Supreme Demon

Chapter 173: Bloody demon!

Nether and blood!

A deity of the gods is in a shopping spree, the scene is quite fierce, and there are devils and gods every moment. and

The Ling Feng in the middle is even more tragic. Although the gods are suppressing, the situation is not optimistic. It’s just because the gods are crazy, just because the gods can’t kill the opponents, but by this, the gods We can see that Ling Feng has been poor and has reached the point where the mountains are running out of water. can


Ling Feng ridiculed the sky, the voice is full of metal vibrato, more full of contempt for the pride of the world. he

Know that they are coming!

He knows that they are fighting for life and death!

thus. Ling

The wind smiles and laughs, and tears, this way, they must be very hard, right? This way, they must sacrifice too many people? can

! he

They have no hesitation, just because he needs, they will not care about life and death!

Against God!

It is more respectable than the empty road. Without these people, regardless of the sacrifice of life and death, without their history of casting a monumental monument, there is no rebellion against the present situation. He pays a lot, but he can pay more to counter the gods. what. he

There is no reason to blame them! "

In fact, I also have brothers! ”

Ling Feng looked into the distance, happy and laughed, he wanted to insist, insisted on waiting for them to appear, look at them, enough! Whistling


The sky trembled, and a strange light came from afar, plowing the sky, like the tens of thousands of lightning in parallel, to the extent of suffocation, and then the world's fire is easy to ignite on the void.

"Who dares to kill him!"

The sound of the road blew up in nine days, which made people suffer from eardrums. Some close-up gods only felt flesh and blood tremble, and then they saw the magical picture.

A godly creature's life picks up nine days of squally winds, carrying the world's fire, burning the whole void, and on the back of the gods' souls, a beautiful woman who is so proud of the heavens is proud of the world.

She looks like a fairy!

She is anxious!

Her eyes are red! she was

Full of blood!

She is coming! she was

It is the leaf witch! "

With blood and blood, starting today, fight the world! "The leaf witch is screaming, the voice is clear and murderous, and only one person is like a thousand horses."

just. people

We think that her momentum is too thin. If she brings tens of thousands of gods behind her, bringing the chill of the sky, there is such a tremorous power, but only a seven-level girl is not enough, even if it is added. Bi Fang at the foot.

It seems to be in the heart of the people's minds, behind the leaves of the witch, the glory of the shining, the majestic momentum is like a heaven and earth, it is a road of backlighting, that is the power to let the nine days tremble.

"War in the world, blaspheme!"

The same voice, the same momentum, like echoing! and

Rear. people

We can see that one of the semi-emperor figures is eager to advance. One of the nine-level gods, the eight-level gods, and the seven-level gods came in batches. Some of them died in the land of the earth. They are dying, but they are completely unscrupulous.

If the gods are careful enough, they will have blood redness and become more blood red!

Then it will appear, the Lingfeng gods in their middle are wet. end

Yes, they are still here!


The skyfire swallows the sky, and the Bifang is like a fiery arrow. It is directly plowed from the gods. It rushes to Lingfeng with the fastest speed. It is only valuable to protect Lingfeng. Otherwise, they will have no meaning. There is no point in sacrificing the sacrifice of God. "

It’s a hurricane! ”

Bi Fang's body has become bigger, almost covering the five hundred miles, and then the ruthless hurricane portable with the sky full of fire, the gods are swept in and strangled.

"Ah!" are

In the moment, the gods are sorrowful and sorrowful, and the miserable people are scalp. Bi is different from the first half of the void. It is more dominant and more good at this kind of battlefield. A single shopping is not its style.

When the fire fell that day, dozens of gods were killed. Before the second aspect, a large vacuum appeared, making him move forward.

The Witch is also exploding in the gas field, holding the crescent moon and fixing time and space. "

exhibition! "that

The crescent moon flew out of his arms, suddenly jumped into the space, flew out of the space, and appeared in the top of the Lingfeng, releasing a massive momentum, suppressing the gods around them. that

It is the rhyme formed by the gas field. The lethality is very terrifying. At least the eight-level demon feels that the head is going to be fried, and the pain is not to be born.

"Open it!" half

The Emperor Demon appeared and went directly to the Crescent Moon. Of course

and. he

The degree is still a slow one, Bifang’s second hurricane appears, clearing the gods in front of him, and then a dive comes to Lingfeng, facing the half-Emperor.

The skyfire unfolded, forming a terrible space of five hundred miles, curbing the semi-emperor demon, and suppressing the gods.

next moment.

The Witch of the Leaf swooped down from the back of Bifang, and fell in front of Lingfeng. His eyes were moist and red as blood, but she did not say anything, but tried to turn around and turned her back to Lingfeng, facing the gods. Have

Feelings don't need words!

