Supreme Demon

Chapter 196: The devil broke the road!

Starry stars, cast extraordinary heaven.

The small fish volleyed and stood on the body, and on the top of his head, a large space shone, releasing the top-level Tao, where the blood was gushing, and its power was like a mountain. Every blood is a rule. air

Rule. This

It is an extraordinary space created by extreme space. It belongs to the polar space. It is filled with the rules of the polar road and belongs to the top space rules. The ordinary space rules may not be qualified alongside them.

now. that

The polar space is flying towards the small fish. It is not fast. The heavy one is like a Tianshan Mountain. In the process of flying down, the Scorpio is tearing out the black hole. The mighty momentum makes the small fish feel the pressure.嗡

! sheet

After the engraving, the polar space flew down on the small fish, and the head fell to its body, and the top blood was quickly integrated into the flesh and blood, and came to Dantian. "

what! "small

The fish’s miserable cry, the most terrible place in the polar space is its power, which is completely different from the original rain. The rain is asking for its own way. The tears are born in her body, so there is no too There are many restrictions, but the small fish is different. Although the extreme space is a small fish, when it is blended, it shoots out the space rules, which is completely different from its power. This

It is the real question.

Refining life and death, casting and building. thing

In fact. that

Some of the blood is tearing the flesh and blood of the little fish, and it is pouring into her body with a terrible momentum, like a steel knife and a sword, which is smashing the flesh and blood of the small fish and forcibly integrating into her body.

Born! Correct

For Xiaoyu, this is the process of asking. but

! This

The blood is different. Whenever a blood light is integrated into the small fish, the momentum on her body will be a bit worse. She will have more control over the rules of the polar space, but if she waits for the blood in the entire polar space. When fully integrated into the small fish, she completely controls the space.


The situation is much more terrible than imagined. Every blood is integrated, the flesh and blood of the small fish will burst open, the large pieces will be blurred and disintegrated, and the blood will first appear on the top of the small fish, letting its show fly out, the skin will be fleshy, then it will be It is a face. that

The blood is like a blood pattern, which is generally imprinted on the face of a small fish, so that its flesh and blood are disintegrating quickly, and the blood of the red is falling down on the white bone of the forest. can

This is just the beginning.

The blood is like a spring that has poured down from the polar space. The whole fish is submerged, and the initial time is still very slow. In the later stage, it is much faster, and the fish is sore. sad

The fierce screams spurted out of his throat, which in turn affected the entire body.

"The way!"

"I want to seal the emperor!"

The little fish is stunned, but the eyes are more determined. Everything has reached this point. She has no retreat. Only bravely forward and overcome the pain of asking, can this make other gods suffer. dead

Every **** of sacrifice on the roster of God is the insistence on his journey!

Head, face, body, limbs...

At first, the small fish can still feel the pain, and it is completely numb to the back, only because the blood is more infiltrated, and her whole body is covered in it, like a knife burning, and the blood is like a road. The rope is on the body of the small fish.

Fishing nets in general! and

When the net appears on the limbs of the small fish, it means that the last step of this question, once successful, the small fish will directly climb the top of the road, comprehend the top space rules, and can compete with the heavens.

At this time.

The sky full of stars became violent, and a majestic power was brewing on the sky, during which lightning was tearing the sky, as if it were a dragon snake.


Two magic lights flashed on the phoenix nest, banned from appearing in the void, and then rushed in this direction with lightning. The horrible power can make the gods shudder, although not the emperor, but it is really close to the emperor. .

Bang! day

When the ground blasted, the little fish asked for the last moment, and the huge force of the fishing net flooded into the body, which made her gods clear, and a mighty Tianwei was born on it. under

A moment. she was

The blood of the body slowly dissipates and blends into the body, making the flesh and blood become firm, making the flesh and blood become blurred, and letting its body become immortal.

The breath of the Tao is diffusing. emperor

The power is flying.

At this moment, the little fish asked for success! "

Is this my emperor? "small

The fish opened his eyes and looked at the distance. His face was filled with a smile. Even though she was seriously injured in the flesh and blood, it affected the soul and changed her life to the soul. But this did not affect the terrible fish. she was

It is Wudi! and

It is also the Emperor Wu who was born out of the polar space. If you encounter the ordinary Emperor Wu, you can suppress the killing. This is the power of the polar space. Of course

and. she was

Haven't had time to have fun, the stars on the Scorpio have fallen down the terrible lightning thunder, among which the dragon and the phoenix are soaring. Obviously, because of the different space of the polar road, the sky of the small fish is also raging, and it is more rainy than the original rain. It’s still a bit scary. Do not

The same thing was that when the rain fell, it was facing the heavens with a full-fledged attitude, while the small fish was seriously injured.

