Supreme Demon

Chapter 175: Unreal figure!

A six-level **** in the district!

can! because

The semi-emperor that he came from is chilling. The empty road is the gods who can think of it. The seven top-level emperors such as Candle Dragon and Bi Fang are also among them, but other forces should not be ruined. Reason?


How are so many semi-emperor figures at the moment?

Rain magic frowns, always feel that they have overlooked some details, Ling Feng must have a side they do not know, especially the Ye Witch and so on are the problem.

can! Now

When we are not thinking about this issue, the situation is created by them. Now it is natural to let the half-emperor and the gods who are in the shackles die all the time. Otherwise, this situation will have no meaning, and it is suicide.


He is quite confident in the five "magic emperors". Even if the opponents are the characters of Sikong and Wang Hao, the five "magic emperors" can also suppress. He believes in "the magic blade", but the power that the devil has personally created. The gods of the same level are not their opponents at all.


The rain magic shouted, and the first time he succumbed to Bifang, the rain fell, the violent storm, and comprehensive suppression to Bifang. "

Skyfire is burning! ”

Bi Fang appeared very calm, and it shouted, and the skyfire suddenly spurted on the body, burning the entire sky, the radius of five hundred miles was in the skyfire range, and the sky was full of rain, as soon as it touched the skyfire range, it immediately exploded. A smoky smog is annihilated. water

The fire is inherently restrained.

The rain magic is indeed extraordinary. It has been polished for many years at the level of the semi-emperor. It is called the ancient semi-emperor demon, but can he still be old and old?

Bi Fang is sitting in the seven gates of Guwu Tower. How many years have you crossed the ages?

Just because.

There are some unfamiliar substances in the Guwu Pagoda, which can keep Bifang from dying, so that it can be refined to the present, and the time flow is accelerated. Therefore, Bi’s years of polishing in this realm are more, the eyes are sinister and the realm is extraordinary.

"Frenzy rain!" Rain

The magic is carrying the wind and rain, this is not a common storm, but a hundred winds, the wind that annihilates the mountains and rivers, and the torrential rain that pierces the space. The situation is too violent.

When this violent storm appeared, the whole void became dark, and it was torn out of a large crack and extended into the distance. Then the black hole appeared in front of the people, affecting the range of five thousand miles. special

Don't be a stormy rain center, that is, the rain magic feels terrible. At least half of the emperor-level characters fall in it, and they don't want to peel off the skin.


Bifang did not panic, the old **** was there, but the skyfire was more violent, passing through the air, tearing the space, letting the debris of the sky form a cold material, hollowing out and burning in the skyfire.

"The ultimate fire, the devil!"

Bi Fang opened up and looked at the storm with a contemptuous gesture, and that day the fire was like a sharp sword, tearing open the storm. thorn


A blast broke out, the wind and rain blew from the middle, flew out to the sides of the skyfire, and Bifang did not suffer any influence. His natural fire was more rainy, and its tyrannical degree could make the sky horrified. Display

Of course. rain

The devil also saw this, his face was very ugly, only because Bifang had been born with a very natural fire, and he could restrain the world from fire and water. His rain was really good, because it did not meet the ultimate fire.

However, the ultimate fire is only a skyfire, and it can not be said to be able to make it to the top half of the emperor.

"Sword is coming!" Rain

The magic eyes flashed, and the wind and rain fell, and the raindrops shone. A magic sword actually came from the rainy sky, like a raindrop cast, such as dark ink, emitting nine weather. Whistling


The sword is not the sound of the sword, but the shouting of the soul. It seems that there is a creature who is wearing the sword. The momentum is completely different. It is a living creature.

Sword is coming!

This is the sword! "

kill! "One

The sword is in the hand, the whole magical spirit of the rain magic has become different, the murder is unmatched, the gas field is everywhere, and when the sword is coming, the wind and the storm are violent, coming quickly, flocking to the sword , flock to Bifang. and

When the sword came to the front, all the wind and rain would appear on the sword. Are


The cover of the Jianshi is easy to be born at this moment, and the horror is unimaginable. When the Jianshi Jianyu is fully integrated into the sword, the sword will disappear, and only a drop of rain will appear in front of people.

A drop of rain flies into the void, and the void is annihilated.

A drop of rain flies to the mountain river, then the mountain river collapses! more

The terrible thing is that the raindrops blend into the rhyme, almost the entire force of the rain magic, sturdy to the point where the first half of the empty road, the emperor Wang Hao, is horrified, and carefully look at the meeting, there is a handle in the raindrops. Small sword.

Sword in the rain! This

It is the place where the rain magic is really powerful!

Bi Fang’s eyes glanced at him and looked at the flying sword. It seemed to see the power of Feixian in it. If there is a sword to come out of the sky, it must be said that the rain magic is indeed extraordinary, and the kendo is integrated into it. In the rain, the people's thoughts are blurred.

