Supreme Demon

Chapter 162: Then live and die!

Hey! Virtual

The air trembles, that is, the space is jealous of this space, can be in the space of heaven and space, and can still be calm in the middle of the space. The degree of terror can be imagined, that is, Lingfeng feels fried hair. in

Before he completely understood this space, he felt that he should not get it out, otherwise he could kill his opponent and be able to kill himself.


Now that he is in a moment of life and death, this space does not appear, and the six and a half emperors can really kill him, so he would rather take risks.

Because the confinement space trembled.

Six and a half emperors were killed on the spot, and their bodies collapsed in them. that

The tragic picture does not say that Ling Feng, that is, the candle dragon, Bi Fang and other living creatures should be fried when they see the estimate, only because Ling Feng has cast an unpredictable force that can be juxtaposed with the candle and the glow.

Ling Feng did not know that this confinement space was not a space, but he really felt the unprecedented strength.


After killing the six and a half emperors, Ling Feng only felt tired, the power consumption was too horrible, and the confinement space did not mean to stop. If it was enlarged, the next one would be unlucky.

thus. he

Every effort was made to curb this momentum, but the effect was not obvious. The confinement space was slowing down, but it did not stop immediately. "

Scattered! Ling

The wind and the gods are cold, and he feels that the confinement space is not completely controlled. It seems that spirituality is born. If he "bites" him at a critical moment, he will die. because

and. he

Directly paying out the five heavy stones, and suppressing them in front of them, this began to dispel the space of heaven and the reverse, separate them and integrate them into Dantian, which made the confined space gray. but


Only in the 20th time, the third space became faint and directly dissipated. "

I rub! ”

Ling Feng almost stunned her mother. This is a crucial moment. Because of the withdrawal of the third force, the anti-channel and the heavenly space have become less stable. The power of terror has immediately spurted out, directly leading to the turbulence of the confined space that is slowing down.嗡


A sly power appeared beside Ling Feng, although it did not fall on him, but it made him suffer, the internal organs were torn, and the chest was full of blood.

then. that

The power appeared again, the source is endless, let Ling Feng flesh and blood become mud, the power collapses, that is, the five heavy stones are all excited by metal vibrato. "

what! Ling

The wind is fierce, the flesh and blood are seriously injured, and the confinement space is still in a state of turmoil, and it is forced to succumb to it. Ling Feng only has to sacrifice Xianli to suppress it. This will curb the turbulent momentum of the confinement space and dissipate little by little.

"散!" Ling

The wind gnashed his teeth and used flesh and blood to pull the space of the day and the space of the reverse to the body and into the Dantian. This made the confined space completely calm down, slowly scattered and disappeared into this piece of land. Ling

The wind is sitting between the mountains and rivers. he

Breathing, completely unable to take care of the injury, the confinement space is not terrible, and the power has not fully exploded, otherwise the wind is not a serious injury at this moment, but a commandment. "

It’s terrible! Ling

The wind licks the mouth, and the gloomy smile is released. Because of the appearance of Xingquan, the whole process is unpredictable. He does not have too many taboos, and more is ecstasy. This will be his favorable force to restrain the demon gods. . and

And. he

I believe that as long as he is stronger, he will control the confinement space sooner or later. he

First find a hidden place, recover, and take Tianshen Dan, let the flesh and blood recover in the shortest time, here is the ancient road, and it is still the earth, it is not too strange to have some terrible things.

Two days later.

He appeared in a hidden place, and his flesh and blood had completely healed. "

Star Spring, can you inspire the world? Ling

The wind did not leave immediately. He wanted to know the role of Xingquan. If he really could provoke the world and create a confinement space, it would be the time for him to smash the gods.

He sat down.

The fingertips flashed, and the spirited beads slowly began to expand. Among them, the star springs flew out. The same amount as before, Lingfeng opened his mouth and swallowed the little star.


His flesh and blood trembled, his bones shone, and it seemed that there were thunders in the spurt, and Dantian was even more exciting. but

! Let

What he was disappointed was that he did not provoke a grim, just that Dantian flashed a shadow, far from being as clear as before.

"Not enough?" Ling

The **** of the wind, sitting on the meditation, and then he took the same amount of stars. "

Hey! "this

Engraved, the imaginary shadow in Dantian became clearer, and still did not provoke the world.

"Advance time?" Ling

When the wind and the gods are bright, they will know the true meaning of this star spring. Star Spring can indeed provoke the world's cliffs. It is only for a certain period of time, not unlimited. The point of the star spring should be able to advance the time for half a year.

"Come back!"