There is a feeling that there is no need to explain.

He needs it, she understands! she was

The pay, he can see more! but

! true

The horror is in the rear. When the five top-level emperors, such as Sikong and Zhoutian, appear together, the whole scene can only be described as terrible. No **** can withstand their blade, and no **** is willing to marry. Under their blade.

They are pushing hard! and


After the top five semi-emperors, many semi-emperor figures appeared from Hengtianxing, the strength is not weak, and the degree of advancement is not slow. In the case of the first half of the void, most of the half-empire is contained here. No one is their opponent at all. "

Kill, one does not stay! ”

Sikong said that if they came late, it is estimated that they can only collect the corpse for Lingfeng. When they think of it, he wants to kill all the gods here.

"I want them to pay more blood and life!"

Lonely rain moon said, the flesh and blood flew out of the wrist, suddenly pulled out ten strings, and forced down, let ten strings tighten to an extremely terrible degree, and then she released her fingers.嗡


The whole void is turbulent, the magnificent is like the sea, and the celestial world is chilled out. The eight-level demon is in front of it is a chicken, and the nine-level gods must do their best. that

It is the Daoqin Tianwei! thorn


On the spot, the twenty gods were killed, and they were all swayed by the Daoqin.

"Ice can seal the sky, the fire can crack the ground!"

The brook is moving forward, the skyfire appears, the cold wind is cold, and the fire appears in the cold wind that day, that is, the fire borrows the wind, and the whole world bursts into an unprecedented frenzy, directly flooding the gods.

This is a god! not

Undoubtedly, the picture created by Yunxi is no less than that of the solitary rainy month. Twenty of the gods are killed, and the gods are scared. When are these goddess strong enough to reach this point? Of course

and. when

When the gods of Qing dynasty, Liu Shushu, and Tianshen were flying, the picture was more touching, and the gods of the same level were not enough to see. They were the top figures of this time. They were born in the strongest battle of the ancient times, and their talents can be imagined. And know, and when they step into the seven-level god, it is the previous days of the war are not their opponents. Are


Hundreds of gods and gods, together with the gods who were killed by the previous Nether and Half Emperor blood, are now hundreds of gods in the pool of blood, directly causing the cruelty of the picture and the weakness of the gods.

It's not a level at all!


Some of the gods see the momentum is wrong, directly flashing people, disappeared into this void, and Bi Fang and so on have no time to deal with these deceitful gods, they now pay more attention to Ling Feng's life and death. its

He can wait until later to clear up again! "

war! ”

Tea 盏 Kung Fu, a person who is against the gods, may not be strong enough, but they are quite ferocious, and they use their bodies to fill the battlefield, especially those who are on the battlefield.

Don't say the devils, that is, the gods look at it!

Where are these gods coming from?

Why is it crazy?

This kind of undead person is the most taboo and trepidation. If you wait until one of the top gods, who else can compete with it? can


Ling Feng is crying. He cries for the sacrifice of God. He is proud of his efforts to reverse God. If the previous anti-God is absolutely not as powerful, now their wings are full.

Bloody battles. when

At the moment when the gods raised the butcher's knife and smashed to the demon, the whole battlefield was completely inclined to reverse the gods. It was the empty road and the half emperors were stunned. They were still worried about this fierce battle, but now they are... The character is not as fragile as he imagined.


A loud bang exploded in the void, and Bifang quickly moved forward, suppressing the eight sides with the strength of the world. Then it spurted out a scent of gas and turned it into a cold knife, suddenly falling down.

The fierceness of the faction has reached the level of the burning road. Even if the semi-emperor demon worships the heavens and the treasures, it will not be able to prevent such power. thorn


When one and a half of the emperor devils, the other demons finally changed color, knowing that blood is hard to come, and now their strength can't prevent Bifang, and Lingfeng may really want to survive. This

It will be the blood of the entire Mozu. Virtual

A few empty-minded figures in the empty road are secretly relieved. Lingfeng belongs to the future of the empty road. Now Lingfeng lives to save, the perfect void and Xianli will not have problems, just let them have a headache, this is the end of the goods. Why do you want to break into the stars? he

Don't you know that because of this move, have you already discouraged the noses of the big men in the Void Road? he

They thought that when the end of the war was over, they immediately sent the troubled guy out of Xinggu Road to prevent it from being killed.

however. on

When the demon smashed blood, Bi’s face became dignified, and he flew back to the front of Ling Feng. The horrible fire broke out in the ninth level, and he lived in the eight-year-old, and the gods were quickly pulled down and stabbed into the earth. The layer will protect the whole of Ling Feng.


Suddenly, a sharp arrow flew out of the soil layer and shot down on the feathers of Bifang with extremely terrifying power, sputtering endless Mars and dragonflies.

good night.

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