It's like wearing a sheepskin. The really poisonous one is the sword in the rain. or

Said. Two

The kind of road is perfect in the rain magic body, reaching the sword in the rain and the horror of rain in the sword. Of course

and. This

Is it enough for Shang Bifang?

next moment.

Bi Fang gave the answer, and a wave of fire came out from the body. He spewed out a light. It was a special skyfire, showing a blue sky, and then it spread out its wings and pulled out a knife from the blue sky. . choke

! it

The wings caught the blue skyfire, and the handle appeared in its wings in an instant. When the wings were strong, a blue knife appeared slowly, and whenever the knife appeared a point, the blue skyfire would disappear. One point, when the knife is fully present, the blue sky fire disappears. day

Fire knife! This

It is a tool for casting and refining the ancients with its own destiny. Although it is not a weapon of heaven, it is not a weapon of heaven, but its potential is endless. As long as it is bred in the skyfire, a more extraordinary knife can be born. "

Skyfire exorcism! ”

Bi Fangbao was solemn, and his wings were holding a blue knife. Suddenly, he fell from the void, and the skyfire of the sky rushed in. The guards were around him, and the whole momentum was magnificent. image

It is a light! image

It is Wan Daoli! can

When the knife came out, the whole world seemed to stop abruptly, only the knife was shaking, only the side was moving forward.嗡

! suddenly

However, the blue knife spread out, forming endless light rain, flying to the raindrops.

Uh... the loud noise burst in the void, the light rain is very small, and it will fall on the raindrops in an instant, like adding color to the light spots of the ink to make it shine.

can! on

At that moment, the face of the rain magic changed wildly, and his face suddenly became ugly, only because the light spot was being squeezed and was being swallowed, and it was condensing into a knife and fell into life.


The raindrops collapsed and were opened by the tiny knife, and the sword was coming out quickly, facing the knife. when


The two-handed weapon fights in the void, the world is eclipsed, and the annihilation is the other half-Emperor characters are shocked. These forces are pushing to the heavens. Once they are out of control, it is very dangerous. "

Scattered! ”

The rain magic cold, after that, the small sword actually spread out, forming a raindrop flying on the handle of the blue knife, like an ant is generally licking the blue knife.

Triple change! First

One change is raindrops, the second change is sharp sword, and the third is still raindrops! Have

Pointing out the fog to see through the truth, there is no doubt that the third change of raindrops is more horrible, not only fierce, but also restrained and stunned.


Bi Fang just smiled coldly, his wings flashed, and the blue knife spread out, forming a blaze of rain, banned from consuming the raindrops, and letting them struggle was futile, which directly led to the collapse of raindrops. Finish

Full restraint! "

You are too weak to let the first and second demons come out! ”

Bi Fang cold-eyed, lightning flew out, and the blue light rain quickly pressed out, forming a frenzy to drown the rain magic.

"Ah, you can't think about it!" Rain

The face of the magic face was completely ugly, and the light rain was quickly torn open, and it exploded backwards. At the same time, the light in his body was shining, and a hammer was sprayed between the fogs.

It is full of heaven and light!


This is not the power that the semi-imperial demon can cast out. It flows through the power of the space rule. It belongs to a demon emperor, branding the power of its spirit, and at this moment, it will come out and kill. Virtual

Tianxingchen banned the power of heaven, but did not ban the spirit of heaven and earth, and as long as there is a brand, it will create a space rule.

Sting! One

The thorns appeared, and they shrouded the party. In front of the space rules, this place is completely his site. What kind of skyfire, what a blue knife, everything is empty talk in front of the real space rules. complete

Fang Dabu stepped back, and his face was solemn. He did not expect the rain magic to bring such a treasure. can


Don't care! "

Kill you, then the second and first demons should be born? "complete

Fang Leng said, his eyes suddenly flashed, flying a ray of light from it, flying to the rain magic with a horrible momentum, and his power was completely out of control. Non-God could understand that Heaven could not understand this power.

That is the unpredictable glow! and

When the light of Xiaguang fell in front of the rain magic, the fierceness on it really exploded, and the endless stream, restrained the law, restrained the rules, stabbed the loud noise, and the thorns broke down, then The inch collapsed. Connect


The Xiaguang light flew down on the hammer, and the fierce tremble, the dark red mark on the hammer suddenly collapsed, and the Tiandao brand was burned out at this moment, and then the Xiaguang hit the rain magic. "

How could this be? ”

The rain magic trembled. They always thought that they understood the candlestick of the candle dragon, and they knew the light of the party. They thought that the rules of heaven could be suppressed, but they did not think that the glow was more terrible than they thought.

but. in

At the crucial moment, a phantom figure suddenly appeared on the chest of the rain magic, but the figure was like a knife. It was very cold and more elegant, and the latter hand stretched out from the illusory figure. That road is shining.


A loud bang, Xiaguang was curbed, abruptly stopped, and the hand was broken and weakened too much, and then the illusory figure gradually faded and disappeared into the rain.

I am a little out of the state tonight. I am writing here now, and I will try my best to stay fragrant tomorrow. late


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