Ling Feng said, take a little bit of Star Spring again. not


Dan Tianzhong shines again, the illusion becomes clearer, and it is approaching the original illusion, and in order to confirm his heart's conjecture, Ling Feng has taken ten points of the star spring.嗡


Finally, the world that has never appeared appears, the power is stunned, the momentum is terrifying, and if the force is superimposed on it, it is simply the top half.

"Ten can be out!"

Ling Feng’s amount, the eyes of the gods became clear, this is really too important for him. only

If Star Springs can provoke a world-famous cliff, then he will not be afraid of any gods and gods, unless the heavenly characters are born on this ancient road.

however. only

Only this kind of Lingfeng is not enough to be assured. He has taken ten small stars and springs again and again, but he has not surprised him. It just makes his strength grow stronger, which makes him frown. "

There is still a time limit for the world to be overwhelming! Ling

The wind sighed and said. This

It is the power that even Tiandao is jealous. After it appears, it can't appear again in a short time. It has to wait for a day or two, and this time will become very deadly at the moment of real battle. and

And. Ling

The wind is still due to the emergence of the Star Springs, the time of the world will indeed increase, but not too much, only to maintain a thousand time. "

Can only be used at critical moments! ”

Ling Feng amount, but also very headache, once the confinement space appears, completely uncontrolled, and it is not easy to want to disperse, you have to fight for life and death.

This is a double-edged sword. suddenly

Of course. Ling

The face of the wind suddenly changed. I have been immersed in the research of Xingquan and the world. I haven't noticed the change of this star. Because the five and a half emperors swooped in, the gates of the town sealed on the stars were scattered.


The stars will appear in front of the gods and the gods will directly lead them to madness, and when they are empty, they will immediately begin to trace those breaths.

Ling Feng has been here for a few days, which is enough for those characters to find it here. "

go! Ling

The wind is embarrassing, and now his heart is in a **** state, many details will be ignored, especially after the six and a half emperors died, he is really too big.

but. This

It is still too late.

Those gods and gods have already found this place and are killing in the direction of Ling Feng.

"That's the devil!"

Ling Feng's eyes are cold and cold. At this time, although he can't compete with the semi-imperial characters, he can also kill the upper eight-level gods and gods. As long as he waits for a day or two, the semi-emperor gods can kill. under

A moment. he

Look in one direction and immediately break through. "

Ling Feng, actually you? "suddenly

However, a **** appeared in a place not far from Lingfeng, and recognized it at first sight. "

Xianting characters? ”

Ling Feng's eyes suddenly flashed, and his body's breath can see its origins. It is unique to Xianting. Although he does not know each other, he does not prevent the other party from knowing him.

after all. Ling

At the beginning of the wind, Xianting played a real fierceness. I don’t know how many Xianting figures remember his face. "

Oh, it’s really unfortunate. ”

That Xianting gods are flying fast, and said: "I know that the treasure of the stars is in your hands, hand it out, it is good for you!"

Good for you uncle! Ling

The wind eyes burst into cold light, completely scorning each other, and then galloping into the distance.

"Oh, really want to force me to do it?" That Xianting Tianshen said with a sneer, and rushed to Lingfeng.. "To death, this is what you said!"

"That will die!"

The space around the area was violently turbulent, and Lingfeng was more prosperous and did not want to be dragged by the Xianting god.

What's more, this **** is just an eight-level god.

When the voice fell, the burning road carried the perfect void, Xianli and the big space of the reverse road, which created the Wei Shili, and the sky leaves at the foot of the Lingfeng, which burst into a terrible level.


Like a dark lightning, flashing from the void, and the fairy goddess that is madly chasing, the body is abruptly stopped, the face is incredible, completely can't believe, the eight-level **** is not as good as the sixth God.

I can't believe it. Only a few years ago, Ling Feng actually moved from the original realm to the present. flutter

through! under

For a moment, he fell in a pool of blood and died. and

At the moment before his death, he suddenly felt astonished. Is it really lucky for Xianting to offend such a person?

More importantly, he felt a different space in Ling Feng. The strength and quantity were different. At the moment before his death, he seemed to only see a big space. that

It is a big space! "

go! Ling

The wind is not looking at the Xianting god. What is more important now is how to escape from the ascension. The strength around it is too majestic. There are many semi-emperor figures. I really want them to find it. There is basically no way to live, and the space is confined. Will not work. and

Almost as soon as he flies out. four

Zhou’s gods and gods have been massively oppressed, and the stars and treasures are still very much expected, and Lingfeng’s breath is familiar to many gods and gods. Such opportunities are naturally not to be missed.

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