward, to be with that three The half-Emperor is dead in the end.

"Give it to you!"

and. Let

What they didn't think was that the fifth demon did not start, but the glory of the world, and gave the whole battlefield to the other two and a half of the emperor, which made the four and a half emperors feel insulted. to

Yes. he

We intend to use the strongest power to let the opponent know what it will pay.

but! situation

The situation is even more terrible than they think. One and a half of the Emperor demon holds a bell to suppress the gods, while the other half of the emperor holds the monument and stands proud of the world.


A bell fell, and the second half of the emperor was sealed. Even though he wanted to slam the flash, the bell glimmered and shimmered, approaching him directly and suppressing it.

The mouth of the sky is more direct, and it shines with **** plaids, which are born soon, with the sharp knife, ruthlessly killing the other two and a half emperors, and the power is being pushed to the top.

The top of the semi-empire can

Look up to the emperor!

Sting! only

Only a fierce battle, the third half-Emperor screamed, locked by the lines of the warp, the body is difficult to move, and when the large warp pattern fell, he flesh and blood into mud, quickly disintegrated, the soul is even detained, Into the monument, became the last warp pattern.

This makes the other half-Emperor characters horrified, the feelings of the warp pattern are the soul of the half-emperor, the gods, and the blood is the **** of blood, the power is the power of the gods, just the magic.

How many gods do you need to build?


For a moment, they didn't dare to delay, and they wanted to fly in the first place. "

Too late! "Two

The half-Emperor demon sneered a sneak peek, and the bell and the sky monument instantly sealed the audience and tried to press the two and a half emperors, even if it was the half-Emperor who appeared in front of him.

"I will have someone to kill you!"

For the half-Emperor, the sorrowful screams, directly blew himself, and did not want to be the plaid in the monument on that day, and the smashing force that was stirred up was that the plaque of the day was gray and dark, and the half-Emperor was boring. most

Later, the half-emperor was swallowed up by the bell and became the soul of the dead.

This is a tragedy!

The five and a half imperial figures were actually killed by three and a half imperial gods, not because they were not strong enough, but because the devil was under the horror of the three demons, and thus the eight emperors really exposed their teeth, they would embezzle the stars. God on the ancient road. late


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