"Come on, let me see the power of the heavens!"

The fish is so flying and proud of it. At this time, Tianshen Dan has no effect on her, but it is only restored with the space of the road. It is still very fast, at least not the gods can.

When the lightning flies, her hands are pushed out to the void, and a space bursts out of her hands, banned from the void.


Like the two sides of the drum in the explosion, more like a fist shot down on the drum surface, bursting thunder and anger, the small fish did not move, arrogant to the sky, and the lightning thunder in the void is in disintegration.

It can't stand the small fish overbearing punch!

But this is just the beginning. Behind the lightning thunder, there are more lightning thunders, like the Wan Daoli sword, constantly falling down, the mighty, that is, the small fish feels strenuous.

"Open!" small

The fish is so fierce that it is not like a woman. She is moving forward, and she punches a thousand strokes in a fist, letting a big star fall, and the light and rain are scattered.

choke! One

The handleway sword flew out of its hands, stabbed the void, cut off a lightning thunder, and slashed toward the heavens in the void, with light rain falling in every step. boom

Long! when

When she came to the stars, the endless lightning thunder broke down at this moment, and then she stepped toward a big star, and the sword suddenly inserted on the big star. The big star broke open, and the lightning thunder completely collapsed and spread out.

but. Scatter

The lightning thunder was opened to the small fish with a more fierce momentum. At the same time, more lightning in the void flew down from the void, slamming into the small fish, filling the road and cutting off the thunder. boom

The light was overwhelmed at that moment, and the whole trend was too embarrassing. It was not something that half-empire people could do.

Face the sky and cut it! small

In terms of fierceness, the fish is no less than the original rain. It has to be hit into the heavens and the sky, and it is in an unprecedented situation with the big stars. However, the fish is seriously injured after all, and it has not recovered yet. The bloodshed is more serious during the battle against the heavens.


Not long after, the small fish snorted, falling from the void, his face was ugly, showing grayish white, and the blood became dry, but the sky was too violent, and she was guaranteed to recover her time. can

It is said that the more spatial rules that are realized, the stronger the heavens will be withdrawn, but as long as you cultivate the past, you will get more.


The fisheyes shine, and they quickly sneak into the big stars, and they are killed in a moment, but she perseveres and kills them again.

This is a protracted war.

Whoever can reach the end will be able to win. choke


Suddenly, a magic sword flew from the air, carrying the top rhyme, and smashed into the big star, and the small fish. "

court death! "small

The fish eyes are cold, and the backhands suppress the sword. But because of its distracting power, it is hit by the heavens. The whole person is like an injured bird. The big mouth spurts blood and a blood hole appears in the chest. . under

A moment. One

The roulette wheel flew from afar, carrying the mighty power of the thunder and hitting the small fish.

"The first and second demons!" small

The fish smothered and instantly knew the identity of the demon. Only the second and first "magic emperors" did not appear, and only they were able to come close to them silently. Others did not have such ability.

But because of their appearance, the question of the little fish became tricky.

The small fish backhanded, hard-hitting the roulette, and flicking it out, but because of this restraint, the Tiandao slashing stepped faster, and the small fish wolf was unbearable, and there was a blood hole behind it.


Suddenly, a large star burst open, forming a devastating frenzy to the small fish, the power is far ahead, the powerful is suffocating, but those forces actually form a Wudi in the void, killing and falling, and fighting with the small fish .

Emperor Wu of the polar space!

It is very tricky to kill the small fish with the same way, and the two "magic emperors" are still in the dark, and sometimes they will play two great forces, although it is difficult to kill the small fish, but enough Chaos. thorn

La! Do not

By the effort of Sancha Tea, the small fish was planted in the air, completely unfamiliar, with poor blood and blood, serious overdraft, and the Emperor Wu was hit by a small fish, like a more wolf, half-biased. The body was broken by small fish. "

Let's die! ”

Two "magic emperors" appeared, and a magic net was unfolded from their hands. In one fell swoop, the small fish that were seriously injured were covered, and her body was restrained, and her soul was forced to trap it.


The little fish is furious, but this is a matter of life and death. The two "magic emperors" appear to be really deadly, but she did not panic, but burst into the top of the power, it seems to show a million Daowei, the emergence of 10,000 in the polar space The blood of the road, facing the Emperor Wu, hit the Scorpio.

Something is late tonight, everyone should rest early.

good night.

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